@@ -97,10 +97,11 @@ update_aI_config = {
def task_update_annexi():
- """ Update list of annexI submissions """
+ """ Update list of AnnexI submissions """
return {
'targets': [f"downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_{update_aI_config['year']}.csv"],
- 'actions': [f"datalad run -m 'Fetch AnnexI submissions for {update_aI_config['year']}'"
+ 'actions': [f"datalad run -m 'Fetch AnnexI submissions for {update_aI_config['year']}' "
+ "--explicit "
f"-o downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_{update_aI_config['year']}.csv "
f"./venv/bin/python code/UNFCCC_downloader/fetch_submissions_annexI.py "
@@ -110,14 +111,16 @@ def task_update_annexi():
def task_download_annexi():
- """ Download NC submissions """
+ """ Download AnnexI submissions """
return {
#'file_dep': ['downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv'],
# deactivate file_dep fow now as it will always run fetch submissions
# before download
- 'actions': ['datalad run -m "Download NC submissions" '
- '-i downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-nc.csv '
- './venv/bin/python code/UNFCCC_downloader/download_non-annexI.py --category=NC'],
+ 'actions': [f"datalad run -m 'Download AnnexI submissions for "
+ f"{update_aI_config['category']}{update_aI_config['year']}'"
+ f"-i downloaded_data/UNFCCC/submissions-annexI_{update_aI_config['year']}.csv "
+ f"./venv/bin/python code/UNFCCC_downloader/download_annexI.py "
+ f"--category={update_aI_config['category']} --year={update_aI_config['year']}"],
'verbosity': 2,
'setup': ['setup_venv'],