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Add code to read Japan's official 2024 inventory

Johannes Gütschow 6 months ago

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+"""Read Japan's national inventories
+Scripts and configurations to read Argentina's submissions to the UNFCCC.
+Currently, the following submissions and datasets are available (all datasets
+including DI (red using the DI-reader) and legacy BUR/NIR (no code)):
+.. exec_code::
+    :hide_code:
+    from unfccc_ghg_data.helper.functions import (get_country_datasets,
+                                                  get_country_submissions)
+    country = 'JPN'
+    # print available submissions
+    print("="*15 + " Available submissions " + "="*15)
+    get_country_submissions(country, True)
+    print("")
+    #print available datasets
+    print("="*15 + " Available datasets " + "="*15)
+    get_country_datasets(country, True)
+You can also obtain this information running
+.. code-block:: bash
+    poetry run doit country_info country=JPN
+See below for a listing of scripts for BUR/NIR reading including links.

+ 391 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+"""Config for Japan 2024 Inventroy
+General configuration for reading the inventory files for Japan's official 2025
+inventory from xlsx
+gwp_to_use = "AR5GWP100"
+sheets_to_read = {
+    "15.【Annex】UN-CO2": {
+        "xls_params": {
+            "usecols": "X:BG",
+            "skiprows": 4,
+            "nrows": 55,
+        },
+        "unit": "kt CO2 / year",
+        "entity": "CO2",
+        "cat_cols": ["Source / sink", "Unnamed: 24", "Unnamed: 25"],
+        "cat_mapping": {
+            "1.A. Fuel Combustion": "1.A",
+            "1.A.1. Energy Industries": "1.A.1",
+            "Public Electricity and Heat Production": "1.A.1.a",
+            "Petroleum Refining": "1.A.1.b",
+            "Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries": "1.A.1.c",
+            "1.A.2. Manufacturing Industries and Construction": "1.A.2",
+            "Iron and Steel": "1.A.2.a",
+            "Non-Ferrous Metals": "1.A.2.b",
+            "Chemicals": "1.A.2.c",
+            "Pulp, Paper and Print": "1.A.2.d",
+            "Food Processing, Beverages and Tobacco": "1.A.2.e",
+            "Non-metallic minerals": "1.A.2.f",
+            "Other": "1.A.2.g",
+            "1.A.3. Transport": "1.A.3",
+            "Domestic Aviation": "1.A.3.a",
+            "Road Transportation": "1.A.3.b",
+            "Railways": "1.A.3.c",
+            "Domestic Navigation": "1.A.3.d",
+            "1.A.4. Other Sector": "1.A.4",
+            "Commercial/Institutional": "1.A.4.a",
+            "Residential": "1.A.4.b",
+            "Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries": "1.A.4.c",
+            "1.B. Fugitive Emissions from Fuels": "1.B",
+            "2. Industrial Processes and Product Use": "2",
+            "2.A. Mineral Industries": "2.A",
+            "Cement Production": "2.A.1",
+            "Lime Production": "2.A.2",
+            "Glass Production": "2.A.3",
+            "Other Process Uses of Carbonates": "2.A.4",
+            "2.B. Chemical Industry": "2.B",
+            "Ammonia Production": "2.B.1",
+            "Petrochemical, Carbon Black and Other Production": "2.B.8",
+            "2.C. Metal Industry": "2.C",
+            "2.D. Non-energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use": "2.D",
+            "2.H. Other (Utilization of Carbonated Gas, etc.)": "2.H",
+            "3. Agriculture": "3",
+            "3.G. Liming": "3.G",
+            "3.H. Urea Application": "3.H",
+            "4. Land-Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF)": "4",
+            "4.A. Forest land": "4.A",
+            "4.B. Cropland": "4.B",
+            "4.C. Grassland": "4.C",
+            "4.D. Wetlands": "4.D",
+            "4.E. Settlements": "4.E",
+            "4.F. Other land": "4.F",
+            "4.G. Harvest Wood Products": "4.G",
+            "4.H. Other": "4.H",
+            "5. Waste": "5",
+            "5.C. Incineration and Open Burning of Waste (excluding waste for energy purposes)": "5.C",
+            "5.E. Decomposition of Petroleum-Derived Surfactants": "5.E",
+            "Indirect CO2": "M.Memo.IndCO2",
+            "Total (excluding LULUCF, excluding indirect CO2)": "M.0.EL",
+            "Total (including LULUCF, excluding indirect CO2)": "0",
+            "Total (excluding LULUCF, including indirect CO2)": "",  # ignore
+            "Total (including LULUCF, including indirect CO2)": "",  # ignore
+        },
+    },
+    "6.CH4": {
+        "xls_params": {
+            "usecols": "X:Y,AA:BG",
+            "skiprows": 3,
+            "nrows": 25,
+        },
+        "unit": "kt CO2 / year",
+        "entity": f"CH4 ({gwp_to_use})",
+        "cat_cols": ["Unnamed: 23", "Unnamed: 24"],
+        "cat_mapping": {
+            "1.A. Fuel Combustion": "1.A",
+            "1.A.1. Energy Industries": "1.A.1",
+            "1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction": "1.A.2",
+            "1.A.3. Transport": "1.A.3",
+            "1.A.4. Commercial, Residential, Agriculture, etc.": "1.A.4",
+            "1.A.5. Other": "1.A.5",
+            "1.B. Fugitive Emissions from Fuels": "1.B",
+            "1.B.1. Solid Fuels": "1.B.1",
+            "1.B.2. Oil, Natural Gas and Other": "1.B.2",
+            "2. Industrial Processes and Product Use": "2",
+            "2.B. Chemical Industry": "2.B",
+            "2.C. Metal Industry": "2.C",
+            "3. Agriculture": "3",
+            "3.A. Enteric Fermentation": "3.A",
+            "3.B. Manure Management": "3.B",
+            "3.C. Rice Cultivation": "3.C",
+            "3.F. Field Burning of Agricultural Residues": "3.F",
+            "5. Waste": "5",
+            "5.A. Solid Waste Disposal": "5.A",
+            "5.B. Biological Treatment of Solid Waste": "5.B",
+            "5.C. Incineration and Open Burning of Waste (excluding waste for energy purposes)": "5.C",
+            "5.D. Wastewater Treatment and Discharge": "5.D",
+            "Waste for Energy Purposes": "M.5.WE",  # map to energy and recalculate sectors
+            "Total": "0",
+        },
+    },
+    "7.N2O": {
+        "xls_params": {
+            "usecols": "X:Y,AA:BG",
+            "skiprows": 3,
+            "nrows": 23,
+        },
+        "unit": "kt CO2 / year",
+        "entity": f"N2O ({gwp_to_use})",
+        "cat_cols": ["Unnamed: 23", "Unnamed: 24"],
+        "cat_mapping": {
+            "1.A./1.B.Energy": "1",
+            "1.A. Fuel Combustion": "1.A",
+            "1.A.1. Energy Industries": "1.A.1",
+            "1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction": "1.A.2",
+            "1.A.3. Transport": "1.A.3",
+            "1.A.4. Commercial, Residential, Agriculture, etc.": "1.A.4",
+            "1.A.5. Other": "1.A.5",
+            "1.B. Fugitive Emissions from Fuel": "1.B",
+            "2.Industrial Processes and Product Use": "2",
+            "2.B. Chemical Industry": "2.B",
+            "2.E. Electronics Industry": "2.E",
+            "2.G. Other Product Manufacture and Use": "2.G",
+            "3.Agriculture": "3",
+            "3.B. Manure Management": "3.B",
+            "3.D. Agricultural Soils": "3.D",
+            "3.F. Field Burning of Agricultural Residues": "3.F",
+            "5.Waste": "5",
+            "5.B. Biological Treatment of Solid Waste": "5.B",
+            "5.C. Incineration and Open Burning of Waste  (excluding waste for energy purposes)": "5.C",
+            "5.D. Wastewater Treatment and Discharge": "5.D",
+            "Waste for Energy Purposes": "M.5.WE",  # map to energy and recalculate sectors
+            "Total": "0",
+        },
+    },
+    "8.F-gas": {
+        "xls_params": {
+            "usecols": "X:Y,AA:BG",
+            "skiprows": 3,
+            "nrows": 32,
+        },
+        "unit": "kt CO2 / year",
+        "entity": "COL_Unnamed: 23",
+        "cat_cols": ["Unnamed: 24"],
+        "cat_mapping": {
+            "Total": "2",
+            "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment": "M.1996.2.F.1",
+            "Foam Blowing Agents": "M.1996.2.F.2",
+            "Aerosols / MDI": "M.1996.2.F.4",
+            "Solvents / Cleaning agents": "M.1996.2.F.5",
+            "Fugitive emissions from HFCs manufacturing": "M.1996.2.E.2.a",
+            "Semiconductor": "M.1996.2.F.7",
+            "Liquid Crystals": "M.1996.2.F.6.b",
+            "By-product emissions from HCFC-22": "M.1996.2.E.1.a",
+            "Fire Protection": "M.1996.2.F.3",
+            "Magnesium Production": "M.1996.2.C.4.b",
+            "Other": "M.1996.2.G",  # checked where data is mapped to in CRF
+            "Fugitive emissions from PFCs manufacturing": "M.1996.2.E.2.b",
+            "Aluminum Production": "M.1996.2.C.4.a",
+            "Accelerators": "M.1996.2.F.9.d",
+            "Electrical Equipment": "M.1996.2.F.8",
+            "Fugitive emissions from SF6 manufacturing": "M.1996.2.E.2.c",
+            "Fugitive emissions from NF3 manufacturing": "M.1996.2.E.2.d",
+        },
+    },
+time_format = "%Y"
+coords_cols = {
+    "category": "category",
+# add_coords_cols = {
+#     "orig_cat_name": ["orig_cat_name", "category"],
+# }
+coords_terminologies = {
+    "area": "ISO3",
+    "category": "IPCC1996_2006_Japan_INV",
+    "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+coords_defaults = {
+    "source": "JPN-GHG-Inventory",
+    "provenance": "measured",
+    "area": "JPN",
+    "scenario": "2024INV",
+coords_value_mapping = {
+    "entity": {
+        "HFCs": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+        "PFCs": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+        "SF6": f"SF6 ({gwp_to_use})",
+        "NF3": f"NF3 ({gwp_to_use})",
+        "Total F-gases": f"FGASES ({gwp_to_use})",
+    },
+meta_data = {
+    "references": "",
+    "rights": "",
+    "contact": "",
+    "title": "National GHG Inventory of Japan, 2024",
+    "comment": "Read fom xlsx file by Johannes Gütschow",
+    "institution": "National Institute for Environmental Studies Japan",
+filter_remove = {
+    "f1": {
+        "category": [
+            "Total (excluding LULUCF, including indirect CO2)",
+            "Total (including LULUCF, including indirect CO2)",
+        ]
+    }
+# for processing
+terminology_proc = "IPCC2006_PRIMAP"
+cat_conversion = {
+    "mapping": {
+        "0": "0",
+        #'1': '1',  # reaggregate because of energy from waste
+        #'1.A': '1.A',  # reaggregate because of energy from waste
+        "1.A.1": "M.1.A.1.EXW",  # reaggregate because of energy from waste
+        "1.A.1.a": "1.A.1.a",
+        "1.A.1.b": "1.A.1.b",
+        "1.A.1.c": "1.A.1.c",
+        "1.A.2": "1.A.2",
+        "1.A.2.a": "1.A.2.a",
+        "1.A.2.b": "1.A.2.b",
+        "1.A.2.c": "1.A.2.c",
+        "1.A.2.d": "1.A.2.d",
+        "1.A.2.e": "1.A.2.e",
+        "1.A.2.f": "1.A.2.f",
+        "1.A.2.g": "1.A.2.m",
+        "1.A.3": "1.A.3",
+        "1.A.3.a": "1.A.3.a.1",
+        "1.A.3.b": "1.A.3.b",
+        "1.A.3.c": "1.A.3.c",
+        "1.A.3.d": "1.A.3.d.1",
+        "1.A.4": "1.A.4",
+        "1.A.4.a": "1.A.4.a",
+        "1.A.4.b": "1.A.4.b",
+        "1.A.4.c": "1.A.4.c",
+        "1.A.5": "1.A.5",
+        "1.B": "1.B",
+        "1.B.1": "1.B.1",
+        "1.B.2": "1.B.2",
+        "2": "2",
+        "2.A": "2.A",
+        "2.A.1": "2.A.1",
+        "2.A.2": "2.A.2",
+        "2.A.3": "2.A.3",
+        "2.A.4": "2.A.4",
+        "2.B": "2.B",
+        "2.B.1": "2.B.1",
+        "2.B.8": "2.B.8",
+        "2.C": "2.C",
+        "M.1996.2.C.4.a": "2.C.3",
+        "M.1996.2.C.4.b": "2.C.4",
+        "2.D": "2.D",
+        "2.E": "2.E",
+        "M.1996.2.E.1.a": "M.2.B.9.a.i",
+        "M.1996.2.E.2.a": "M.2.B.9.b.i",
+        "M.1996.2.E.2.b": "M.2.B.9.b.ii",
+        "M.1996.2.E.2.c": "M.2.B.9.b.iii",
+        "M.1996.2.E.2.d": "M.2.B.9.b.iv",
+        "M.1996.2.F.1": "2.F.1",
+        "M.1996.2.F.2": "2.F.2",
+        "M.1996.2.F.3": "2.F.3",
+        "M.1996.2.F.4": "2.F.4",
+        "M.1996.2.F.5": "2.F.5",
+        "M.1996.2.F.6.b": "2.E.2",
+        "M.1996.2.F.7": "2.E.1",
+        "M.1996.2.F.8": "2.G.1.a",
+        "M.1996.2.F.9.d": "2.G.2.b",
+        "M.1996.2.G": "2.G.2.c",
+        "2.G": "2.G",
+        "2.H": "2.H",
+        "3": "M.AG",
+        "3.A": "3.A.1",
+        "3.B": "3.A.2",
+        "3.C": "3.C.7",
+        "3.D": "M.3.C.45.AG",
+        "3.F": "M.3.C.1.AG",
+        "3.G": "3.C.2",
+        "3.H": "3.C.3",
+        "4": "M.LULUCF",
+        "4.A": "3.B.1",
+        "4.B": "3.B.2",
+        "4.C": "3.B.3",
+        "4.D": "3.B.4",
+        "4.E": "3.B.5",
+        "4.F": "3.B.6",
+        "4.G": "3.D.1",
+        "4.H": "M.3.D.2.LU",
+        # '5': '5',  # reaggregate because of energy from waste
+        "5.A": "4.A",
+        "5.B": "4.B",
+        "5.C": "4.C",
+        "5.D": "4.D",
+        "5.E": "4.E",
+        "M.0.EL": "M.0.EL",
+        "M.5.WE": "M.1.A.1.a.ii",
+        "M.Memo.IndCO2": "M.Memo.IndCO2",
+    },
+    "aggregate": {
+        "1.A.1": {"sources": ["M.1.A.1.a.ii", "M.1.A.1.EXW"]},
+        "1.A": {"sources": ["1.A.1", "1.A.2", "1.A.3", "1.A.4", "1.A.5"]},
+        "1": {"sources": ["1.A", "1.B"]},
+        "2.B.9.a": {"sources": ["M.2.B.9.a.i"]},
+        "2.B.9.b": {
+            "sources": ["M.2.B.9.b.i", "M.2.B.9.b.ii", "M.2.B.9.b.iii", "M.2.B.9.b.iv"]
+        },
+        "2.B.9": {"sources": ["2.B.9.a", "2.B.9.b"]},
+        "2.B": {  # reaggregation only for f-gases should create no conflicts
+            "sources": ["2.B.1", "2.B.8", "2.B.9"]
+        },
+        "2.C": {  # reaggregation only for f-gases should create no conflicts
+            "sources": ["2.C.3", "2.C.4"]
+        },
+        "2.E": {  # reaggregation only for f-gases should create no conflicts
+            "sources": ["2.E.1", "2.E.2"]
+        },
+        "2.F": {  #  only for f-gases
+            "sources": ["2.F.1", "2.F.2", "2.F.3", "2.F.4", "2.F.5"]
+        },
+        "2.G.1": {"sources": ["2.G.1.a"]},
+        "2.G.2": {"sources": ["2.G.2.b", "2.G.2.c"]},
+        "2.G": {  # reaggregation only for f-gases should create no conflicts
+            "sources": ["2.G.1", "2.G.2", "2.G.4"]
+        },
+        "3.A": {"sources": ["3.A.1", "3.A.2"]},
+        "3.B": {"sources": ["3.B.1", "3.B.2", "3.B.3", "3.B.4", "3.B.5", "3.B.6"]},
+        "3.C.1": {"sources": ["3.C.1.AG"]},
+        "M.3.C.AG": {"sources": ["3.C.1", "3.C.2", "3.C.3", "M.3.C.45.AG", "3.C.7"]},
+        "3.C": {"sources": ["M.3.C.AG"]},
+        "M.3.D.LU": {"sources": ["3.D.1", "M.3.D.2.LU"]},
+        "3.D": {"sources": ["M.3.D.LU"]},
+        "M.AG.ELV": {"sources": ["3.C"]},
+        "3": {"sources": ["3.A", "3.B", "3.C", "3.D"]},
+        "4": {"sources": ["4.A", "4.B", "4.C", "4.D", "4.E"]},
+        # consistency check
+        "2": {"sources": ["2.A", "2.B", "2.C", "2.D", "2.E", "2.F", "2.G", "2.H"]},
+        "M.AG": {"sources": ["M.AG.ELV", "3.A"]},
+        "0": {"sources": ["1", "2", "3", "4"]},
+        "M.0.EL": {"sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4"]},
+    },
+basket_copy = {
+    "GWPs_to_add": ["SARGWP100", "AR4GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+    "entities": ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
+    "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+gas_baskets = {
+    "FGASES (SARGWP100)": ["HFCS (SARGWP100)", "PFCS (SARGWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+    "FGASES (AR4GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+    "FGASES (AR5GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR5GWP100)", "PFCS (AR5GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+    "FGASES (AR6GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR6GWP100)", "PFCS (AR6GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+    "KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (SARGWP100)"],
+    "KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR4GWP100)"],
+    "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR5GWP100)"],
+    "KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR6GWP100)"],
+### copied
+coords_terminologies_2006 = {
+    "area": "ISO3",
+    "category": "IPCC2006_PRIMAP",
+    "scenario": "PRIMAP",

+ 191 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+Read Japan's 2024 inventory from xlsx
+Files available here:
+import os
+import sys
+import pandas as pd
+import primap2 as pm2
+from config_JPN_INV2024 import (
+    basket_copy,
+    cat_conversion,
+    coords_cols,
+    coords_defaults,
+    coords_terminologies,
+    coords_value_mapping,
+    filter_remove,
+    gas_baskets,
+    meta_data,
+    sheets_to_read,
+    terminology_proc,
+    time_format,
+from unfccc_ghg_data.helper import (
+    downloaded_data_path,
+    extracted_data_path,
+    process_data_for_country,
+pd.set_option("future.no_silent_downcasting", True)
+# ###
+# configuration
+# ###
+# folders and files
+input_folder = downloaded_data_path / "non-UNFCCC" / "Japan" / "2024-Inventory"
+output_folder = extracted_data_path / "non-UNFCCC" / "Japan"
+if not output_folder.exists():
+    output_folder.mkdir()
+output_filename = "JPN_2023-Inventory_2024_"
+inventory_file = "L5-7gas_2024_gioweb_ver1.0.xlsx"
+# time_format = "%Y"
+name_for_cat_col = "category"
+compression = dict(zlib=True, complevel=9)
+# ###
+# start data reading
+# ###
+# change working directory to script directory for proper folder names
+script_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
+script_dir_name = os.path.dirname(script_path)
+data_pm2 = None
+for sheet in sheets_to_read:
+    # read sheet for the year. Each sheet contains several tables,
+    # we only read the upper row as the other tables are summary tables
+    current_sheet_config = sheets_to_read[sheet]
+    df_current = pd.read_excel(
+        input_folder / inventory_file,
+        sheet_name=sheet,
+        engine="openpyxl",
+        **current_sheet_config["xls_params"],
+    )
+    # process category and entity
+    if current_sheet_config["entity"].startswith("COL_"):
+        # processing with entity
+        entity_col = current_sheet_config["entity"][4:]
+        df_current[entity_col] = df_current[entity_col].ffill()
+        df_current[current_sheet_config["cat_cols"]] = df_current[
+            current_sheet_config["cat_cols"]
+        ].fillna(value="Total")
+        df_current[entity_col] = df_current[entity_col].str.replace("\n", "")
+        df_current[entity_col] = df_current[entity_col].str.strip()
+    else:
+        # entity given for whole table
+        # print('not implemented')
+        df_current[current_sheet_config["cat_cols"]] = df_current[
+            current_sheet_config["cat_cols"]
+        ].bfill(axis=1)
+        df_current = df_current.drop(columns=current_sheet_config["cat_cols"][1:])
+    df_current = df_current.rename(
+        columns={current_sheet_config["cat_cols"][0]: name_for_cat_col}
+    )
+    df_current[name_for_cat_col] = df_current[name_for_cat_col].str.replace("\n", "")
+    df_current[name_for_cat_col] = df_current[name_for_cat_col].str.strip()
+    # convert to primap2 format
+    coords_value_mapping_current = coords_value_mapping.copy()
+    coords_value_mapping_current["category"] = current_sheet_config["cat_mapping"]
+    coords_cols_current = coords_cols.copy()
+    coords_defaults_current = coords_defaults.copy()
+    coords_defaults_current["unit"] = current_sheet_config["unit"]
+    if current_sheet_config["entity"].startswith("COL_"):
+        coords_cols_current["entity"] = entity_col
+    else:
+        coords_defaults_current["entity"] = current_sheet_config["entity"]
+    # make sure all column names are str
+    df_current.columns = df_current.columns.astype(str)
+    data_current_if = pm2.pm2io.convert_wide_dataframe_if(
+        df_current,
+        coords_cols=coords_cols_current,
+        add_coords_cols=None,
+        coords_defaults=coords_defaults_current,
+        coords_terminologies=coords_terminologies,
+        coords_value_mapping=coords_value_mapping_current,
+        # coords_value_filling=None,
+        filter_remove=filter_remove,
+        # filter_keep=filter_keep,
+        meta_data=meta_data,
+        time_format=time_format,
+    )
+    data_current_pm2 = pm2.pm2io.from_interchange_format(data_current_if)
+    if data_pm2 is None:
+        data_pm2 = data_current_pm2
+    else:
+        data_pm2 =
+# convert back to IF to have units in the fixed format
+data_if =
+# ###
+# save data to IF and native format
+# ###
+    output_folder / (output_filename + coords_terminologies["category"]), data_if
+encoding = {var: compression for var in data_pm2.data_vars}
+    output_folder / (output_filename + coords_terminologies["category"] + ".nc"),
+    encoding=encoding,
+# ###
+# conversion to ipcc 2006 categories
+# ###
+data_pm2_2006 = data_pm2.copy()
+# actual processing
+country_processing = {
+    "basket_copy": basket_copy,
+data_pm2_2006 = process_data_for_country(
+    data_pm2_2006,
+    entities_to_ignore=[],
+    gas_baskets=gas_baskets,
+    processing_info_country=country_processing,
+    cat_terminology_out=terminology_proc,
+    category_conversion=cat_conversion,
+    # sectors_out=sectors_to_save,
+# adapt source and metadata
+# TODO: processing info is present twice
+current_source = data_pm2_2006.coords["source"].to_numpy()[0]
+data_temp =[{"source": current_source}]
+data_pm2_2006 ="source", "AI_INV", data_temp)
+data_pm2_2006 =[{"source": ["AI_INV"]}]
+# convert back to IF to have units in the fixed format
+data_if_2006 =
+    output_folder / (output_filename + terminology_proc),
+    data_if_2006,
+encoding = {var: compression for var in data_pm2_2006.data_vars}
+    output_folder / (output_filename + terminology_proc + ".nc"),
+    encoding=encoding,