Browse Source

add trend tables to script

Daniel Busch 10 months ago

+ 141 - 0

@@ -142,6 +142,140 @@ inv_conf_per_year = {
+inv_conf_per_entity = {
+    "CO" : {
+        'page_defs' : {
+            '39' : {
+                "area" : ['53,646,550,588'],
+                "cols" : ['279,328,364,400,440,478,520'],
+            },
+        },
+        "cat_codes_manual" : {"Total National Emissions" : "0"},
+        "category_column" : "Categories",
+        "columns_to_drop" : ["Categories"],
+        "years" : ['1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015', '2020'],
+        "unit" : "Gg",
+    },
+    "NOx" : {
+        'page_defs' : {
+            '38' : {
+                "area" : ['53,120,538,93'],
+                "cols" : ['281,329,365,405,441,477,513'],
+            },
+            '39' : {
+                "area" : ['51,772,539,740'],
+                "cols" : ['285,332,368,404,444,476,514'],
+            },
+        },
+        "cat_codes_manual" : {"Total National Emissions" : "0"},
+        "category_column" : "Categories",
+        "columns_to_drop" : ["Categories"],
+        "years" : ['1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015', '2020'],
+        "unit" : "Gg",
+    },
+    "HFCs" : {
+        'page_defs' : {
+            '38' : {
+                "area" : ['55,469,534,364'],
+                "cols" : ['251,302,367,427,486'],
+            },
+        },
+        "cat_codes_manual" : {"Total National Emissions (Gg CO2e)" : "0"},
+        "category_column" : "Categories",
+        "columns_to_drop" : ["Share, %", "Categories"],
+        "years" : ['2007', '2010', '2015', '2020'],
+        "unit" : "Gg CO2e",
+    },
+    "N2O" : {
+        'page_defs' : {
+            '37' : {
+                "area" : ['55,106,556,79'],
+                "cols" : ['170,258,305,347,394,440,476,512'],
+            },
+            '38' : {
+                "area" : ['55,773,555,664'],
+                "cols" : ['215,264,306,353,395,439,476,513'],
+            },
+        },
+        "rows_to_fix" : {
+            3 : ["3 - Agriculture, Forestry, and Other",
+                 "3.C - Aggregate sources and non-",
+                 "4.D - Wastewater Treatment and",
+                 ]
+        },
+        "cat_codes_manual" : {"Total National Emissions (Gg N2O)" : "0"},
+        "category_column" : "Categories",
+        "columns_to_drop" : ["Share, %", "Categories"],
+        "years" : ['1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015', '2020'],
+        "unit" : "Gg",
+    },
+    "CH4" : {
+        'page_defs' : {
+            '37' : {
+                "area" : ['55,423,552,216'],
+                "cols" : ['186,250,296,326,383,427,467,507'],
+            },
+        },
+        "rows_to_fix" : {
+            3 : ["1.A - Fuel Combustion",
+                 "1.B - Fugitive emissions from",
+                 "3 - Agriculture, Forestry, and",
+                 "3.C - Aggregate sources and",
+                 "4.D - Wastewater Treatment",
+                 "Total National Emissions (Gg",
+                 ]
+        },
+        "cat_codes_manual" : {"Total National Emissions (Gg CH4)" : "0"},
+        "category_column" : "Categories",
+        "columns_to_drop" : ["Share, %", "Categories"],
+        "years" : ['1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015', '2020'],
+        "unit" : "Gg",
+    },
+    "CO2" : {
+        'page_defs' : {
+            '36' : {
+                "area" : ['53,147,556,79'],
+                "cols" : ['150,204,254,306,352,406,459,513'],
+            },
+            '37' : {
+                "area" : ['51,772,561,515'],
+                "cols" : ['151,202,252,305,357,404,463,517'],
+            }
+        },
+        "rows_to_fix" : {
+            2 : ["Categories",
+                 "Emissions and",
+                 ],
+            3 : ["1.A - Fuel",
+                 "1.B - Fugitive",
+                 "2 - Industrial Processes",
+                 "3 - Agriculture,",
+                 "Total National",
+                 "Total National",
+                 ],
+            5 : ["2.D - Non-Energy"],
+            -2 : [
+                "Categories ",
+                "Emissions and Removals (Gg CO2)",
+            ],
+        },
+        "rows_to_drop" : [
+            "Total National Emissions (Gg CO2)",
+            "Total National Removals (Gg CO2)"
+        ],
+        "columns_to_drop" : ["Share, %", " Categories "],
+        "cat_codes_manual" : {"Total National Emissions and Removals (Gg CO2)" : "0"},
+        "category_column" : " Categories ",
+        "years" : ['1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015', '2020'],
+        "unit" : "Gg",
+    },
+    "entity_row" : 0,
+    "unit_row" : 1,
 # primap2 format conversion
 coords_cols = {
     "category": "category",
@@ -149,6 +283,13 @@ coords_cols = {
     "unit": "unit",
+# TODO: That's probably the same as above, test again.
+coords_cols_wide = {
+    "category": "category",
+    "entity": "entity",
+    "unit": "unit",
 coords_defaults = {
     "source": "MNG-GHG-Inventory",
     "provenance": "measured",

+ 120 - 2

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from UNFCCC_GHG_data.helper import (
 from config_MNG_BUR2 import (
+    inv_conf_per_entity,
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ from config_MNG_BUR2 import (
+    coords_cols_wide
 # ###
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ category_column = f"category ({coords_terminologies['category']})"
 compression = dict(zlib=True, complevel=9)
 # ###
-# 1. Read in tables
+# 1. Read in main tables
 # ###
 df_all = None
@@ -152,6 +154,7 @@ for year in inv_conf_per_year.keys():
+# TODO: choose different name for df here
 ### convert to interchange format ###
 print("Converting to interchange format.")
 df_all_IF = pm2.pm2io.convert_long_dataframe_if(
@@ -168,7 +171,122 @@ df_all_IF = pm2.pm2io.convert_long_dataframe_if(
 ### convert to primap2 format ###
 print("Converting to primap2 format.")
-data_pm2 = pm2.pm2io.from_interchange_format(df_all_IF)
+data_main_pm2 = pm2.pm2io.from_interchange_format(df_all_IF)
+# ###
+# 2. Read in trend tables
+# ###
+df_all = None
+for entity in ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "HFCs", "NOx", "CO"]:
+    print("-" * 60)
+    print(f"Reading entity {entity}.")
+    df_entity = None
+    for page in inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["page_defs"].keys():
+        print(f"Reading page {page}.")
+        tables_inventory_original = camelot.read_pdf(
+            str(input_folder / pdf_file),
+            pages=page,
+            table_areas=inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["page_defs"][page]["area"],
+            columns=inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["page_defs"][page]["cols"],
+            flavor="stream",
+            split_text=True,
+        )
+        df_page = tables_inventory_original[0].df
+        if df_entity is None:
+            df_entity = df_page
+        else:
+            df_entity = pd.concat(
+                [df_entity, df_page],
+                axis=0,
+                join="outer",
+            ).reset_index(drop=True)
+        print(f"adding table from page {page}.")
+    if "rows_to_fix" in inv_conf_per_entity[entity]:
+        for n_rows in inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["rows_to_fix"].keys():
+            print(f"Merge content for {n_rows=}")
+            df_entity = fix_rows(
+                df_entity,
+                rows_to_fix=inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["rows_to_fix"][n_rows],
+                col_to_use=0,
+                n_rows=n_rows,
+            )
+    df_entity.columns = df_entity.iloc[0, :]
+    df_entity = df_entity[1:]
+    # unit is always Gg
+    df_entity.loc[:, "unit"] = inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["unit"]
+    # only one entity per table
+    df_entity.loc[:, "entity"] = entity
+    # TODO: Fix pandas "set value on slice of copy" warning
+    df_entity.loc[:, "category"] = df_entity.loc[
+        :, inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["category_column"]
+    ]
+    if "rows_to_drop" in inv_conf_per_entity[entity]:
+        for row in inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["rows_to_drop"]:
+            row_to_delete = df_entity.index[df_entity["category"] == row][0]
+            df_entity = df_entity.drop(index=row_to_delete)
+    df_entity.loc[:, "category"] = df_entity.loc[:, "category"].replace(
+        inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["cat_codes_manual"]
+    )
+    def repl(m):
+        return"code")
+    df_entity.loc[:, "category"] = df_entity["category"].str.replace(
+        inv_conf["cat_code_regexp"], repl, regex=True
+    )
+    df_entity = df_entity.drop(columns=inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["columns_to_drop"])
+    for year in inv_conf_per_entity[entity]["years"]:
+        df_entity.loc[:, year] = df_entity[year].str.replace(",", "")
+    if df_all is None:
+        df_all = df_entity
+    else:
+        df_all = pd.concat(
+            [df_all, df_entity],
+            axis=0,
+            join="outer",
+        ).reset_index(drop=True)
+### convert to interchange format ###
+df_trend_IF = pm2.pm2io.convert_wide_dataframe_if(
+    data_wide=df_all,
+    coords_cols = coords_cols_wide,
+    coords_defaults=coords_defaults,
+    coords_terminologies=coords_terminologies,
+    coords_value_mapping=coords_value_mapping,
+    #filter_remove=filter_remove,
+    meta_data=meta_data,
+    convert_str=True,
+    time_format="%Y",
+    )
+### convert to primap2 format ###
+print("Converting to primap2 format.")
+data_trend_pm2 = pm2.pm2io.from_interchange_format(df_trend_IF)
+# ###
+# Merge main and trend tables.
+# ###
+print("Merging main and trend table.")
+data_pm2 =, tolerance=1)
 # ###
 # Save raw data to IF and native format.