@@ -110,17 +110,12 @@ def task_update_bur():
message="Fetch BUR submissions",
- dry_run=True,
+ dry_run=None,
return {
"targets": ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-bur.csv"],
- # "actions": [
- # 'datalad run -m "Fetch BUR submissions" '
- # "-o downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-bur.csv "
- # "python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/fetch_submissions_bur.py"
- # ],
"actions": [
@@ -158,231 +153,257 @@ def task_download_bur():
-# def task_update_nc():
-# """Update list of NC submissions"""
-# return {
-# "targets": ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv"],
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="python3 src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
-# "fetch_submissions_nc.py",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message="Fetch NC submissions",
-# outputs="downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=True,
-# ),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# def task_download_nc():
-# """Download NC submissions"""
-# return {
-# #'file_dep': ['downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv'],
-# # deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
-# # before download
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="python3 src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
-# "download_nonannexI.py --category=NC",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message="Download NC submissions",
-# inputs="downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=False,
-# ),
-# map_folders("downloaded_data/UNFCCC"),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# # annexI data: one update call for all data types (as they are on one page)
-# # but for each year separately.
-# # downloading is per year and
-# update_aI_config = {
-# "year": get_var("year", None),
-# "category": get_var("category", None),
-# }
-# def task_update_annexi():
-# """Update list of AnnexI submissions"""
-# return {
-# "targets": [
-# f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_{update_aI_config['year']}.csv"
-# ],
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
-# "fetch_submissions_annexI.py "
-# f"--year={update_aI_config['year']}",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message=f"Fetch AnnexI submissions for {update_aI_config['year']}",
-# outputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_"
-# f"{update_aI_config['year']}.csv",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=True,
-# ),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# def task_download_annexi():
-# """Download AnnexI submissions"""
-# return {
-# #'file_dep': ['downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv'],
-# # deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
-# # before download
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/download_annexI.py "
-# f"--category={update_aI_config['category']} "
-# f"--year={update_aI_config['year']}",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message=f"Download AnnexI submissions for "
-# f"{update_aI_config['category']}"
-# f"{update_aI_config['year']}",
-# inputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_"
-# f"{update_aI_config['year']}.csv",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=False,
-# ),
-# map_folders("downloaded_data/UNFCCC"),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# # annexI data: one update call for all data types (as they are on one page)
-# # but for each year separately.
-# # downloading is per year and
-# update_btr_config = {
-# "round": get_var("round", None),
-# }
-# def task_update_btr():
-# """Update list of BTR submissions"""
-# return {
-# "targets": [
-# f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-BTR{update_btr_config['round']}.csv"
-# ],
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
-# "fetch_submissions_btr.py "
-# f"--round={update_btr_config['round']}",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message=f"Fetch Biannial Transparency Report submissions for "
-# f"BTR{update_btr_config['round']}",
-# outputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-BTR"
-# f"{update_btr_config['round']}.csv",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=True,
-# ),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# def task_download_btr():
-# """Download BTR submissions"""
-# return {
-# #'file_dep': ['downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv'],
-# # deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
-# # before download
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/download_btr.py "
-# f"--round={update_btr_config['round']}",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message="Download BTR submissions for "
-# f"BTR{update_btr_config['round']}",
-# inputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-BTR"
-# f"{update_btr_config['round']}.csv",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=False,
-# ),
-# map_folders("downloaded_data/UNFCCC"),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# def task_download_ndc():
-# """Download NDC submissions"""
-# return {
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/download_ndc.py",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message="Download NDC submissions",
-# inputs=None,
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=False,
-# ),
-# map_folders("downloaded_data/UNFCCC"),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
-# # read UNFCCC submissions.
-# # datalad run is called from within the read_UNFCCC_submission.py script
-# read_config = {
-# "country": get_var("country", None),
-# "submission": get_var("submission", None),
-# }
-# # TODO: make individual task for non-UNFCCC submissions
-# def task_read_unfccc_submission():
-# """Read submission for a country (if code exists) (not for CRF)"""
-# return {
-# # "actions": [
-# # f"python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_reader/read_UNFCCC_submission.py "
-# # f"--country={read_config['country']} --submission={read_config['submission']}",
-# # "python src/unfccc_ghg_data/helper/folder_mapping.py "
-# # "--folder=extracted_data/UNFCCC",
-# # ],
-# "actions": [
-# set_root_path(),
-# datalad.api.run(
-# cmd="src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_reader/read_UNFCCC_submission.py"
-# f"--country={read_config['country']} "
-# f"--submission={read_config['submission']}",
-# dataset=root_path,
-# message=f"Read {read_config['submission']} for country "
-# f"{read_config['country']}",
-# dry_run=None,
-# explicit=False,
-# ),
-# map_folders("extracted_data/UNFCCC"),
-# ],
-# "verbosity": 2,
-# "setup": ["in_venv"],
-# }
+def task_update_nc():
+ """Update list of NC submissions"""
+ def fetch_nc():
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="python3 src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
+ "fetch_submissions_nc.py",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message="Fetch NC submissions",
+ outputs="downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv",
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=True,
+ )
+ return {
+ "targets": ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv"],
+ "actions": [
+ (fetch_nc,),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+def task_download_nc():
+ """Download BUR submissions"""
+ def download_nc():
+ (
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="python3 src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
+ "download_nonannexI.py --category=NC",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message="Download NC submissions",
+ inputs="downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv",
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=False,
+ ),
+ )
+ return {
+ #'file_dep': ['downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-bur.csv'],
+ # deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
+ # before download
+ "actions": [
+ (download_nc,),
+ (map_folders, ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC"]),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+# annexI data: one update call for all data types (as they are on one page)
+# but for each year separately.
+# downloading is per year and
+update_aI_config = {
+ "year": get_var("year", None),
+ "category": get_var("category", None),
+def task_update_annexi():
+ """Update list of AnnexI submissions"""
+ def fetch_annexi():
+ (
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
+ "fetch_submissions_annexI.py "
+ f"--year={update_aI_config['year']}",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message=f"Fetch AnnexI submissions for {update_aI_config['year']}",
+ outputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_"
+ f"{update_aI_config['year']}.csv",
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ return {
+ "targets": [
+ f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_{update_aI_config['year']}.csv"
+ ],
+ "actions": [
+ (fetch_annexi,),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+def task_download_annexi():
+ """Download AnnexI submissions"""
+ def download_annexi():
+ (
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/download_annexI.py "
+ f"--category={update_aI_config['category']} "
+ f"--year={update_aI_config['year']}",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message=f"Download AnnexI submissions for "
+ f"{update_aI_config['category']}"
+ f"{update_aI_config['year']}",
+ inputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_"
+ f"{update_aI_config['year']}.csv",
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=False,
+ ),
+ )
+ return {
+ # 'file_dep': [f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annex1_"
+ # f"{update_aI_config['year']}.csv"],
+ # deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
+ # before download
+ "actions": [
+ (download_annexi,),
+ (map_folders, ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC"]),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+# BTR data: one update call for all data types (as they are on one page)
+# but for each submission round separately.
+# downloading is per submission round
+update_btr_config = {
+ "round": get_var("round", None),
+def task_update_btr():
+ """Update list of BTR submissions"""
+ def fetch_btr():
+ (
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/"
+ "fetch_submissions_btr.py "
+ f"--round={update_btr_config['round']}",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message=f"Fetch Biannial Transparency Report submissions for "
+ f"BTR{update_btr_config['round']}",
+ outputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-BTR"
+ f"{update_btr_config['round']}.csv",
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ return {
+ "targets": [
+ f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-BTR{update_btr_config['round']}.csv"
+ ],
+ "actions": [
+ (fetch_btr,),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+def task_download_btr():
+ """Download BTR submissions"""
+ def download_btr():
+ (
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/download_btr.py "
+ f"--round={update_btr_config['round']}",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message="Download BTR submissions for "
+ f"BTR{update_btr_config['round']}",
+ inputs=f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-BTR"
+ f"{update_btr_config['round']}.csv",
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=False,
+ ),
+ )
+ return {
+ # 'file_dep': [f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-btr.csv "
+ # f"{update_btr_config['round']}.csv"],
+ # deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
+ # before download
+ "actions": [
+ (download_btr,),
+ (map_folders, ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC"]),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+def task_download_ndc():
+ """Download NDC submissions"""
+ def download_ndc():
+ (
+ datalad.api.run(
+ cmd="src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_downloader/download_ndc.py",
+ dataset=root_path,
+ message="Download NDC submissions",
+ inputs=None,
+ dry_run=None,
+ explicit=False,
+ ),
+ )
+ return {
+ "actions": [
+ (download_ndc,),
+ (map_folders, ["downloaded_data/UNFCCC"]),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
+# read UNFCCC submissions.
+# datalad run is called from within the read_UNFCCC_submission.py script
+read_config = {
+ "country": get_var("country", None),
+ "submission": get_var("submission", None),
+# TODO: make individual task for non-UNFCCC submissions
+def task_read_unfccc_submission():
+ """Read submission for a country (if code exists) (not for CRF)
+ Datalad is called from `read_UNFCCC_submission`, so we can just call this script
+ here.
+ TODO: check if it makes sense to convert script to function
+ """
+ return {
+ "actions": [
+ f"python src/unfccc_ghg_data/unfccc_reader/read_UNFCCC_submission.py "
+ f"--country={read_config['country']} "
+ f"--submission={read_config['submission']}",
+ (map_folders, ["extracted_data/UNFCCC"]),
+ ],
+ "verbosity": 2,
+ "setup": ["in_venv"],
+ }
# # read UNFCCC submissions.
# # datalad run is called from within the read_UNFCCC_submission.py script