# most time series are contained twice and 2005 data is also contained twice. Some # data is inconsistent and we remove the time series with errors drop_data = { 2: { # individual sector time series are (mostly) wrong, leave only 0.EL timeseries "cats": ["1", "1.A", "1.A.1", "1.A.1", "1.A.2", "1.A.3", "1.A.4", "1.A.5", "1.B", "1.B.1", "1.B.2", "2", "2.A", "2.B", "2.C", "2.D", "2.E", "2.F", "2.G", "2.H", "3", "3.A", "3.B"], #"years": ["2005"], # 2005 data copy of 2019 }, 3: { # individual sector time series are (mostly) wrong, leave only 0.EL timeseries "cats": ["3.C", "3.D", "3.E", "3.F", "3.G", "5", "5.A", "5.B", "5.C", "5.D", "6"] #"years": ["2005"], }, 6: { #2005 data copy of 2019 "years": ["2005"], }, 7: { # 2005 data copy of 2019 for 3.G "years": ["2005"], }, 25: { # 2005 data copy of 2019 (CO2, 2005-2019, first table) "years": ["2005"], }, 26: { # 2005 data copy of 2019 (CO2, 2005-2019, second table) "years": ["2005"], }, } cat_mapping = { '3': 'M.AG', '3.A': '3.A.1', '3.B': '3.A.2', '3.C': '3.C.7', # rice '3.D': 'M.3.C.45AG', # Agricultural soils '3.E': '3.C.1.c', # prescribed burning of savanna '3.F': '3.C.1.b', # field burning of agricultural residues '3.G': '3.C.3', # urea application '4': 'M.LULUCF', '4.A': '3.B.1', # forest '4.B': '3.B.2', # cropland '4.C': '3.B.3', # grassland '4.D': '3.B.4', # wetland '4.E': '3.B.5', # Settlements '4.F': '3.B.6', # other land '4.G': '3.D.1', # HWP '5': '4', '5.A': '4.A', '5.B': '4.B', '5.C': '4.C', '5.D': '4.D', '6': '5', } aggregate_cats = { '3.A': {'sources': ['3.A.1', '3.A.2'], 'name': 'Livestock'}, '3.B': {'sources': ['3.B.1', '3.B.2', '3.B.3', '3.B.4', '3.B.5', '3.B.6'], 'name': 'Land'}, 'M.3.C.1.AG': {'sources': ['3.C.1.c', '3.C.1.b'], 'name': 'Emissions from Biomass ' 'Burning (Agriculture)'}, '3.C.1': {'sources': ['3.C.1.c', '3.C.1.b'], 'name': 'Emissions from Biomass Burning'}, '3.C': {'sources': ['3.C.1', '3.C.3', 'M.3.C.45AG', '3.C.7'], 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land'}, 'M.3.C.AG': {'sources': ['3.C.1.AG', '3.C.3', 'M.3.C.45AG', '3.C.7'], 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land (Agriculture)'}, '3.D': {'sources': ['3.D.1'], 'name': 'Other'}, '3': {'sources': ['M.AG', 'M.LULUCF'], 'name': 'AFOLU'}, 'M.AG.ELV': {'sources': ['M.3.C.AG'], 'name': 'Agriculture excluding livestock emissions'}, '0': {'sources': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']}, }