@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+Configuration file to read Saint Kitts and Nevis' BUR 1.
+gwp_to_use = "AR5GWP100"
+# primap2 format conversion
+coords_cols = {
+ "category": "category",
+ "entity": "entity",
+ "unit": "unit",
+coords_defaults = {
+ "source": "KNA-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ "area": "KNA",
+ "scenario": "BUR1",
+coords_terminologies = {
+ "area": "ISO3",
+ "category": "IPCC2006_PRIMAP",
+ "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+coords_value_mapping = {
+ "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+ "category": "PRIMAP1",
+ "entity": {
+ "NMVOCs": "NMVOC",
+ "HFCS": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "PFCS": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "SF6": f"SF6 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Other halogenated gases with CO2 equivalent conversion factors (1)": f"UnspMixOfHFCs ({gwp_to_use})",
+ },
+meta_data = {
+ "references": "https://unfccc.int/documents/633382",
+ "rights": "", # unknown
+ "contact": "daniel-busch@climate-resource.de",
+ "title": "Saint Kitts and Nevis. Biennial update report (BUR). BUR1",
+ "comment": "Read fom pdf by Daniel Busch",
+ "institution": "UNFCCC",
+filter_remove = {
+ "f_memo": {"category": "MEMO"},
+ "f1": {
+ "entity": "Other halogenated gases without CO2 equivalent conversion factors (2)"
+ },
+ "f2": {"entity": "3D2LULUCF"},
+conf_general = {
+ "cat_code_regexp": r"^(?P<code>[a-zA-Z0-9\.]{1,11})[\s\.].*",
+conf_trend = {
+ "fugitive": {
+ "rows_to_fix": {2: ["1.B.3 - Other emissions from"]},
+ "page_defs": {
+ "125": {
+ "read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"),
+ "skip_rows_start": 1,
+ },
+ "126": {
+ "read_params": dict(
+ flavor="stream",
+ table_areas=["72,681,564,638"],
+ columns=["203,238,272,305,340,370,402,439,469,504,536"],
+ ),
+ "skip_rows_start": 1,
+ },
+ },
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [],
+ },
+ "other_sectors": {
+ "page_defs": {
+ "123": {
+ "read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"),
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ },
+ },
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [],
+ },
+ "transport_sub": {
+ "page_defs": {
+ "121": {
+ "read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"),
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ },
+ "122": {
+ "read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"),
+ "skip_rows_start": 0,
+ },
+ },
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [],
+ },
+ "transport": {
+ "page_defs": {
+ "119": {
+ "read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"),
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ }
+ },
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [],
+ },
+ "manufacturing_and_construction": {
+ "page_defs": {
+ "118": {
+ "read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"),
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ }
+ },
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [],
+ },
+ "energy_industries": {
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "replace_data_entries": {"NO,NE": "NO"},
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "a. Public electricity and heat production": "1.A.1.a",
+ "b. Petroleum refining": "1.A.1.b",
+ "c. Manufacture of solid fuels": "1.A.1.c",
+ },
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [],
+ "rows_to_fix": {3: ["a. Public electricity and heat"]},
+ "page_defs": {
+ "116": {
+ "read_params": dict(
+ flavor="stream",
+ table_areas=["72,426,543,333"],
+ columns=["199,229,261,293,324,356,386,416,448,480,511"],
+ ),
+ "skip_rows_start": 2,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "overview": {
+ # Inconsistencies for table page 11 and page 125 for categories 1.B, 1.B.1
+ "rows_to_drop": ["1B", "1B1"],
+ "fix_single_value": {
+ "cat": "MBIO",
+ "year": "2018",
+ "new_value": "0.17",
+ },
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+ "replace_data_entries": {"NO,NE": "NO"},
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Total CO2 Eq. Emissions without LULUCF": "M.0.EL",
+ "Total CO2 Eq. Emissions with LULUCF": "0",
+ # "1. Energy": "1. Energy",
+ "A. Fuel Combustion": "1.A",
+ "1. Energy Industries": "1.A.1",
+ "2. Man. Ind. & Constr.": "1.A.2",
+ "3. Transport": "1.A.3",
+ "4. Other Sectors": "1.A.4",
+ "5. Other": "1.A.5",
+ "B. Fugitive Emissions from Fuels": "1.B",
+ "1. Solid Fuels": "1.B.1",
+ "2. Oil and Natural Gas and other…": "M.1.B.23",
+ # "2. Industrial Processes": "2. Industrial Processes",
+ "A. Mineral Industry": "2.A",
+ "B. Chemical Industry": "2.B",
+ "C. Metal Industry": "2.C",
+ "D. Non-energy products": "2.D",
+ "E. Electronics industry": "2.E",
+ "F. Product uses as ODS substitutes": "2.F",
+ "G. Other product manufacture and": "2.G",
+ "use H. Other": "2.H",
+ "3. Agriculture": "M.AG",
+ "A. Enteric Fermentation": "3.A.1",
+ "B. Manure Management": "3.A.2",
+ "C. Rice Cultivation": "3.C.7",
+ "D. Agricultural Soils": "3.C.4",
+ "E. Prescribed Burning of Savannahs": "3.C.1.c",
+ "F. Field Burning of Agricultural": "3.C.1.b",
+ "Residues G. Liming": "3.C.2",
+ "H. Urea applications": "3.C.3",
+ "I. Other carbon-containing": "M.3.D.2.AG",
+ "fertilisers 4. Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry": "M.LULUCF",
+ "A. Forest Land": "3.B.1",
+ "B. Cropland": "3.B.2",
+ "C. Grassland": "3.B.3",
+ "D. Wetlands": "3.B.4",
+ "E. Settlements": "3.B.5",
+ "F. Other Land": "3.B.6",
+ "G. Harvested wood products": "3.D.1",
+ "H. Other": "3.D.2.LULUCF",
+ "5. Waste": "4",
+ "A. Solid Waste Disposal": "4.A",
+ "B. Biological treatment of solid": "4.B",
+ "waste C. Incineration and open burning of": "4.C",
+ "D. Waste water treatment and": "4.D",
+ "discharge E. Other": "4.E",
+ "6. Other": "5",
+ "CO2 Emissions from Biomass": "M.BIO",
+ },
+ "drop_cols": [
+ "change to BY",
+ "change to PY",
+ ],
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "years": [
+ "2008",
+ "2009",
+ "2010",
+ "2011",
+ "2012",
+ "2013",
+ "2014",
+ "2015",
+ "2016",
+ "2017",
+ "2018",
+ ],
+ "extra_columns": [
+ "change to BY",
+ "change to PY",
+ ],
+ "split_values": {
+ "cat": "3B2",
+ "keep_value_no": 1,
+ },
+ "page_defs": {
+ "111": {"read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"), "skip_rows_start": 1},
+ "112": {"read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"), "skip_rows_start": 1},
+ "113": {"read_params": dict(flavor="lattice"), "skip_rows_start": 1},
+ },
+ },
+conf = {
+ "energy": {
+ "entities": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "NOX", "CO", "NMVOCs", "SO2"],
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Information Items": "MEMO",
+ "CO2 from Biomass Combustion for Energy Production": "MBIO",
+ },
+ "page_defs": {
+ "149": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ "150": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ "151": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ "152": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ },
+ "replace_data_entries": {
+ "NO,NE": "NO",
+ "NE,NO": "NO",
+ "NO,IE": "NO",
+ },
+ "unit_mapping": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ "NOX": "Gg",
+ "CO": "Gg",
+ "NMVOCs": "Gg",
+ "SO2": "Gg",
+ },
+ },
+ "ipuu": {
+ "entities": [
+ "CO2",
+ "CH4",
+ "N2O",
+ "HFCS",
+ "PFCS",
+ "SF6",
+ "Other halogenated gases with CO2 equivalent conversion factors (1)",
+ "Other halogenated gases without CO2 equivalent conversion factors (2)",
+ "NOX",
+ "CO",
+ "NMVOC",
+ "SO2",
+ ],
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Information Items": "MEMO",
+ "CO2 from Biomass Combustion for Energy Production": "MBIO",
+ },
+ "page_defs": {
+ "153": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ "154": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ "155": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ },
+ "replace_data_entries": {
+ "NO,NE": "NO",
+ "NE,NO": "NO",
+ "NO,IE": "NO",
+ },
+ "unit_mapping": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ "HFCS": "GgCO2eq",
+ "PFCS": "GgCO2eq",
+ "SF6": "GgCO2eq",
+ "Other halogenated gases with CO2 equivalent conversion factors (1)": "GgCO2eq",
+ "Other halogenated gases without CO2 equivalent conversion factors (2)": "Gg",
+ "NOX": "Gg",
+ "CO": "Gg",
+ "NMVOC": "Gg",
+ "SO2": "Gg",
+ },
+ },
+ "AFOLU": {
+ "entities": [
+ "CO2",
+ "CH4",
+ "N2O",
+ "NOX",
+ "CO",
+ "NMVOC",
+ ],
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Information Items": "MEMO",
+ "CO2 from Biomass Combustion for Energy Production": "MBIO",
+ },
+ "page_defs": {
+ "156": {"skip_rows_start": 3},
+ "157": {"skip_rows_start": 3},
+ "158": {"skip_rows_start": 3},
+ },
+ "replace_data_entries": {
+ "NO,NA": "NO",
+ "NO,NE": "NO",
+ "NE,NO": "NO",
+ "NO,IE": "NO",
+ },
+ "unit_mapping": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ "NOX": "Gg",
+ "CO": "Gg",
+ "NMVOC": "Gg",
+ },
+ },
+ "waste": {
+ "entities": [
+ "CO2",
+ "CH4",
+ "N2O",
+ "NOX",
+ "CO",
+ "NMVOC",
+ "SO2",
+ ],
+ "header": ["orig_category"],
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Information Items": "MEMO",
+ "CO2 from Biomass Combustion for Energy Production": "MBIO",
+ },
+ "page_defs": {
+ "159": {"skip_rows_start": 2},
+ },
+ "replace_data_entries": {
+ "NO,NA": "NO",
+ "NO,NE": "NO",
+ "NE,NO": "NO",
+ "NO,IE": "NO",
+ },
+ "unit_mapping": {
+ "CO2": "Gg",
+ "CH4": "Gg",
+ "N2O": "Gg",
+ "NOX": "Gg",
+ "CO": "Gg",
+ "NMVOC": "Gg",
+ "SO2": "Gg",
+ },
+ },
+fix_values_main = [
+ # numbers don't add up for 3.A
+ ("3A2", "CH4", "0.03"),
+ ("3A2", "N2O", "0"),
+ # numbers don't add up for 1.B
+ ("1B2a", "CO2", "0.002288"), # value from 1.B nowhere in sub-categories
+ ("1B2aiii", "CO2", "0.002288"), # value from 1.B.2.a nowhere in sub-categories
+ ("1B2aiii3", "CO2", "0.002288"), # value from 1.B.2.a.iii nowhere in sub-categories
+fix_values_trend = [
+ # Most of the values for (KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)) don't match
+ # with the values from the main table.
+ # Replacing with values from main table
+ # energy
+ ("1A3bi", "2018", "64.74"), # (category, year, new_value)
+ ("1A3bi1", "2018", "64.7"),
+ ("1A3bii", "2018", "12.36"),
+ ("1A3bii1", "2018", "11.07"),
+ ("1A3bii2", "2018", "1.28"),
+ ("1A3biii", "2018", "23.66"),
+ ("1A3biv", "2018", "0.16"),
+ ("1A3c", "2018", "0.17"),
+ ("1B", "2018", "0.002288"),
+ ("1B2", "2018", "0.002288"),
+ ("1B2a", "2018", "0.002288"),
+ ("1B2aiii", "2018", "0.002288"),
+ ("1B2aiii3", "2018", "0.002288"),
+ # agriculture
+ ("3A1", "2018", "5.04"),
+ ("3A2", "2018", "0.84"),
+ ("3C4", "2018", "2.65"),
+ ("MAG", "2018", "8.54"),
+ # lulucf
+ # There are missing numbers in "Forest Land" - 3.B.1 on page 112
+ # I found them as invisible numbers in the row below
+ # but deleted them because I didn't know where they belong.
+ # Leaving it as it is now, but numbers could be added upstream TODO
+ ("3B1", "2008", "-130.02"),
+ ("3B1", "2009", "-130.02"),
+ ("3B1", "2010", "-130.02"),
+ ("3B1", "2011", "-151.6"),
+ ("3B1", "2012", "-151.6"),
+ ("3B1", "2013", "-151.6"),
+ ("3B1", "2014", "-140.34"),
+ ("3B1", "2015", "-140.34"),
+ ("3B1", "2016", "-140.34"),
+ ("3B1", "2017", "-140.34"),
+ ("3B1", "2018", "-140.34"),
+ # waste
+ ("4D", "2018", "12.32"),
+ ("4C", "2018", "0.03"),
+ ("4A", "2018", "45.92"),
+ ("4", "2018", "58.27"),
+gas_baskets = {
+ "FGASES (SARGWP100)": ["HFCS (SARGWP100)", "PFCS (SARGWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "FGASES (AR4GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "FGASES (AR5GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR5GWP100)", "PFCS (AR5GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "FGASES (AR6GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR6GWP100)", "PFCS (AR6GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (SARGWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR4GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR5GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR6GWP100)"],
+country_processing_step1 = {
+ "tolerance": 0.01,
+ "aggregate_cats": {
+ "M.3.D.AG": {"sources": ["M.3.D.2.AG"]},
+ "3.C.1.AG": {"sources": ["3.C.1.b", "3.C.1.c"]},
+ "M.3.C.AG": {
+ "sources": [
+ "3.C.1.AG",
+ "3.C.2",
+ "3.C.3",
+ "3.C.4",
+ "3.C.5",
+ "3.C.6",
+ "3.C.7",
+ "3.C.8",
+ ],
+ },
+ "M.AG.ELV": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG", "M.3.D.AG"],
+ },
+ "3.A": {"sources": ["3.A.1", "3.A.2"]},
+ "3.B": {"sources": ["3.B.1", "3.B.2", "3.B.3", "3.B.4", "3.B.5", "3.B.6"]},
+ "3.C": {
+ "sources": [
+ "3.C.1",
+ "3.C.2",
+ "3.C.3",
+ "3.C.4",
+ "3.C.5",
+ "3.C.6",
+ "3.C.7",
+ "3.C.8",
+ ]
+ },
+ "3.D": {"sources": ["3.D.1", "3.D.2"]},
+ "M.AG": {"sources": ["3.A", "M.AG.ELV"]},
+ "3.C.1.LU": {"sources": ["3.C.1.a", "3.C.1.d"]},
+ "M.3.D.LU": {"sources": ["3.D.1"]},
+ "M.LULUCF": {"sources": ["3.B", "3.C.1.LU", "M.3.D.LU"]},
+ "M.0.EL": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4"],
+ },
+ "3": {"sources": ["M.AG", "M.LULUCF"]}, # consistency check
+ "0": {"sources": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]}, # consistency check
+ },
+ "basket_copy": {
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["AR4GWP100", "SARGWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["HFCS", "PFCS", "UnspMixOfHFCs"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
+ },
+country_processing_step2 = {
+ "downscale": {
+ # "sectors": {
+ # "M.1.B.23": {
+ # "basket": "M.1.B.23",
+ # "basket_contents": ["1.B.2", "1.B.3"],
+ # "entities": ["KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)"],
+ # "dim": f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ # },
+ # },
+ "entities": {
+ "KYOTO": {
+ "basket": "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)",
+ "basket_contents": [
+ "CH4",
+ "CO2",
+ "N2O",
+ "HFCS (AR5GWP100)",
+ "PFCS (AR5GWP100)",
+ "SF6",
+ ],
+ "sel": {
+ f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})': [
+ "1",
+ "1.A",
+ "1.B",
+ "1.B.2",
+ # "1.B.3" # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "1.C", # we don't have trend values for 1.C
+ # Downscaling currently doesn't work for all zero basket content, see
+ # https://github.com/pik-primap/primap2/issues/254#issue-2491434285
+ # "2", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.A", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.B", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.C", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.D", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.E", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.F", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.G", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ # "2.H", # all zero -> doesn't work
+ "3",
+ "3.A",
+ "3.B",
+ "3.C",
+ "3.D",
+ "4",
+ ]
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },