.copier-answers.yml 851 B

  1. # Changes here will be overwritten by Copier
  2. _commit: v0.3.0
  3. _src_path: ../../../helper_tools/copier-core-python-repository/
  4. email: mail@johannes-guetschow.de
  5. initial_setup: true
  6. name: Johannes Gütschow
  7. notebook_dependencies: false
  8. pandas_doctests: false
  9. plot_dependencies: true
  10. project_description_short: Reading country greenhouse gas data submitted to the United
  11. Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)in different submissions
  12. and formats and providing it in a standadized nc and csv format compatible with
  13. primap2. Data are read using different methods from APIs, xlsx and csv files as
  14. well as pdf files.
  15. project_name_human: Country greenhouse gas data submitted to the UNFCCC
  16. project_name_pip: unfccc-ghg-data
  17. project_name_python: unfccc_ghg_data
  18. project_url: https://github.com/JGuetschow/UNFCCC_non-AnnexI_data