@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ references: http://www.gir.go.kr/home/file/readDownloadFile.do?fileId=5240&fileSeq=1
+ rights: ''
+ contact: mail@johannes-guetschow.de
+ title: 'Republic of Korea: National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 2021'
+ comment: Read fom xlsx file by Johannes Gütschow
+ institution: Republic of Korea, Ministry of Environment, Greenhouse Gas Inventory
+ and Research Center
+ cat: category (IPCC1996_KOR_INV)
+ area: area (ISO3)
+ scen: scenario (PRIMAP)
+time_format: '%Y'
+ '*':
+ - source
+ - scenario (PRIMAP)
+ - provenance
+ - area (ISO3)
+ - entity
+ - unit
+ - category (IPCC1996_KOR_INV)
+ orig_cat_name: category (IPCC1996_KOR_INV)
+ cat_name_translation: category (IPCC1996_KOR_INV)
+data_file: KOR_INV2021_2021_IPCC1996_KOR_INV.csv