@@ -11,177 +11,466 @@ re-generated for the processed version of the data.
## general config
gwp_to_use = "SARGWP100" # see note above
+terminology_raw = "IPCC1996_2006_CHN_Inv"
+terminology_proc = "IPCC2006_PRIMAP"
-coords_value_mapping = {
- "entity": {
- "CF4": "CF4",
- "CH4": "CH4",
- "CO2": "CO2",
- "HFC-125": "HFC125",
- "HFC-134a": "HFC134a",
- "HFC-143a": "HFC143a",
- "HFC-227ea": "HFC227ea",
- "HFC-23": "HFC23",
- "HFC-236fa": "HFC236fa",
- "HFC-245fa": "HFC245fa",
- "HFC-32": "HFC32",
- "HFC-365mfc": "HFC365MFC",
- "HFCs": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
- "HFCs HFC-134a": "HFC134a",
- "HFCs HFC-152a": "HFC152a",
- "N2O": "N2O",
- "PFCs": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
- "PFCs C2F6": "C2F6",
- "SF6": "SF6",
- "Total": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
- "合计": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+config_general = {
+ "time_format": "%Y",
+ "coords_cols": {
+ "category": "category",
+ "unit": "unit",
+ "entity": "entity",
+ },
+ "coords_defaults": {
+ "source": "CHN-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ },
+ "coords_terminologies": {
+ "area": "ISO3",
+ "category": terminology_raw,
+ "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+ },
+ "filter_remove": {
+ "f1": {
+ "category": ["6. Memo Items", "6. Memo items", "Memo Items"],
+ }
+ },
+ "coords_value_mapping": {
+ "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+ "entity": {
+ "CF4": "CF4",
+ "CH4": "CH4",
+ "CO2": "CO2",
+ "HFC-125": "HFC125",
+ "HFC-134a": "HFC134a",
+ "HFC-143a": "HFC143a",
+ "HFC-227ea": "HFC227ea",
+ "HFC-23": "HFC23",
+ "HFC-236fa": "HFC236fa",
+ "HFC-245fa": "HFC245fa",
+ "HFC-32": "HFC32",
+ "HFC-365mfc": "HFC365MFC",
+ "HFCs": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "HFCs HFC-134a": "HFC134a",
+ "HFCs HFC-152a": "HFC152a",
+ "N2O": "N2O",
+ "PFCs": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "PFCs C2F6": "C2F6",
+ "SF6": "SF6",
+ "Total": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "合计": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ },
+ "category": {
+ "1. Energy": "1",
+ "1. Energy Sector": "1",
+ "Energy Sector": "1",
+ "2. Industrial Processes": "2",
+ "2. Industrial processes": "2",
+ "3. Agriculture": "3",
+ "4. LULUCF": "4",
+ "4. Land-use change and forestry (LUCF)": "4",
+ "5. Waste": "5",
+ "Waste Disposal": "5",
+ "6. Memo Items": "IGNORE",
+ "6. Memo items": "IGNORE",
+ "Agricultural land": "4.B",
+ "Farmland": "4.B",
+ "Agricultural soils": "3.D",
+ "Agricultural Soils": "3.D",
+ "Agriculture": "3",
+ "Biological treatment": "M.5.A.BIO", # HKG, 2006category 4.B
+ "Biomass combustion": "M.BIO",
+ "CO2 emissions from biomass": "M.BIO",
+ "Biomass burning": "M.BIO",
+ "Cement production": "2.A.1", # sum to 2.A, HKG
+ "Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks": "4.A.1", # sum for HKG
+ "Chemical industry": "2.B",
+ "Consumption of halocarbons and SF6": "2.F",
+ "Consumption of Halocarbons and SF6": "2.F",
+ "Cropland": "4.B",
+ "Energy": "1",
+ "Energy industries": "1.A.1",
+ "Energy industry": "1.A.1",
+ "Enteric fermentation": "3.A",
+ "Field burning of agricultural residues": "3.F",
+ "Forest conversion": "M.DEF",
+ "Forest land": "4.A",
+ "Fuel combustion": "1.A",
+ "Fugitive emission": "1.B",
+ "Fugitive emissions": "1.B",
+ "Grassland": "4.C",
+ "Harvested wood products": "4.G.1",
+ "Incineration": "5.C",
+ "Industrial Processes": "2",
+ "Industrial processes": "2",
+ "International aviation": "M.1.A",
+ "International marine": "M.1.B",
+ "International navigation": "M.1.B",
+ "LUCF": "4",
+ "LULUCF": "4",
+ "Land-UseChangeand Forestry (LUCF)": "4",
+ "Landfill": "5.A",
+ "Manufacturing and construction industries": "1.A.2",
+ "Manufacturing industries and construction": "1.A.2",
+ "Manure management": "3.B",
+ "Memo Items": "IGNORE",
+ "Metal industry": "2.C",
+ "Metal production": "2.C",
+ "Mineral industry": "2.A",
+ "Mineral products": "2.A",
+ "Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use": "2.D", # mixture of 1996 and 2006 categories
+ "Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use": "2.D",
+ "Oil and natural gas": "1.B.2",
+ "Oil and natural gas system": "1.B.2",
+ "Other factors": "1.A.4",
+ "Other land": "4.F",
+ "Other sectors": "1.A.4",
+ "Prescribed burning of savannas": "3.E",
+ "Production of halocarbons and SF6": "2.E",
+ "Rice cultivation": "3.C",
+ "Settlements": "4.E",
+ "Solid fuel": "1.B.1",
+ "Solid fuels": "1.B.1",
+ "Solid waste disposal": "5.A",
+ "Treatment of solid waste": "5.A",
+ "Special regional aviation": "M.SR.A", # MAC only
+ "Special regional marine": "M.SR.M", # MAC only
+ "Total": "0",
+ "Total (with LUCF)": "0",
+ "Total (with LULUCF)": "0",
+ "Total (without LUCF)": "M.0.EL",
+ "Total (without LULUCF)": "M.0.EL",
+ "Total emissions": "0",
+ "Transport": "1.A.3",
+ "Waste": "5",
+ "Wastewater handling": "5.B",
+ "Wastewater treatment": "5.B",
+ "Treatment of wastewater": "5.B",
+ "Wetlands": "4.D",
+ },
- "category": {
- "1. Energy": "1",
- "2. Industrial Processes": "2",
- "2. Industrial processes": "2",
- "3. Agriculture": "3",
- "4. LULUCF": "4",
- "4. Land-use change and forestry (LUCF)": "4",
- "5. Waste": "4",
- "6. Memo Items": "IGNORE",
- "6. Memo items": "IGNORE",
- "Agricultural land": "4.B",
- "Agricultural soils": "3.D",
- "Agriculture": "3",
- "Biological treatment": "M.5.A.BIO", # HKG, 2006category 4.B
- "Biomass combustion": "M.BIO",
- "CO2 emissions from biomass": "M.BIO",
- "Cement production": "2.A.1", # sum to 2.A, HKG
- "Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks": "4.A.1", # sum for HKG
- "Chemical industry": "2.B",
- "Consumption of halocarbons and SF6": "2.F",
- "Cropland": "4.B",
- "Energy": "1",
- "Energy industries": "1.A.1",
- "Energy industry": "1.A.1",
- "Enteric fermentation": "3.A",
- "Field burning of agricultural residues": "3.F",
- "Forest conversion": "M.DEF",
- "Forest land": "4.A",
- "Fuel combustion": "1.A",
- "Fugitive emission": "1.B",
- "Fugitive emissions": "1.B",
- "Grassland": "4.C",
- "Harvested wood products": "4.G.1",
- "Incineration": "5.C",
- "Industrial Processes": "2",
- "Industrial processes": "2",
- "International aviation": "M.1.A",
- "International marine": "M.1.B",
- "International navigation": "M.1.B",
- "LUCF": "4",
- "LULUCF": "4",
- "Land-UseChangeand Forestry (LUCF)": "4",
- "Landfill": "5.A",
- "Manufacturing and construction industries": "1.A.2",
- "Manufacturing industries and construction": "1.A.2",
- "Manure management": "3.B",
- "Memo Items": "IGNORE",
- "Metal industry": "2.C",
- "Metal production": "2.C",
- "Mineral industry": "2.A",
- "Mineral products": "2.A",
- "Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use": "2.D", # mixture of 1996 and 2006 categories
- "Oil and natural gas": "1.B.2",
- "Oil and natural gas system": "1.B.2",
- "Other factors": "1.A.4",
- "Other land": "4.F",
- "Other sectors": "1.A.4",
- "Prescribed burning of savannas": "3.E",
- "Production of halocarbons and SF6": "2.E",
- "Rice cultivation": "3.C",
- "Settlements": "4.E",
- "Solid fuel": "1.B.1",
- "Solid fuels": "1.B.1",
- "Solid waste disposal": "5.A",
- "Special regional aviation": "M.SR.A", # MAC only
- "Special regional marine": "M.SR.M", # MAC only
- "Total": "0",
- "Total (with LUCF)": "0",
- "Total (with LULUCF)": "0",
- "Total (without LUCF)": "M.0.EL",
- "Total (without LULUCF)": "M.0.EL",
- "Total emissions": "0",
- "Transport": "1.A.3",
- "Waste": "5",
- "Wastewater handling": "5.B",
- "Wastewater treatment": "5.B",
- "Wetlands": "4.D",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "rights": "",
+ "contact": "mail@johannes-guetschow.de",
+ "title": "",
+ "comment": "Read fom pdf file by Johannes Gütschow",
+ "institution": "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)",
-catgory_conversion = {
- "mapping": {
- "0": "0",
- "1": "1",
- "1.A": "1.A",
- "1.A.1": "1.A.1",
- "1.A.2": "1.A.2",
- "1.A.3": "1.A.3",
- "1.A.4": "1.A.4",
- "1.B": "1.B",
- "1.B.1": "1.B.1",
- "1.B.2": "1.B.2",
- "2": "2",
- "2.A": "2.A",
- "2.A.1": "2.A.1",
- "2.B": "2.B",
- "2.C": "2.C",
- "2.D": "2.D",
- "2.E": "2.B.9",
- "2.F": "2.F",
- "3": "M.AG",
- "3.A": "3.A.1",
- "3.B": "3.A.2",
- "3.C": "3.C.7",
- "3.D": "M.3.AS",
- "3.E": "3.C.1.c",
- "3.F": "3.C.1.b",
- "4": "M.LULUCF",
- "4.A": "3.B.1",
- "4.A.1": "3.B.1.a",
- "4.B": "3.B.2",
- "4.C": "3.B.3",
- "4.D": "3.B.4",
- "4.E": "3.B.5",
- "4.F": "3.B.6",
- "4.G.1": "3.D.1",
- "5": "4",
- "5.A": "4.A",
- "5.B": "4.D",
- "5.C": "4.C",
- "M.0.EL": "M.0.EL",
- "M.1.A": "M.BK.A",
- "M.1.B": "M.BK.B",
- "M.5.A.BIO": "4.B",
- "M.BIO": "M.BIO",
- #'M.DEF': '', #
- #'M.SR.A': '',
- #'M.SR.M': '',
+category_conversion = {
+ "CHN": {
+ "mapping": {
+ "0": "0",
+ "1": "1",
+ "1.A": "1.A",
+ "1.A.1": "1.A.1",
+ "1.A.2": "1.A.2",
+ "1.A.3": "1.A.3",
+ "1.A.4": "1.A.4",
+ "1.B": "1.B",
+ "1.B.1": "1.B.1",
+ "1.B.2": "1.B.2",
+ "2": "2",
+ "2.A": "2.A",
+ "2.A.1": "2.A.1",
+ "2.B": "2.B",
+ "2.C": "2.C",
+ "2.D": "2.D",
+ "2.E": "2.B.9",
+ "2.F": "2.F",
+ "3": "M.AG",
+ "3.A": "3.A.1",
+ "3.B": "3.A.2",
+ "3.C": "3.C.7",
+ "3.D": "M.3.AS",
+ "3.E": "3.C.1.c",
+ "3.F": "3.C.1.b",
+ "4": "M.LULUCF",
+ "4.A": "3.B.1",
+ "4.B": "3.B.2",
+ "4.C": "3.B.3",
+ "4.D": "3.B.4",
+ "4.E": "3.B.5",
+ "4.F": "3.B.6",
+ "4.G.1": "3.D.1",
+ "5": "4",
+ "5.A": "4.A",
+ "5.B": "4.D",
+ "5.C": "4.C",
+ "M.0.EL": "M.0.EL",
+ "M.1.A": "M.BK.A",
+ "M.1.B": "M.BK.M",
+ "M.5.A.BIO": "4.B",
+ "M.BIO": "M.BIO",
+ #'M.DEF': '', #
+ #'M.SR.A': '',
+ #'M.SR.M': '',
+ },
+ "aggregate": {
+ "3.A": {
+ "sources": ["3.A.1", "3.A.2"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.B": {
+ "sources": ["3.B.1", "3.B.2", "3.B.3", "3.B.4", "3.B.5", "3.B.6"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.C.1": {
+ "sources": ["3.C.1.b", "3.C.1.c"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.3.C.1.AG": {
+ "sources": ["3.C.1.b", "3.C.1.c"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.3.C.AG": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.1.AG", "M.3.AS", "3.C.7"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.C": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.AG.ELV": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.3.D.LU": {
+ "sources": ["3.D.1"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.D": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.D.AG"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.AG": { # check consistency
+ "sources": ["M.AG.ELV", "3.A"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.LULUCF": { # check consistency
+ "sources": ["3.B", "M.3.D.LU"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "sources": ["M.AG", "M.LULUCF"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.0.EL": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4"],
+ },
+ "0": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "3", "4"],
+ },
+ "M.BK": {
+ "sources": ["M.BK.A", "M.BK.M"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "HKG": {
+ "mapping": {
+ "0": "0",
+ "1": "1",
+ "1.A": "1.A",
+ "1.A.1": "1.A.1",
+ "1.A.2": "1.A.2",
+ "1.A.3": "1.A.3",
+ "1.A.4": "1.A.4",
+ "1.B": "1.B",
+ "1.B.1": "1.B.1",
+ "1.B.2": "1.B.2",
+ "2": "2",
+ "2.A.1": "2.A.1",
+ "2.E": "2.B.9",
+ "2.F": "2.F",
+ "3": "M.AG",
+ "3.A": "3.A.1",
+ "3.B": "3.A.2",
+ "3.C": "3.C.7",
+ "3.D": "M.3.AS",
+ "3.E": "3.C.1.c",
+ "4": "M.LULUCF",
+ "4.A.1": "3.B.1.a",
+ "4.B": "3.B.2",
+ "5": "4",
+ "5.A": "4.A",
+ "5.B": "4.D",
+ "M.0.EL": "M.0.EL",
+ "M.1.A": "M.BK.A",
+ "M.1.B": "M.BK.M",
+ "M.BIO": "M.BIO",
+ "M.DEF": "M.DEF", #
+ "M.SR.A": "M.SR.A",
+ "M.SR.M": "M.SR.M",
+ },
+ "aggregate": {
+ "2.A": {
+ "sources": ["2.A.1"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.A": {
+ "sources": ["3.A.1", "3.A.2"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.B.1": {
+ "sources": ["3.B.1.a"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.C.1": {
+ "sources": ["3.C.1.b", "3.C.1.c"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.3.C.1.AG": {
+ "sources": ["3.C.1.c"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.3.C.AG": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.1.AG", "M.3.AS", "3.C.7"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3.C": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.AG.ELV": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.AG": { # check consistency (not consistent in table)
+ "sources": ["M.AG.ELV", "3.A"],
+ "tolerance": 0.21,
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CH4"],
+ },
+ },
+ "3": {
+ "sources": ["M.AG", "M.LULUCF"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "4": {
+ "sources": ["4.A", "4.D"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "M.0.EL": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4"],
+ "tolerance": 0.06, # for N2O in NC4
+ },
+ "0": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "3", "4"],
+ "tolerance": 0.06, # for N2O in NC4
+ },
+ "M.BK": {
+ "sources": ["M.BK.A", "M.BK.M"],
+ "filter": {
+ "entity": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "MAC": {
+ "mapping": {
+ "0": "0",
+ "1": "1",
+ "1.A": "1.A",
+ "1.A.1": "1.A.1",
+ "1.A.2": "1.A.2",
+ "1.A.3": "1.A.3",
+ "1.A.4": "1.A.4",
+ "1.B": "1.B",
+ "2": "2",
+ "3": "M.AG",
+ "4": "M.LULUCF",
+ "5": "4",
+ "5.A": "4.A",
+ "5.B": "4.D",
+ "M.0.EL": "M.0.EL",
+ "M.1.A": "M.BK.A",
+ "M.1.B": "M.BK.M",
+ "M.BIO": "M.BIO",
+ "M.SR.A": "M.SR.A",
+ "M.SR.M": "M.SR.M",
+ },
+ "aggregate": {
+ "3": {
+ "sources": ["M.AG", "M.LULUCF"],
+ },
+ "M.0.EL": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4"],
+ "tolerance": 0.1, # for 2005, CH4
+ },
+ "0": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "3", "4"],
+ "tolerance": 0.1, # for 2005, CH4
+ },
+ },
- "aggregate": {"category": {}},
## NC4 specific config
config_nc4 = {
- "scenario": "NC4",
+ "coords_defaults": {
+ "scenario": "NC4",
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "references": "https://unfccc.int/documents/636695",
+ },
"table_groups": {
- "overview": {
- "pages": {
- "CHN": [30],
- "MAC": [218],
- "HKG": [190],
- },
- "year": 2017,
- "unit": "kt / year",
- },
+ # "overview": { # inconsistent with other tables due to rounding
+ # "pages": {
+ # "CHN": [30],
+ # "MAC": [218],
+ # "HKG": [190],
+ # },
+ # "year": 2017,
+ # },
"inventory": {
"pages": {
"CHN": [31, 32],
@@ -189,7 +478,6 @@ config_nc4 = {
"HKG": [191],
"year": 2017,
- "unit": "kt / year",
"fgas": {
"pages": {
@@ -198,26 +486,28 @@ config_nc4 = {
"HKG": [192],
"year": 2017,
- "unit": "kt / year",
- "page_defs": {
- "30": { # CHN overview 2017
- "table_areas": ["77,756,520,582"],
- "split_text": True,
- "flavor": "stream",
- },
+ "page_def": {
+ # "30": { # CHN overview 2017
+ # "table_areas": ["77,756,520,582"],
+ # "split_text": True,
+ # "flavor": "stream",
+ # "unit": "MtCO2eq",
+ # },
"31": { # CHN detail 2017
"table_areas": ["73,451,518,74"],
"columns": ["294,383,470"],
"split_text": True,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "kt",
"32": { # CHN detail 2017
"table_areas": ["73,777,518,563"],
"columns": ["290,379,468"],
"split_text": True,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "kt",
"33": { # CHN f-gases 2017
"table_areas": ["74,508,766,235"],
@@ -226,20 +516,23 @@ config_nc4 = {
"flavor": "stream",
"row_tol": 10,
"rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ["Industrial", "- Chemical"],
- 3: ["- Consumption"],
- 4: ["- Non-energy"],
+ 2: ["Industrial", "- Chemical", "Source"],
+ 3: ["- Consumption of"],
+ 4: ["- Non-Energy"],
+ "unit": "kt",
- "190": { # HKG overview 2017
- "table_areas": ["50,427,546,268"],
- "split_text": True,
- "flavor": "stream",
- },
+ # "190": { # HKG overview 2017
+ # "table_areas": ["50,427,546,268"],
+ # "split_text": True,
+ # "flavor": "stream",
+ # "unit": "MtCO2eq",
+ # },
"191": { # HKG detail 2017
"table_areas": ["73,754,520,178"],
"split_text": True,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "kt",
"192": { # HKG f-gases 2017
"table_areas": ["74,756,517,472"],
@@ -247,36 +540,62 @@ config_nc4 = {
"split_text": True,
"flavor": "stream",
"rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ["GHG source"],
+ -3: ["GHG source"],
+ 3: ["- Production of", "- Consumption of"],
+ "unit": "t",
+ "unit_correction": 100,
+ "manual_repl_unit": {"PFCs": "tCO2eq"},
- "218": { # MAC overview 2017
- "table_areas": ["73,501,489,341"],
- "split_text": True,
- "flavor": "stream",
- },
+ # "218": { # MAC overview 2017
+ # "table_areas": ["73,501,489,341"],
+ # "split_text": True,
+ # "flavor": "stream",
+ # "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ # "unit_correction": 10,
+ # },
"219": { # MAC detail 2017
"table_areas": ["73,754,520,339"],
"columns": ["291,393,458"],
"split_text": True,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "t",
+ "unit_correction": 100,
+ },
+ },
+ "processing_info_country": {
+ "HKG": {
+ "basket_copy": { # needed for 2005, 2017, 2018
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["AR4GWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["PFCS"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+ },
+ "CHN": None,
+ "MAC": None,
## BUR3 specific config
+# overview tables are not read (except for 2005 where no other data is available)
+# because the data are not consistent with the detailed tables due to rounding
+# errors
config_bur3 = {
- "scenario": "BUR3",
+ "coords_defaults": {
+ "scenario": "BUR3",
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "references": "https://unfccc.int/documents/636696",
+ },
"table_groups": {
- "overview": {
- "pages": {
- "CHN": [11],
- "MAC": [63],
- "HKG": [43],
- },
- "year": 2018,
- "unit": "kt / year",
- },
+ # "overview": {
+ # "pages": {
+ # #"CHN": [11],
+ # "MAC": [63],
+ # #"HKG": [43],
+ # },
+ # "year": 2018,
+ # },
"inventory": {
"pages": {
"CHN": [13, 14],
@@ -284,7 +603,6 @@ config_bur3 = {
"HKG": [44],
"year": 2018,
- "unit": "kt / year",
"fgas": {
"pages": {
@@ -292,8 +610,7 @@ config_bur3 = {
# "MAC": [],
"HKG": [45],
- "year": 2017,
- "unit": "kt / year",
+ "year": 2018,
"recalc": {
"pages": {
@@ -302,27 +619,29 @@ config_bur3 = {
"HKG": [50],
"year": 2005,
- "unit": "kt / year",
"page_def": {
- "11": { # CHN overview 2018
- "table_areas": ["67,584,525,482"],
- "split_text": True,
- "flavor": "stream",
- },
+ # "11": { # CHN overview 2018
+ # "table_areas": ["67,584,525,482"],
+ # "split_text": True,
+ # "flavor": "stream",
+ # "unit": "MtCO2eq"
+ # },
"13": { # CHN detail 2018
"table_areas": ["71,565,523,76"],
"columns": ["325,389,453"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
"row_tol": 10,
+ "unit": "kt",
"14": { # CHN detail 2018
"table_areas": ["69,771,526,526"],
"columns": ["331,388,453"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "kt",
"15": { # CHN fgases 2018
"table_areas": ["62,493,778,226"],
@@ -335,21 +654,25 @@ config_bur3 = {
3: ["⎯ Consumption"],
4: ["⎯ Non-energy"],
+ "unit": "kt",
"18": { # CHN overview 2005
"table_areas": ["84,615,507,503"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "MtCO2eq",
- "43": { # HKG overview 2018
- "table_areas": ["86,319,501,220"],
- "split_text": False,
- "flavor": "stream",
- },
+ # "43": { # HKG overview 2018
+ # "table_areas": ["86,319,501,220"],
+ # "split_text": False,
+ # "flavor": "stream",
+ # "unit": "ktCO2eq"
+ # },
"44": { # HKG detail 2018
"table_areas": ["83,743,508,171"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "kt",
"45": { # HKG f-gases 2018
"table_areas": ["83,752,508,495"],
@@ -359,33 +682,74 @@ config_bur3 = {
"rows_to_fix": {
3: ["GHG source and sink"],
+ "unit": "t",
+ "unit_correction": 100,
+ "manual_repl_unit": {"PFCs": "tCO2eq"},
"50": { # HGK overview 2005
"table_areas": ["84,753,499,651"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
- "63": { # MAC overview 2018
- "table_areas": ["67,336,514,168"],
- "columns": ["198,231,275,316,366,408,447"],
- "split_text": False,
- "flavor": "stream",
- "row_tol": 10,
- "strip_text": ".\n",
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ["Land-UseChangeand"],
- },
- },
+ # "63": { # MAC overview 2018
+ # "table_areas": ["67,336,514,168"],
+ # "columns": ["198,231,275,316,366,408,447"],
+ # "split_text": False,
+ # "flavor": "stream",
+ # "row_tol": 10,
+ # "strip_text": ".\n",
+ # "rows_to_fix": {
+ # 2: ["Land-UseChangeand"],
+ # },
+ # "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ # },
"64": { # MAC detail 2018
"table_areas": ["66,754,526,387"],
"columns": ["308,389,458"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "t",
+ "unit_correction": 100,
"67": { # MAC overview 2005
"table_areas": ["65,549,520,438"],
"split_text": False,
"flavor": "stream",
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ },
+ },
+ "remove_data": {
+ "HKG": {
+ "f1": {"time": ["2018"], "category": ["0", "M.0.EL"], "entity": ["CH4"]},
+ "f2": {
+ "time": ["2018"],
+ "category": ["3.B", "3.D", "3.E"],
+ "entity": ["N2O"],
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ "processing_info_country": {
+ "HKG": {
+ "basket_copy": { # needed for 2005, 2017, 2018
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["AR4GWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+ },
+ },
+ "CHN": { # TODO: doesn't work for NC4. Change config
+ "basket_copy": { # needed for 2005
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["AR4GWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+ },
+ },
+ "MAC": {
+ "basket_copy": { # needed for 2005, 2017,
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["AR4GWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["PFCS"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+ },