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add CRF2024 specification and 2024 CRF tables for New Zealand (not submitted to UNFCCC)

Johannes Gütschow hace 6 meses
Se han modificado 36 ficheros con 2948 adiciones y 0 borrados
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      downloaded_data/UNFCCC/New_Zealand/CRF2024/Note about table8s1 to table8s4.txt
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downloaded_data/UNFCCC/New_Zealand/CRF2024/Note about table8s1 to table8s4.txt

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+Table8s1 to table8s4 do not include data from the previous submission or on recalculations. For this information please refer to chapter 10 of the national inventory report https://environment.govt.nz/facts-and-science/climate-change/new-zealands-greenhouse-gas-inventory/

+ 2 - 0

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from .crf2021_specification import CRF2021
 from .crf2022_specification import CRF2022
 from .crf2023_aus_specification import CRF2023_AUS
 from .crf2023_specification import CRF2023
+from .crf2024_specification import CRF2024
 from .crt1_specification import CRT1
 __all__ = [
@@ -13,5 +14,6 @@ __all__ = [
+    "CRF2024",

+ 2912 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2912 @@
+CRF2024 specification
+Currently not all tables are included. Extend if you need all country
+specific items in categories 2, 3.H-G, 4
+Tables included:
+* **Energy:** 'Table1s1', Table1s2',  'Table1.A(a)s1', 'Table1.A(a)s2',
+  'Table1.A(a)s3', 'Table1.A(a)s4', 'Table1.B.1', 'Table1.B.2', 'Table1.C'
+* **Industrial processes:** 'Table2(I)s1', 'Table2(I)s2', 'Table2(II)',
+* **Agriculture:** 'Table3s1', 'Table3s2', 'Table3.C', 'Table3.D', 'Table3.E',
+* **LULUCF:** 'Table4',
+* **Waste:** 'Table5', 'Table5.A', 'Table5.B', 'Table5.C', 'Table5.D'
+* **Summary:** 'Summary1.As1', 'Summary1.As2', 'Summary1.As3',
+Missing tables are:
+* **Energy:** 'Table1.A(b)', 'Table1.A(c)', 'Table1.A(d)', 'Table1.D'
+* **Industrial processes:** 'Table2(I).A-Hs1', 'Table2(I).A-Hs2', 'Table2(II)B-Hs1',
+  'Table2(II)B-Hs2',
+* **Agriculture:** 'Table3.As1', 'Table3.As2' (no additional emissions data),
+  'Table3.B(a)s1', 'Table3.B(a)s2', 'Table3.B(b)', 'Table3.F', 'Table3.G-I',
+* **LULUCF:** All tables except Table4
+* **Waste**: All tables read
+* **Summary:** 'Summary2', 'Summary3s1', 'Summary3s2',
+* **other:** 'Table6', 'Table7', 'Table8s1', 'Table8s2', 'Table8s3', 'Table8s4',
+  'Table9', 'Table10s1', 'Table10s2', 'Table10s3', 'Table10s4', 'Table10s5',
+  'Table10s6'
+## TODO:
+* Add missing tables
+* Add activity data
+import numpy as np
+from .util import unit_info
+# TODO: GWPs now differ by country. This has to be implemented (maybe giving
+#  gwp_to_use as a parameter to the specification)
+# GWPs used:
+# AR4GWP100:
+# AR5GWP100: CAN, NZL
+gwp_to_use = "AR5GWP100"
+CRF2024 = {
+    "Table1s1": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 26,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Total Energy", ["1"]],
+            ["A. Fuel combustion activities (sectoral approach)", ["1.A"]],
+            ["1. Energy industries", ["1.A.1"]],
+            ["a. Public electricity and heat production", ["1.A.1.a"]],
+            ["b. Petroleum refining", ["1.A.1.b"]],
+            ["c. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries", ["1.A.1.c"]],
+            ["2. Manufacturing industries and construction", ["1.A.2"]],
+            ["a. Iron and steel", ["1.A.2.a"]],
+            ["b. Non-ferrous metals", ["1.A.2.b"]],
+            ["c. Chemicals", ["1.A.2.c"]],
+            ["d. Pulp, paper and print", ["1.A.2.d"]],
+            ["e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco", ["1.A.2.e"]],
+            ["f. Non-metallic minerals", ["1.A.2.f"]],
+            ["g. Other (please specify)", ["1.A.2.g"]],
+            ["3. Transport", ["1.A.3"]],
+            ["a. Domestic aviation", ["1.A.3.a"]],
+            ["b. Road transportation", ["1.A.3.b"]],
+            ["c. Railways", ["1.A.3.c"]],
+            ["d. Domestic navigation", ["1.A.3.d"]],
+            ["e. Other transportation", ["1.A.3.e"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "NOX": "NOx",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1s2": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 36,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["4. Other sectors", ["1.A.4"]],
+            ["a. Commercial/institutional", ["1.A.4.a"]],
+            ["b. Residential", ["1.A.4.b"]],
+            ["c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing", ["1.A.4.c"]],
+            ["5. Other (as specified in table 1.A(a) sheet 4)", ["1.A.5"]],
+            ["a. Stationary", ["1.A.5.a"]],
+            ["b. Mobile", ["1.A.5.b"]],
+            ["B. Fugitive emissions from fuels", ["1.B"]],
+            ["1. Solid fuels", ["1.B.1"]],
+            ["a. Coal mining and handling", ["1.B.1.a"]],
+            ["b. Solid fuel transformation", ["1.B.1.b"]],
+            ["c. Other (as specified in table 1.B.1)", ["1.B.1.c"]],
+            [
+                "2. Oil and natural gas and other emissions from energy production",
+                ["1.B.2"],
+            ],
+            ["a. Oil", ["1.B.2.a"]],
+            ["b. Natural gas", ["1.B.2.b"]],
+            ["c. Venting and flaring", ["1.B.2.c"]],
+            ["d. Other (as specified in table 1.B.2)", ["1.B.2.d"]],
+            ["C. CO2 Transport and storage", ["1.C"]],
+            ["1. Transport of CO2", ["1.C.1"]],
+            ["2. Injection and storage", ["1.C.2"]],
+            ["3. Other", ["1.C.3"]],
+            ["Memo items: (1)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+            ["International bunkers", ["M.Memo.Int"]],
+            ["Aviation", ["M.Memo.Int.Avi"]],
+            ["Navigation", ["M.Memo.Int.Mar"]],
+            ["Multilateral operations", ["M.Memo.Mult"]],
+            ["CO2 emissions from biomass", ["M.Memo.Bio"]],
+            ["CO2 captured", ["M.Memo.CO2Cap"]],
+            ["For domestic storage", ["M.Memo.CO2Cap.Dom"]],
+            ["For storage in other countries", ["M.Memo.CO2Cap.Exp"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "NOX": "NOx",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.A(a)s1": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 6,
+            "lastrow": 104,  # template, countries report less
+            # check the resulting data as the templates have nan rows
+            # which would stop the reading process (actual reported
+            # data does not seem to have the nan rows)
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category", "class"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS N2O",
+                "EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1.A. Fuel combustion", ["1.A", "Total"], 0],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A", "Liquid"], 1],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A", "Solid"], 1],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A", "Gaseous"], 1],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A", "OtherFF"], 1],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A", "Peat"], 1],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A", "Biomass"], 1],
+            # 1.A.1. Energy industries
+            ["1.A.1. Energy industries", ["1.A.1", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.1", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.1", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.1", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.1", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.1", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.1", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # a. Public electricity and heat production
+            ["a. Public electricity and heat production(7)", ["1.A.1.a", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.1.a", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.1.a", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.1.a", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.1.a", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.1.a", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.1.a", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.1.a.i Electricity Generation
+            ["1.A.1.a.i Electricity Generation", ["1.A.1.a.i", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.i", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.i", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.i", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.i", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.a.i", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.i", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # 1.A.1.a.ii Combined heat and power generation
+            [
+                "1.A.1.a.ii Combined heat and power generation",
+                ["1.A.1.a.ii", "Total"],
+                3,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.ii", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.ii", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.a.ii", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.ii", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # 1.A.1.a.iii heat plants
+            ["1.A.1.a.iii Heat plants", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.iii", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # 1.A.1.a.iv Other (please specify)
+            ["1.A.1.a.iv Other (please specify)", ["1.A.1.a.iv", "Total"], 3],
+            # AUT
+            [
+                "Total Public Electricity and Heat Production",
+                ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Total"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Liquid"], 5],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Solid"], 5],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Gaseous"], 5],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Peat"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # DEU
+            [
+                "1.A.1.a Public Electricity and Heat Production",
+                ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Total"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Liquid"], 5],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Solid"], 5],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Gaseous"], 5],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Peat"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.iv.4", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # ESP
+            ["Other", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "Total"], 4],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "Liquid"], 5],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "Solid"], 5],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "Gaseous"], 5],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "Peat"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.iv.3", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # SVK
+            ["Methane Cogeneration (Mining)", ["1.A.1.a.iv.1", "Total"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.1", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            [
+                "Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (Energy use)",
+                ["1.A.1.a.iv.2", "Total"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.2", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.iv.2", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # CHE
+            [
+                "Municipal and special waste incineration plants",
+                ["1.A.1.a.iv.2", "Total"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.a.iv.2", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.a.iv.2", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # b. Petroleum refining
+            ["b. Petroleum refining", ["1.A.1.b", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.1.b", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.1.b", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.1.b", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.1.b", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.1.b", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.1.b", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # c. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries
+            [
+                "c. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries(8)",
+                ["1.A.1.c", "Total"],
+                2,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.1.c", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.1.c", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.1.c", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.1.c", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.1.c", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.1.c", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.1.c.i Manufacture of solid fuels
+            ["1.A.1.c.i Manufacture of solid fuels", ["1.A.1.c.i", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.i", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.i", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.i", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.i", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.c.i", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.c.i", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # 1.A.1.c.ii Oil and gas extraction
+            ["1.A.1.c.ii Oil and gas extraction", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.c.ii", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # 1.A.1.c.iii Other energy industries
+            ["1.A.1.c.iii Other energy industries", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.c.iii", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # 1.A.1.c.iv Other (please specify)
+            ["1.A.1.c.iv Other (please specify)", ["1.A.1.c.iv", "Total"], 3],
+            # DEU
+            [
+                "1.A.1.c Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries",
+                ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "Total"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "Liquid"], 5],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "Solid"], 5],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "Gaseous"], 5],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "Peat"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.c.iv.2", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # ESP
+            ["Other", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "Total"], 4],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "Liquid"], 5],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "Solid"], 5],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "Gaseous"], 5],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "Peat"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.c.iv.3", "Biomass"], 5],
+            # CYP
+            ["Charcoal Production", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "Total"], 4],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "Liquid"], 5],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "Solid"], 5],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "Gaseous"], 5],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "OtherFF"], 5],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "Peat"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.1.c.iv.1", "Biomass"], 5],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS CO2(2)": "CO2",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.A(a)s2": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 114,  # template, countries report less
+            # check the resulting data as the templates have nan rows
+            # which would stop the reading process (actual reported
+            # data does not seem to have the nan rows)
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category", "class"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS N2O",
+                "EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1.A.2 Manufacturing industries and construction", ["1.A.2", "Total"], 0],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2", "Liquid"], 1],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2", "Solid"], 1],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2", "Gaseous"], 1],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2", "OtherFF"], 1],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2", "Peat"], 1],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2", "Biomass"], 1],
+            # a. Iron and Steel
+            ["a. Iron and steel", ["1.A.2.a", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2.a", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2.a", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2.a", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2.a", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2.a", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2.a", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # b. non-ferrous metals
+            ["b. Non-ferrous metals", ["1.A.2.b", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2.b", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2.b", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2.b", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2.b", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2.b", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2.b", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # c. Chemicals
+            ["c. Chemicals", ["1.A.2.c", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2.c", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2.c", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2.c", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2.c", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2.c", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2.c", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # d. Pulp paper print
+            ["d. Pulp, paper and print", ["1.A.2.d", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2.d", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2.d", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2.d", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2.d", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2.d", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2.d", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco
+            ["e. Food processing, beverages and tobacco", ["1.A.2.e", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2.e", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2.e", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2.e", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2.e", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2.e", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2.e", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # f. non-metallic minerals
+            ["f. Non-metallic minerals", ["1.A.2.f", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.2.f", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.2.f", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.2.f", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.2.f", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.2.f", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.2.f", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # g. other
+            ["g. Other (please specify)(9)", ["1.A.2.g", "Total"], 1],
+            # 1.A.2.g.i Manufacturing of machinery
+            ["1.A.2.g.i Manufacturing of machinery", ["1.A.2.g.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.i", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.ii Manufacturing of transport equipment
+            [
+                "1.A.2.g.ii Manufacturing of transport equipment",
+                ["1.A.2.g.ii", "Total"],
+                2,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.ii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.iii Mining (excluding fuels) and quarrying
+            [
+                "1.A.2.g.iii Mining (excluding fuels) and quarrying",
+                ["1.A.2.g.iii", "Total"],
+                2,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.iii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.iv Wood and wood products
+            ["1.A.2.g.iv Wood and wood products", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.v Construction
+            ["1.A.2.g.v Construction", ["1.A.2.g.v", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.v", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.v", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.v", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.v", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.v", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.v", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.vi Textile and leather
+            ["1.A.2.g.vi Textile and leather", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.vi", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.vii Off-road vehicles and other machinery
+            [
+                "1.A.2.g.vii Off-road vehicles and other machinery",
+                ["1.A.2.g.vii", "Total"],
+                2,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.vii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.vii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.2.g.viii Other (please specify)
+            ["1.A.2.g.viii Other (please specify)", ["1.A.2.g.viii", "Total"], 2],
+            # DKE
+            ["Construction", ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"], 3],  # (empty)
+            ["Mining", ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"], 3],  # (empty)
+            # DNK, DKE, USA, CZE
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # SVK, CYP
+            ["Non-specified Industry", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # BEL
+            ["Other non specified", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # PRT, LTU
+            ["Non-specified industry", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # MLT
+            ["Undefined Industry", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # TUR
+            ["Other unspecified", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # DKE
+            ["Textile", ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"], 3],  # (empty)
+            # DNK, DNM, FIN, DKE
+            ["Other manufacturing industries", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # CAN
+            ["Other Manufacturing", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # AUT, LUX
+            ["Other Manufacturing Industries", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # NOR
+            ["Other manufacturing", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # AUS
+            ["All Other Manufacturing", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # NLD
+            ["Other Industrial Sectors", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # GBR, GBK
+            ["Other industry (not specified above)", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # UKR
+            ["Oter Industries", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # RUS
+            ["Other industries", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # RUS
+            ["Non-CO2 emissions from BFG combustion", ["1.A.2.g.viii.5", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.5", "Solid"], 4],
+            # BLR, DNK, ESP, LVA, NZL, POL, ROU, SVN,
+            ["Other", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.10", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # BLR
+            ["Manufacture and construction Aggregated", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # HRV
+            ["Other Industry", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # HRV
+            ["1A2 Total for 1990 to 2000", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # MLT
+            ["All Industry", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.2", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # PRT
+            ["Rubber", ["1.A.2.g.viii.6", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.6", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.6", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.6", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.6", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.6", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # SWE
+            [
+                "All stationary combustin within CRF 1.A.2.g",
+                ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "Total"],
+                3,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.7", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # IRL
+            ["Other stationary combustion", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # HUN
+            ["Other Stationary Combustion", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Peat"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.8", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # CHE
+            ["Other Boilers and Engines Industry", ["1.A.2.g.viii.9", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.9", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.9", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.9", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.2.g.viii.9", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.2.g.viii.9", "Biomass"], 4],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS CO2(2)": "CO2",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.A(a)s3": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 115,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category", "class"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS N2O",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": [
+                "Note: All footnotes for this table are given at the end of the table on sheet 4.",
+                np.nan,
+            ],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1.A.3 Transport", ["1.A.3", "Total"], 0],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.3", "Liquid"], 1],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.3", "Solid"], 1],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3", "Gaseous"], 1],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.3", "OtherFF"], 1],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3", "Biomass"], 1],
+            # a. Domestic Aviation
+            ["a. Domestic aviation(10)", ["1.A.3.a", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Aviation gasoline", ["1.A.3.a", "AvGasoline"], 2],
+            ["Jet kerosene", ["1.A.3.a", "JetKerosene"], 2],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.a", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # b. road Transportation
+            ["b. Road transportation(11)", ["1.A.3.b", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b", "Gasoline"], 2],
+            ["Diesel oil", ["1.A.3.b", "DieselOil"], 2],
+            ["Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b", "LPG"], 2],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b", "OtherLiquid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.b", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.b", "Biomass"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.3.b", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            # i. Cars
+            ["i. Cars", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Gasoline"], 3],
+            ["Diesel oil", ["1.A.3.b.i", "DieselOil"], 3],
+            ["Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.i", "LPG"], 3],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OtherLiquid"], 3],
+            ["Kerosene", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Kerosene"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Lubricants"], 4],  # UKR, JPN
+            ["Lubricant oil", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Lubricants"], 4],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.i", "OLBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # CAN
+            ["Fossil part of biodiesel", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OLBiodieselFC"], 4],  # LTU
+            ["Other", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OLOther"], 4],  # UKR, MLT
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OLOther"], 4],  # CYP
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OLOther"], 4],  # SWE new in 2023
+            ["Other motor fuels", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OMotorFuels"], 4],  # RUS
+            ["Lubricants in 2-stroke engines", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Lubricants"], 4],  # HUN
+            ["LNG", ["1.A.3.b.i", "LNG"], 4],  ## USA
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.b.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFOther"], 4],  # CYP, POL
+            ["Biodiesel (fossil component)", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # LUX
+            ["Biodiesel fossil fraction", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # NOR
+            ["Biodiesel (fossil fraction)", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # NZL
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # SWE
+            ["fossil part of biofuels", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # CZE
+            [
+                "fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # DKE, DNK, HRV
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # DNM, BEL, HUN, LVA, ESP
+            ["Fossil part of biogasoline", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiogasolineFC"], 4],  # BEL
+            ["Natural Gas", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFNaturalGas"], 4],  # USA
+            ["Fossil part of biofuel", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # IRL
+            ["Other", ["1.A.3.b.i", "OFFOther"], 4],  # MLT
+            # ii. Light duty trucks
+            ["ii. Light duty trucks", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Gasoline"], 3],
+            ["Diesel oil", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "DieselOil"], 3],
+            ["Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "LPG"], 3],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OtherLiquid"], 3],
+            ["Kerosene", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Kerosene"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Lubricants"], 4],  # UKR, JPN
+            ["Lubricant Oil", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Lubricants"], 4],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OLBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # CAN
+            ["Other", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OLOther"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OLOther"], 4],  # CYP
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OLOther"], 4],  # SWE new in 2023
+            ["Other motor fuels", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OMotorFuels"], 4],  # RUS
+            ["LNG", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "LNG"], 4],  ## USA
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFOther"], 4],  # CYP, POL
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (fossil component)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # LUX
+            ["Biodiesel fossil fraction", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # NOR
+            ["Biodiesel (fossil fraction)", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # NZL
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # SWE
+            ["fossil part of biofuels", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # CZE
+            [
+                "fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # DKE, DNK, HRV
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # DNM, BEL, HUN, LVA, ESP
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiogasolineFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # BEL
+            ["Fossil part of biofuel", ["1.A.3.b.ii", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # IRL
+            # iii. Heavy duty trucks and buses
+            ["iii. Heavy duty trucks and buses", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Gasoline"], 3],
+            ["Diesel oil", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "DieselOil"], 3],
+            ["Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "LPG"], 3],
+            ["Other liquid fFuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OtherLiquid"], 3],
+            ["Kerosene", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Kerosene"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Lubricants"], 4],  # UKR, JPN
+            ["Lubricant Oil", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Lubricants"], 4],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OLBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # CAN
+            ["Other", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OLOther"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OLOther"], 4],  # CYP
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OLOther"], 4],  # SWE new in 2023
+            ["Other motor fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OMotorFuels"], 4],  # RUS
+            ["LNG", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "LNG"], 4],  # USA
+            ["GTL", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "GTL"], 4],  # MCO, new in 2022
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFOther"], 4],  # CYP, POL
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (fossil component)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # LUX
+            ["Biodiesel fossil fraction", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # NOR
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (fossil fraction)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # NZL
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # SWE
+            ["fossil part of biofuels", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # CZE
+            [
+                "fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # DKE, DNK, HRV
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # DNM, BEL, HUN. LVA, ESP
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiogasolineFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # BEL
+            ["Fossil part of biofuel", ["1.A.3.b.iii", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # IRL
+            # iv. Motorcycles
+            ["iv. Motorcycles", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Gasoline"], 3],
+            ["Diesel oil", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "DieselOil"], 3],
+            ["Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "LPG"], 3],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OtherLiquid"], 3],
+            ["Kerosene", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Kerosene"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Lubricants"], 4],  # UKR, JPN, HRV
+            ["Lubricant Oil", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Lubricants"], 4],  # PRT
+            ["Other", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OLOther"], 4],  # UKR (and probably others)
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OLOther"], 4],  # CYP
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OLOther"], 4],  # SWE new in 2023
+            ["Lube", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Lubricants"], 4],  # MCO
+            ["Lubricants in 2-stroke engines", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Lubricants"], 4],  # HUN
+            ["Lubricants (two-stroke engines)", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Lubricants"], 4],  # ESP
+            ["lubricants", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Lubricants"], 4],  # SVN
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFOther"], 4],  # CYP
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel or biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # PRT
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # SWE
+            ["fossil part of biofuels", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # CZE
+            ["Fossil part of biodiesel", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # BEL
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiogasolineFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # BEL
+            ["Fossil part of biodiese", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],  # LVA
+            ["Fossil part of biofuel", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # IRL
+            ["fossil part of biodiesel", ["1.A.3.b.iv", "OFFBiofuelFC"], 4],  # HRV
+            # v. Other
+            ["v. Other (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v", "Total"], 2],
+            # TUR
+            ["Road total", ["1.A.3.b.v.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.v.1", "Gasoline"], 4],
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.b.v.1", "DieselOil"], 4],
+            ["Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.v.1", "LPG"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # CYP
+            ["Buses", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "Gasoline"], 4],
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "DieselOil"], 4],
+            ["Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "LPG"], 4],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "Biomass"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.2", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            # GBK, GBR
+            ["All vehicles - biofuel use", ["1.A.3.b.v.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            ["All vehicles - LPG use", ["1.A.3.b.v.4", "Total"], 4],
+            ["Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.v.4", "LPG"], 4],
+            [
+                "All vehicles - biofuel use (fossil component)",
+                ["1.A.3.b.v.5", "Total"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.5", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            # CAN
+            ["Propane and Natural Gas Vehicles", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "Gasoline"], 4],
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "DieselOil"], 4],
+            ["Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "LPG"], 4],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "Biomass"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.6", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            # BEL
+            ["Lubricant Two-Stroke Engines", ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "Lubricants"], 3],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            # ROU
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.8", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.8", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.9", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.9", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["Other Kerosene", ["1.A.3.b.v.9", "Kerosene"], 5],
+            ["Heating and Other Gasoil", ["1.A.3.b.v.9", "HeatingGasoil"], 5],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.10", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.10", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # DEU
+            [
+                "CO2 from lubricant co-incineration in 2-stroke road vehicles",
+                ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "Total"],
+                3,
+            ],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["lubricant used in 2-stroke mix", ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "Lubricants"], 5],
+            # USA
+            ["Evaporative Emissions", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "Gasoline"], 4],
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "DieselOil"], 4],
+            ["Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "LPG"], 4],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "Biomass"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.11", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            # SVK
+            ["Urea-based catalysts", ["1.A.3.b.v.12", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.b.v.12", "DieselOil"], 4],
+            # ESP
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "Gasoline"], 4],
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "DieselOil"], 4],
+            ["Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "LPG"], 4],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "Biomass"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.13", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            # BGR
+            ["Urea", ["1.A.3.b.v.12", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.12", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.b.v.7", "OtherLiquid"], 4],
+            # c. Railways
+            ["c. Railways", ["1.A.3.c", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.3.c", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.3.c", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.c", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.c", "Biomass"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.c", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Biodiesel (fossil component)", ["1.A.3.c", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 3],  # LUX
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.c", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                3,
+            ],  # SWE
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel",
+                ["1.A.3.c", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                3,
+            ],  # LVA, new in 2022
+            ["Other fossil fuels", ["1.A.3.c", "OFFOther"], 3],  # ROU, new in 2022
+            # d. Domestic navigation
+            ["d. Domestic Navigation(10)", ["1.A.3.d", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Residual fuel oil", ["1.A.3.d", "ResFuelOil"], 2],
+            ["Gas/diesel oil", ["1.A.3.d", "GasDieselOil"], 2],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.3.d", "Gasoline"], 2],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.3.d", "OtherLiquid"], 2],
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.3.d", "Lubricants"], 3],  # UKR, JPN
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)",
+                ["1.A.3.d", "OLBiodieselFC"],
+                3,
+            ],  # CAN
+            ["Light Fuel Oil", ["1.A.3.d", "LightFuelOil"], 3],  # CAN
+            ["Kerosene and stove oil", ["1.A.3.d", "KeroseStoveOil"], 3],  # CAN
+            ["Kerosene", ["1.A.3.d", "Kerosene"], 3],  # DKE, DNK
+            ["Natural Gas Liquids", ["1.A.3.d", "NGL"], 3],  # DKE, DNK
+            ["Fossil part of biodiesel", ["1.A.3.d", "OLBiodieselFC"], 3],  # LTU
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.d", "OLOther"], 3],  # SWE
+            ["Other motor fuels", ["1.A.3.d", "OMotorFuels"], 3],  # RUS
+            ["Fuel oil A", ["1.A.3.d", "FuelOilA"], 3],  # JPN
+            ["Fuel oil B", ["1.A.3.d", "FuelOilB"], 3],  # JPN
+            ["Fuel oil C", ["1.A.3.d", "FuelOilC"], 3],  # JPN
+            ["Diesel Oil", ["1.A.3.d", "OLDiesel"], 3],  # FIN
+            ["Other Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.d", "OLOther"], 3],  # ROU, new in 2022
+            ["Heating and Other Gasoil", ["1.A.3.d", "OLHeatingOtherGasoil"], 3],
+            # ROU, new in 2023
+            ["Liquified Petroleum Gas", ["1.A.3.d", "OLLPG"], 3],  # ROU, new in 2023
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.d", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.d", "Biomass"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.3.d", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Liquified natural gas", ["1.A.3.d", "LNG"], 3],  # DKE, DNK, DNM
+            ["Biodiesel (fossil component)", ["1.A.3.d", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 3],  # LUX
+            ["Coal", ["1.A.3.d", "OFFCoal"], 3],  # NZL, NDL
+            ["fossil part of biodiesel", ["1.A.3.d", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 3],  # AUT
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.3.d", "OFFBioGasDieselFC"],
+                3,
+            ],  # SWE
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.d", "OFFSolid"], 3],  # AUS
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.d", "OFFOther"], 3],  # ROU, new in 2022
+            # e. other transportation
+            # keep details also for top category as it's present
+            ["e. Other transportation (please specify)", ["1.A.3.e", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.3.e", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.3.e", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.e", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.3.e", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.e", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # i. pipeline
+            ["i. Pipeline transport", ["1.A.3.e.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.3.e.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.3.e.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.3.e.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.3.e.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.3.e.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # ii other
+            ["ii. Other (please specify)", ["1.A.3.e.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            # UKR, SWE
+            ["Off-road vehicles and other machinery", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # GBR, GBK
+            ["Aircraft support vehicles", ["1.A.3.e.ii.2", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.2", "Liquid"], 4],
+            # CAN
+            ["Off Road", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # LTU
+            ["Off-road transport", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # BEL
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # AUS
+            ["Off-Road Vehicles", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.1", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # USA
+            ["Non-Transportation Mobile", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # AUT (new in 2022)
+            ["Airport ground activities", ["1.A.3.e.ii.2", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.4", "Biomass"], 4],
+            # ROU, new in 2022
+            ["Other", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Liquid"], 4],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Solid"], 4],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Gaseous"], 4],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "OtherFF"], 4],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.3.e.ii.3", "Biomass"], 4],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS CO2(2)": "CO2",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.A(a)s4": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 127,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category", "class"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "AGGREGATE ACTIVITY DATA Consumption",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS N2O",
+                "EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1.A.4 Other sectors", ["1.A.4", "Total"], 0],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.4", "Liquid"], 1],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.4", "Solid"], 1],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4", "Gaseous"], 1],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.4", "OtherFF"], 1],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.4", "Peat"], 1],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4", "Biomass"], 1],
+            # a. Commercial/institutional(12)
+            ["a. Commercial/institutional(12)", ["1.A.4.a", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.4.a", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.4.a", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4.a", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.4.a", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.4.a", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4.a", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # 1.A.4.a.i Stationary combustion
+            ["1.A.4.a.i Stationary combustion", ["1.A.4.a.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.4.a.i", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.4.a.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.4.a.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery
+            [
+                "1.A.4.a.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery",
+                ["1.A.4.a.ii", "Total"],
+                2,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.4.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.4.a.iii Other (please specify)
+            ["1.A.4.a.iii Other (please specify)", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.4.a.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # b. Residential(13)
+            ["b. Residential(13)", ["1.A.4.b", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.4.b", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.4.b", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4.b", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.4.b", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.4.b", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4.b", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # 1.A.4.b.i Stationary combustion
+            ["1.A.4.b.i Stationary combustion", ["1.A.4.b.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.4.b.i", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.4.b.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.4.b.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery
+            [
+                "1.A.4.b.ii Off-road vehicles and other machinery",
+                ["1.A.4.b.ii", "Total"],
+                2,
+            ],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.4.b.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # 1.A.4.b.iii Other (please specify)
+            ["1.A.4.b.iii Other (please specify)", ["1.A.4.b.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            # CYP, USA
+            ["Residential", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "Total"], 3],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.4.b.iii.1", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing
+            ["c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing", ["1.A.4.c", "Total"], 1],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.4.c", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.4.c", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4.c", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.4.c", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.4.c", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4.c", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # i. Stationary
+            ["i. Stationary", ["1.A.4.c.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.4.c.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid fuels", ["1.A.4.c.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4.c.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels(4)", ["1.A.4.c.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat(5)", ["1.A.4.c.i", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4.c.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # ii. Off-road vehicles and other machinery
+            ["ii. Off-road vehicles and other machinery", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Gasoline"], 3],
+            ["Diesel oil", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "DieselOil"], 3],
+            ["Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "LPG"], 3],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OtherLiquid"], 3],
+            ["Other Kerosene", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Kerosene"], 4],  # HRV
+            ["Lubricants", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Lubricants"], 4],  # HRV
+            ["Gasoil", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Gasoil"], 4],  # FIN
+            ["Marine gasoil", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "MarineGasoil"], 4],  # NOR
+            ["heavy fuel oil", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "HeavyFuelOil"], 4],  # NOR
+            ["Other motor fuels", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OMotorFuels"], 4],  # RUS
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)",
+                ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OLBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # CAN
+            ["Lubricating Oil (Two-Stroke Engines)", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Lubricants"], 4],
+            # CAN new in 2023
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["fossil part of biodiesel", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"], 4],
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                4,
+            ],
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (fossil component)",
+                ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OFFBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # LUX
+            ["Alkylate Gasoline", ["1.A.4.c.ii", "OFFAlkylateGasoline"], 4],  # LIE
+            # iii. Fishing
+            ["iii. Fishing", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Residual fuel oil", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "ResFuelOil"], 3],
+            ["Gas/diesel oil", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "GasDieselOil"], 3],
+            ["Gasoline", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "Gasoline"], 3],
+            ["Other liquid fuels (please specify)", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "OtherLiquid"], 3],
+            [
+                "Biodiesel (5 percent fossil portion)",
+                ["1.A.4.c.iii", "OLBiodieselFC"],
+                4,
+            ],  # CAN
+            ["Gaseous fuels", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other fossil fuels (please specify)(4)", ["1.A.4.c.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            [
+                "Fossil part of biodiesel and biogasoline",
+                ["1.A.4.c.iii", "OFFBiofuelFC"],
+                3,
+            ],
+            # 1.A.5 Other (Not specified elsewhere)(14)
+            ["1.A.5 Other (Not specified elsewhere)(14)", ["1.A.5", "Total"], 0],
+            # a. Stationary (please specify)
+            ["a. Stationary (please specify)", ["1.A.5.a", "Total"], 1],
+            # temp
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a", "Peat"], 2],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # temp
+            # GBK, GBR
+            ["Military fuel use", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # TUR
+            ["Liquid fuels", ["1.A.5.a", "Liquid"], 2],
+            # ESP, FIN, SWE
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # ROU, SVK, RUS
+            ["Other", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # FRA, FRK
+            ["Other not specified", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # CYP
+            ["Other (not specified elsewhere)", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # NOR, HUN
+            ["Military", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.i", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.i", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Non-fuel Use", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # DNM, DKE, DNK
+            ["Other stationary combustion", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # LUX
+            ["Stationary", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # USA
+            ["Incineration of Waste", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["U.S. Territories", ["1.A.5.a.v", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.v", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.v", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.v", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.v", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.v", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.v", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Non Energy Use", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.a.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # b. Mobile (please specify)
+            ["b. Mobile (please specify)", ["1.A.5.b", "Total"], 1],
+            # temp
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b", "Liquid"], 2],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b", "Solid"], 2],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b", "Gaseous"], 2],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b", "OtherFF"], 2],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b", "Biomass"], 2],
+            # temp
+            # GBK, GBR
+            ["Military aviation and naval shipping", ["1.A.5.b.i", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.i", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # HRV
+            ["Military aviation component", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Military water-borne component", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # ESP, FIN
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # NLD, DKE, DNM, DNK, SWE, UKR
+            ["Military use", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # AUT, NOR, USA, CHE, HUN, LTU
+            ["Military", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # PRT
+            ["Military Aviation", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # ROU, MLT
+            ["Other", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # FRA, FRK
+            ["Other not specified", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Peat", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Peat"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # CYP
+            ["1A5b i Mobile (aviation component)", ["1.A.5.b.vi", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.vi", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # GBK, GBR
+            ["Lubricants used in 2-stroke engines", ["1.A.5.b.vii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.vii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # DNM, DKE, DNK
+            ["Recreational crafts", ["1.A.5.b.viii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.viii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.viii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.viii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.viii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.viii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # SVK
+            ["Military use Jet Kerosene", ["1.A.5.b.ix", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ix", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Military Gasoline", ["1.A.5.b.x", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.x", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.ix", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Military Diesel Oil", ["1.A.5.b.xi", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xi", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.xi", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # BEL
+            ["Military Use", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # AUS
+            ["Military Transport", ["1.A.5.b.xii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.xii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # CZE
+            ["Agriculture and Forestry and Fishing", ["1.A.5.b.xiii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xiii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xiii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xiii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.xiii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.xiii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Other mobile sources not included elsewhere", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # SVN
+            ["Military use of fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.v", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # LUX
+            ["Unspecified Mobile", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # LVA
+            ["Mobile", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # CAN
+            ["Domestic Military (Aviation)", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.ii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            ["Military Water-borne Navigation", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["Solid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Solid"], 3],
+            ["Gaseous Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Gaseous"], 3],
+            ["Other Fossil Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "OtherFF"], 3],
+            ["Biomass", ["1.A.5.b.iii", "Biomass"], 3],
+            # CZE, new in 2022
+            ["i. Mobile (aviation component)", ["1.A.5.b.vi", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.vi", "Liquid"], 3],
+            ["iii. Mobile (other)", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Total"], 2],
+            ["Liquid Fuels", ["1.A.5.b.iv", "Liquid"], 3],
+            # Information Item
+            ["Information item:(15)", ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"], 0],
+            [
+                "Waste incineration with energy recovery included as:",
+                ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"],
+                1,
+            ],
+            ["Biomass(6)", ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"], 1],
+            ["Fossil fuels(4)", ["\\IGNORE", "\\IGNORE"], 1],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS CO2(2)": "CO2",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.B.1": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 19,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA Amount of fuel produced",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2",
+                "EMISSIONS CH4 Recovery/Flaring(2)",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. B. 1. a. Coal mining and handling", ["1.B.1.a"], 0],
+            ["i. Underground mines(4)", ["1.B.1.a.i"], 1],
+            ["Mining activities", ["1.B.1.a.i.1"], 2],
+            ["Post-mining activities", ["1.B.1.a.i.2"], 2],
+            ["Abandoned underground mines", ["1.B.1.a.i.3"], 2],
+            ["ii. Surface mines(4)", ["1.B.1.a.ii"], 1],
+            ["Mining activities", ["1.B.1.a.ii.1"], 2],
+            ["Post-mining activities", ["1.B.1.a.ii.2"], 2],
+            ["1. B. 1. b. Solid fuel transformation(5)", ["1.B.1.b"], 0],
+            ["1. B. 1. c. Other (please specify)(6)", ["1.B.1.c"], 0],
+            ["Flaring", ["1.B.1.c.i"], 1],  # UKR, AUS
+            ["Flaring of gas", ["1.B.1.c.i"], 1],  # SWE
+            ["Coal Dumps", ["1.B.1.c.ii"], 1],  # JPN
+            ["Uncontrolled combustion and burning coal dumps", ["1.B.1.c.ii"], 1],
+            # JPN since 2023
+            ["SO2 scrubbing", ["1.B.1.c.iii"], 1],  # SVN
+            ["Flaring of coke oven gas", ["1.B.1.c.iv"], 1],  # KAZ
+            ["Emisson from Coke Oven Gas Subsystem", ["1.B.1.c.iv"], 1],  # POL
+            ["Other", ["1.B.1.c.v"], 1],  # ROU, new in 2022
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4 Emissions(3)": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS CO2 Emissions": "CO2",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.B.2": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 33,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA(1) Description(1)",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA(1) Unit(1)",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA(1) Value",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2(2)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS N2O",
+                "EMISSIONS CO2 Amount captured",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": [".", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. B. 2. a. Oil(6)", ["1.B.2.a"], 0],
+            ["1. Exploration", ["1.B.2.a.1"], 1],
+            ["2. Production(7)", ["1.B.2.a.2"], 1],
+            ["3. Transport", ["1.B.2.a.3"], 1],
+            ["4. Refining/storage", ["1.B.2.a.4"], 1],
+            ["5. Distribution of oil products", ["1.B.2.a.5"], 1],
+            ["6. Other", ["1.B.2.a.6"], 1],
+            ["1. B. 2. b. Natural gas", ["1.B.2.b"], 0],
+            ["1. Exploration", ["1.B.2.b.1"], 1],
+            ["2. Production(7)", ["1.B.2.b.2"], 1],
+            ["3. Processing", ["1.B.2.b.3"], 1],
+            ["4. Transmission and storage", ["1.B.2.b.4"], 1],
+            ["5. Distribution", ["1.B.2.b.5"], 1],
+            ["6. Other", ["1.B.2.b.6"], 1],
+            ["1. B. 2. c. Venting and flaring", ["1.B.2.c"], 0],
+            ["Venting", ["1.B.2.c-ven"], 1],
+            ["i. Oil", ["1.B.2.c-ven.i"], 2],
+            ["ii. Gas", ["1.B.2.c-ven.ii"], 2],
+            ["iii. Combined", ["1.B.2.c-ven.iii"], 2],
+            ["Flaring(8)", ["1.B.2.c-fla"], 1],
+            ["i. Oil", ["1.B.2.c-fla.i"], 2],
+            ["ii. Gas", ["1.B.2.c-fla.ii"], 2],
+            ["iii. Combined", ["1.B.2.c-fla.iii"], 2],
+            ["1.B.2.d. Other (please specify)(9)", ["1.B.2.d"], 0],
+            ["Groundwater extraction and CO2 mining", ["1.B.2.d.i"], 1],  # HUN
+            ["Geothermal", ["1.B.2.d.ii"], 1],  # NOR, DEU, PRT, NZL
+            ["Geothermal Energy", ["1.B.2.d.ii"], 1],  # ISL
+            ["Geothermal Generation", ["1.B.2.d.ii"], 1],  # JPN
+            ["Geotherm", ["1.B.2.d.ii"], 1],  # ITA
+            ["City Gas Production", ["1.B.2.d.iii"], 1],  # PRT
+            ["Other", ["1.B.2.d.iv"], 1],  # UKR, ROU
+            ["Other non-specified", ["1.B.2.d.iv"], 1],  # SWE
+            ["Flaring in refineries", ["1.B.2.d.v"], 1],  # ITA
+            ["LPG transport", ["1.B.2.d.vi"], 1],  # GRC
+            ["Distribution of town gas", ["1.B.2.d.vii"], 1],  # FIN
+            ["Petrol distribution", ["1.B.2.d.viii"], 1],  # IRL
+            ["Natural Gas Transport", ["1.B.2.d.ix"], 1],  # BLR
+            ["Natural gas exploration - N2O emissions", ["1.B.2.d.x"], 1],  # GBR, GBK
+            ["flue gas desulfurisation", ["1.B.2.d.xi"], 1],  # GBR, GBK, new in 2022
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4 (4) Amount captured": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS CO2 Emissions(3)": "CO2",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O Amount captured": "N2O",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.C": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 24,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA CO2 transported or injected(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CO2",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. Transport of CO2", ["1.C.1"]],
+            ["a. Pipelines", ["1.C.1.a"]],
+            ["b. Ships", ["1.C.1.b"]],
+            ["c. Other", ["1.C.1.c"]],
+            ["2. Injection and storage(3)", ["1.C.2"]],
+            ["a. Injection", ["1.C.2.a"]],
+            ["b. Storage", ["1.C.2.b"]],
+            ["3. Other", ["1.C.3"]],
+            ["Information item(4, 5)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+            ["Total amount captured for storage", ["M.Info.A.TACS"]],
+            ["Total amount of imports for storage", ["M.Info.A.TAIS"]],
+            ["Total A", ["M.Info.A"]],
+            ["Total amount of exports for storage", ["M.Info.B.TAES"]],
+            ["Total amount of CO2 injected at storage sites", ["M.Info.B.TAI"]],
+            ["Total leakage from transport, injection and storage", ["M.Info.B.TLTIS"]],
+            ["Total B", ["M.Info.B"]],
+            ["Difference (A-B)(6)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CO2(2)": "CO2",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table1.D": {
+        "status": "TODO",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 20,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category", "class"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [],
+        "entity_mapping": [],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # TODO
+    "Table2(I)s1": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 31,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["industry"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Total industrial processes", ["2"]],
+            ["A. Mineral industry", ["2.A"]],
+            ["1. Cement production", ["2.A.1"]],
+            ["2. Lime production", ["2.A.2"]],
+            ["3. Glass production", ["2.A.3"]],
+            ["4. Other process uses of carbonates", ["2.A.4"]],
+            ["B. Chemical industry", ["2.B"]],
+            ["1. Ammonia production", ["2.B.1"]],
+            ["2. Nitric acid production", ["2.B.2"]],
+            ["3. Adipic acid production", ["2.B.3"]],
+            ["4. Caprolactam, glyoxal and glyoxylic acid production", ["2.B.4"]],
+            ["5. Carbide production", ["2.B.5"]],
+            ["6. Titanium dioxide production", ["2.B.6"]],
+            ["7. Soda ash production", ["2.B.7"]],
+            ["8. Petrochemical and carbon black production", ["2.B.8"]],
+            ["9. Fluorochemical production", ["2.B.9"]],
+            ["10. Other (as specified in table 2(I).A-H)", ["2.B.10"]],
+            ["C. Metal industry", ["2.C"]],
+            ["1. Iron and steel production", ["2.C.1"]],
+            ["2. Ferroalloys production", ["2.C.2"]],
+            ["3. Aluminium production", ["2.C.3"]],
+            ["4. Magnesium production", ["2.C.4"]],
+            ["5. Lead production", ["2.C.5"]],
+            ["6. Zinc production", ["2.C.6"]],
+            ["7. Other (as specified in table 2(I).A-H)", ["2.C.7"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "HFCs(1)": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "PFCs(1)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table2(I)s2": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 29,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["industry"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["D. Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use", ["2.D"]],
+            ["1. Lubricant use", ["2.D.1"]],
+            ["2. Paraffin wax use", ["2.D.2"]],
+            ["3. Other", ["2.D.3"]],
+            ["E. Electronics industry", ["2.E"]],
+            ["1. Integrated circuit or semiconductor", ["2.E.1"]],
+            ["2. TFT flat panel display", ["2.E.2"]],
+            ["3. Photovoltaics", ["2.E.3"]],
+            ["4. Heat transfer fluid", ["2.E.4"]],
+            ["5. Other (as specified in table 2(II))", ["2.E.5"]],
+            ["F. Product uses as substitutes for ODS(2)", ["2.F"]],
+            ["1. Refrigeration and air conditioning", ["2.F.1"]],
+            ["2. Foam blowing agents", ["2.F.2"]],
+            ["3. Fire protection", ["2.F.3"]],
+            ["4. Aerosols", ["2.F.4"]],
+            ["5. Solvents", ["2.F.5"]],
+            ["6. Other applications", ["2.F.6"]],
+            ["G. Other product manufacture and use", ["2.G"]],
+            ["1. Electrical equipment", ["2.G.1"]],
+            ["2. SF6 and PFCs from other product use", ["2.G.2"]],
+            ["3. N2O from product uses", ["2.G.3"]],
+            ["4. Other", ["2.G.4"]],
+            ["H. Other (as specified in tables 2(I).A-H and 2(II))(3)", ["2.H"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "HFCs(1)": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "PFCs(1)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table2(I).A-Hs1": {
+        "status": "TODO",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 40,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [],
+        "entity_mapping": [],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # TODO
+    "Table2(I).A-Hs2": {
+        "status": "TODO",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 36,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [],
+        "entity_mapping": [],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # TODO
+    "Table2(II)": {
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 38,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": [".", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["fgases"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Total actual emissions of halocarbons (by chemical) and SF6", ["2"]],
+            ["B. Chemical industry", ["2.B"]],
+            ["9. Flurochemical production", ["2.B.9"]],
+            ["By-product emissions", ["2.B.9.a"]],
+            ["Fugitive emissions", ["2.B.9.b"]],
+            ["10. Other", ["2.B.10"]],
+            ["C. Metal industry", ["2.C"]],
+            ["3. Aluminium production", ["2.C.3"]],
+            ["4. Magnesium production", ["2.C.4"]],
+            ["7. Other", ["2.C.7"]],
+            ["E. Electronics industry", ["2.E"]],
+            ["1. Integrated circuit or semiconductor", ["2.E.1"]],
+            ["2. TFT flat panel display", ["2.E.2"]],
+            ["3. Photovoltaics", ["2.E.3"]],
+            ["4. Heat transfer fluid", ["2.E.4"]],
+            ["5. Other (as specified in table 2(II))", ["2.E.5"]],
+            ["F. Product uses as substitutes for ODS(2)", ["2.F"]],
+            ["1. Refrigeration and air conditioning", ["2.F.1"]],
+            ["2. Foam blowing agents", ["2.F.2"]],
+            ["3. Fire protection", ["2.F.3"]],
+            ["4. Aerosols", ["2.F.4"]],
+            ["5. Solvents", ["2.F.5"]],
+            ["6. Other applications", ["2.F.6"]],
+            ["G. Other product manufacture and use", ["2.G"]],
+            ["1. Electrical equipment", ["2.G.1"]],
+            ["2. SF6 and PFCs from other product use", ["2.G.2"]],
+            ["4. Other", ["2.G.4"]],
+            ["H. Other (please specify)", ["2.H"]],
+            ["2.H.1 Pulp and paper", ["2.H.1"]],
+            ["2.H.2 Food and beverages industry", ["2.H.2"]],
+            ["2.H.3 Other (please specify)", ["2.H.3"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "C 3F8": "C3F8",
+            #'C10F18' 'C2F6' 'C4F10' 'C5F12' 'C6F14' 'CF4'
+            "HFC-125": "HFC125",
+            "HFC-134": "HFC134",
+            "HFC-134a": "HFC134a",
+            "HFC-143": "HFC143",
+            "HFC-143a": "HFC143a",
+            "HFC-152": "HFC152",
+            "HFC-152a": "HFC152a",
+            "HFC-161": "HFC161",
+            "HFC-227ea": "HFC227ea",
+            "HFC-23": "HFC23",
+            "HFC-236cb": "HFC236cb",
+            "HFC-236ea": "HFC236ea",
+            "HFC-236fa": "HFC236fa",
+            "HFC-245ca": "HFC245ca",
+            "HFC-245fa": "HFC245fa",
+            "HFC-32": "HFC32",
+            "HFC-365mfc": "HFC365mfc",
+            "HFC-41": "HFC41",
+            "HFC-43-10mee": "HFC4310mee",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs (1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of PFCs (1)": f"UnspMixOfPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "c-C3F6": "cC3F6",
+            "c-C4F8": "cC4F8",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table3s1": {  # Agriculture summary sheet 1
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 75,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["3. Total agriculture", ["3"], 0],
+            # I. Livestock
+            ["I. Livestock", ["M.3.LV"], 1],
+            # A. Enteric fermentation
+            ["A. Enteric fermentation", ["3.A"], 2],
+            ["1. Cattle(1)", ["3.A.1"], 3],
+            ["Option A:", ["\\IGNORE"], 4],
+            ["Dairy cattle", ["3.A.1.Aa"], 5],
+            ["Non-dairy cattle", ["3.A.1.Ab"], 5],
+            ["Option B:", ["\\IGNORE"], 4],
+            ["Mature dairy cattle", ["3.A.1.Ba"], 5],
+            ["Other mature cattle", ["3.A.1.Bb"], 5],
+            ["Growing cattle", ["3.A.1.Bc"], 5],
+            ["Option C (country-specific):", ["\\IGNORE"], 4],
+            # all countries not specified explcitly
+            [
+                "\\C!-AUS-MLT-LUX-POL-SVN-USA\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)",
+                ["3.A.1.C"],
+                5,
+            ],
+            # Australia
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)", ["3.A.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Dairy Cattle", ["3.A.1.C-AUS-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Beef Cattle - Pasture", ["3.A.1.C-AUS-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Beef Cattle - Feedlot", ["3.A.1.C-AUS-c"], 6],
+            # malta
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)", ["3.A.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ dairy cows", ["3.A.1.C-MLT-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ non-lactating cows", ["3.A.1.C-MLT-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ bulls", ["3.A.1.C-MLT-c"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ calves", ["3.A.1.C-MLT-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ growing cattle 1-2 years", ["3.A.1.C-MLT-e"], 6],
+            # Luxembourg
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)", ["3.A.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Bulls", ["3.A.1.C-LUX-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Calves", ["3.A.1.C-LUX-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Young Cattle", ["3.A.1.C-LUX-c"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Suckler Cows", ["3.A.1.C-LUX-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Bulls under 2 years", ["3.A.1.C-LUX-e"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Dairy Cows", ["3.A.1.C-LUX-f"], 6],
+            # Poland
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)", ["3.A.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Bulls (older than 2 years)", ["3.A.1.C-POL-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Non-dairy Heifers (older than 2 years)", ["3.A.1.C-POL-b"], 6],
+            [
+                "\\C-POL\\ Non-dairy Young Cattle (younger than 1 year)",
+                ["3.A.1.C-POL-c"],
+                6,
+            ],
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Dairy Cattle", ["3.A.1.C-POL-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Non-dairy Young Cattle (1-2 years)", ["3.A.1.C-POL-e"], 6],
+            # Slovenia
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)", ["3.A.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Dairy cows", ["3.A.1.C-SVN-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Non-dairy cattle", ["3.A.1.C-SVN-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Other cows", ["3.A.1.C-SVN-c"], 6],
+            # USA
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).A)", ["3.A.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Steer Stocker", ["3.A.1.C-USA-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Heifer Stocker", ["3.A.1.C-USA-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Beef Cows", ["3.A.1.C-USA-c"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Replacements", ["3.A.1.C-USA-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Beef Replacements", ["3.A.1.C-USA-e"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Steer Feedlot", ["3.A.1.C-USA-f"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Heifer Feedlot", ["3.A.1.C-USA-g"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Bulls", ["3.A.1.C-USA-h"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Cows", ["3.A.1.C-USA-i"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Beef Calves", ["3.A.1.C-USA-j"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Calves", ["3.A.1.C-USA-k"], 6],
+            # Other livestock
+            ["2. Sheep", ["3.A.2"], 3],
+            ["3. Swine", ["3.A.3"], 3],
+            ["4. Other livestock", ["3.A.4"], 3],
+            ["Buffalo", ["3.A.4.a"], 4],
+            ["Camels", ["3.A.4.b"], 4],
+            ["Deer", ["3.A.4.c"], 4],
+            ["Goats", ["3.A.4.d"], 4],
+            ["Horses", ["3.A.4.e"], 4],
+            ["Mules and Asses", ["3.A.4.f"], 4],
+            ["Poultry", ["3.A.4.g"], 4],
+            ["Other (please specify)", ["3.A.4.h"], 4],
+            ["Rabbit", ["3.A.4.h.i"], 5],
+            ["Reindeer", ["3.A.4.h.ii"], 5],
+            ["Ostrich", ["3.A.4.h.iii"], 5],
+            ["Fur-bearing Animals", ["3.A.4.h.iv"], 5],
+            ["Other", ["3.A.4.h.v"], 5],
+            # Manure Management
+            ["B. Manure management", ["3.B"], 2],
+            ["1. Cattle(1)", ["3.B.1"], 3],
+            ["Option A:", ["\\IGNORE"], 4],
+            ["Dairy cattle", ["3.B.1.Aa"], 5],
+            ["Non-dairy cattle", ["3.B.1.Ab"], 5],
+            ["Option B:", ["\\IGNORE"], 4],
+            ["Mature dairy cattle", ["3.B.1.Ba"], 5],
+            ["Other mature cattle", ["3.B.1.Bb"], 5],
+            ["Growing cattle", ["3.B.1.Bc"], 5],
+            ["Option C (country-specific):", ["\\IGNORE"], 4],
+            # all countries not specified explicitly
+            [
+                "\\C!-AUS-MLT-LUX-POL-SVN-USA\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)",
+                ["3.B.1.C"],
+                5,
+            ],
+            # Australia
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)", ["3.B.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Dairy Cattle", ["3.B.1.C-AUS-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Beef Cattle - Pasture", ["3.B.1.C-AUS-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-AUS\\ Beef Cattle - Feedlot", ["3.B.1.C-AUS-c"], 6],
+            # Malta
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)", ["3.B.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ dairy cows", ["3.B.1.C-MLT-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ non-lactating cows", ["3.B.1.C-MLT-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ bulls", ["3.B.1.C-MLT-c"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ calves", ["3.B.1.C-MLT-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-MLT\\ growing cattle 1-2 years", ["3.B.1.C-MLT-e"], 6],
+            # Luxembourg
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)", ["3.B.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Bulls", ["3.B.1.C-LUX-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Calves", ["3.B.1.C-LUX-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Young Cattle", ["3.B.1.C-LUX-c"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Suckler Cows", ["3.B.1.C-LUX-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Bulls under 2 years", ["3.B.1.C-LUX-e"], 6],
+            ["\\C-LUX\\ Dairy Cows", ["3.B.1.C-LUX-f"], 6],
+            # Poland
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)", ["3.B.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Non-dairy Cattle", ["3.B.1.C-POL-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-POL\\ Dairy Cattle", ["3.B.1.C-POL-b"], 6],
+            # Slovenia
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)", ["3.B.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Dairy cows", ["3.B.1.C-SVN-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Non-dairy cattle", ["3.B.1.C-SVN-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-SVN\\ Other cows", ["3.B.1.C-SVN-c"], 6],
+            # USA
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Other (as specified in table 3(I).B)", ["3.B.1.C"], 5],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Cattle", ["\\IGNORE"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Non-Dairy Cattle", ["\\IGNORE"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Steer Stocker", ["3.B.1.C-USA-a"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Heifer Stocker", ["3.B.1.C-USA-b"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Beef Cows", ["3.B.1.C-USA-c"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Replacements", ["3.B.1.C-USA-d"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Beef Replacements", ["3.B.1.C-USA-e"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Steer Feedlot", ["3.B.1.C-USA-f"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Heifer Feedlot", ["3.B.1.C-USA-g"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Bulls", ["3.B.1.C-USA-h"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Cows", ["3.B.1.C-USA-i"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Beef Calves", ["3.B.1.C-USA-j"], 6],
+            ["\\C-USA\\ Dairy Calves", ["3.B.1.C-USA-k"], 6],
+            # other animals
+            ["2. Sheep", ["3.B.2"], 3],
+            ["3. Swine", ["3.B.3"], 3],
+            ["4. Other livestock", ["3.B.4"], 3],
+            ["Buffalo", ["3.B.4.a"], 4],
+            ["Camels", ["3.B.4.b"], 4],
+            ["Deer", ["3.B.4.c"], 4],
+            ["Goats", ["3.B.4.d"], 4],
+            ["Horses", ["3.B.4.e"], 4],
+            ["Mules and Asses", ["3.B.4.f"], 4],
+            ["Poultry", ["3.B.4.g"], 4],
+            ["Other (please specify)", ["3.B.4.h"], 4],
+            ["Rabbit", ["3.B.4.h.i"], 5],
+            ["Reindeer", ["3.B.4.h.ii"], 5],
+            ["Ostrich", ["3.B.4.h.iii"], 5],
+            ["Fur-bearing Animals", ["3.B.4.h.iv"], 5],
+            ["Other", ["3.B.4.h.v"], 5],
+            ["5. Indirect N2O emissions", ["3.B.5"], 3],
+        ],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table3s2": {  # Agriculture summary sheet 2
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 18,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": [".", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["C. Rice cultivation", ["3.C"]],
+            ["D. Agricultural soils(2) (3) (4)", ["3.D"]],
+            ["E. Prescribed burning of savannahs", ["3.E"]],
+            ["E. Prescribed burning of savannas", ["3.E"]],
+            ["F. Field burning of agricultural residues", ["3.F"]],
+            ["G. Liming", ["3.G"]],
+            ["H. Urea application", ["3.H"]],
+            ["I. Other carbon-containing fertilizers", ["3.I"]],
+            ["J. Other (please specify)", ["3.J"]],
+            ["NOx from Manure Management", ["3.J.1"]],
+            ["3.B NOx Emissions", ["3.J.1"]],
+            ["NOx from 3B", ["3.J.1"]],
+            ["NOX emissions from manure management", ["3.J.1"]],
+            ["NOx from manure management", ["3.J.1"]],
+            ["Other", ["3.J.2"]],
+            ["Other UK emissions", ["3.J.2"]],
+            ["Other non-specified", ["3.J.2"]],
+            ["OTs and CDs - Livestock", ["3.J.3"]],
+            ["OTs and CDs - soils", ["3.J.4"]],
+            ["OTs and CDs - other", ["3.J.5"]],
+            ["Digestate renewable raw material (storage of N)", ["3.J.6"]],
+            ["Digestate renewable raw material (atmospheric deposition)", ["3.J.7"]],
+            ["Digestate renewable raw material (storage of dry matter)", ["3.J.8"]],
+            ["NOx from Livestock", ["3.J.9"]],
+        ],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table3.C": {  # rice cultivation details
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 21,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Harvested area(2)",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Organic amendments added(3)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR (1) CH4",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. Irrigated", ["3.C.1"]],
+            ["Continuously flooded", ["3.C.1.a"]],
+            ["Intermittently flooded Single aeration", ["3.C.1.b.i"]],
+            ["Intermittently flooded Multiple aeration", ["3.C.1.b.ii"]],
+            ["2. Rainfed", ["3.C.2"]],
+            ["Flood prone", ["3.C.2.a"]],
+            ["Drought prone", ["3.C.2.b"]],
+            ["3. Deep water", ["3.C.3"]],
+            ["Water depth 50–100 cm", ["3.C.3.a"]],  # noqa: RUF001
+            ["Water depth > 100 cm", ["3.C.3.b"]],
+            ["4. Other (please specify)", ["3.C.4"]],
+            ["Non-specified", ["3.C.4.a"]],  # EST
+            ["Other", ["3.C.4.a"]],  # DEU
+            ["other", ["3.C.4.a"]],  # LVA
+            ["Other cultivation", ["3.C.4.a"]],  # CZE
+            ["Upland rice(4)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+            ["Total(4)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4": "CH4",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table3.D": {  # direct and indirect N2O from soils
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 21,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS Value",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["a. Direct N2O emissions from managed soils", ["3.D.a"]],
+            ["1. Inorganic N fertilizers(3)", ["3.D.a.1"]],
+            ["2. Organic N fertilizers(3)", ["3.D.a.2"]],
+            ["a. Animal manure applied to soils", ["3.D.a.2.a"]],
+            ["b. Sewage sludge applied to soils", ["3.D.a.2.b"]],
+            ["c. Other organic fertilizers applied to soils", ["3.D.a.2.c"]],
+            ["3. Urine and dung deposited by grazing animals", ["3.D.a.3"]],
+            ["4. Crop residues", ["3.D.a.4"]],
+            [
+                "5. Mineralization/immobilization associated with loss/gain of soil organic matter (4)(5)",
+                ["3.D.a.5"],
+            ],
+            ["6. Cultivation of organic soils (i.e. histosols)(2)", ["3.D.a.6"]],
+            ["7. Other", ["3.D.a.7"]],
+            ["b. Indirect N2O Emissions from managed soils", ["3.D.b"]],
+            ["1. Atmospheric deposition(6)", ["3.D.b.1"]],
+            ["2. Nitrogen leaching and run-off", ["3.D.b.2"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table3.E": {  # savanna burning details
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 14,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Area of savanna burned",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Average above-ground biomass density",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Biomass burned",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Fraction of savanna burned",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Nitrogen fraction in biomass",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTORS N2O",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", ".", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Forest land (specify ecological zone)(1)", ["3.E.1"], 0],
+            ["Savanna Grassland", ["3.E.1.b"], 1],  # AUS
+            ["Savanna Woodland", ["3.E.1.a"], 1],  # AUS
+            ["Forest land", ["3.E.1.a"], 1],  # SWE, CHE, CZE, HRV
+            ["Luxembourg", ["3.E.1.c"], 1],  # LUX
+            ["Other non-specified", ["3.E.1.d"], 1],  # EST
+            ["All", ["3.E.1.d"], 1],  # DNK, DNM, DKE
+            ["Unspecified", ["3.E.1.d"], 1],  # DEU
+            ["forest land", ["3.E.1.a"], 1],  # MLT
+            ["Zone", ["3.E.1.d"], 1],  # LVA
+            ["Grassland (specify ecological zone)(1)", ["3.E.2"], 0],
+            ["Savanna Woodland", ["3.E.2.a"], 1],  # AUS
+            ["Savanna Grassland", ["3.E.2.b"], 1],  # AUS
+            ["Temperate Grassland", ["3.E.2.c"], 1],  # AUS
+            ["Grassland", ["3.E.2.d"], 1],  # SWE, CHE, CZE, HRV
+            ["Luxembourg", ["3.E.2.e"], 1],  # LUX
+            ["Other non-specified", ["3.E.2.f"], 1],  # EST
+            ["All", ["3.E.2.f"], 1],  # DNK, DNM, DKE
+            ["Unspecified", ["3.E.2.f"], 1],  # DEU
+            ["Tussock", ["3.E.2.g"], 1],  # NZL
+            ["grassland", ["3.E.2.d"], 1],  # MLT
+            ["Zone_", ["3.E.2.f"], 1],  # LVA
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS (2) CH4": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS (2) N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table3.F": {  # field burning details
+        "status": "TODO",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 30,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [],
+        "entity_mapping": [],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # TODO
+    "Table3.G-I": {  # liming, urea, carbon containing fertilizer
+        "status": "TODO",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 13,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [],
+        "entity_mapping": [],
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # TODO
+    "Table4": {  # LULUCF overview
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 29,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", ".", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["4. Total LULUCF", ["4"]],
+            ["A. Forest land", ["4.A"]],
+            ["1. Forest land remaining forest land", ["4.A.1"]],
+            ["2. Land converted to forest land", ["4.A.2"]],
+            ["B. Cropland", ["4.B"]],
+            ["1. Cropland remaining cropland", ["4.B.1"]],
+            ["2. Land converted to cropland", ["4.B.2"]],
+            ["C. Grassland", ["4.C"]],
+            ["1. Grassland remaining grassland", ["4.C.1"]],
+            ["2. Land converted to grassland", ["4.C.2"]],
+            ["D. Wetlands(3)", ["4.D"]],
+            ["1. Wetlands remaining wetlands", ["4.D.1"]],
+            ["2. Land converted to wetlands", ["4.D.2"]],
+            ["E. Settlements", ["4.E"]],
+            ["1. Settlements remaining settlements", ["4.E.1"]],
+            ["2. Land converted to settlements", ["4.E.2"]],
+            ["F. Other land (4)", ["4.F"]],
+            ["1. Other land remaining other land", ["4.F.1"]],
+            ["2. Land converted to other land", ["4.F.2"]],
+            ["G. Harvested wood products (5)", ["4.G"]],
+            ["H. Other (please specify)", ["4.H"]],
+            ["Land converted to Settlement", ["4.H.1"]],
+            ["Reservoir of Petit-Saut in French Guiana", ["4.H.5"]],
+            ["Biogenic NMVOCs from managed forest", ["4.H.4"]],
+            ["All other", ["4.H.9"]],
+            ["Luxembourg", ["4.H.8"]],
+            ["Settlements Remaining Settlements", ["4.H.2"]],
+            ["4.E Settlements", ["4.H.2"]],
+            ["4.C Grassland", ["4.H.3"]],
+            ["Settlements", ["4.H.2"]],
+            ["Other", ["4.H.9"]],
+            ["N2O Emissions from Aquaculture Use", ["4.H.6"]],
+            ["CH4 from artificial water bodies", ["4.H.7"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "CH4(2)": "CH4",
+            "N2O(2)": "N2O",
+            "Net CO2 emissions/removals(1), (2)": "CO2",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    # TODO: all other LULUCF tables
+    "Table5": {  # Waste overview
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 27,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Total waste", ["5"]],
+            ["A. Solid waste disposal", ["5.A"]],
+            ["1. Managed waste disposal sites", ["5.A.1"]],
+            ["2. Unmanaged waste disposal sites", ["5.A.2"]],
+            ["3. Uncategorized waste disposal sites", ["5.A.3"]],
+            ["B. Biological treatment of solid waste", ["5.B"]],
+            ["1. Composting", ["5.B.1"]],
+            ["2. Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities", ["5.B.2"]],
+            ["C. Incineration and open burning of waste", ["5.C"]],
+            ["1. Waste incineration", ["5.C.1"]],
+            ["2. Open burning of waste", ["5.C.2"]],
+            ["D. Wastewater treatment and discharge", ["5.D"]],
+            ["1. Domestic wastewater", ["5.D.1"]],
+            ["2. Industrial wastewater", ["5.D.2"]],
+            ["3. Other (as specified in table 5.D)", ["5.D.3"]],
+            ["E. Other (please specify)", ["5.E"]],
+            ["Other", ["5.E.5"]],  # EST, NOR
+            ["Recycling activities", ["5.E.1"]],  # NLD
+            ["Mechanical-Biological Treatment MBT", ["5.E.2"]],  # DEU
+            ["Accidental fires", ["5.E.3"]],  # DEU, DKE, DNK, DNM
+            ["Decomposition of Petroleum-Derived Surfactants", ["5.E.4"]],  # JPN
+            ["Decomposition of Fossil-fuel Derived Surfactants", ["5.E.4"]],
+            # JPN since 2023
+            ["Other non-specified", ["5.E.5"]],  # USA
+            ["Biogas burning without energy recovery", ["5.E.6"]],  # PRT
+            ["Sludge spreading", ["5.E.7"]],  # ESP
+            ["Accidental combustion", ["5.E.3"]],  # ESP
+            ["Other waste", ["5.E.5"]],  # CZE
+            ["5.E.1 Industrial Wastewater", ["5.E.8"]],  # CAN, new in 2022
+            ["Accidental Fires at SWDS", ["5.E.9"]],  # AUS, new in 2022
+            ["Memo item:(2)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+            ["Long-term storage of C in waste disposal sites", ["M.Memo.LTSW"]],
+            ["Annual change in total long-term C storage", ["M.Memo.ACLT"]],
+            [
+                "Annual change in total long-term C storage in HWP waste(3)",
+                ["M.Memo.ACLTHWP"],
+            ],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "CO2(1)": "CO2",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested; memo items not read because of empty lines
+    "Table5.A": {  # solid waste disposal
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 6,
+            "lastrow": 15,
+            "header": ["group", "group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CH4 Amount of CH4 flared",
+                "EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CH4 Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. Managed waste disposal sites", ["5.A.1"]],
+            ["a. Anaerobic", ["5.A.1.a"]],
+            ["b. Semi-aerobic", ["5.A.1.b"]],
+            ["2. Unmanaged waste disposal sites", ["5.A.2"]],
+            ["3. Uncategorized waste disposal sites", ["5.A.3"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CH4 Emissions(2)": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS SINK CATEGORIES CO2(4) Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)": "CO2",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table5.B": {  # Biological treatment of solid waste
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 16,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION Annual waste amount treated",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR CH4(1)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR N2O",
+                "EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 flared",
+                "EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": [".", "", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. Composting", ["5.B.1"], 0],
+            ["Municipal solid waste", ["5.B.1.a"], 1],
+            ["Other (please specify)(4)", ["5.B.1.b"], 1],
+            ["Organic wastes households", ["5.B.1.b.i"], 2],  # NLD
+            ["Organic wastes from gardens and horticulture", ["5.B.1.b.ii"], 2],  # NLD
+            ["Food and garden waste", ["5.B.1.b.ii"], 2],  # DNM, DNK, DKE
+            ["Industrial Solid Waste", ["5.B.1.b.iii"], 2],  # POL
+            ["Home composting", ["5.B.1.b.iv"], 2],  # NOR
+            ["Mixed waste", ["5.B.1.b.v"], 2],  # LTU
+            ["Other waste", ["5.B.1.b.v"], 2],  # SWE
+            ["Sludge", ["5.B.1.b.vi"], 2],  # HUN, EST
+            ["Textile", ["5.B.1.b.vii"], 2],  # EST
+            ["Wood", ["5.B.1.b.viii"], 2],  # EST
+            ["Organic", ["5.B.1.b.ix"], 2],  # EST
+            ["Paper", ["5.B.1.b.x"], 2],  # EST
+            ["Other_SW", ["5.B.1.b.v"], 2],  # CZE
+            ["MBA treated MSW", ["5.B.1.b.xi"], 2],  # LUX
+            ["Specific Agricultural and Industrial Waste", ["5.B.1.b.xii"], 2],  # UKR
+            ["Industrial solid waste and constr. waste", ["5.B.1.b.xiii"], 2],  # FIN
+            ["Municipal sludge", ["5.B.1.b.xiv"], 2],  # FIN
+            ["Industrial sludge", ["5.B.1.b.xv"], 2],  # FIN
+            ["Open air composting", ["5.B.1.b.xvi"], 2],  # LIE
+            ["Industrial Waste", ["5.B.1.b.xvii"], 2],  # JPN
+            ["Human Waste and Johkasou sludge", ["5.B.1.b.xviii"], 2],  # JPN
+            ["2. Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities(3)", ["5.B.2"], 0],
+            ["Municipal solid waste", ["5.B.2.a"], 1],
+            ["Other (please specify)(4)", ["5.B.2.b"], 1],
+            ["Organic wastes households", ["5.B.2.b.i"], 2],  # NLD
+            ["Organic wastes from gardens and horticulture", ["5.B.2.b.ii"], 2],  # NLD
+            [
+                "Animal manure and other organic waste",
+                ["5.B.2.b.iii"],
+                2,
+            ],  # DNM, DNK, DKE
+            ["sewage sludge", ["5.B.2.b.iv"], 2],  # LTU
+            ["Other waste", ["5.B.2.b.v"], 2],  # SWE
+            ["Agricultural biogas facilities", ["5.B.2.b.vi"], 2],  # CHE
+            ["Other biogases from anaerobic fermentation", ["5.B.2.b.vii"], 2],  # HUN
+            ["Sludge", ["5.B.2.b.iv"], 2],  # EST
+            [
+                "Anaerobic Digestion On-Farm and at Wastewater Treatment Facilities",
+                ["5.B.2.b.viii"],
+                2,
+            ],  # USA
+            ["Other_AD", ["5.B.2.b.v"], 2],  # CZE
+            [
+                "Biogenic waste incl. wastes from Agriculture (manure)",
+                ["5.B.2.b.ix"],
+                2,
+            ],  # LUX
+            ["Industrial solid waste and constr. waste", ["5.B.2.b.x"], 2],  # FIN
+            ["Municipal sludge", ["5.B.2.b.xi"], 2],  # FIN
+            ["Industrial sludge", ["5.B.2.b.xii"], 2],  # FIN
+            ["Livestock manure co-digested", ["5.B.2.b.xiii"], 2],  # DEU, new in 2022
+            ["Waste water", ["5.B.2.b.xiv"], 2],  # NOR, new in 2022
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4 Emissions(2)": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O Amount of CH4 for energy recovery(3)": "N2O",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table5.C": {  # Waste incineration and open burning
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 38,
+            "header": ["group", "group", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned)",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CO2",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CH4",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) N2O",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": [".", "", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. Waste Incineration", ["5.C.1"], 0],
+            ["Biogenic (1)", ["5.C.1.a"], 1],
+            ["Municipal solid waste", ["5.C.1.a.i"], 2],
+            ["Other (please specify)(2)", ["5.C.1.a.ii"], 2],
+            ["Industrial Solid Wastes", ["5.C.1.a.ii.1"], 3],
+            ["Hazardous Waste", ["5.C.1.a.ii.2"], 3],
+            ["Clinical Waste", ["5.C.1.a.ii.3"], 3],
+            ["Sewage Sludge", ["5.C.1.a.ii.4"], 3],
+            ["Other (please specify)", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5"], 3],
+            ["Animal cremations", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.a"], 4],  # DKE, DNK, DNM
+            ["Human cremations", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.b"], 4],  # DKE, DNK, DNM
+            ["Cremation", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.c"], 4],  # CHE, NOR, FRA, FRK
+            ["cremation", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.c"], 4],  # DEU
+            ["Industrial waste", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.d"], 4],  # NOR
+            ["Biogenic other waste", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.e"], 4],  # EST
+            [
+                "Biogenic waste other than Municipal Solid Waste",
+                ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.e"],
+                4,
+            ],  # ROU
+            ["Sludge", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.f"], 4],  # JPN
+            ["Non-fossile liquid waste", ["5.C.1.a.ii.5.g"], 4],  # JPN
+            ["Non-biogenic", ["5.C.1.b"], 1],
+            ["Municipal solid waste", ["5.C.1.b.i"], 2],
+            ["Other (please specify)(3)", ["5.C.1.b.ii"], 2],
+            ["Industrial Solid Wastes", ["5.C.1.b.ii.1"], 3],
+            ["Hazardous Waste", ["5.C.1.b.ii.2"], 3],
+            ["Clinical Waste", ["5.C.1.b.ii.3"], 3],
+            ["Sewage Sludge", ["5.C.1.b.ii.4"], 3],
+            ["Fossil liquid waste", ["5.C.1.b.ii.5"], 3],
+            ["Other (please specify)", ["5.C.1.b.ii.6"], 3],
+            ["Quarantine and other waste", ["5.C.1.b.ii.6.a"], 4],  # NZL
+            ["Industrial waste", ["5.C.1.b.ii.6.b"], 4],  # CHE
+            ["Chemical waste", ["5.C.1.b.ii.6.c"], 4],  # GBR, GBK
+            ["Flaring in the chemical industry", ["5.C.1.a.ii.6.d"], 4],  # BEL
+            ["Sludge", ["5.C.1.a.ii.6.e"], 4],  # JPN
+            ["Solvents", ["5.C.1.a.ii.6.f"], 4],  # GRC, AUS
+            ["2. Open burning of waste", ["5.C.2"], 0],
+            ["Biogenic (1)", ["5.C.2.a"], 1],
+            ["Municipal solid waste", ["5.C.2.a.i"], 2],
+            ["Other (please specify)", ["5.C.2.a.ii"], 2],
+            ["agricultural waste", ["5.C.2.a.ii.1"], 3],  # ITA
+            ["Agricultural residues", ["5.C.2.a.ii.1"], 3],  # ESP
+            ["Agriculture residues", ["5.C.2.a.ii.1"], 3],  # PRT new in 2023
+            ["Natural residues", ["5.C.2.a.ii.2"], 3],  # CHE
+            ["Wood waste", ["5.C.2.a.ii.3"], 3],  # GBR, GBK
+            ["Bonfires etc.", ["5.C.2.a.ii.4"], 3],  # DEU
+            ["Bonfires", ["5.C.2.a.ii.4"], 3],  # NLD, ISL
+            ["Other", ["5.C.2.a.ii.5"], 3],  # EST
+            ["Other waste", ["5.C.2.a.ii.5"], 3],  # CZE
+            ["Waste", ["5.C.2.a.ii.5"], 3],  # GBR new in 2023
+            ["Industrial Solid Waste", ["5.C.2.a.ii.6"], 3],  # JPN
+            ["Vine", ["5.C.2.a.ii.7"], 3],  # AUT new in 2023
+            ["Non-biogenic", ["5.C.2.b"], 1],
+            ["Municipal solid waste", ["5.C.2.b.i"], 2],
+            ["Other (please specify)", ["5.C.2.b.ii"], 2],
+            ["Rural waste", ["5.C.2.b.ii.1"], 3],  # NZL
+            ["Accidental fires (vehicles)", ["5.C.2.b.ii.2"], 3],  # GBR, GBK
+            ["Accidental fires (buildings)", ["5.C.2.b.ii.3"], 3],  # GBR, GBK
+            ["Bonfires", ["5.C.2.b.ii.4"], 3],  # ISL
+            ["Other", ["5.C.2.b.ii.5"], 3],  # EST
+            ["Other waste", ["5.C.2.b.ii.5"], 3],  # CZE
+            ["Waste", ["5.C.2.b.ii.5"], 3],  # GBR new in 2023
+            ["Industrial Solid Waste", ["5.C.2.b.ii.6"], 3],  # JPN
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CH4": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) CO2": "CO2",
+            "EMISSIONS Amount of wastes (incinerated/open burned) N2O": "N2O",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Table5.D": {  # Waste incineration and open burning
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 13,
+            "header": ["group", "entity", "entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND RELATED INFORMATION Total organic product",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND RELATED INFORMATION Sludge removed(1)",
+                "ACTIVITY DATA AND RELATED INFORMATION Sludge removed(1) N in effluent",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR CH4(2) N in effluent",
+                "IMPLIED EMISSION FACTOR N2O(3) N in effluent",
+                "EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 flared",
+                "EMISSIONS CH4 Amount of CH4 for Energy Recovery(5)",
+            ],
+            "stop_cats": [".", "", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["default"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["1. Domestic wastewater", ["5.D.1"]],
+            ["2. Industrial wastewater", ["5.D.2"]],
+            ["3. Other (please specify)", ["5.D.3"]],
+            ["Other", ["5.D.3.a"]],  # EST
+            ["Septic tanks", ["5.D.3.b"]],  # NLD
+            ["Wastewater Effluent", ["5.D.3.c"]],  # NLD
+            ["Fish farming", ["5.D.3.d"]],  # FIN
+            ["Uncategorized wastewater", ["5.D.3.a"]],  # CZE
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "EMISSIONS CH4 Emissions(4)": "CH4",
+            "EMISSIONS N2O(3) Amount of CH4 for Energy Recovery(5)": "N2O",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Summary1.As1": {  # Summary 1, sheet 1
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 28,
+            "header": ["entity", "unit"],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["summary"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Total national emissions and removals", ["0"]],
+            ["1. Energy", ["1"]],
+            ["A. Fuel combustion Reference approach(2)", ["1.A-ref"]],
+            ["Sectoral approach(2)", ["1.A"]],
+            ["1. Energy industries", ["1.A.1"]],
+            ["2. Manufacturing industries and construction", ["1.A.2"]],
+            ["3. Transport", ["1.A.3"]],
+            ["4. Other sectors", ["1.A.4"]],
+            ["5. Other", ["1.A.5"]],
+            ["B. Fugitive emissions from fuels", ["1.B"]],
+            ["1. Solid fuels", ["1.B.1"]],
+            [
+                "2. Oil and natural gas and other emissions from energy production",
+                ["1.B.2"],
+            ],
+            ["C. CO2 Transport and storage", ["1.C"]],
+            ["2. Industrial processes and product use", ["2"]],
+            ["A. Mineral industry", ["2.A"]],
+            ["B. Chemical industry", ["2.B"]],
+            ["C. Metal industry", ["2.C"]],
+            ["D. Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use", ["2.D"]],
+            ["E. Electronic industry", ["2.E"]],
+            ["F. Product uses as substitutes for ODS", ["2.F"]],
+            ["G. Other product manufacture and use", ["2.G"]],
+            ["H. Other(3)", ["2.H"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "NOX": "NOx",
+            "Net CO2 emissions/removals": "CO2",
+            "HFCs(1)": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "PFCs(1)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Summary1.As2": {  # Summary 1, sheet 2
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 34,
+            "header": ["entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "header_fill": [True, False, True],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["summary"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["3. Agriculture", ["3"]],
+            ["A. Enteric fermentation", ["3.A"]],
+            ["B. Manure management", ["3.B"]],
+            ["C. Rice cultivation", ["3.C"]],
+            ["D. Agricultural soils", ["3.D"]],
+            ["E. Prescribed burning of savannas", ["3.E"]],
+            ["F. Field burning of agricultural residues", ["3.F"]],
+            ["G. Liming", ["3.G"]],
+            ["H. Urea application", ["3.H"]],
+            ["I. Other carbon-contining fertilizers", ["3.I"]],
+            ["J. Other", ["3.J"]],
+            ["4. Land use, land-use change and forestry (4)", ["4"]],
+            ["A. Forest land (4)", ["4.A"]],
+            ["B. Cropland (4)", ["4.B"]],
+            ["C. Grassland (4)", ["4.C"]],
+            ["D. Wetlands (4)", ["4.D"]],
+            ["E. Settlements (4)", ["4.E"]],
+            ["F. Other land (4)", ["4.F"]],
+            ["G. Harvested wood products", ["4.G"]],
+            ["H. Other (4)", ["4.H"]],
+            ["5. Waste", ["5"]],
+            ["A. Solid waste disposal (5)", ["5.A"]],
+            ["B. Biological treatment of solid waste (5)", ["5.B"]],
+            ["C. Incineration and open burning of waste (5)", ["5.C"]],
+            ["D. Wastewater treatment and discharge", ["5.D"]],
+            ["E. Other (5)", ["5.E"]],
+            ["6. Other (please specify)(6)", ["6"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "NOX": "NOx",
+            "Net CO2 emissions/removals": "CO2",
+            "HFCs (1)": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "PFCs(1)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested
+    "Summary1.As3": {  # Summary 1, sheet 3
+        "status": "tested",
+        "table": {
+            "firstrow": 5,
+            "lastrow": 17,
+            "header": ["entity", "entity", "unit"],
+            "header_fill": [True, False, True],
+            "col_for_categories": "GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORIES",
+            "categories": ["category"],
+            "cols_to_ignore": [],
+            "stop_cats": ["", np.nan],
+            "unit_info": unit_info["summary"],
+        },
+        "sector_mapping": [
+            ["Memo items:(7)", ["\\IGNORE"]],
+            ["International bunkers", ["M.Memo.Int"]],
+            ["Aviation", ["M.Memo.Int.Avi"]],
+            ["Navigation", ["M.Memo.Int.Mar"]],
+            ["Multilateral operations", ["M.Memo.Mult"]],
+            ["CO2 emissions from biomass", ["M.Memo.Bio"]],
+            ["CO2 captured", ["M.Memo.CO2Cap"]],
+            ["Long-term storage of C in waste disposal sites", ["M.Memo.LTSW"]],
+            ["Indirect N2O", ["M.Memo.IndN2O"]],
+            ["Indirect CO2", ["M.Memo.IndCO2"]],
+        ],
+        "entity_mapping": {
+            "NOX": "NOx",
+            "Net CO2 emissions/removals": "CO2",
+            "HFCs(1)": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "PFCs(1)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+            "Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs(1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCsPFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+        },
+        "coords_defaults": {
+            "class": "Total",
+        },
+    },  # tested