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- """
- Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
- For the full list of built-in configuration values, see the documentation:
- https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html
- """
- import os
- from functools import wraps
- from pathlib import Path
- from sphinxcontrib_autodocgen import AutoDocGen
- os.environ["UNFCCC_GHG_ROOT_PATH"] = str(Path("..") / "..")
- import unfccc_ghg_data
- project = "Country greenhouse gas data submitted to the UNFCCC"
- authors = ", ".join(["Johannes Gütschow"])
- copyright_year = "2023"
- copyright = f"{copyright_year}, {authors}"
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- {
- "modules": [unfccc_ghg_data],
- "generated_source_dir": "docs/source/api",
- "module_title_decider": lambda modulename: "API Reference"
- if modulename == "unfccc_ghg_data"
- else modulename,
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- def _generate_module_rst_new(*args, **kwargs):
- default = generate_module_rst_orig(*args, **kwargs)
- out = default.lstrip("\n")
- if not out.endswith("\n"):
- out = f"{out}\n"
- return out
- AutoDocGen.generate_module_rst = _generate_module_rst_new
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- """
- Set up the Sphinx app
- """
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- "numpy": ("https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy", None),
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- "https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/latest",
- None,
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