126 KB

  1. """ CRF2021 specification.
  2. Currently not all tables are included. Extend if you need all country
  3. specific items in categories 2, 3.H-G, 4
  4. tables included:
  5. * Energy
  6. 'Table1s1', Table1s2',
  7. 'Table1.A(a)s1', 'Table1.A(a)s2', 'Table1.A(a)s3', 'Table1.A(a)s4',
  8. 'Table1.B.1', 'Table1.B.2', 'Table1.C', 'Table1.D',
  9. * Industrial processes
  10. 'Table2(I)s1', 'Table2(I)s2',
  11. 'Table2(II)',
  12. * Agriculture
  13. 'Table3s1', 'Table3s2',
  14. 'Table3.C', 'Table3.D', 'Table3.E',
  15. * LULUCF
  16. 'Table4',
  17. * Waste
  18. 'Table5', 'Table5.A', 'Table5.B', 'Table5.C', 'Table5.D'
  19. missing tables are:
  20. * Energy
  21. 'Table1.D'
  22. * Industrial processes
  23. 'Table2(I).A-Hs1', 'Table2(I).A-Hs2',
  24. 'Table2(II)B-Hs1', 'Table2(II)B-Hs2',
  25. * Agriculture
  26. 'Table3.As1', 'Table3.As2' (no additional emissions data)
  27. 'Table3.F', 'Table3.G-I',
  28. * LULUCF
  29. All tables except Table4
  30. * Waste
  31. All tables read
  32. TODO:
  33. * Add missing tables
  34. * Add activity data
  35. """
  36. import numpy as np
  37. from .util import unit_info
  38. CRF2021 = {
  39. "Table1s1": {
  40. "status": "tested",
  41. "table": {
  42. "firstrow": 5,
  43. "lastrow": 26,
  44. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  45. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  46. "categories": ["category"],
  47. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  48. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  49. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  50. },
  51. "sector_mapping": [
  52. ['Total Energy', ['1']],
  53. ['A. Fuel combustion activities (sectoral approach)', ['1.A']],
  54. ['1. Energy industries', ['1.A.1']],
  55. ['a. Public electricity and heat production', ['1.A.1.a']],
  56. ['b. Petroleum refining', ['1.A.1.b']],
  57. ['c. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries', ['1.A.1.c']],
  58. ['2. Manufacturing industries and construction', ['1.A.2']],
  59. ['a. Iron and steel', ['1.A.2.a']],
  60. ['b. Non-ferrous metals', ['1.A.2.b']],
  61. ['c. Chemicals', ['1.A.2.c']],
  62. ['d. Pulp, paper and print', ['1.A.2.d']],
  63. ['e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco', ['1.A.2.e']],
  64. ['f. Non-metallic minerals', ['1.A.2.f']],
  65. ['g. Other (please specify)', ['1.A.2.g']],
  66. ['3. Transport', ['1.A.3']],
  67. ['a. Domestic aviation', ['1.A.3.a']],
  68. ['b. Road transportation', ['1.A.3.b']],
  69. ['c. Railways', ['1.A.3.c']],
  70. ['d. Domestic navigation', ['1.A.3.d']],
  71. ['e. Other transportation', ['1.A.3.e']],
  72. ],
  73. "coords_defaults": {
  74. "type": "Total",
  75. },
  76. }, # tested
  77. "Table1s2": {
  78. "status": "tested",
  79. "table": {
  80. "firstrow": 5,
  81. "lastrow": 36,
  82. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  83. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  84. "categories": ["category"],
  85. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  86. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  87. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  88. },
  89. "sector_mapping": [
  90. ['4. Other sectors', ['1.A.4']],
  91. ['a. Commercial/institutional', ['1.A.4.a']],
  92. ['b. Residential', ['1.A.4.b']],
  93. ['c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing', ['1.A.4.c']],
  94. ['5. Other (as specified in table 1.A(a) sheet 4)', ['1.A.5']],
  95. ['a. Stationary', ['1.A.5.a']],
  96. ['b. Mobile', ['1.A.5.b']],
  97. ['B. Fugitive emissions from fuels', ['1.B']],
  98. ['1. Solid fuels', ['1.B.1']],
  99. ['a. Coal mining and handling', ['1.B.1.a']],
  100. ['b. Solid fuel transformation', ['1.B.1.b']],
  101. ['c. Other (as specified in table 1.B.1)', ['1.B.1.c']],
  102. ['2. Oil and natural gas and other emissions from energy production', ['1.B.2']],
  103. ['a. Oil', ['1.B.2.a']],
  104. ['b. Natural gas', ['1.B.2.b']],
  105. ['c. Venting and flaring', ['1.B.2.c']],
  106. ['d. Other (as specified in table 1.B.2)', ['1.B.2.d']],
  107. ['C. CO2 Transport and storage', ['1.C']],
  108. ['1. Transport of CO2', ['1.C.1']],
  109. ['2. Injection and storage', ['1.C.2']],
  110. ['3. Other', ['1.C.3']],
  111. ['Memo items: (1)', ['\IGNORE']],
  112. ['International bunkers', ['M.Memo.Int']],
  113. ['Aviation', ['M.Memo.Int.Avi']],
  114. ['Navigation', ['M.Memo.Int.Mar']],
  115. ['Multilateral operations', ['M.Memo.Mult']],
  116. ['CO2 emissions from biomass', ['M.Memo.Bio']],
  117. ['CO2 captured', ['M.Memo.CO2Cap']],
  118. ['For domestic storage', ['M.Memo.CO2Cap.Dom']],
  119. ['For storage in other countries', ['M.Memo.CO2Cap.Exp']],
  120. ],
  121. "coords_defaults": {
  122. "type": "Total",
  123. },
  124. }, # tested
  125. "Table1.A(a)s1": {
  126. "status": "tested",
  127. "table": {
  128. "firstrow": 6,
  129. "lastrow": 104, # template, countries report less
  130. # check the resulting data as the templates have nan rows
  131. # which would stop the reading process (actual reported
  132. # data does not seem to have the nan rows)
  133. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  134. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  135. "categories": ["category", "type"],
  136. "cols_to_ignore": [
  137. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  138. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  142. 'EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured'
  143. ],
  144. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  145. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  146. },
  147. "sector_mapping": [
  148. ['1.A. Fuel combustion', ['1.A', 'Total'], 0],
  149. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A', 'Liquid'], 1],
  150. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A', 'Solid'], 1],
  151. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A', 'Gaseous'], 1],
  152. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A', 'OtherFF'], 1],
  153. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A', 'Peat'], 1],
  154. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A', 'Biomass'], 1],
  155. # 1.A.1. Energy industries
  156. ['1.A.1. Energy industries', ['1.A.1', 'Total'], 1],
  157. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.1', 'Liquid'], 2],
  158. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.1', 'Solid'], 2],
  159. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.1', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  160. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.1', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  161. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.1', 'Peat'], 2],
  162. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.1', 'Biomass'], 2],
  163. # a. Public electricity and heat production
  164. ['a. Public electricity and heat production(7)', ['1.A.1.a', 'Total'], 2],
  165. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.1.a', 'Liquid'], 3],
  166. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.1.a', 'Solid'], 3],
  167. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.1.a', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  168. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.1.a', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  169. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.1.a', 'Peat'], 3],
  170. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.1.a', 'Biomass'], 3],
  171. # 1.A.1.a.i Electricity Generation
  172. ['1.A.1.a.i Electricity Generation', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'Total'], 3],
  173. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'Liquid'], 4],
  174. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'Solid'], 4],
  175. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  176. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  177. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'Peat'], 4],
  178. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.i', 'Biomass'], 4],
  179. # 1.A.1.a.ii Combined heat and power generation
  180. ['1.A.1.a.ii Combined heat and power generation', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'Total'], 3],
  181. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 4],
  182. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'Solid'], 4],
  183. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  184. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  185. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'Peat'], 4],
  186. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 4],
  187. # 1.A.1.a.iii heat plants
  188. ['1.A.1.a.iii Heat plants', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'Total'], 3],
  189. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'Liquid'], 4],
  190. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'Solid'], 4],
  191. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  192. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  193. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'Peat'], 4],
  194. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.iii', 'Biomass'], 4],
  195. # 1.A.1.a.iv Other (please specify)
  196. ['1.A.1.a.iv Other (please specify)', ['1.A.1.a.iv', 'Total'], 3],
  197. # AUT
  198. ['Total Public Electricity and Heat Production', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Total'], 4],
  199. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Liquid'], 5],
  200. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Solid'], 5],
  201. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Gaseous'], 5],
  202. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  203. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Peat'], 5],
  204. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Biomass'], 5],
  205. # DEU
  206. ['1.A.1.a Public Electricity and Heat Production', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Total'], 4],
  207. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Liquid'], 5],
  208. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Solid'], 5],
  209. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Gaseous'], 5],
  210. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  211. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Peat'], 5],
  212. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.iv.4', 'Biomass'], 5],
  213. # ESP
  214. ['Other', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'Total'], 4],
  215. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'Liquid'], 5],
  216. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'Solid'], 5],
  217. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'Gaseous'], 5],
  218. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  219. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'Peat'], 5],
  220. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.iv.3', 'Biomass'], 5],
  221. # SVK
  222. ['Methane Cogeneration (Mining)', ['1.A.1.a.iv.1', 'Total'], 4],
  223. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.1', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  224. ['Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (Energy use)', ['1.A.1.a.iv.2', 'Total'], 4],
  225. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.2', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  226. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.iv.2', 'Biomass'], 5],
  227. # CHE
  228. ['Municipal and special waste incineration plants', ['1.A.1.a.iv.2', 'Total'], 4],
  229. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.a.iv.2', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  230. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.a.iv.2', 'Biomass'], 5],
  231. # b. Petroleum refining
  232. ['b. Petroleum refining', ['1.A.1.b', 'Total'], 2],
  233. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.1.b', 'Liquid'], 3],
  234. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.1.b', 'Solid'], 3],
  235. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.1.b', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  236. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.1.b', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  237. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.1.b', 'Peat'], 3],
  238. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.1.b', 'Biomass'], 3],
  239. # c. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries
  240. ['c. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries(8)', ['1.A.1.c', 'Total'], 2],
  241. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.1.c', 'Liquid'], 3],
  242. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.1.c', 'Solid'], 3],
  243. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.1.c', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  244. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.1.c', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  245. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.1.c', 'Peat'], 3],
  246. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.1.c', 'Biomass'], 3],
  247. # 1.A.1.c.i Manufacture of solid fuels
  248. ['1.A.1.c.i Manufacture of solid fuels', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'Total'], 3],
  249. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'Liquid'], 4],
  250. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'Solid'], 4],
  251. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  252. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  253. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'Peat'], 4],
  254. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.c.i', 'Biomass'], 4],
  255. # 1.A.1.c.ii Oil and gas extraction
  256. ['1.A.1.c.ii Oil and gas extraction', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'Total'], 3],
  257. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'Liquid'], 4],
  258. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'Solid'], 4],
  259. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  260. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  261. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'Peat'], 4],
  262. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.c.ii', 'Biomass'], 4],
  263. # 1.A.1.c.iii Other energy industries
  264. ['1.A.1.c.iii Other energy industries', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'Total'], 3],
  265. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'Liquid'], 4],
  266. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'Solid'], 4],
  267. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  268. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  269. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'Peat'], 4],
  270. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.c.iii', 'Biomass'], 4],
  271. # 1.A.1.c.iv Other (please specify)
  272. ['1.A.1.c.iv Other (please specify)', ['1.A.1.c.iv', 'Total'], 3],
  273. # DEU
  274. ['1.A.1.c Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'Total'], 4],
  275. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'Liquid'], 5],
  276. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'Solid'], 5],
  277. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'Gaseous'], 5],
  278. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  279. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'Peat'], 5],
  280. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.c.iv.2', 'Biomass'], 5],
  281. # ESP
  282. ['Other', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'Total'], 4],
  283. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'Liquid'], 5],
  284. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'Solid'], 5],
  285. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'Gaseous'], 5],
  286. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  287. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'Peat'], 5],
  288. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.c.iv.3', 'Biomass'], 5],
  289. # CYP
  290. ['Charcoal Production', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'Total'], 4],
  291. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'Liquid'], 5],
  292. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'Solid'], 5],
  293. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'Gaseous'], 5],
  294. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'OtherFF'], 5],
  295. ['Peat', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'Peat'], 5],
  296. ['Biomass', ['1.A.1.c.iv.1', 'Biomass'], 5],
  297. ],
  298. "entity_mapping": {
  299. 'EMISSIONS CH4': "CH4",
  300. 'EMISSIONS CO2(2)': "CO2",
  301. 'EMISSIONS N2O': "N2O",
  302. },
  303. }, # tested
  304. "Table1.A(a)s2": {
  305. "status": "tested",
  306. "table": {
  307. "firstrow": 5,
  308. "lastrow": 114, # template, countries report less
  309. # check the resulting data as the templates have nan rows
  310. # which would stop the reading process (actual reported
  311. # data does not seem to have the nan rows)
  312. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  313. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  314. "categories": ["category", "type"],
  315. "cols_to_ignore": [
  316. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  317. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  321. 'EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured',
  322. ],
  323. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  324. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  325. },
  326. "sector_mapping": [
  327. ['1.A.2 Manufacturing industries and construction', ['1.A.2', 'Total'], 0],
  328. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2', 'Liquid'], 1],
  329. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2', 'Solid'], 1],
  330. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2', 'Gaseous'], 1],
  331. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2', 'OtherFF'], 1],
  332. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2', 'Peat'], 1],
  333. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2', 'Biomass'], 1],
  334. # a. Iron and Steel
  335. ['a. Iron and steel', ['1.A.2.a', 'Total'], 1],
  336. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2.a', 'Liquid'], 2],
  337. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2.a', 'Solid'], 2],
  338. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2.a', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  339. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2.a', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  340. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2.a', 'Peat'], 2],
  341. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2.a', 'Biomass'], 2],
  342. # b. non-ferrous metals
  343. ['b. Non-ferrous metals', ['1.A.2.b', 'Total'], 1],
  344. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2.b', 'Liquid'], 2],
  345. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2.b', 'Solid'], 2],
  346. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2.b', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  347. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2.b', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  348. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2.b', 'Peat'], 2],
  349. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2.b', 'Biomass'], 2],
  350. # c. Chemicals
  351. ['c. Chemicals', ['1.A.2.c', 'Total'], 1],
  352. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2.c', 'Liquid'], 2],
  353. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2.c', 'Solid'], 2],
  354. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2.c', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  355. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2.c', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  356. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2.c', 'Peat'], 2],
  357. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2.c', 'Biomass'], 2],
  358. # d. Pulp paper print
  359. ['d. Pulp, paper and print', ['1.A.2.d', 'Total'], 1],
  360. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2.d', 'Liquid'], 2],
  361. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2.d', 'Solid'], 2],
  362. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2.d', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  363. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2.d', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  364. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2.d', 'Peat'], 2],
  365. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2.d', 'Biomass'], 2],
  366. # e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco
  367. ['e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco', ['1.A.2.e', 'Total'], 1],
  368. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2.e', 'Liquid'], 2],
  369. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2.e', 'Solid'], 2],
  370. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2.e', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  371. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2.e', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  372. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2.e', 'Peat'], 2],
  373. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2.e', 'Biomass'], 2],
  374. # f. non-metallic minerals
  375. ['f. Non-metallic minerals', ['1.A.2.f', 'Total'], 1],
  376. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.2.f', 'Liquid'], 2],
  377. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.2.f', 'Solid'], 2],
  378. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.2.f', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  379. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.2.f', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  380. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.2.f', 'Peat'], 2],
  381. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.2.f', 'Biomass'], 2],
  382. # g. other
  383. ['g. Other (please specify)(9)', ['1.A.2.g', 'Total'], 1],
  384. #1.A.2.g.i Manufacturing of machinery
  385. ['1.A.2.g.i Manufacturing of machinery', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'Total'], 2],
  386. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  387. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  388. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  389. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  390. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'Peat'], 3],
  391. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  392. # 1.A.2.g.ii Manufacturing of transport equipment
  393. ['1.A.2.g.ii Manufacturing of transport equipment', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  394. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  395. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  396. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  397. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  398. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'Peat'], 3],
  399. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  400. # 1.A.2.g.iii Mining (excluding fuels) and quarrying
  401. ['1.A.2.g.iii Mining (excluding fuels) and quarrying', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  402. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  403. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'Solid'], 3],
  404. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  405. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  406. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'Peat'], 3],
  407. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  408. # 1.A.2.g.iv Wood and wood products
  409. ['1.A.2.g.iv Wood and wood products', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  410. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  411. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  412. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  413. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  414. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'Peat'], 3],
  415. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  416. # 1.A.2.g.v Construction
  417. ['1.A.2.g.v Construction', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'Total'], 2],
  418. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'Liquid'], 3],
  419. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'Solid'], 3],
  420. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  421. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  422. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'Peat'], 3],
  423. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.v', 'Biomass'], 3],
  424. # Textile and leather
  425. [' Textile and leather', ['', 'Total'], 2],
  426. ['Liquid Fuels', ['', 'Liquid'], 3],
  427. ['Solid Fuels', ['', 'Solid'], 3],
  428. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  429. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  430. ['Peat', ['', 'Peat'], 3],
  431. ['Biomass', ['', 'Biomass'], 3],
  432. # 1.A.2.g.vii Off-road vehicles and other machinery
  433. ['1.A.2.g.vii Off-road vehicles and other machinery', ['1.A.2.g.vii', 'Total'], 2],
  434. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.vii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  435. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.vii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  436. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.vii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  437. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.vii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  438. # 1.A.2.g.viii Other (please specify)
  439. ['1.A.2.g.viii Other (please specify)', ['1.A.2.g.viii', 'Total'], 2],
  440. # DKE
  441. ['Construction', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 3], # (empty)
  442. ['Mining', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 3], # (empty)
  443. # DNK, DKE, USA, CZE
  444. ['Other non-specified', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  445. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  446. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  447. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  448. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  449. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Peat'], 4],
  450. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  451. #SVK, CYP
  452. ['Non-specified Industry', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  453. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  454. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  455. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  456. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  457. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Peat'], 4],
  458. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  459. #BEL
  460. ['Other non specified', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  461. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  462. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  463. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  464. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  465. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Peat'], 4],
  466. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  467. #PRT, LTU
  468. ['Non-specified industry', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  469. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  470. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  471. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  472. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  473. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Peat'], 4],
  474. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  475. # MLT
  476. ['Undefined Industry', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  477. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  478. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  479. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  480. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  481. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Peat'], 4],
  482. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  483. # TUR
  484. ['Other unspecified', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  485. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  486. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  487. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  488. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  489. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Peat'], 4],
  490. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  491. # DKE
  492. ['Textile', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 3], # (empty)
  493. # DNK, DNM, FIN, DKE
  494. ['Other manufacturing industries', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Total'], 3],
  495. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Liquid'], 4],
  496. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Solid'], 4],
  497. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  498. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  499. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Peat'], 4],
  500. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  501. # CAN
  502. ['Other Manufacturing', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Total'], 3],
  503. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Liquid'], 4],
  504. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Solid'], 4],
  505. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  506. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  507. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Peat'], 4],
  508. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  509. # AUT, LUX
  510. ['Other Manufacturing Industries', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Total'], 3],
  511. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Liquid'], 4],
  512. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Solid'], 4],
  513. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  514. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  515. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Peat'], 4],
  516. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  517. # NOR
  518. ['Other manufacturing', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Total'], 3],
  519. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Liquid'], 4],
  520. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Solid'], 4],
  521. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  522. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  523. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Peat'], 4],
  524. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  525. # AUS
  526. ['All Other Manufacturing', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Total'], 3],
  527. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Liquid'], 4],
  528. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Solid'], 4],
  529. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  530. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  531. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Peat'], 4],
  532. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  533. # NLD
  534. ['Other Industrial Sectors', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Total'], 3],
  535. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Liquid'], 4],
  536. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Solid'], 4],
  537. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  538. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  539. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Peat'], 4],
  540. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Biomass'], 4],
  541. # GBR, GBK
  542. ['Other industry (not specified above)', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Total'], 3],
  543. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Liquid'], 4],
  544. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Solid'], 4],
  545. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  546. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  547. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Peat'], 4],
  548. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Biomass'], 4],
  549. # UKR
  550. ['Oter Industries', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Total'], 3],
  551. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Liquid'], 4],
  552. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Solid'], 4],
  553. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  554. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  555. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Peat'], 4],
  556. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Biomass'], 4],
  557. # RUS
  558. ['Other industries', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Total'], 3],
  559. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Liquid'], 4],
  560. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Solid'], 4],
  561. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  562. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  563. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Peat'], 4],
  564. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Biomass'], 4],
  565. # RUS
  566. ['Non-CO2 emissions from BFG combustion', ['1.A.2.g.viii.5', 'Total'], 3],
  567. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.5', 'Solid'], 4],
  568. # BLR, DNK, ESP, LVA, NZL, POL, ROU, SVN,
  569. ['Other', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'Total'], 3],
  570. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'Liquid'], 4],
  571. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'Solid'], 4],
  572. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  573. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  574. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'Peat'], 4],
  575. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.10', 'Biomass'], 4],
  576. # BLR
  577. ['Manufacture and construction Aggregated', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Total'], 3],
  578. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Liquid'], 4],
  579. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Solid'], 4],
  580. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  581. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  582. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Peat'], 4],
  583. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Biomass'], 4],
  584. # HRV
  585. ['Other Industry', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Total'], 3],
  586. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Liquid'], 4],
  587. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Solid'], 4],
  588. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  589. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  590. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Peat'], 4],
  591. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.4', 'Biomass'], 4],
  592. # HRV
  593. ['1A2 Total for 1990 to 2000', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Total'], 3],
  594. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Liquid'], 4],
  595. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Solid'], 4],
  596. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  597. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  598. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Peat'], 4],
  599. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Biomass'], 4],
  600. # MLT
  601. ['All Industry', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Total'], 3],
  602. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Liquid'], 4],
  603. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Solid'], 4],
  604. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  605. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  606. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Peat'], 4],
  607. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.2', 'Biomass'], 4],
  608. # PRT
  609. ['Rubber', ['1.A.2.g.viii.6', 'Total'], 3],
  610. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.6', 'Liquid'], 4],
  611. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.6', 'Solid'], 4],
  612. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.6', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  613. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.6', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  614. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.6', 'Biomass'], 4],
  615. # SWE
  616. ['All stationary combustin within CRF 1.A.2.g', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'Total'], 3],
  617. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'Liquid'], 4],
  618. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'Solid'], 4],
  619. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  620. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  621. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'Peat'], 4],
  622. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.7', 'Biomass'], 4],
  623. # IRL
  624. ['Other stationary combustion', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Total'], 3],
  625. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Liquid'], 4],
  626. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Solid'], 4],
  627. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  628. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  629. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Peat'], 4],
  630. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Biomass'], 4],
  631. # HUN
  632. ['Other Stationary Combustion', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Total'], 3],
  633. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Liquid'], 4],
  634. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Solid'], 4],
  635. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  636. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  637. ['Peat', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Peat'], 4],
  638. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.8', 'Biomass'], 4],
  639. # CHE
  640. ['Other Boilers and Engines Industry', ['1.A.2.g.viii.9', 'Total'], 3],
  641. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.9', 'Liquid'], 4],
  642. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.9', 'Solid'], 4],
  643. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.9', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  644. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.2.g.viii.9', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  645. ['Biomass', ['1.A.2.g.viii.9', 'Biomass'], 4],
  646. ],
  647. "entity_mapping": {
  648. 'EMISSIONS CH4': "CH4",
  649. 'EMISSIONS CO2(2)': "CO2",
  650. 'EMISSIONS N2O': "N2O",
  651. },
  652. }, # tested
  653. "Table1.A(a)s3": {
  654. "status": "tested",
  655. "table": {
  656. "firstrow": 5,
  657. "lastrow": 115,
  658. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  659. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  660. "categories": ["category", "type"],
  661. "cols_to_ignore": [
  662. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  663. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  667. ],
  668. "stop_cats": ["Note: All footnotes for this table are given at the end of the table on sheet 4.", np.nan],
  669. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  670. },
  671. "sector_mapping": [
  672. ['1.A.3 Transport', ['1.A.3', 'Total'], 0],
  673. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.3', 'Liquid'], 1],
  674. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.3', 'Solid'], 1],
  675. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3', 'Gaseous'], 1],
  676. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.3', 'OtherFF'], 1],
  677. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3', 'Biomass'], 1],
  678. # a. Domestic Aviation
  679. ['a. Domestic aviation(10)', ['1.A.3.a', 'Total'], 1],
  680. ['Aviation gasoline', ['1.A.3.a', 'AvGasoline'], 2],
  681. ['Jet kerosene', ['1.A.3.a', 'JetKerosene'], 2],
  682. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.a', 'Biomass'], 2],
  683. # b. road Transportation
  684. ['b. Road transportation(11)', ['1.A.3.b', 'Total'], 1],
  685. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b', 'Gasoline'], 2],
  686. ['Diesel oil', ['1.A.3.b', 'DieselOil'], 2],
  687. ['Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b', 'LPG'], 2],
  688. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b', 'OtherLiquid'], 2],
  689. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.b', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  690. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.b', 'Biomass'], 2],
  691. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.3.b', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  692. # i. Cars
  693. ['i. Cars', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Total'], 2],
  694. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Gasoline'], 3],
  695. ['Diesel oil', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'DieselOil'], 3],
  696. ['Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'LPG'], 3],
  697. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OtherLiquid'], 3],
  698. ['Kerosene', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Kerosene'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  699. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Lubricants'], 4], # UKR, JPN
  700. ['Lubricant oil', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Lubricants'], 4], # PRT
  701. ['Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 4], # CAN
  702. ['Fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 4], # LTU
  703. ['Other', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OLOther'], 4], # UKR, MLT
  704. ['Other Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OLOther'], 4], # CYP
  705. ['Other motor fuels', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OMotorFuels'], 4], # RUS
  706. ['Lubricants in 2-stroke engines', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Lubricants'], 4], # HUN
  707. ['LNG', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'LNG'], 4], ## USA
  708. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  709. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  710. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  711. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFOther'], 4], # CYP, POL
  712. ['Biodiesel (fossil component)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # LUX
  713. ['Biodiesel fossil fraction', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # NOR
  714. ['Biodiesel (fossil fraction)', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # NZL
  715. ['Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # PRT
  716. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # SWE
  717. ['fossil part of biofuels', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # CZE
  718. ['fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # DKE, DNK, HRV
  719. ['Fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # DNM, BEL, HUN, LVA, ESP
  720. ['Fossil part of biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiogasolineFC'], 4], # BEL
  721. ['Natural Gas', ['1.A.3.b.i.', 'OFFNaturalGas'], 4], # USA
  722. ['Fossil part of biofuel', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # IRL
  723. ['Other', ['1.A.3.b.i', 'OFFOther'], 4], # MLT
  724. # ii. Light duty trucks
  725. ['ii. Light duty trucks', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  726. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Gasoline'], 3],
  727. ['Diesel oil', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'DieselOil'], 3],
  728. ['Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'LPG'], 3],
  729. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OtherLiquid'], 3],
  730. ['Kerosene', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Kerosene'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  731. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Lubricants'], 4], # UKR, JPN
  732. ['Lubricant Oil', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Lubricants'], 4], # PRT
  733. ['Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 4], # CAN
  734. ['Other', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OLOther'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  735. ['Other Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OLOther'], 4], # CYP
  736. ['Other motor fuels', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OMotorFuels'], 4], # RUS
  737. ['LNG', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'LNG'], 4], ## USA
  738. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  739. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  740. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  741. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFOther'], 4], # CYP, POL
  742. ['Biodiesel (fossil component)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # LUX
  743. ['Biodiesel fossil fraction', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # NOR
  744. ['Biodiesel (fossil fraction)', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # NZL
  745. ['Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # PRT
  746. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # SWE
  747. ['fossil part of biofuels', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # CZE
  748. ['fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # DKE, DNK, HRV
  749. ['Fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # DNM, BEL, HUN, LVA, ESP
  750. ['Fossil part of biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiogasolineFC'], 4], # BEL
  751. ['Fossil part of biofuel', ['1.A.3.b.ii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # IRL
  752. # iii. Heavy duty trucks and buses
  753. ['iii. Heavy duty trucks and buses', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  754. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Gasoline'], 3],
  755. ['Diesel oil', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'DieselOil'], 3],
  756. ['Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'LPG'], 3],
  757. ['Other liquid fFuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OtherLiquid'], 3],
  758. ['Kerosene', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Kerosene'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  759. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Lubricants'], 4], # UKR, JPN
  760. ['Lubricant Oil', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Lubricants'], 4], # PRT
  761. ['Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 4], # CAN
  762. ['Other', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OLOther'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  763. ['Other Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OLOther'], 4], # CYP
  764. ['Other motor fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OMotorFuels'], 4], # RUS
  765. ['LNG', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'LNG'], 4], ## USA
  766. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  767. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  768. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  769. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFOther'], 4], # CYP, POL
  770. ['Biodiesel (fossil component)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # LUX
  771. ['Biodiesel fossil fraction', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # NOR
  772. ['Biodiesel (fossil fraction)', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # NZL
  773. ['Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # PRT
  774. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # SWE
  775. ['fossil part of biofuels', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # CZE
  776. ['fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # DKE, DNK, HRV
  777. ['Fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # DNM, BEL, HUN. LVA, ESP
  778. ['Fossil part of biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiogasolineFC'], 4], # BEL
  779. ['Fossil part of biofuel', ['1.A.3.b.iii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # IRL
  780. # iv. Motorcycles
  781. ['iv. Motorcycles', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  782. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Gasoline'], 3],
  783. ['Diesel oil', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'DieselOil'], 3],
  784. ['Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'LPG'], 3],
  785. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OtherLiquid'], 3],
  786. ['Kerosene', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Kerosene'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  787. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Lubricants'], 4], # UKR, JPN, HRV
  788. ['Lubricant Oil', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Lubricants'], 4], # PRT
  789. ['Other', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OLOther'], 4], # UKR (and probably others)
  790. ['Other Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OLOther'], 4], # CYP
  791. ['Lube', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Lubricants'], 4], # MCO
  792. ['Lubricants in 2-stroke engines', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Lubricants'], 4], # HUN
  793. ['Lubricants (two-stroke engines)', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Lubricants'], 4], # ESP
  794. ['lubricants', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Lubricants'], 4], # SVN
  795. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  796. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  797. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  798. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFOther'], 4], # CYP
  799. ['Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # PRT
  800. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # SWE
  801. ['fossil part of biofuels', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # CZE
  802. ['Fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # BEL
  803. ['Fossil part of biogasoline', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiogasolineFC'], 4], # BEL
  804. ['Fossil part of biodiese', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # LVA
  805. ['Fossil part of biofuel', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # IRL
  806. ['fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.b.iv', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4], # HRV
  807. # v. Other
  808. ['v. Other (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v', 'Total'], 2],
  809. # TUR
  810. ['Road total', ['1.A.3.b.v.1', 'Total'], 3],
  811. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.v.1', 'Gasoline'], 4],
  812. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.b.v.1', 'DieselOil'], 4],
  813. ['Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.v.1', 'LPG'], 4],
  814. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  815. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  816. # CYP
  817. ['Buses', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'Total'], 3],
  818. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'Gasoline'], 4],
  819. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'DieselOil'], 4],
  820. ['Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'LPG'], 4],
  821. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  822. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  823. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'Biomass'], 4],
  824. ['Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.2', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  825. # GBK, GBR
  826. ['All vehicles - biofuel use', ['1.A.3.b.v.3', 'Total'], 3],
  827. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  828. ['All vehicles - LPG use', ['1.A.3.b.v.4', 'Total'], 4],
  829. ['Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.v.4', 'LPG'], 4],
  830. ['All vehicles - biofuel use (fossil component)', ['1.A.3.b.v.5', 'Total'], 4],
  831. ['Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.5', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  832. # CAN
  833. ['Propane and Natural Gas Vehicles', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'Total'], 3],
  834. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'Gasoline'], 4],
  835. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'DieselOil'], 4],
  836. ['Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'LPG'], 4],
  837. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  838. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  839. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'Biomass'], 4],
  840. ['Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.6', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  841. # BEL
  842. ['Lubricant Two-Stroke Engines', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'Total'], 3],
  843. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  844. # ROU
  845. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.8', 'Total'], 3],
  846. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.8', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  847. ['Other Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.9', 'Total'], 3],
  848. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.9', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  849. ['Other Kerosene', ['1.A.3.b.v.9', 'Kerosene'], 5],
  850. ['Heating and Other Gasoil', ['1.A.3.b.v.9', 'HeatingGasoil'], 5],
  851. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.10', 'Total'], 3],
  852. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.10', 'Biomass'], 4],
  853. # DEU
  854. ['CO2 from lubricant co-incineration in 2-stroke road vehicles', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'Total'], 3],
  855. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  856. ['lubricant used in 2-stroke mix', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'Lubricants'], 5],
  857. # USA
  858. ['Evaporative Emissions', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'Total'], 3],
  859. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'Gasoline'], 4],
  860. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'DieselOil'], 4],
  861. ['Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'LPG'], 4],
  862. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  863. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  864. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'Biomass'], 4],
  865. ['Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.11', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  866. # SVK
  867. ['Urea-based catalysts', ['1.A.3.b.v.12', 'Total'], 3],
  868. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.b.v.12', 'DieselOil'], 4],
  869. # ESP
  870. ['Other non-specified', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'Total'], 3],
  871. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'Gasoline'], 4],
  872. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'DieselOil'], 4],
  873. ['Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'LPG'], 4],
  874. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  875. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  876. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'Biomass'], 4],
  877. ['Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.13', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  878. # BGR
  879. ['Urea', ['1.A.3.b.v.12', 'Total'], 3],
  880. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.12', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  881. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'Total'], 3],
  882. ['Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.b.v.7', 'OtherLiquid'], 4],
  883. # c. Railways
  884. ['c. Railways', ['1.A.3.c', 'Total'], 1],
  885. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.3.c', 'Liquid'], 2],
  886. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.3.c', 'Solid'], 2],
  887. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.c', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  888. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.c', 'Biomass'], 2],
  889. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.c', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  890. ['Biodiesel (fossil component)', ['1.A.3.c', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 3], # LUX
  891. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.3.c', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 3], # SWE
  892. # d. Domestic navigation
  893. ['d. Domestic Navigation(10)', ['1.A.3.d', 'Total'], 1],
  894. ['Residual fuel oil', ['1.A.3.d', 'ResFuelOil'], 2],
  895. ['Gas/diesel oil', ['1.A.3.d', 'GasDieselOil'], 2],
  896. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.3.d', 'Gasoline'], 2],
  897. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.3.d', 'OtherLiquid'], 2],
  898. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.3.d', 'Lubricants'], 3], # UKR, JPN
  899. ['Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)', ['1.A.3.d', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 3], # CAN
  900. ['Light Fuel Oil', ['1.A.3.d', 'LightFuelOil'], 3], # CAN
  901. ['Kerosene and stove oil', ['1.A.3.d', 'KeroseStoveOil'], 3], # CAN
  902. ['Kerosene', ['1.A.3.d', 'Kerosene'], 3], # DKE, DNK
  903. ['Natural Gas Liquids', ['1.A.3.d', 'NGL'], 3], # DKE, DNK
  904. ['Fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.d', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 3], # LTU
  905. ['Other non-specified', ['1.A.3.d', 'OLOther'], 3], # SWE
  906. ['Other motor fuels', ['1.A.3.d', 'OMotorFuels'], 3], # RUS
  907. ['Fuel oil A', ['1.A.3.d', 'FuelOilA'], 3], # JPN
  908. ['Fuel oil B', ['1.A.3.d', 'FuelOilB'], 3], # JPN
  909. ['Fuel oil C', ['1.A.3.d', 'FuelOilC'], 3], # JPN
  910. ['Diesel Oil', ['1.A.3.d', 'OLDiesel'], 3], # FIN
  911. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.d', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  912. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.d', 'Biomass'], 2],
  913. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.3.d', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  914. ['Liquified natural gas', ['1.A.3.d', 'LNG'], 3], # DKE, DNK, DNM
  915. ['Biodiesel (fossil component)', ['1.A.3.d', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 3], # LUX
  916. ['Coal', ['1.A.3.d', 'OFFCoal'], 3], # NZL, NDL
  917. ['fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.3.d', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 3], # AUT
  918. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.3.d', 'OFFBioGasDieselFC'], 3], # SWE
  919. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.d', 'OFFSolid'], 3], # AUS
  920. # e. other transportation
  921. # keep details also for top category as it's present
  922. ['e. Other transportation (please specify)', ['1.A.3.e', 'Total'], 1],
  923. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.3.e', 'Liquid'], 2],
  924. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.3.e', 'Solid'], 2],
  925. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.e', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  926. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.3.e', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  927. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.e', 'Biomass'], 2],
  928. # i. pipeline
  929. ['i. Pipeline transport', ['1.A.3.e.i', 'Total'], 2],
  930. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.3.e.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  931. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.3.e.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  932. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.e.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  933. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.3.e.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  934. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.e.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  935. # ii other
  936. ['ii. Other (please specify)', ['1.A.3.e.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  937. ## temp
  938. # ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii', 'Liquid'], False],
  939. # ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii', 'Solid'], False],
  940. # ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii', 'Gaseous'], False],
  941. # ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.3.e.ii', 'OtherFF'], False],
  942. # ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.3.e.ii', 'Biomass'], False],
  943. ## end temp
  944. # UKR, SWE
  945. ['Off-road vehicles and other machinery', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  946. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  947. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  948. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  949. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  950. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  951. # GBR, GBK
  952. ['Aircraft support vehicles', ['1.A.3.e.ii.2', 'Total'], 3],
  953. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.2', 'Liquid'], 4],
  954. # CAN
  955. ['Off Road', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  956. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  957. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  958. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  959. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  960. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  961. # LTU
  962. ['Off-road transport', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  963. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  964. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  965. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  966. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  967. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  968. # BEL
  969. ['Other non-specified', ['1.A.3.e.ii.3', 'Total'], 3],
  970. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.3', 'Liquid'], 4],
  971. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.3', 'Solid'], 4],
  972. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.3', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  973. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.3', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  974. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.e.ii.3', 'Biomass'], 4],
  975. # AUS
  976. ['Off-Road Vehicles', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  977. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Liquid'], 4],
  978. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Solid'], 4],
  979. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  980. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  981. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.e.ii.1', 'Biomass'], 4],
  982. # USA
  983. ['Non-Transportation Mobile', ['1.A.3.e.ii.4', 'Total'], 3],
  984. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.4', 'Liquid'], 4],
  985. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.4', 'Solid'], 4],
  986. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.4', 'Gaseous'], 4],
  987. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.3.e.ii.4', 'OtherFF'], 4],
  988. ['Biomass', ['1.A.3.e.ii.4', 'Biomass'], 4],
  989. ],
  990. "entity_mapping": {
  991. 'EMISSIONS CH4': "CH4",
  992. 'EMISSIONS CO2(2)': "CO2",
  993. 'EMISSIONS N2O': "N2O",
  994. },
  995. }, # tested
  996. "Table1.A(a)s4": {
  997. "status": "tested",
  998. "table": {
  999. "firstrow": 5,
  1000. "lastrow": 127,
  1001. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1002. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1003. "categories": ["category", "type"],
  1004. "cols_to_ignore": [
  1005. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  1006. 'AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption',
  1010. 'EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured',
  1011. ],
  1012. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1013. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1014. },
  1015. "sector_mapping": [
  1016. ['1.A.4 Other sectors', ['1.A.4', 'Total'], 0],
  1017. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.4', 'Liquid'], 1],
  1018. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.4', 'Solid'], 1],
  1019. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4', 'Gaseous'], 1],
  1020. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.4', 'OtherFF'], 1],
  1021. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.4', 'Peat'], 1],
  1022. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4', 'Biomass'], 1],
  1023. # a. Commercial/institutional(12)
  1024. ['a. Commercial/institutional(12)', ['1.A.4.a', 'Total'], 1],
  1025. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.4.a', 'Liquid'], 2],
  1026. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.4.a', 'Solid'], 2],
  1027. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4.a', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  1028. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.4.a', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  1029. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.4.a', 'Peat'], 2],
  1030. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4.a', 'Biomass'], 2],
  1031. # 1.A.4.a.i Stationary combustion
  1032. ['1.A.4.a.i Stationary combustion', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'Total'], 2],
  1033. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1034. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  1035. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1036. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1037. ['Peat', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'Peat'], 3],
  1038. ['Biomass', ['1.A.4.a.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1039. # 1.A.4.a.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery
  1040. ['1.A.4.a.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery', ['1.A.4.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1041. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1042. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1043. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1044. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1045. ['Biomass', ['1.A.4.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1046. # 1.A.4.a.iii Other (please specify)
  1047. ['1.A.4.a.iii Other (please specify)', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1048. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1049. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1050. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1051. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1052. ['Peat', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'Peat'], 3],
  1053. ['Biomass', ['1.A.4.a.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1054. # b. Residential(13)
  1055. ['b. Residential(13)', ['1.A.4.b', 'Total'], 1],
  1056. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.4.b', 'Liquid'], 2],
  1057. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.4.b', 'Solid'], 2],
  1058. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4.b', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  1059. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.4.b', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  1060. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.4.b', 'Peat'], 2],
  1061. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4.b', 'Biomass'], 2],
  1062. # 1.A.4.b.i Stationary combustion
  1063. ['1.A.4.b.i Stationary combustion', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'Total'], 2],
  1064. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1065. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  1066. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1067. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1068. ['Peat', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'Peat'], 3],
  1069. ['Biomass', ['1.A.4.b.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1070. # 1.A.4.b.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery
  1071. ['1.A.4.b.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery', ['1.A.4.b.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1072. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1073. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1074. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1075. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1076. ['Biomass', ['1.A.4.b.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1077. # 1.A.4.b.iii Other (please specify)
  1078. ['1.A.4.b.iii Other (please specify)', ['1.A.4.b.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1079. # CYP, USA
  1080. ['Residential', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'Total'], 3],
  1081. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1082. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'Solid'], 3],
  1083. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1084. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1085. ['Peat', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'Peat'], 3],
  1086. ['Biomass', ['1.A.4.b.iii.1', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1087. # c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing
  1088. ['c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing', ['1.A.4.c', 'Total'], 1],
  1089. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.4.c', 'Liquid'], 2],
  1090. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.4.c', 'Solid'], 2],
  1091. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4.c', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  1092. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.4.c', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  1093. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.4.c', 'Peat'], 2],
  1094. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4.c', 'Biomass'], 2],
  1095. # i. Stationary
  1096. ['i. Stationary', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'Total'], 2],
  1097. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1098. ['Solid fuels', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  1099. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1100. ['Other fossil fuels(4)', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1101. ['Peat(5)', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'Peat'], 3],
  1102. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4.c.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1103. # ii. Off-road vehicles and other machinery
  1104. ['ii. Off-road vehicles and other machinery', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1105. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Gasoline'], 3],
  1106. ['Diesel oil', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'DieselOil'], 3],
  1107. ['Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'LPG'], 3],
  1108. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OtherLiquid'], 3],
  1109. ['Other Kerosene', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Kerosene'], 4], # HRV
  1110. ['Lubricants', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Lubricants'], 4], # HRV
  1111. ['Gasoil', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Gasoil'], 4], # FIN
  1112. ['Marine gasoil', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'MarineGasoil'], 4], # NOR
  1113. ['heavy fuel oil', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'HeavyFuelOil'], 4], # NOR
  1114. ['Other motor fuels', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OMotorFuel'], 4], # RUS
  1115. ['Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 4], # CAN
  1116. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1117. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1118. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1119. ['fossil part of biodiesel', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4],
  1120. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 4],
  1121. ['Biodiesel (fossil component)', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OFFBiodieselFC'], 4], # LUX
  1122. ['Alkylate Gasoline', ['1.A.4.c.ii', 'OFFAlkylateGasoline'], 4], # LIE
  1123. # iii. Fishing
  1124. ['iii. Fishing', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1125. ['Residual fuel oil', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'ResFuelOil'], 3],
  1126. ['Gas/diesel oil', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'GasDieselOil'], 3],
  1127. ['Gasoline', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'Gasoline'], 3],
  1128. ['Other liquid fuels (please specify)', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'OtherLiquid'], 3],
  1129. ['Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'OLBiodieselFC'], 4], # CAN
  1130. ['Gaseous fuels', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1131. ['Biomass(6)', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1132. ['Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1133. ['Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline', ['1.A.4.c.iii', 'OFFBiofuelFC'], 3],
  1134. # 1.A.5 Other (Not specified elsewhere)(14)
  1135. ['1.A.5 Other (Not specified elsewhere)(14)', ['1.A.5', 'Total'], 0],
  1136. # a. Stationary (please specify)
  1137. ['a. Stationary (please specify)', ['1.A.5.a', 'Total'], 1],
  1138. # temp
  1139. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a', 'Liquid'], 2],
  1140. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a', 'Solid'], 2],
  1141. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  1142. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  1143. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a', 'Peat'], 2],
  1144. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a', 'Biomass'], 2],
  1145. # temp
  1146. # GBK, GBR
  1147. ['Military fuel use', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Total'], 2],
  1148. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1149. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  1150. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1151. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1152. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Peat'], 3],
  1153. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1154. # TUR
  1155. ['Liquid fuels', ['1.A.5.a', 'Liquid'], 2],
  1156. # ESP, FIN, SWE
  1157. ['Other non-specified', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1158. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1159. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1160. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1161. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1162. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Peat'], 3],
  1163. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1164. # ROU, SVK, RUS
  1165. ['Other', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1166. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1167. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1168. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1169. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1170. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Peat'], 3],
  1171. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1172. # FRA, FRK
  1173. ['Other not specified', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1174. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1175. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1176. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1177. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1178. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Peat'], 3],
  1179. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1180. # CYP
  1181. ['Other (not specified elsewhere)', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1182. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1183. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1184. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1185. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1186. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Peat'], 3],
  1187. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1188. # NOR, HUN
  1189. ['Military', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Total'], 2],
  1190. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1191. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Solid'], 3],
  1192. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1193. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1194. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Peat'], 3],
  1195. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.i', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1196. ['Non-fuel Use', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1197. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1198. # DNM, DKE, DNK
  1199. ['Other stationary combustion', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1200. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1201. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1202. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1203. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1204. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1205. # LUX
  1206. ['Stationary', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1207. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1208. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1209. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1210. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1211. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1212. # USA
  1213. ['Incineration of Waste', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1214. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1215. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1216. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1217. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1218. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'Peat'], 3],
  1219. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1220. ['U.S. Territories', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'Total'], 2],
  1221. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1222. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'Solid'], 3],
  1223. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1224. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1225. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'Peat'], 3],
  1226. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.v', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1227. ['Non Energy Use', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1228. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1229. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1230. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1231. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1232. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Peat'], 3],
  1233. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.a.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1234. # b. Mobile (please specify)
  1235. ['b. Mobile (please specify)', ['1.A.5.b', 'Total'], 1],
  1236. # temp
  1237. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b', 'Liquid'], 2],
  1238. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b', 'Solid'], 2],
  1239. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b', 'Gaseous'], 2],
  1240. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b', 'OtherFF'], 2],
  1241. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b', 'Biomass'], 2],
  1242. # temp
  1243. # GBK, GBR
  1244. ['Military aviation and naval shipping', ['1.A.5.b.i', 'Total'], 2],
  1245. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.i', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1246. # HRV
  1247. ['Military aviation component', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1248. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1249. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1250. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1251. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1252. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1253. ['Military water-borne component', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1254. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1255. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1256. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1257. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1258. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1259. # ESP, FIN
  1260. ['Other non-specified', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1261. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1262. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1263. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1264. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1265. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Peat'], 3],
  1266. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1267. # NLD, DKE, DNM, DNK, SWE, UKR
  1268. ['Military use', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Total'], 2],
  1269. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1270. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Solid'], 3],
  1271. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1272. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1273. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Peat'], 3],
  1274. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1275. # AUT, NOR, USA, CHE, HUN, LTU
  1276. ['Military', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Total'], 2],
  1277. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1278. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1279. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1280. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1281. # PRT
  1282. ['Military Aviation', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1283. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1284. # ROU, MLT
  1285. ['Other', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1286. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1287. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1288. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1289. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1290. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Peat'], 3],
  1291. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1292. # FRA, FRK
  1293. ['Other not specified', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1294. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1295. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1296. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1297. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1298. ['Peat', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Peat'], 3],
  1299. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1300. # CYP
  1301. ['1A5b i Mobile (aviation component)', ['', 'Total'], 2],
  1302. ['Liquid Fuels', ['', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1303. # GBK, GBR
  1304. ['Lubricants used in 2-stroke engines', ['1.A.5.b.vii', 'Total'], 2],
  1305. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.vii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1306. # DNM, DKE, DNK
  1307. ['Recreational crafts', ['1.A.5.b.viii', 'Total'], 2],
  1308. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.viii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1309. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.viii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1310. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.viii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1311. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.viii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1312. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.viii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1313. # SVK
  1314. ['Military use Jet Kerosene', ['1.A.5.b.ix', 'Total'], 2],
  1315. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ix', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1316. ['Military Gasoline', ['1.A.5.b.x', 'Total'], 2],
  1317. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.x', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1318. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.ix', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1319. ['Military Diesel Oil', ['1.A.5.b.xi', 'Total'], 2],
  1320. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xi', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1321. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.xi', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1322. # BEL
  1323. ['Military Use', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Total'], 2],
  1324. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1325. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Solid'], 3],
  1326. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1327. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1328. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1329. # AUS
  1330. ['Military Transport', ['1.A.5.b.xii', 'Total'], 2],
  1331. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1332. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1333. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1334. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1335. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.xii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1336. # CZE
  1337. ['Agriculture and Forestry and Fishing', ['1.A.5.b.xiii', 'Total'], 2],
  1338. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xiii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1339. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xiii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1340. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xiii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1341. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.xiii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1342. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.xiii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1343. ['Other mobile sources not included elsewhere', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1344. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1345. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1346. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1347. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1348. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1349. # SVN
  1350. ['Military use of fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Total'], 2],
  1351. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.v', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1352. # LUX
  1353. ['Unspecified Mobile', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1354. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1355. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1356. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1357. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1358. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1359. # LVA
  1360. ['Mobile', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Total'], 2],
  1361. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1362. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Solid'], 3],
  1363. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1364. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1365. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iv', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1366. # CAN
  1367. ['Domestic Military (Aviation)', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Total'], 2],
  1368. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1369. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1370. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1371. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1372. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.ii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1373. ['Military Water-borne Navigation', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Total'], 2],
  1374. ['Liquid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Liquid'], 3],
  1375. ['Solid Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Solid'], 3],
  1376. ['Gaseous Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Gaseous'], 3],
  1377. ['Other Fossil Fuels', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'OtherFF'], 3],
  1378. ['Biomass', ['1.A.5.b.iii', 'Biomass'], 3],
  1379. # ESP, FIN
  1380. # Information Item
  1381. ['Information item:(15)', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 0],
  1382. ['Waste incineration with energy recovery included as:', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 1],
  1383. ['Biomass(6)', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 1],
  1384. ['Fossil fuels(4)', ['\IGNORE', '\IGNORE'], 1],
  1385. ],
  1386. "entity_mapping": {
  1387. 'EMISSIONS CH4': "CH4",
  1388. 'EMISSIONS CO2(2)': "CO2",
  1389. 'EMISSIONS N2O': "N2O",
  1390. },
  1391. }, # tested
  1392. "Table1.B.1": {
  1393. "status": "tested",
  1394. "table": {
  1395. "firstrow": 5,
  1396. "lastrow": 19,
  1397. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1398. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1399. "categories": ["category"],
  1400. "cols_to_ignore": [
  1401. 'ACTIVITY DATA Amount of fuel produced',
  1404. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Recovery/Flaring(2)',
  1405. ],
  1406. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1407. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1408. },
  1409. "sector_mapping": [
  1410. ['1. B. 1. a. Coal mining and handling', ['1.B.1.a'], 0],
  1411. ['i. Underground mines(4)', ['1.B.1.a.i'], 1],
  1412. ['Mining activities', ['1.B.1.a.i.1'], 2],
  1413. ['Post-mining activities', ['1.B.1.a.i.2'], 2],
  1414. ['Abandoned underground mines', ['1.B.1.a.i.3'], 2],
  1415. ['ii. Surface mines(4)', ['1.B.1.a.ii'], 1],
  1416. ['Mining activities', ['1.B.1.a.ii.1'], 2],
  1417. ['Post-mining activities', ['1.B.1.a.ii.2'], 2],
  1418. ['1. B. 1. b. Solid fuel transformation(5)', ['1.B.1.b'], 0],
  1419. ['1. B. 1. c. Other (please specify)(6)', ['1.B.1.c'], 0],
  1420. ['Flaring', ['1.B.1.c.i'], 1], # UKR, AUS
  1421. ['Flaring of gas', ['1.B.1.c.i'], 1], # SWE
  1422. ['Coal Dumps', ['1.B.1.c.ii'], 1], # JPN
  1423. ['SO2 scrubbing', ['1.B.1.c.iii'], 1], # SVN
  1424. ['Flaring of coke oven gas', ['1.B.1.c.iv'], 1], # KAZ
  1425. ['Emisson from Coke Oven Gas Subsystem', ['1.B.1.c.iv'], 1], # POL
  1426. ],
  1427. "entity_mapping": {
  1428. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Emissions(3)': 'CH4',
  1429. 'EMISSIONS CO2 Emissions': 'CO2',
  1430. },
  1431. "coords_defaults": {
  1432. "type": "Total",
  1433. },
  1434. }, # tested
  1435. "Table1.B.2": {
  1436. "status": "tested",
  1437. "table": {
  1438. "firstrow": 5,
  1439. "lastrow": 33,
  1440. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1441. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1442. "categories": ["category"],
  1443. "cols_to_ignore": [
  1444. 'ACTIVITY DATA(1) Description(1)',
  1445. 'ACTIVITY DATA(1) Unit(1)',
  1446. 'ACTIVITY DATA(1) Value',
  1450. 'EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured',
  1451. ],
  1452. "stop_cats": [".", np.nan],
  1453. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1454. },
  1455. "sector_mapping": [
  1456. ['1. B. 2. a. Oil(6)', ['1.B.2.a'], 0],
  1457. ['1. Exploration', ['1.B.2.a.1'], 1],
  1458. ['2. Production(7)', ['1.B.2.a.2'], 1],
  1459. ['3. Transport', ['1.B.2.a.3'], 1],
  1460. ['4. Refining/storage', ['1.B.2.a.4'], 1],
  1461. ['5. Distribution of oil products', ['1.B.2.a.5'], 1],
  1462. ['6. Other', ['1.B.2.a.6'], 1],
  1463. ['1. B. 2. b. Natural gas', ['1.B.2.b'], 0],
  1464. ['1. Exploration', ['1.B.2.b.1'], 1],
  1465. ['2. Production(7)', ['1.B.2.b.2'], 1],
  1466. ['3. Processing', ['1.B.2.b.3'], 1],
  1467. ['4. Transmission and storage', ['1.B.2.b.4'], 1],
  1468. ['5. Distribution', ['1.B.2.b.5'], 1],
  1469. ['6. Other', ['1.B.2.b.6'], 1],
  1470. ['1. B. 2. c. Venting and flaring', ['1.B.2.c'], 0],
  1471. ['Venting', ['1.B.2.c-ven'], 1],
  1472. ['i. Oil', ['1.B.2.c-ven.i'], 2],
  1473. ['ii. Gas', ['1.B.2.c-ven.ii'], 2],
  1474. ['iii. Combined', ['1.B.2.c-ven.iii'], 2],
  1475. ['Flaring(8)', ['1.B.2.c-fla'], 1],
  1476. ['i. Oil', ['1.B.2.c-fla.i'], 2],
  1477. ['ii. Gas', ['1.B.2.c-fla.ii'], 2],
  1478. ['iii. Combined', ['1.B.2.c-fla.iii'], 2],
  1479. ['1.B.2.d. Other (please specify)(9)', ['1.B.2.d'], 0],
  1480. ['Groundwater extraction and CO2 mining', ['1.B.2.d.i'], 1], # HUN
  1481. ['Geothermal', ['1.B.2.d.ii'], 1], # NOR, DEU, PRT, NZL
  1482. ['Geothermal Energy', ['1.B.2.d.ii'], 1], # ISL
  1483. ['Geothermal Generation', ['1.B.2.d.ii'], 1], # JPN
  1484. ['Geotherm', ['1.B.2.d.ii'], 1], # ITA
  1485. ['City Gas Production', ['1.B.2.d.iii'], 1], # PRT
  1486. ['Other', ['1.B.2.d.iv'], 1], # UKR, ROU
  1487. ['Other non-specified', ['1.B.2.d.iv'], 1], # SWE
  1488. ['Flaring in refineries', ['1.B.2.d.v'], 1], # ITA
  1489. ['LPG transport', [''], 1], # GRC
  1490. ['Distribution of town gas', ['1.B.2.d.vii'], 1], # FIN
  1491. ['Petrol distribution', ['1.B.2.d.viii'], 1], # IRL
  1492. ['Natural Gas Transport', ['1.B.2.d.ix'], 1], # BLR
  1493. ['Natural gas exploration - N2O emissions', ['1.B.2.d.x'], 1], # GBR, GBK
  1494. ],
  1495. "entity_mapping": {
  1496. 'EMISSIONS CH4 (4) Amount captured': 'CH4',
  1497. 'EMISSIONS CO2 Emissions(3)': 'CO2',
  1498. 'EMISSIONS N2O Amount captured': 'N2O',
  1499. },
  1500. "coords_defaults": {
  1501. "type": "Total",
  1502. },
  1503. }, # tested
  1504. "Table1.C": {
  1505. "status": "tested",
  1506. "table": {
  1507. "firstrow": 5,
  1508. "lastrow": 24,
  1509. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1510. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1511. "categories": ["category"],
  1512. "cols_to_ignore": [
  1513. 'ACTIVITY DATA CO2 transported or injected(1)',
  1515. ],
  1516. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1517. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1518. },
  1519. "sector_mapping": [
  1520. ['1. Transport of CO2', ['1.C.1']],
  1521. ['a. Pipelines', ['1.C.1.a']],
  1522. ['b. Ships', ['1.C.1.b']],
  1523. ['c. Other', ['1.C.1.c']],
  1524. ['2. Injection and storage(3)', ['1.C.2']],
  1525. ['a. Injection', ['1.C.2.a']],
  1526. ['b. Storage', ['1.C.2.b']],
  1527. ['3. Other', ['1.C.3']],
  1528. ['Information item(4, 5)', ['\IGNORE']],
  1529. ['Total amount captured for storage', ['M.Info.A.TACS']],
  1530. ['Total amount of imports for storage', ['M.Info.A.TAIS']],
  1531. ['Total A', ['M.Info.A']],
  1532. ['Total amount of exports for storage', ['M.Info.B.TAES']],
  1533. ['Total amount of CO2 injected at storage sites', ['M.Info.B.TAI']],
  1534. ['Total leakage from transport, injection and storage', ['M.Info.B.TLTIS']],
  1535. ['Total B', ['M.Info.B']],
  1536. ['Difference (A-B)(6)', ['\IGNORE']],
  1537. ],
  1538. "entity_mapping": {
  1539. 'EMISSIONS CO2(2)': 'CO2',
  1540. },
  1541. "coords_defaults": {
  1542. "type": "Total",
  1543. },
  1544. }, # tested
  1545. "Table1.D": {
  1546. "status": "TODO",
  1547. "table": {
  1548. "firstrow": 5,
  1549. "lastrow": 20,
  1550. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1551. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1552. "categories": ["category", "type"],
  1553. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1554. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1555. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1556. },
  1557. "sector_mapping": [
  1558. ],
  1559. "entity_mapping": [],
  1560. "coords_defaults": {
  1561. "type": "Total",
  1562. },
  1563. }, # TODO
  1564. "Table2(I)s1": {
  1565. "status": "tested",
  1566. "table": {
  1567. "firstrow": 5,
  1568. "lastrow": 31,
  1569. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  1570. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1571. "categories": ["category"],
  1572. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1573. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1574. "unit_info": unit_info["industry"],
  1575. },
  1576. "sector_mapping": [
  1577. ['Total industrial processes', ['2']],
  1578. ['A. Mineral industry', ['2.A']],
  1579. ['1. Cement production', ['2.A.1']],
  1580. ['2. Lime production', ['2.A.2']],
  1581. ['3. Glass production', ['2.A.3']],
  1582. ['4. Other process uses of carbonates', ['2.A.4']],
  1583. ['B. Chemical industry', ['2.B']],
  1584. ['1. Ammonia production', ['2.B.1']],
  1585. ['2. Nitric acid production', ['2.B.2']],
  1586. ['3. Adipic acid production', ['2.B.3']],
  1587. ['4. Caprolactam, glyoxal and glyoxylic acid production', ['2.B.4']],
  1588. ['5. Carbide production', ['2.B.5']],
  1589. ['6. Titanium dioxide production', ['2.B.6']],
  1590. ['7. Soda ash production', ['2.B.7']],
  1591. ['8. Petrochemical and carbon black production', ['2.B.8']],
  1592. ['9. Fluorochemical production', ['2.B.9']],
  1593. ['10. Other (as specified in table 2(I).A-H)', ['2.B.10']],
  1594. ['C. Metal industry', ['2.C']],
  1595. ['1. Iron and steel production', ['2.C.1']],
  1596. ['2. Ferroalloys production', ['2.C.2']],
  1597. ['3. Aluminium production', ['2.C.3']],
  1598. ['4. Magnesium production', ['2.C.4']],
  1599. ['5. Lead production', ['2.C.5']],
  1600. ['6. Zinc production', ['2.C.6']],
  1601. ['7. Other (as specified in table 2(I).A-H)', ['2.C.7']],
  1602. ],
  1603. "entity_mapping": {
  1604. 'HFCs(1)': 'HFCS (AR4GWP100)',
  1605. 'PFCs(1)': 'PFCS (AR4GWP100)',
  1606. 'Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)': 'UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs (AR4GWP100)',
  1607. },
  1608. "coords_defaults": {
  1609. "type": "Total",
  1610. },
  1611. }, # tested
  1612. "Table2(I)s2": {
  1613. "status": "tested",
  1614. "table": {
  1615. "firstrow": 5,
  1616. "lastrow": 29,
  1617. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  1618. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1619. "categories": ["category"],
  1620. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1621. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1622. "unit_info": unit_info["industry"],
  1623. },
  1624. "sector_mapping": [
  1625. ['D. Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use', ['2.D']],
  1626. ['1. Lubricant use', ['2.D.1']],
  1627. ['2. Paraffin wax use', ['2.D.2']],
  1628. ['3. Other', ['2.D.3']],
  1629. ['E. Electronics industry', ['2.E']],
  1630. ['1. Integrated circuit or semiconductor', ['2.E.1']],
  1631. ['2. TFT flat panel display', ['2.E.2']],
  1632. ['3. Photovoltaics', ['2.E.3']],
  1633. ['4. Heat transfer fluid', ['2.E.4']],
  1634. ['5. Other (as specified in table 2(II))', ['2.E.5']],
  1635. ['F. Product uses as substitutes for ODS(2)', ['2.F']],
  1636. ['1. Refrigeration and air conditioning', ['2.F.1']],
  1637. ['2. Foam blowing agents', ['2.F.2']],
  1638. ['3. Fire protection', ['2.F.3']],
  1639. ['4. Aerosols', ['2.F.4']],
  1640. ['5. Solvents', ['2.F.5']],
  1641. ['6. Other applications', ['2.F.6']],
  1642. ['G. Other product manufacture and use', ['2.G']],
  1643. ['1. Electrical equipment', ['2.G.1']],
  1644. ['2. SF6 and PFCs from other product use', ['2.G.2']],
  1645. ['3. N2O from product uses', ['2.G.3']],
  1646. ['4. Other', ['2.G.4']],
  1647. ['H. Other (as specified in tables 2(I).A-H and 2(II))(3)', ['2.H']],
  1648. ],
  1649. "entity_mapping": {
  1650. 'HFCs(1)': 'HFCS (AR4GWP100)',
  1651. 'PFCs(1)': 'PFCS (AR4GWP100)',
  1652. 'Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)': 'UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs (AR4GWP100)',
  1653. },
  1654. "coords_defaults": {
  1655. "type": "Total",
  1656. },
  1657. }, # tested
  1658. "Table2(I).A-Hs1": {
  1659. "status": "TODO",
  1660. "table": {
  1661. "firstrow": 5,
  1662. "lastrow": 40,
  1663. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1664. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1665. "categories": ["category"],
  1666. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1667. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1668. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1669. },
  1670. "sector_mapping": [
  1671. ],
  1672. "entity_mapping": [],
  1673. "coords_defaults": {
  1674. "type": "Total",
  1675. },
  1676. }, # TODO
  1677. "Table2(I).A-Hs2": {
  1678. "status": "TODO",
  1679. "table": {
  1680. "firstrow": 5,
  1681. "lastrow": 36,
  1682. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1683. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1684. "categories": ["category"],
  1685. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1686. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1687. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1688. },
  1689. "sector_mapping": [
  1690. ],
  1691. "entity_mapping": [],
  1692. "coords_defaults": {
  1693. "type": "Total",
  1694. },
  1695. }, # TODO
  1696. "Table2(II)": {
  1697. "status": "tested",
  1698. "table": {
  1699. "firstrow": 5,
  1700. "lastrow": 38,
  1701. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  1702. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1703. "categories": ["category"],
  1704. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1705. "stop_cats": [".", np.nan],
  1706. "unit_info": unit_info["fgases"],
  1707. },
  1708. "sector_mapping": [
  1709. ['Total actual emissions of halocarbons (by chemical) and SF6', ['2']],
  1710. ['B. Chemical industry', ['2.B']],
  1711. ['9. Flurochemical production', ['2.B.9']],
  1712. ['By-product emissions', ['2.B.9.a']],
  1713. ['Fugitive emissions', ['2.B.9.b']],
  1714. ['10. Other', ['2.B.10']],
  1715. ['C. Metal industry', ['2.C']],
  1716. ['3. Aluminium production', ['2.C.3']],
  1717. ['4. Magnesium production', ['2.C.4']],
  1718. ['7. Other', ['2.C.7']],
  1719. ['E. Electronics industry', ['2.E']],
  1720. ['1. Integrated circuit or semiconductor', ['2.E.1']],
  1721. ['2. TFT flat panel display', ['2.E.2']],
  1722. ['3. Photovoltaics', ['2.E.3']],
  1723. ['4. Heat transfer fluid', ['2.E.4']],
  1724. ['5. Other (as specified in table 2(II))', ['2.E.5']],
  1725. ['F. Product uses as substitutes for ODS(2)', ['2.F']],
  1726. ['1. Refrigeration and air conditioning', ['2.F.1']],
  1727. ['2. Foam blowing agents', ['2.F.2']],
  1728. ['3. Fire protection', ['2.F.3']],
  1729. ['4. Aerosols', ['2.F.4']],
  1730. ['5. Solvents', ['2.F.5']],
  1731. ['6. Other applications', ['2.F.6']],
  1732. ['G. Other product manufacture and use', ['2.G']],
  1733. ['1. Electrical equipment', ['2.G.1']],
  1734. ['2. SF6 and PFCs from other product use', ['2.G.2']],
  1735. ['4. Other', ['2.G.4']],
  1736. ['H. Other (please specify)', ['2.H']],
  1737. ['2.H.1 Pulp and paper', ['2.H.1']],
  1738. ['2.H.2 Food and beverages industry', ['2.H.2']],
  1739. ['2.H.3 Other (please specify)', ['2.H.3']],
  1740. ],
  1741. "entity_mapping": {
  1742. 'C 3F8': 'C3F8',
  1743. #'C10F18' 'C2F6' 'C4F10' 'C5F12' 'C6F14' 'CF4'
  1744. 'HFC-125': 'HFC125',
  1745. 'HFC-134': 'HFC134',
  1746. 'HFC-134a': 'HFC134a',
  1747. 'HFC-143': 'HFC143',
  1748. 'HFC-143a': 'HFC143a',
  1749. 'HFC-152': 'HFC152',
  1750. 'HFC-152a': 'HFC152a',
  1751. 'HFC-161': 'HFC161',
  1752. 'HFC-227ea': 'HFC227ea',
  1753. 'HFC-23': 'HFC23',
  1754. 'HFC-236cb': 'HFC236cb',
  1755. 'HFC-236ea': 'HFC236ea',
  1756. 'HFC-236fa': 'HFC236fa',
  1757. 'HFC-245ca': 'HFC245ca',
  1758. 'HFC-245fa': 'HFC245fa',
  1759. 'HFC-32': 'HFC32',
  1760. 'HFC-365mfc': 'HFC365mfc',
  1761. 'HFC-41': 'HFC41',
  1762. 'HFC-43-10mee': 'HFC4310mee',
  1763. 'Unspecified mix of HFCs (1)': 'UnspMixOfHFCs (AR4GWP100)',
  1764. 'Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)': 'UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs (AR4GWP100)',
  1765. 'Unspecified mix of PFCs (1)': 'UnspMixOfPFCs (AR4GWP100)',
  1766. 'c-C3F6': 'cC3F6',
  1767. 'c-C4F8': 'cC4F8',
  1768. },
  1769. "coords_defaults": {
  1770. "type": "Total",
  1771. },
  1772. }, # tested
  1773. "Table3s1": { # Agriculture summary sheet 1
  1774. "status": "tested",
  1775. "table": {
  1776. "firstrow": 5,
  1777. "lastrow": 75,
  1778. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  1779. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND",
  1780. "categories": ["category"],
  1781. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1782. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  1783. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1784. },
  1785. "sector_mapping": [
  1786. ['3. Total agriculture', ['3'], 0],
  1787. # I. Livestock
  1788. ['I. Livestock', ['M.3.LV'], 1],
  1789. # A. Enteric fermentation
  1790. ['A. Enteric fermentation', ['3.A'], 2],
  1791. ['1. Cattle(1)', ['3.A.1'], 3],
  1792. ['Option A:', ['\IGNORE'], 4],
  1793. ['Dairy cattle', ['3.A.1.Aa'], 5],
  1794. ['Non-dairy cattle', ['3.A.1.Ab'], 5],
  1795. ['Option B:', ['\IGNORE'], 4],
  1796. ['Mature dairy cattle', ['3.A.1.Ba'], 5],
  1797. ['Other mature cattle', ['3.A.1.Bb'], 5],
  1798. ['Growing cattle', ['3.A.1.Bc'], 5],
  1799. ['Option C (country-specific):', ['\IGNORE'], 4],
  1800. # all countries not specified explcitly
  1801. ['\C!-AUS-MLT-LUX-POL-SVN-USA\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1802. # Australia
  1803. ['\C-AUS\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1804. ['\C-AUS\ Dairy Cattle', ['3.A.1.C-AUS-a'], 6],
  1805. ['\C-AUS\ Beef Cattle - Pasture', ['3.A.1.C-AUS-b'], 6],
  1806. ['\C-AUS\ Beef Cattle - Feedlot', ['3.A.1.C-AUS-c'], 6],
  1807. # malta
  1808. ['\C-MLT\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1809. ['\C-MLT\ dairy cows', ['3.A.1.C-MLT-a'], 6],
  1810. ['\C-MLT\ non-lactating cows', ['3.A.1.C-MLT-b'], 6],
  1811. ['\C-MLT\ bulls', ['3.A.1.C-MLT-c'], 6],
  1812. ['\C-MLT\ calves', ['3.A.1.C-MLT-d'], 6],
  1813. ['\C-MLT\ growing cattle 1-2 years', ['3.A.1.C-MLT-e'], 6],
  1814. # Luxembourg
  1815. ['\C-LUX\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1816. ['\C-LUX\ Bulls', ['3.A.1.C-LUX-a'], 6],
  1817. ['\C-LUX\ Calves', ['3.A.1.C-LUX-b'], 6],
  1818. ['\C-LUX\ Young Cattle', ['3.A.1.C-LUX-c'], 6],
  1819. ['\C-LUX\ Suckler Cows', ['3.A.1.C-LUX-d'], 6],
  1820. ['\C-LUX\ Bulls under 2 years', ['3.A.1.C-LUX-e'], 6],
  1821. ['\C-LUX\ Dairy Cows', ['3.A.1.C-LUX-f'], 6],
  1822. # Poland
  1823. ['\C-POL\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1824. ['\C-POL\ Bulls (older than 2 years)', ['3.A.1.C-POL-a'], 6],
  1825. ['\C-POL\ Non-dairy Heifers (older than 2 years)', ['3.A.1.C-POL-b'], 6],
  1826. ['\C-POL\ Non-dairy Young Cattle (younger than 1 year)', ['3.A.1.C-POL-c'], 6],
  1827. ['\C-POL\ Dairy Cattle', ['3.A.1.C-POL-d'], 6],
  1828. ['\C-POL\ Non-dairy Young Cattle (1-2 years)', ['3.A.1.C-POL-e'], 6],
  1829. # Slovenia
  1830. ['\C-SVN\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1831. ['\C-SVN\ Dairy cows', ['3.A.1.C-SVN-a'], 6],
  1832. ['\C-SVN\ Non-dairy cattle', ['3.A.1.C-SVN-b'], 6],
  1833. ['\C-SVN\ Other cows', ['3.A.1.C-SVN-c'], 6],
  1834. # USA
  1835. ['\C-USA\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)', ['3.A.1.C'], 5],
  1836. ['\C-USA\ Steer Stocker', ['3.A.1.C-USA-a'], 6],
  1837. ['\C-USA\ Heifer Stocker', ['3.A.1.C-USA-b'], 6],
  1838. ['\C-USA\ Beef Cows', ['3.A.1.C-USA-c'], 6],
  1839. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Replacements', ['3.A.1.C-USA-d'], 6],
  1840. ['\C-USA\ Beef Replacements', ['3.A.1.C-USA-e'], 6],
  1841. ['\C-USA\ Steer Feedlot', ['3.A.1.C-USA-f'], 6],
  1842. ['\C-USA\ Heifer Feedlot', ['3.A.1.C-USA-g'], 6],
  1843. ['\C-USA\ Bulls', ['3.A.1.C-USA-h'], 6],
  1844. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Cows', ['3.A.1.C-USA-i'], 6],
  1845. ['\C-USA\ Beef Calves', ['3.A.1.C-USA-j'], 6],
  1846. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Calves', ['3.A.1.C-USA-k'], 6],
  1847. # Other livestock
  1848. ['2. Sheep', ['3.A.2'], 3],
  1849. ['3. Swine', ['3.A.3'], 3],
  1850. ['4. Other livestock', ['3.A.4'], 3],
  1851. ['Buffalo', ['3.A.4.a'], 4],
  1852. ['Camels', ['3.A.4.b'], 4],
  1853. ['Deer', ['3.A.4.c'], 4],
  1854. ['Goats', ['3.A.4.d'], 4],
  1855. ['Horses', ['3.A.4.e'], 4],
  1856. ['Mules and Asses', ['3.A.4.f'], 4],
  1857. ['Poultry', ['3.A.4.g'], 4],
  1858. ['Other (please specify)', ['3.A.4.h'], 4],
  1859. ['Rabbit', ['3.A.4.h.i'], 5],
  1860. ['Reindeer', ['3.A.4.h.ii'], 5],
  1861. ['Ostrich', ['3.A.4.h.iii'], 5],
  1862. ['Fur-bearing Animals', ['3.A.4.h.iv'], 5],
  1863. ['Other', ['3.A.4.h.v'], 5],
  1864. # Manure Management
  1865. ['B. Manure management', ['3.B'], 2],
  1866. ['1. Cattle(1)', ['3.B.1'], 3],
  1867. ['Option A:', ['\IGNORE'], 4],
  1868. ['Dairy cattle', ['3.B.1.Aa'], 5],
  1869. ['Non-dairy cattle', ['3.B.1.Ab'], 5],
  1870. ['Option B:', ['\IGNORE'], 4],
  1871. ['Mature dairy cattle', ['3.B.1.Ba'], 5],
  1872. ['Other mature cattle', ['3.B.1.Bb'], 5],
  1873. ['Growing cattle', ['3.B.1.Bc'], 5],
  1874. ['Option C (country-specific):', ['\IGNORE'], 4],
  1875. # all countries not specified explicitly
  1876. ['\C!-AUS-MLT-LUX-POL-SVN-USA\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1877. # Australia
  1878. ['\C-AUS\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1879. ['\C-AUS\ Dairy Cattle', ['3.B.1.C-AUS-a'], 6],
  1880. ['\C-AUS\ Beef Cattle - Pasture', ['3.B.1.C-AUS-b'], 6],
  1881. ['\C-AUS\ Beef Cattle - Feedlot', ['3.B.1.C-AUS-c'], 6],
  1882. # Malta
  1883. ['\C-MLT\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1884. ['\C-MLT\ dairy cows', ['3.B.1.C-MLT-a'], 6],
  1885. ['\C-MLT\ non-lactating cows', ['3.B.1.C-MLT-b'], 6],
  1886. ['\C-MLT\ bulls', ['3.B.1.C-MLT-c'], 6],
  1887. ['\C-MLT\ calves', ['3.B.1.C-MLT-d'], 6],
  1888. ['\C-MLT\ growing cattle 1-2 years', ['3.B.1.C-MLT-e'], 6],
  1889. # Luxembourg
  1890. ['\C-LUX\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1891. ['\C-LUX\ Bulls', ['3.B.1.C-LUX-a'], 6],
  1892. ['\C-LUX\ Calves', ['3.B.1.C-LUX-b'], 6],
  1893. ['\C-LUX\ Young Cattle', ['3.B.1.C-LUX-c'], 6],
  1894. ['\C-LUX\ Suckler Cows', ['3.B.1.C-LUX-d'], 6],
  1895. ['\C-LUX\ Bulls under 2 years', ['3.B.1.C-LUX-e'], 6],
  1896. ['\C-LUX\ Dairy Cows', ['3.B.1.C-LUX-f'], 6],
  1897. # Poland
  1898. ['\C-POL\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1899. ['\C-POL\ Non-dairy Cattle', ['3.B.1.C-POL-a'], 6],
  1900. ['\C-POL\ Dairy Cattle', ['3.B.1.C-POL-b'], 6],
  1901. # Slovenia
  1902. ['\C-SVN\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1903. ['\C-SVN\ Dairy cows', ['3.B.1.C-SVN-a'], 6],
  1904. ['\C-SVN\ Non-dairy cattle', ['3.B.1.C-SVN-b'], 6],
  1905. ['\C-SVN\ Other cows', ['3.B.1.C-SVN-c'], 6],
  1906. # USA
  1907. ['\C-USA\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)', ['3.B.1.C'], 5],
  1908. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Cattle', ['\IGNORE'], 6],
  1909. ['\C-USA\ Non-Dairy Cattle', ['\IGNORE'], 6],
  1910. ['\C-USA\ Steer Stocker', ['3.B.1.C-USA-a'], 6],
  1911. ['\C-USA\ Heifer Stocker', ['3.B.1.C-USA-b'], 6],
  1912. ['\C-USA\ Beef Cows', ['3.B.1.C-USA-c'], 6],
  1913. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Replacements', ['3.B.1.C-USA-d'], 6],
  1914. ['\C-USA\ Beef Replacements', ['3.B.1.C-USA-e'], 6],
  1915. ['\C-USA\ Steer Feedlot', ['3.B.1.C-USA-f'], 6],
  1916. ['\C-USA\ Heifer Feedlot', ['3.B.1.C-USA-g'], 6],
  1917. ['\C-USA\ Bulls', ['3.B.1.C-USA-h'], 6],
  1918. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Cows', ['3.B.1.C-USA-i'], 6],
  1919. ['\C-USA\ Beef Calves', ['3.B.1.C-USA-j'], 6],
  1920. ['\C-USA\ Dairy Calves', ['3.B.1.C-USA-k'], 6],
  1921. # other animals
  1922. ['2. Sheep', ['3.B.2'], 3],
  1923. ['3. Swine', ['3.B.3'], 3],
  1924. ['4. Other livestock', ['3.B.4'], 3],
  1925. ['Buffalo', ['3.B.4.a'], 4],
  1926. ['Camels', ['3.B.4.b'], 4],
  1927. ['Deer', ['3.B.4.c'], 4],
  1928. ['Goats', ['3.B.4.d'], 4],
  1929. ['Horses', ['3.B.4.e'], 4],
  1930. ['Mules and Asses', ['3.B.4.f'], 4],
  1931. ['Poultry', ['3.B.4.g'], 4],
  1932. ['Other (please specify)', ['3.B.4.h'], 4],
  1933. ['Rabbit', ['3.B.4.h.i'], 5],
  1934. ['Reindeer', ['3.B.4.h.ii'], 5],
  1935. ['Ostrich', ['3.B.4.h.iii'], 5],
  1936. ['Fur-bearing Animals', ['3.B.4.h.iv'], 5],
  1937. ['Other', ['3.B.4.h.v'], 5],
  1938. ['5. Indirect N2O emissions', ['3.B.5'], 3],
  1939. ],
  1940. "coords_defaults": {
  1941. "type": "Total",
  1942. },
  1943. }, # tested
  1944. "Table3s2": { # Agriculture summary sheet 2
  1945. "status": "tested",
  1946. "table": {
  1947. "firstrow": 5,
  1948. "lastrow": 18,
  1949. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  1950. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND",
  1951. "categories": ["category"],
  1952. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  1953. "stop_cats": [".", np.nan],
  1954. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  1955. },
  1956. "sector_mapping": [
  1957. ['C. Rice cultivation', ['3.C']],
  1958. ['D. Agricultural soils(2) (3) (4)', ['3.D']],
  1959. ['E. Prescribed burning of savannahs', ['3.E']],
  1960. ['E. Prescribed burning of savannas', ['3.E']],
  1961. ['F. Field burning of agricultural residues', ['3.F']],
  1962. ['G. Liming', ['3.G']],
  1963. ['H. Urea application', ['3.H']],
  1964. ['I. Other carbon-containing fertilizers', ['3.I']],
  1965. ['J. Other (please specify)', ['3.J']],
  1966. ['NOx from Manure Management', ['3.J.1']],
  1967. ['3.B NOx Emissions', ['3.J.1']],
  1968. ['NOx from 3B', ['3.J.1']],
  1969. ['NOX emissions from manure management', ['3.J.1']],
  1970. ['NOx from manure management', ['3.J.1']],
  1971. ['Other', ['3.J.2']],
  1972. ['Other UK emissions', ['3.J.2']],
  1973. ['Other non-specified', ['3.J.2']],
  1974. ['OTs and CDs - Livestock', ['3.J.3']],
  1975. ['OTs and CDs - soils', ['3.J.4']],
  1976. ['OTs and CDs - other', ['3.J.5']],
  1977. ['Digestate renewable raw material (storage of N)', ['3.J.6']],
  1978. ['Digestate renewable raw material (atmospheric deposition)', ['3.J.7']],
  1979. ['Digestate renewable raw material (storage of dry matter)', ['3.J.8']],
  1980. ['NOx from Livestock', ['3.J.9']],
  1981. ],
  1982. "coords_defaults": {
  1983. "type": "Total",
  1984. },
  1985. }, # tested
  1986. "Table3.C": { # rice cultivation details
  1987. "status": "tested",
  1988. "table": {
  1989. "firstrow": 5,
  1990. "lastrow": 21,
  1991. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  1992. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  1993. "categories": ["category"],
  1994. "cols_to_ignore": [
  1996. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Organic amendments added(3)',
  1998. ],
  1999. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  2000. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2001. },
  2002. "sector_mapping": [
  2003. ['1. Irrigated', ['3.C.1']],
  2004. ['Continuously flooded', ['3.C.1.a']],
  2005. ['Intermittently flooded Single aeration', ['3.C.1.a.i']],
  2006. ['Intermittently flooded Multiple aeration', ['3.C.1.b.ii']],
  2007. ['2. Rainfed', ['3.C.2']],
  2008. ['Flood prone', ['3.C.2.a']],
  2009. ['Drought prone', ['3.C.2.b']],
  2010. ['3. Deep water', ['3.C.3']],
  2011. ['Water depth 50–100 cm', ['3.C.3.a']],
  2012. ['Water depth > 100 cm', ['3.C.3.b']],
  2013. ['4. Other (please specify)', ['3.C.4']],
  2014. ['Non-specified', ['3.C.4.a']], # EST
  2015. ['Other', ['3.C.4.a']], # DEU
  2016. ['other', ['3.C.4.a']], # LVA
  2017. ['Other cultivation', ['3.C.4.a']], # CZE
  2018. ['Upland rice(4)', ['\IGNORE']],
  2019. ['Total(4)', ['\IGNORE']],
  2020. ],
  2021. "entity_mapping": {
  2022. 'EMISSIONS CH4': 'CH4',
  2023. },
  2024. "coords_defaults": {
  2025. "type": "Total",
  2026. },
  2027. }, # tested
  2028. "Table3.D": { # direct and indirect N2O from soils
  2029. "status": "tested",
  2030. "table": {
  2031. "firstrow": 5,
  2032. "lastrow": 21,
  2033. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2034. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2035. "categories": ["category"],
  2036. "cols_to_ignore": [
  2040. ],
  2041. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  2042. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2043. },
  2044. "sector_mapping": [
  2045. ['a. Direct N2O emissions from managed soils', ['3.D.a']],
  2046. ['1. Inorganic N fertilizers(3)', ['3.D.a,1']],
  2047. ['2. Organic N fertilizers(3)', ['3.D.a.2']],
  2048. ['a. Animal manure applied to soils', ['3.D.a.2.a']],
  2049. ['b. Sewage sludge applied to soils', ['3.D.a.2.b']],
  2050. ['c. Other organic fertilizers applied to soils', ['3.D.a.2.c']],
  2051. ['3. Urine and dung deposited by grazing animals', ['3.D.a.3']],
  2052. ['4. Crop residues', ['3.D.a.4']],
  2053. ['5. Mineralization/immobilization associated with loss/gain of soil organic matter (4)(5)', ['3.D.a.5']],
  2054. ['6. Cultivation of organic soils (i.e. histosols)(2)', ['3.D.a.6']],
  2055. ['7. Other', ['3.D.a.7']],
  2056. ['b. Indirect N2O Emissions from managed soils', ['3.D.b']],
  2057. ['1. Atmospheric deposition(6)', ['3.D.b.1']],
  2058. ['2. Nitrogen leaching and run-off', ['3.D.b.2']],
  2059. ],
  2060. "entity_mapping": {
  2061. 'EMISSIONS N2O': 'N2O',
  2062. },
  2063. "coords_defaults": {
  2064. "type": "Total",
  2065. },
  2066. }, # tested
  2067. "Table3.E": { # savanna burning details
  2068. "status": "tested",
  2069. "table": {
  2070. "firstrow": 5,
  2071. "lastrow": 14,
  2072. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2073. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2074. "categories": ["category"],
  2075. "cols_to_ignore": [
  2077. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Average above-ground biomass density',
  2079. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Fraction of savanna burned',
  2080. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Nitrogen fraction in biomass',
  2083. ],
  2084. "stop_cats": ["", ".", np.nan],
  2085. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2086. },
  2087. "sector_mapping": [
  2088. ['Forest land (specify ecological zone)(1)', ['3.E.1'], 0],
  2089. ['Savanna Grassland', ['3.E.1.b'], 1], # AUS
  2090. ['Savanna Woodland', ['3.E.1.a'], 1], # AUS
  2091. ['Forest land', ['3.E.1.a'], 1], # SWE, CHE, CZE, HRV
  2092. ['Luxembourg', ['3.E.1.c'], 1], # LUX
  2093. ['Other non-specified', ['3.E.1.d'], 1], # EST
  2094. ['All', ['3.E.1.d'], 1], # DNK, DNM, DKE
  2095. ['Unspecified', ['3.E.1.d'], 1], # DEU
  2096. ['forest land', ['3.E.1.a'], 1], # MLT
  2097. ['Zone', ['3.E.1.d'], 1], # LVA
  2098. ['Grassland (specify ecological zone)(1)', ['3.E.2'], 0],
  2099. ['Savanna Woodland', ['3.E.2.a'], 1], # AUS
  2100. ['Savanna Grassland', ['3.E.2.b'], 1], # AUS
  2101. ['Temperate Grassland', ['3.E.2.c'], 1], # AUS
  2102. ['Grassland', ['3.E.2.d'], 1], # SWE, CHE, CZE, HRV
  2103. ['Luxembourg', ['3.E.2.e'], 1], # LUX
  2104. ['Other non-specified', ['3.E.2.f'], 1], # EST
  2105. ['All', ['3.E.2.f'], 1], # DNK, DNM, DKE
  2106. ['Unspecified', ['3.E.2.f'], 1], # DEU
  2107. ['Tussock', ['3.E.2.g'], 1], # NZL
  2108. ['grassland', ['3.E.2.d'], 1], # MLT
  2109. ['Zone_', ['3.E.2.f'], 1], # LVA
  2110. ],
  2111. "entity_mapping": {
  2112. 'EMISSIONS (2) CH4': 'CH4',
  2113. 'EMISSIONS (2) N2O': 'N2O',
  2114. },
  2115. "coords_defaults": {
  2116. "type": "Total",
  2117. },
  2118. }, # tested
  2119. "Table3.F": { # field burning details
  2120. "status": "TODO",
  2121. "table": {
  2122. "firstrow": 5,
  2123. "lastrow": 30,
  2124. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2125. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2126. "categories": ["category"],
  2127. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  2128. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  2129. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2130. },
  2131. "sector_mapping": [
  2132. ],
  2133. "entity_mapping": [],
  2134. "coords_defaults": {
  2135. "type": "Total",
  2136. },
  2137. }, # TODO
  2138. "Table3.G-I": { # liming, urea, carbon containing fertilizer
  2139. "status": "TODO",
  2140. "table": {
  2141. "firstrow": 5,
  2142. "lastrow": 13,
  2143. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2144. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2145. "categories": ["category"],
  2146. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  2147. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  2148. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2149. },
  2150. "sector_mapping": [
  2151. ],
  2152. "entity_mapping": [],
  2153. "coords_defaults": {
  2154. "type": "Total",
  2155. },
  2156. }, # TODO
  2157. "Table4": { # LULUCF overview
  2158. "status": "tested",
  2159. "table": {
  2160. "firstrow": 5,
  2161. "lastrow": 29,
  2162. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  2163. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2164. "categories": ["category"],
  2165. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  2166. "stop_cats": ["", ".", np.nan],
  2167. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2168. },
  2169. "sector_mapping": [
  2170. ['4. Total LULUCF', ['4']],
  2171. ['A. Forest land', ['4.A']],
  2172. ['1. Forest land remaining forest land', ['4.A.1']],
  2173. ['2. Land converted to forest land', ['4.A.2']],
  2174. ['B. Cropland', ['4.B']],
  2175. ['1. Cropland remaining cropland', ['4.B.1']],
  2176. ['2. Land converted to cropland', ['4.B.2']],
  2177. ['C. Grassland', ['4.C']],
  2178. ['1. Grassland remaining grassland', ['4.C.1']],
  2179. ['2. Land converted to grassland', ['4.C.2']],
  2180. ['D. Wetlands(3)', ['4.D']],
  2181. ['1. Wetlands remaining wetlands', ['4.D.1']],
  2182. ['2. Land converted to wetlands', ['4.D.2']],
  2183. ['E. Settlements', ['4.E']],
  2184. ['1. Settlements remaining settlements', ['4.E.1']],
  2185. ['2. Land converted to settlements', ['4.E.2']],
  2186. ['F. Other land (4)', ['4.F']],
  2187. ['1. Other land remaining other land', ['4.F.1']],
  2188. ['2. Land converted to other land', ['4.F.2']],
  2189. ['G. Harvested wood products (5)', ['4.G']],
  2190. ['H. Other (please specify)', ['4.H']],
  2191. ['Land converted to Settlement', ['4.H.1']],
  2192. ['Reservoir of Petit-Saut in French Guiana', ['4.H.5']],
  2193. ['Biogenic NMVOCs from managed forest', ['4.H.4']],
  2194. ['All other', ['4.H.9']],
  2195. ['Luxembourg', ['4.H.8']],
  2196. ['Settlements Remaining Settlements', ['4.H.2']],
  2197. ['4.E Settlements', ['4.H.2']],
  2198. ['4.C Grassland', ['4.H.3']],
  2199. ['Settlements', ['4.H.2']],
  2200. ['Other', ['4.H.9']],
  2201. ['N2O Emissions from Aquaculture Use', ['4.H.6']],
  2202. ['CH4 from artificial water bodies', ['4.H.7']],
  2203. ],
  2204. "entity_mapping": {
  2205. 'CH4(2)': 'CH4',
  2206. 'N2O(2)': 'N2O',
  2207. 'Net CO2 emissions/removals(1), (2)': 'CO2',
  2208. },
  2209. "coords_defaults": {
  2210. "type": "Total",
  2211. },
  2212. }, # tested
  2213. # TODO: all other LULUCF tables
  2214. "Table5": { # Waste overview
  2215. "status": "tested",
  2216. "table": {
  2217. "firstrow": 5,
  2218. "lastrow": 27,
  2219. "header": ['entity', 'unit'],
  2220. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2221. "categories": ["category"],
  2222. "cols_to_ignore": [],
  2223. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  2224. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2225. },
  2226. "sector_mapping": [
  2227. ['Total waste', ['5']],
  2228. ['A. Solid waste disposal', ['5.A']],
  2229. ['1. Managed waste disposal sites', ['5.A.1']],
  2230. ['2. Unmanaged waste disposal sites', ['5.A.2']],
  2231. ['3. Uncategorized waste disposal sites', ['5.A.3']],
  2232. ['B. Biological treatment of solid waste', ['5.B']],
  2233. ['1. Composting', ['5.B.1']],
  2234. ['2. Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities', ['5.B.2']],
  2235. ['C. Incineration and open burning of waste', ['5.C']],
  2236. ['1. Waste incineration', ['5.C.1']],
  2237. ['2. Open burning of waste', ['5.C.2']],
  2238. ['D. Wastewater treatment and discharge', ['5.D']],
  2239. ['1. Domestic wastewater', ['5.D.1']],
  2240. ['2. Industrial wastewater', ['5.D.2']],
  2241. ['3. Other (as specified in table 5.D)', ['5.D.3']],
  2242. ['E. Other (please specify)', ['5.E']],
  2243. ['Other', ['5.E.5']], # EST, NOR
  2244. ['Recycling activities', ['5.E.1']], # NLD
  2245. ['Mechanical-Biological Treatment MBT', ['5.E.2']], # DEU
  2246. ['Accidental fires', ['5.E.3']], # DEU, DKE, DNK, DNM
  2247. ['Decomposition of Petroleum-Derived Surfactants', ['5.E.4']], # JPN
  2248. ['Other non-specified', ['5.E.5']], # USA
  2249. ['Biogas burning without energy recovery', ['5.E.6']], # PRT
  2250. ['Sludge spreading', ['5.E.7']], # ESP
  2251. ['Accidental combustion', ['5.E.3']], # ESP
  2252. ['Other waste', ['5.E.5']], # CZE
  2253. ['Memo item:(2)', ['\IGNORE']],
  2254. ['Long-term storage of C in waste disposal sites', ['M.Memo.LTSW']],
  2255. ['Annual change in total long-term C storage', ['M.Memo.ACLT']],
  2256. ['Annual change in total long-term C storage in HWP waste(3)', ['M.Memo.ACLTHWP']],
  2257. ],
  2258. "entity_mapping": {
  2259. 'CO2(1)': 'CO2',
  2260. },
  2261. "coords_defaults": {
  2262. "type": "Total",
  2263. },
  2264. }, # tested; memo items not read because of empty lines
  2265. "Table5.A": { # solid waste disposal
  2266. "status": "tested",
  2267. "table": {
  2268. "firstrow": 6,
  2269. "lastrow": 15,
  2270. "header": ['group', 'group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2271. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2272. "categories": ["category"],
  2273. "cols_to_ignore": [
  2279. 'EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CH4 Amount of CH4 flared',
  2280. 'EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CH4 Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)',
  2281. ],
  2282. "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
  2283. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2284. },
  2285. "sector_mapping": [
  2286. ['1. Managed waste disposal sites', ['5.1']],
  2287. ['a. Anaerobic', ['5.1.a']],
  2288. ['b. Semi-aerobic', ['5.1.b']],
  2289. ['2. Unmanaged waste disposal sites', ['5.2']],
  2290. ['3. Uncategorized waste disposal sites', ['5.3']],
  2291. ],
  2292. "entity_mapping": {
  2293. 'EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CH4 Emissions(2)': 'CH4',
  2294. 'EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CO2(4) Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)': 'CO2',
  2295. },
  2296. "coords_defaults": {
  2297. "type": "Total",
  2298. },
  2299. }, # tested
  2300. "Table5.B": { # Biological treatment of solid waste
  2301. "status": "tested",
  2302. "table": {
  2303. "firstrow": 5,
  2304. "lastrow": 16,
  2305. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2306. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2307. "categories": ["category"],
  2308. "cols_to_ignore": [
  2309. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Annual waste amount treated',
  2312. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 flared',
  2313. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)',
  2314. ],
  2315. "stop_cats": [".", "", np.nan],
  2316. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2317. },
  2318. "sector_mapping": [
  2319. ['1. Composting', ['5.B.1'], 0],
  2320. ['Municipal solid waste', ['5.B.1.a'], 1],
  2321. ['Other (please specify)(4)', ['5.B.1.b'], 1],
  2322. ['Organic wastes households', ['5.B.1.b.i'], 2], # NLD
  2323. ['Organic wastes from gardens and horticulture', ['5.B.1.b.ii'], 2], # NLD
  2324. ['Food and garden waste', ['5.B.1.b.ii'], 2], # DNM, DNK, DKE
  2325. ['Industrial Solid Waste', ['5.B.1.b.iii'], 2], # POL
  2326. ['Home composting', ['5.B.1.b.iv'], 2], # NOR
  2327. ['Mixed waste', ['5.B.1.b.v'], 2], # LTU
  2328. ['Other waste', ['5.B.1.b.v'], 2], # SWE
  2329. ['Sludge', [''], 2], # HUN, EST
  2330. ['Textile', ['5.B.1.b.vii'], 2], # EST
  2331. ['Wood', ['5.B.1.b.viii'], 2], # EST
  2332. ['Organic', ['5.B.1.b.ix'], 2], # EST
  2333. ['Paper', ['5.B.1.b.x'], 2], # EST
  2334. ['Other_SW', ['5.B.1.b.v'], 2], # CZE
  2335. ['MBA treated MSW', ['5.B.1.b.xi'], 2], # LUX
  2336. ['Specific Agricultural and Industrial Waste', ['5.B.1.b.xii'], 2], # UKR
  2337. ['Industrial solid waste and constr. waste', ['5.B.1.b.xiii'], 2], # FIN
  2338. ['Municipal sludge', ['5.B.1.b.xiv'], 2], # FIN
  2339. ['Industrial sludge', ['5.B.1.b.xv'], 2], # FIN
  2340. ['Open air composting', ['5.B.1.b.xvi'], 2], # LIE
  2341. ['Industrial Waste', ['5.B.1.b.xvii'], 2], # JPN
  2342. ['Human Waste and Johkasou sludge', ['5.B.1.b.xviii'], 2], # JPN
  2343. ['2. Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities(3)', ['5.B.2'], 0],
  2344. ['Municipal solid waste', ['5.B.2.a'], 1],
  2345. ['Other (please specify)(4)', ['5.B.2.b'], 1],
  2346. ['Organic wastes households', ['5.B.2.b.i'], 2], # NLD
  2347. ['Organic wastes from gardens and horticulture', ['5.B.2.b.ii'], 2], # NLD
  2348. ['Animal manure and other organic waste', ['5.B.2.b.iii'], 2], # DNM, DNK, DKE
  2349. ['sewage sludge', ['5.B.2.b.iv'], 2], # LTU
  2350. ['Other waste', ['5.B.2.b.v'], 2], # SWE
  2351. ['Agricultural biogas facilities', [''], 2], # CHE
  2352. ['Other biogases from anaerobic fermentation', ['5.B.2.b.vii'], 2], # HUN
  2353. ['Sludge', ['5.B.2.b.iv'], 2], # EST
  2354. ['Anaerobic Digestion On-Farm and at Wastewater Treatment Facilities', ['5.B.2.b.viii'], 2], # USA
  2355. ['Other_AD', ['5.B.2.b.v'], 2], # CZE
  2356. ['Biogenic waste incl. wastes from Agriculture (manure)', ['5.B.2.b.ix'], 2], # LUX
  2357. ['Industrial solid waste and constr. waste', ['5.B.2.b.x'], 2], # FIN
  2358. ['Municipal sludge', ['5.B.2.b.xi'], 2], # FIN
  2359. ['Industrial sludge', ['5.B.2.b.xii'], 2], # FIN
  2360. ],
  2361. "entity_mapping": {
  2362. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Emissions(2)': 'CH4',
  2363. 'EMISSIONS N2O Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)': 'N2O',
  2364. },
  2365. "coords_defaults": {
  2366. "type": "Total",
  2367. },
  2368. }, # tested
  2369. "Table5.C": { # Waste incineration and open burning
  2370. "status": "tested",
  2371. "table": {
  2372. "firstrow": 5,
  2373. "lastrow": 38,
  2374. "header": ['group', 'group', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2375. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2376. "categories": ["category"],
  2377. "cols_to_ignore": [
  2378. 'ACTIVITY DATA Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned)',
  2379. 'IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CO2',
  2380. 'IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CH4',
  2381. 'IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) N2O',
  2382. ],
  2383. "stop_cats": [".", "", np.nan],
  2384. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2385. },
  2386. "sector_mapping": [
  2387. ['1. Waste Incineration', ['5.C.1'], 0],
  2388. ['Biogenic (1)', ['5.C.1.a'], 1],
  2389. ['Municipal solid waste', ['5.C.1.a.i'], 2],
  2390. ['Other (please specify)(2)', ['5.C.1.a.ii'], 2],
  2391. ['Industrial Solid Wastes', ['5.C.1.a.ii.1'], 3],
  2392. ['Hazardous Waste', ['5.C.1.a.ii.2'], 3],
  2393. ['Clinical Waste', ['5.C.1.a.ii.3'], 3],
  2394. ['Sewage Sludge', ['5.C.1.a.ii.4'], 3],
  2395. ['Other (please specify)', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5'], 3],
  2396. ['Animal cremations', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.a'], 4], # DKE, DNK, DNM
  2397. ['Human cremations', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.b'], 4], # DKE, DNK, DNM
  2398. ['Cremation', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.c'], 4], # CHE, NOR, FRA, FRK
  2399. ['cremation', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.c'], 4], # DEU
  2400. ['Industrial waste', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.d'], 4], # NOR
  2401. ['Biogenic other waste', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.e'], 4], # EST
  2402. ['Biogenic waste other than Municipal Solid Waste', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.e'], 4], # ROU
  2403. ['Sludge', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.f'], 4], # JPN
  2404. ['Non-fossile liquid waste', ['5.C.1.a.ii.5.g'], 4], # JPN
  2405. ['Non-biogenic', ['5.C.1.b'], 1],
  2406. ['Municipal solid waste', ['5.C.1.b.i'], 2],
  2407. ['Other (please specify)(3)', ['5.C.1.b.ii'], 2],
  2408. ['Industrial Solid Wastes', ['5.C.1.b.ii.1'], 3],
  2409. ['Hazardous Waste', ['5.C.1.b.ii.2'], 3],
  2410. ['Clinical Waste', ['5.C.1.b.ii.3'], 3],
  2411. ['Sewage Sludge', ['5.C.1.b.ii.4'], 3],
  2412. ['Fossil liquid waste', ['5.C.1.b.ii.5'], 3],
  2413. ['Other (please specify)', ['5.C.1.b.ii.6'], 3],
  2414. ['Quarantine and other waste', ['5.C.1.b.ii.6.a'], 4], # NZL
  2415. ['Industrial waste', ['5.C.1.b.ii.6.b'], 4], # CHE
  2416. ['Chemical waste', ['5.C.1.b.ii.6.c'], 4], # GBR, GBK
  2417. ['Flaring in the chemical industry', ['5.C.1.a.ii.6.d'], 4], # BEL
  2418. ['Sludge', ['5.C.1.a.ii.6.e'], 4], # JPN
  2419. ['Solvents', ['5.C.1.a.ii.6.f'], 4], # GRC, AUS
  2420. ['2. Open burning of waste', ['5.C.2'], 0],
  2421. ['Biogenic (1)', ['5.C.2.a'], 1],
  2422. ['Municipal solid waste', ['5.C.2.a.i'], 2],
  2423. ['Other (please specify)', ['5.C.2.a.ii'], 2],
  2424. ['agricultural waste', ['5.C.2.a.ii.1'], 3], # ITA
  2425. ['Agricultural residues', ['5.C.2.a.ii.1'], 3], # ESP
  2426. ['Natural residues', ['5.C.2.a.ii.2'], 3], # CHE
  2427. ['Wood waste', ['5.C.2.a.ii.3'], 3], # GBR, GBK
  2428. ['Bonfires etc.', ['5.C.2.a.ii.4'], 3], # DEU
  2429. ['Bonfires', ['5.C.2.a.ii.4'], 3], # NLD, ISL
  2430. ['Other', ['5.C.2.a.ii.5'], 3], # EST
  2431. ['Other waste', ['5.C.2.a.ii.5'], 3], # CZE
  2432. ['Industrial Solid Waste', ['5.C.2.a.ii.6'], 3], # JPN
  2433. ['Non-biogenic', ['5.C.2.b'], 1],
  2434. ['Municipal solid waste', ['5.C.2.b.i'], 2],
  2435. ['Other (please specify)', ['5.C.2.b.ii'], 2],
  2436. ['Rural waste', ['5.C.2.b.ii.1'], 3], # NZL
  2437. ['Accidental fires (vehicles)', ['5.C.2.b.ii.2'], 3], # GBR, GBK
  2438. ['Accidental fires (buildings)', ['5.C.2.b.ii.3'], 3], # GBR, GBK
  2439. ['Bonfires', ['5.C.2.b.ii.4'], 3], # ISL
  2440. ['Other', ['5.C.2.b.ii.5'], 3], # EST
  2441. ['Other waste', ['5.C.2.b.ii.5'], 3], # CZE
  2442. ['Industrial Solid Waste', ['5.C.2.b.ii.6'], 3], # JPN
  2443. ],
  2444. "entity_mapping": {
  2445. 'EMISSIONS Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CH4': 'CH4',
  2446. 'EMISSIONS Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CO2': 'CO2',
  2447. 'EMISSIONS Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) N2O': 'N2O',
  2448. },
  2449. "coords_defaults": {
  2450. "type": "Total",
  2451. },
  2452. }, # tested
  2453. "Table5.D": { # Waste incineration and open burning
  2454. "status": "tested",
  2455. "table": {
  2456. "firstrow": 5,
  2457. "lastrow": 13,
  2458. "header": ['group', 'entity', 'entity', 'entity', 'unit'],
  2459. "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
  2460. "categories": ["category"],
  2461. "cols_to_ignore": [
  2462. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND RELATED INFORMATION Total organic product',
  2464. 'ACTIVITY DATA AND RELATED INFORMATION Sludge removed(1) N in effluent',
  2465. 'IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR CH4(2) N in effluent',
  2466. 'IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR N2O(3) N in effluent',
  2467. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 flared',
  2468. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 for Energy Recovery(5)',
  2469. ],
  2470. "stop_cats": [".", "", np.nan],
  2471. "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
  2472. },
  2473. "sector_mapping": [
  2474. ['1. Domestic wastewater', ['5.D.1']],
  2475. ['2. Industrial wastewater', ['5.D.2']],
  2476. ['3. Other (please specify)', ['5.D.3']],
  2477. ['Other', ['5.D.3.a']], # EST
  2478. ['Septic tanks', ['5.D.3.b']], # NLD
  2479. ['Wastewater Effluent', ['5.D.3.c']], # NLD
  2480. ['Fish farming', ['5.D.3.d']], # FIN
  2481. ['Uncategorized wastewater', ['5.D.3.a']], # CZE
  2482. ],
  2483. "entity_mapping": {
  2484. 'EMISSIONS CH4 Emissions(4)': 'CH4',
  2485. 'EMISSIONS N2O(3) Amount of CH4 for Energy Recovery(5)': 'N2O',
  2486. },
  2487. "coords_defaults": {
  2488. "type": "Total",
  2489. },
  2490. }, # tested
  2491. }