@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+Configuration for Cabo Verde BUR1 (read from pdf)
+# reading tables on pages:
+# 33/1, GHG emissions and removals by type of gas, by sector and by year
+# 39, Total GHG Emissions, in CO2eq, for international bunkers, in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2019
+# 86-89, GHG emissions in 2019
+# Not reading tables on pages:
+# 37/38, has additional columns on PFCs, Unspecified mixture of HFCs and PFCs,
+# and SF6, but they are all empty
+# 32, same information as in table 33/1
+# 33/2, aggregation of table 33/1
+# 43, no new information here
+coords_terminologies = {
+ "area": "ISO3",
+ "category": "IPCC2006_PRIMAP",
+ "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+# primap2 format conversion
+coords_cols = {
+ "category": "category",
+ "entity": "entity",
+ "unit": "unit",
+coords_defaults = {
+ "source": "CPV-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ "area": "CPV",
+ "scenario": "BUR1",
+gwp_to_use = "SARGWP100"
+coords_value_mapping_main = {
+ "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+ "category": "PRIMAP1",
+ "entity": {
+ "HFCs": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "HFC": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ },
+coords_value_mapping = {
+ "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+ "category": "PRIMAP1",
+ "entity": {
+ "CO²": "CO2",
+ "CH⁴": "CH4",
+ "N²O": "N2O",
+ "F-gases": f"FGASES ({gwp_to_use})",
+ },
+filter_remove = {
+ "f_memo": {"category": "MEMO"},
+ # They are all NaN and don't match a pre-defined entity
+ "f_fluor": {"entity": "Other fluorinated products"},
+meta_data = {
+ "references": "unfccc.int/documents/638907",
+ "rights": "", # unknown
+ "contact": "daniel-busch@climate-resource.de",
+ "title": "Cabo Verde. Biennial update report (BUR). BUR1",
+ "comment": "Read fom pdf by Daniel Busch",
+ "institution": "UNFCCC",
+trend_years = ["1995", "2000", "2005", "2010", "2015", "2019"]
+inv_conf_per_sector = {
+ "main": {
+ "page": "33",
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Energy": "1",
+ "IPPU": "2",
+ "Agriculture": "M.AG",
+ "Waste": "4",
+ },
+ "header": ["category", "entity", *trend_years],
+ "unit": ["Gg"] * 4 + ["GgCO2eq"] + ["Gg"] * 9,
+ "unit_conversion": {
+ "index": 6,
+ "conversion_factor": 2240.625,
+ },
+ # "unit": ["Gg"] * 4 + ["Gg CO2eq"] + ["Gg"] * 9,
+ },
+ "int_bunkers": {
+ "page": "39",
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Total International Bunkers": "M.BK",
+ "International aviation": "M.BK.A",
+ "International shipping": "M.BK.M",
+ },
+ "header": ["category", *trend_years],
+ "unit": "Gg CO2eq",
+ "drop_cols": 7,
+ "entity": "KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)",
+ },
+inv_conf = {
+ "cat_code_regexp": r"^(?P<code>[a-zA-Z0-9\.]{1,11})[\s\.].*",
+ "year": "2019",
+ # TODO check again!
+ # "CO2 emissions from Biomass" and "CO2 emissions from using manure as energy" are the same category
+ "merge_cats": "MBIO",
+inv_conf_main = {
+ "pages": {
+ "86": {
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ "entities": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "column_names": ["category", "CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Memo items": "MEMO",
+ "International bunkers": "M.BK",
+ "CO² emissions from Biomass": "M.BIO",
+ "CO² emissions from using manure as energy": "M.BIO",
+ },
+ "unit_for_entity": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ },
+ # "units" : ["no unit", "Gg", "Gg", "Gg"]
+ },
+ "87": {
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ "entities": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "HFCs", "Other fluorinated products"],
+ "column_names": [
+ "category",
+ "CO2",
+ "CH4",
+ "N2O",
+ "HFCs",
+ "Other fluorinated products",
+ ],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "2F. Use of products as substitutes for \nsubstances that degrade the ozone layer": "2.F",
+ "2B4. Production of caprolactam, \nglyoxal and glyoxylic acid": "2.B.4",
+ },
+ "unit_for_entity": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ "HFCs": "Gg CO2eq",
+ },
+ },
+ "88": {
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ "entities": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "column_names": ["category", "CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "3C6. Indirect emissions of N²O from manure \nmanagement": "3.C.6",
+ "3C. Aggregate Sources and Sources of Non-CO²\nEmissions in the soil": "3.C",
+ },
+ "unit_for_entity": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ },
+ },
+ "89": {
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ "entities": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "column_names": ["category", "CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "3C6. Indirect emissions of N²O from manure \nmanagement": "3.C.6",
+ "3C. Aggregate Sources and Sources of Non-CO²\nEmissions in the soil": "3.C",
+ },
+ "unit_for_entity": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+country_processing_step1 = {
+ # rounding error 0.038 for yr2019/entN2O/cat4: 0.011 + 0.015 != 0.027
+ "tolerance": 0.04,
+ "aggregate_cats": {
+ # First generate additional categories
+ "0": {"sources": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]},
+ "2.A": {"sources": ["2.A.1", "2.A.2", "2.A.3", "2.A.4", "2.A.5"]},
+ "2.C": {
+ "sources": [
+ "2.C.1",
+ "2.C.2",
+ "2.C.3",
+ "2.C.4",
+ "2.C.5",
+ "2.C.6",
+ "2.C.7",
+ ]
+ },
+ "2.E": {"sources": ["2.E.1", "2.E.2", "2.E.3", "2.E.4", "2.E.5"]},
+ "3.C": {
+ "sources": [
+ "3.C.1",
+ "3.C.2",
+ "3.C.3",
+ "3.C.4",
+ "3.C.5",
+ "3.C.6",
+ "3.C.7",
+ "3.C.8",
+ ]
+ },
+ "3.D": {"sources": ["3.D.2"]},
+ # 3.D would go into M.LULUCF as well but we don't have it
+ "M.LULUCF": {"sources": ["3.B"]},
+ # Only 3.C.7 in table, but values are all zero or empty
+ "M.3.C.AG": {
+ "sources": [
+ "3.C.1",
+ "3.C.2",
+ "3.C.3",
+ "3.C.4",
+ "3.C.5",
+ "3.C.6",
+ "3.C.7",
+ "3.C.8",
+ ]
+ },
+ # 3.D.2 is all zeros
+ "M.3.D.AG": {"sources": ["3.D.2"]},
+ "M.AG.ELV": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG", "M.3.D.AG"],
+ },
+ "M.AG": {"sources": ["3.A", "M.AG.ELV"]},
+ "M.0.EL": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4"],
+ },
+ "4.D": {"sources": ["4.D.1", "4.D.2"]}, # consistency check
+ "1": {"sources": ["1.A"]}, # consistency check
+ "1.A": {
+ "sources": ["1.A.1", "1.A.2", "1.A.3", "1.A.4", "1.A.5"]
+ }, # consistency check
+ "2": {
+ "sources": ["2.A", "2.B", "2.C", "2.D", "2.E", "2.F", "2.G", "2.H"]
+ }, # consistency check
+ "3": {"sources": ["M.AG", "M.LULUCF"]}, # consistency check
+ # "3.A": {"sources": ["3.A.1", "3.A.2"]}, # consistency check
+ "4": {"sources": ["4.A", "4.B", "4.C", "4.D", "4.E"]}, # consistency check
+ },
+country_processing_step2 = {
+ "downscale": {
+ "sectors": {
+ "1_all": {
+ "basket": "1",
+ "basket_contents": ["1.A"],
+ "entities": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ # Values for 1995/2000/2005/2010/2015/2019 are only available for CO2 and F-gases (table 6)
+ "2_CO2": {
+ "basket": "2",
+ "basket_contents": ["2.A", "2.B", "2.C", "2.D", "2.H"],
+ "entities": ["CO2"],
+ "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ # "2_KYOTO": { # commented as KYOTOGHG only present for bunkers, so aggregate later
+ # # error of 3.5% for KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)
+ # "check_consistency": False,
+ # "basket": "2",
+ # "basket_contents": [
+ # "2.A",
+ # "2.B",
+ # "2.C",
+ # "2.D",
+ # "2.E",
+ # "2.F",
+ # "2.G",
+ # "2.H",
+ # ],
+ # "entities": [
+ # "KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)",
+ # "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)",
+ # "KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)",
+ # ],
+ # "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ # },
+ # "2_FGASES": { # f-gases have no sectoral detail and HFCs only 2019,
+ # # no downscaling of original data possible
+ # # error of 3.5% for KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)
+ # "check_consistency": False,
+ # "basket": "2",
+ # "basket_contents": [
+ # "2.B",
+ # "2.C",
+ # "2.E",
+ # "2.F",
+ # "2.G",
+ # ],
+ # "entities": [
+ # "FGASES (SARGWP100)",
+ # "FGASES (AR4GWP100)",
+ # "FGASES (AR5GWP100)",
+ # "FGASES (AR6GWP100)",
+ # "HFCS (SARGWP100)",
+ # "HFCS (AR4GWP100)",
+ # "HFCS (AR5GWP100)",
+ # "HFCS (AR6GWP100)",
+ # ],
+ # "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ # },
+ "3_CH4": {
+ "basket": "3",
+ "basket_contents": ["3.A", "3.B", "3.C", "3.D"],
+ "entities": ["CH4"],
+ "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ "3_CO2": {
+ "basket": "3",
+ "basket_contents": ["3.B", "3.C", "3.D"],
+ "entities": ["CO2"],
+ "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ "3_N2O": {
+ "basket": "3",
+ "basket_contents": ["3.A", "3.B", "3.C", "3.D"],
+ "entities": ["N2O"],
+ "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ # "3_KYOTO": { # no original data here. aggregate basket later
+ # "basket": "3",
+ # "basket_contents": ["3.A", "3.B", "3.C", "3.D"],
+ # "entities": [
+ # "KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)",
+ # "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)",
+ # "KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)",
+ # ],
+ # "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ # },
+ },
+ "entities": {
+ "FGASES": {
+ "basket": "FGASES (SARGWP100)",
+ "basket_contents": ["HFCS (SARGWP100)"],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "basket_copy": {
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["AR4GWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["HFCS"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+ },
+gas_baskets = {
+ "FGASES (SARGWP100)": ["HFCS (SARGWP100)"],
+ "FGASES (AR4GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR4GWP100)"],
+ "FGASES (AR5GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR5GWP100)"],
+ "FGASES (AR6GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR6GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (SARGWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR4GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR5GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR6GWP100)"],