Browse Source

Start Argentina BUR5 reading

Johannes 11 months ago

+ 527 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+# this script reads data from Argentina's 2023 national inventory which is underlying BUR5
+# Data is read from the csv file available for download at the above URL
+# license probably CC-BY 4.0 (see
+import sys
+import camelot
+import primap2 as pm2
+from primap2.pm2io._conversion import convert_ipcc_code_primap_to_primap2
+from UNFCCC_GHG_data.helper import downloaded_data_path, extracted_data_path, \
+    process_data_for_country
+from UNFCCC_GHG_data.UNFCCC_DI_reader.UNFCCC_DI_reader_config import gas_baskets
+# data is in long format. Columns needed are
+# 'año' 'id_ipcc' 'tipo_de_gas' 'valor_en_toneladas_de_gas'
+# columns to irgnore are
+columns_to_ignore = ['sector', 'actividad', 'subactividad', 'categoria', 'valor_en_toneladas_de_co2e']
+# sector codes are in primap1 format (no dots), reading should be possible directly from CSV into interchange format
+# postprocessing needed is aggregation of gas baskets and categories as only the highest detail categories are present
+# ###
+# configuration
+# ###
+# TODO: lot's of empty lines are written in csv file. check if solved with new
+#  PRIMAP2 version
+# folders and files
+input_folder = downloaded_data_path / 'UNFCCC' / 'Argentina' / \
+               'BUR5'
+output_folder = extracted_data_path / 'UNFCCC' / 'Argentina'
+if not output_folder.exists():
+    output_folder.mkdir()
+output_filename = 'ARG_BUR5_2023_'
+csv_file = 'emisiones_gei_inventario_datos_totales_1990_2020.csv'
+# cats = ['1A1a', '1A1b', '1A1cii', '1A2a', '1A2b', '1A2c', '1A2d', '1A2e',
+#        '1A2f', '1A2g', '1A2j', '1A2l', '1A2m', '1A3aii', '1A3biii',
+#        '1A3bvii', '1A3c', '1A3dii', '1A3ei', '1A4ai', '1A4aii', '1A4aiii',
+#        '1A4b', '1A4c', '1B1ai1', '1B1ai2', '1B1ci', '1B2ai', '1B2aii',
+#        '1B2aiii', '1B2aiv', '1B2bi', '1B2bii', '1B2biii', '1B2biv',
+#        '1B2bv', '1B2bvi', '2A1', '2A2', '2A4a', '2A4b', '2A4d', '2B1',
+#        '2B2', '2B5', '2B7', '2B8a', '2B8b', '2B8c', '2B8f', '2B9a', '2C1',
+#        '2C2', '2C3', '2C6', '2D1', '2D2', '2F1a', '2F1b', '2F2', '2F3',
+#        '2F4', '3A1ai', '3A1aii', '3A1b', '3A1c', '3A1d', '3A1e', '3A1f',
+#        '3A1g', '3A1h', '3A2ai', '3A2aii', '3A2b', '3A2c', '3A2d', '3A2e',
+#        '3A2f', '3A2g', '3A2h', '3A2i', '3B1ai1', '3B1ai2', '3B1aii1',
+#        '3B1aii2', '3B2bi', '3B2bii', '3B3bi', '3B3bii', '3B7', '3C1ai',
+#        '3C1aii', '3C1bi', '3C1bii', '3C1ci', '3C1cii', '3C3', '3C4a',
+#        '3C4b', '3C4c', '3C4di', '3C4dii', '3C4diii', '3C4div', '3C4dv',
+#        '3C4dvi', '3C4dvii', '3C4e', '3C4f', '3C4gi', '3C4gii', '3C4n',
+#        '3C4o', '3C5ai', '3C5aii', '3C5bi', '3C5bii', '3C5ci', '3C5cii',
+#        '3C5di1', '3C5di2', '3C5dii1', '3C5dii2', '3C5diii1', '3C5diii2',
+#        '3C5div1', '3C5div2', '3C5dv1', '3C5dv2', '3C5dvi1', '3C5dvi2',
+#        '3C5dvii1', '3C5dvii2', '3C5e', '3C5fii', '3C5gi1', '3C5gi2',
+#        '3C5gii1', '3C5gii2', '3C5ni', '3C5nii', '3C5oi', '3C5oii',
+#        '3C6ai1', '3C6aii1', '3C6aii2', '3C6hi', '3C6hii', '3C6ii', '3C7',
+#        '3D1', '4A1', '4A3', '4B', '4C1', '4D1', '4D2a', '4D2b', '4D2c',
+#        '4D2d', '4D2e']
+# read the data
+cat_codes_manual = {  # conversion to PRIMAP1 format
+    '1A6': 'MBIO',
+    '1A3di': 'MBKM',
+    '1A3ai': 'MBKA',
+    '1A3di Navegación marítima y fluvial internacional': 'MBKM',
+    'S/N': 'MMULTIOP',
+cat_code_regexp = r'(?P<UNFCCC_GHG_data>^[A-Z0-9]{1,8}).*'
+time_format = "%Y"
+coords_cols = {
+    "category": "category",
+    "entity": "entity",
+    "unit": "unit",
+add_coords_cols = {
+    "orig_cat_name": ["orig_cat_name", "category"],
+coords_terminologies = {
+    "area": "ISO3",
+    "category": "IPCC2006_PRIMAP",
+    "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+coords_defaults = {
+    "source": "ARG-GHG-Inventory",
+    "provenance": "measured",
+    "area": "ARG",
+    "scenario": "BUR5",
+    "unit": "tonnes" # this might not work as he entity has to be specified
+coords_value_mapping = {
+    "category": "PRIMAP1",
+    "entity": {
+        'HFC_23': 'HFC23',
+        'HFC_32': 'HFC32',
+        'HFC_125': 'HFC125',
+        'HFC_134a': 'HFC134a',
+        'HFC_152a': 'HFC152a',
+        'HFC_143a': 'HFC143a',
+        'HFC_227ea': 'HFC227ea',
+        'HFC_236fa': 'HFC236fa',
+        'HFC_365mfc': 'HFC365mfc',
+        'HFC_245fa': 'HFC245fa',
+        'PFC_143_CF4': 'CF4',
+        'PFC_116-C2F6': 'C2F6',
+    },
+coords_value_filling = {
+filter_remove = {
+filter_keep = {}
+meta_data = {
+    "references": "",
+    "rights": "",
+    "contact": "",
+    "title": "",
+    "comment": "Read fom pcsv file by Johannes Gütschow",
+    "institution": "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)",
+data_IF = pm2.pm2io.read_long_csv_file_if(
+    csv_file,
+    #coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling,
+    filter_remove=filter_remove,
+    filter_keep=filter_keep,
+# definitions part 1: reading data from pdf and preprocessing for conversion to PRIMAP2 format
+# part 1.1 KyotoGHG, CO2, CH4, N2O tables
+pages_to_read = range(232, 244)
+data_start_keyword = "Id#"
+data_end_keyword = "Fuente: Elaboración propia"
+index_cols = ['Id#', 'Nombre']
+col_rename = {
+    index_cols[0]: "category",
+    index_cols[1]: "orig_cat_name"
+metadata = {
+    "entity": [0, 1],
+    "unit": [0, 2]
+rows_to_drop = [0]
+metadata_mapping = {
+    'unit': {
+        '(GgCO2e)': 'GgCO2e',
+        '(GgCO2)': 'Gg',
+        '(GgN2O)': 'Gg',
+        '(GgCH4)': 'Gg',
+        '(GgGas)': 'Gg',
+    }
+# part 1.2: fgases table
+# the f-gases table is in wide format with no sectoral resolution and gases as row header
+pages_to_read_fgases = range(244, 247)
+data_start_keyword_fgases = "Gas"
+index_cols_fgases = ['Gas']
+cols_to_drop_fgases = ["Nombre"]
+metadata_fgases = {
+    "unit": [0, 2],
+    "category": '2',
+col_rename_fgases = {
+    index_cols_fgases[0]: "entity",
+## definitions for conversion to PRIMAP2 format
+# rows to remove
+cats_remove = ["Information Items", "Memo Items (3)"]
+# manual category codes
+cat_codes_manual = {  # conversion to PRIMAP1 format
+    '1A6': 'MBIO',
+    '1A3di': 'MBKM',
+    '1A3ai': 'MBKA',
+    '1A3di Navegación marítima y fluvial internacional': 'MBKM',
+    'S/N': 'MMULTIOP',
+cat_code_regexp = r'(?P<UNFCCC_GHG_data>^[A-Z0-9]{1,8}).*'
+time_format = "%Y"
+coords_cols = {
+    "category": "category",
+    "entity": "entity",
+    "unit": "unit",
+add_coords_cols = {
+    "orig_cat_name": ["orig_cat_name", "category"],
+coords_terminologies = {
+    "area": "ISO3",
+    "category": "IPCC2006_PRIMAP",
+    "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+coords_defaults = {
+    "source": "ARG-GHG-Inventory",
+    "provenance": "measured",
+    "area": "ARG",
+    "scenario": "BUR4",
+coords_value_mapping = {
+    #    "category": "PRIMAP1",
+    "entity": {
+        'HFC-23': 'HFC23',
+        'HFC-32': 'HFC32',
+        'HFC-41': 'HFC41',
+        'HFC-43-10mee': 'HFC4310mee',
+        'HFC-125': 'HFC125',
+        'HFC-134': 'HFC134',
+        'HFC-134a': 'HFC134a',
+        'HFC-152a': 'HFC152a',
+        'HFC-143': 'HFC143',
+        'HFC-143a': 'HFC143a',
+        'HFC-227ea': 'HFC227ea',
+        'HFC-236fa': 'HFC236fa',
+        'HFC-245ca': 'HFC245ca',
+        'HFC-365mfc': 'HFC365mfc',
+        'HFC-245fa': 'HFC245fa',
+        'PFC-143 (CF4)': 'CF4',
+        'PFC-116 (C2F6)': 'C2F6',
+        'PFC-218 (C3F8)': 'C3F8',
+        'PFC-31-10 (C4F10)': 'C4F10',
+        'c-C4F8': 'cC4F8',
+        'PFC-51-144 (C6F14)': 'C6F14',
+    },
+    "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+    "orig_cat_name": {
+        "1A3di Navegación marítima y fluvial internacional": "Navegación marítima y fluvial internacional",
+    }
+coords_value_filling = {
+    "category": {
+        "orig_cat_name": {
+            "Total de emisiones y absorciones nacionales": "0",
+            "Navegación marítima y fluvial internacional": "M.BK.M",
+            "Operaciones Multilaterales": "M.MULTIOP",
+            "Emisiones de CO2 provenientes del uso de biomasa como combustible": "M.BIO",
+        },
+    },
+    "orig_cat_name": {
+        "category": {
+            "M.BK.M": "Navegación marítima y fluvial internacional",
+        },
+    },
+filter_remove = {
+    "f1": {
+        "orig_cat_name": ["Elementos Recordatorios"],
+    },
+filter_keep = {}
+meta_data = {
+    "references": "",
+    "rights": "XXXX",
+    "contact": "",
+    "title": "Cuarto Informe Bienal de Actualización de la República Argentina a la Convención Marco delas Naciones Unidas Sobre el Cambio Climático",
+    "comment": "Read fom pdf file by Johannes Gütschow",
+    "institution": "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)",
+compression = dict(zlib=True, complevel=9)
+# ###
+# start data reading
+# ###
+# change working directory to script directory for proper folder names
+script_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
+script_dir_name = os.path.dirname(script_path)
+# read data for KyotoGHG, CO2, CH4, N2O
+data_all = None
+for page in pages_to_read:
+    # read current page
+    tables = camelot.read_pdf(str(input_folder / pdf_file), pages=str(page),
+                              flavor='stream')
+    df_current = tables[0].df
+    rows_to_drop = []
+    for index, data in df_current.iterrows():
+        if data[0] == data_start_keyword:
+            break
+        else:
+            rows_to_drop.append(index)
+    end_of_data = False
+    for index, data in df_current.iterrows():
+        if data_end_keyword in list(data):
+            end_of_data = True
+        if end_of_data:
+            rows_to_drop.append(index)
+    df_current = df_current.drop(rows_to_drop)
+    idx_header = df_current.index[df_current[0] == index_cols[0]].tolist()
+    df_current = df_current.rename(
+        dict(zip(df_current.columns, list(df_current.loc[idx_header[0]]))), axis=1)
+    df_current = df_current.drop(idx_header)
+    # for sheet "Aggregate GHGs" fill entity cell
+    if page in range(232, 235):
+        df_current.iloc[
+            metadata["entity"][0], metadata["entity"][1]] = "KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)"
+    # drop all rows where the index cols (category UNFCCC_GHG_data and name) are both NaN
+    # as without one of them there is no category information
+    df_current.dropna(axis=0, how='all', subset=index_cols, inplace=True)
+    # set index. necessary for the stack operation in the conversion to long format
+    # df_current = df_current.set_index(index_cols)
+    # add columns
+    inserted = 0
+    for col in metadata.keys():
+        # print(f"coordinates: {metadata[col][0]}, {metadata[col][1]}")
+        value = df_current.iloc[metadata[col][0], metadata[col][1] + inserted]
+        if col in metadata_mapping.keys():
+            if value in metadata_mapping[col].keys():
+                value = metadata_mapping[col][value]
+        # print(f"Inserting column {col} with value {value}")
+        df_current.insert(2, col, value)
+        inserted += 1
+    # drop unit row
+    # for row in rows_to_drop:
+    #    df_current = df_current.drop(df_current.iloc[row].name)
+    df_current = df_current.drop(df_current.index[0])
+    # fix number format
+    df_current = df_current.apply(lambda x: x.str.replace('.', '', regex=False), axis=1)
+    df_current = df_current.apply(lambda x: x.str.replace(',', '.', regex=False),
+                                  axis=1)
+    df_current.rename(columns=col_rename, inplace=True)
+    # reindex
+    df_current.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
+    df_current["category"] = df_current["category"].replace(cat_codes_manual)
+    # then the regex replacements
+    repl = lambda m: convert_ipcc_code_primap_to_primap2('IPC' +'UNFCCC_GHG_data'))
+    df_current["category"] = df_current["category"].str.replace(cat_code_regexp, repl,
+                                                                regex=True)
+    df_current = df_current.reset_index(drop=True)
+    # make sure all col headers are str
+    df_current.columns =
+    # convert to PRIMAP2 interchange format
+    data_if = pm2.pm2io.convert_wide_dataframe_if(
+        df_current,
+        coords_cols=coords_cols,
+        add_coords_cols=add_coords_cols,
+        coords_defaults=coords_defaults,
+        coords_terminologies=coords_terminologies,
+        coords_value_mapping=coords_value_mapping,
+        coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling,
+        filter_remove=filter_remove,
+        filter_keep=filter_keep,
+        meta_data=meta_data
+    )
+    # convert to PRIMAP2 native format
+    data_pm2 = pm2.pm2io.from_interchange_format(data_if)
+    # aggregate to one df
+    if data_all is None:
+        data_all = data_pm2
+    else:
+        data_all =
+# read fgases
+for page in pages_to_read_fgases:
+    # read current page
+    tables = camelot.read_pdf(str(input_folder / pdf_file), pages=str(page),
+                              flavor='stream')
+    df_current = tables[0].df
+    rows_to_drop = []
+    for index, data in df_current.iterrows():
+        if data[0] == data_start_keyword_fgases:
+            break
+        else:
+            rows_to_drop.append(index)
+    end_of_data = False
+    for index, data in df_current.iterrows():
+        if data_end_keyword in list(data):
+            end_of_data = True
+        if end_of_data:
+            rows_to_drop.append(index)
+    df_current = df_current.drop(rows_to_drop)
+    idx_header = df_current.index[df_current[0] == index_cols_fgases[0]].tolist()
+    df_current = df_current.rename(
+        dict(zip(df_current.columns, list(df_current.loc[idx_header[0]]))), axis=1)
+    df_current = df_current.drop(idx_header)
+    # drop all rows where the index cols (category UNFCCC_GHG_data and name) are both NaN
+    # as without one of them there is no category information
+    df_current.dropna(axis=0, how='all', subset=index_cols_fgases, inplace=True)
+    # set index. necessary for the stack operation in the conversion to long format
+    # df_current = df_current.set_index(index_cols)
+    # add columns
+    inserted = 0
+    for col in metadata_fgases.keys():
+        # print(f"coordinates: {metadata[col][0]}, {metadata[col][1]}")
+        if isinstance(metadata_fgases[col], str):
+            value = metadata_fgases[col]
+        else:
+            value = df_current.iloc[
+                metadata_fgases[col][0], metadata_fgases[col][1] + inserted]
+            if col in metadata_mapping.keys():
+                if value in metadata_mapping[col].keys():
+                    value = metadata_mapping[col][value]
+        # print(f"Inserting column {col} with value {value}")
+        df_current.insert(2, col, value)
+        inserted += 1
+    # remove unnecessary columns
+    df_current = df_current.drop(columns=cols_to_drop_fgases)
+    # drop unit row
+    df_current = df_current.drop(df_current.index[0])
+    # fix number format
+    df_current = df_current.apply(lambda x: x.str.replace('.', '', regex=False), axis=1)
+    df_current = df_current.apply(lambda x: x.str.replace(',', '.', regex=False),
+                                  axis=1)
+    df_current.rename(columns=col_rename_fgases, inplace=True)
+    # reindex
+    df_current.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
+    df_current["category"] = df_current["category"].replace(cat_codes_manual)
+    # then the regex repalcements
+    repl = lambda m: convert_ipcc_code_primap_to_primap2('IPC' +'UNFCCC_GHG_data'))
+    df_current["category"] = df_current["category"].str.replace(cat_code_regexp, repl,
+                                                                regex=True)
+    df_current = df_current.reset_index(drop=True)
+    # make sure all col headers are str
+    df_current.columns =
+    # convert to PRIMAP2 interchange format
+    data_if = pm2.pm2io.convert_wide_dataframe_if(
+        df_current,
+        coords_cols=coords_cols,
+        add_coords_cols=add_coords_cols,
+        coords_defaults=coords_defaults,
+        coords_terminologies=coords_terminologies,
+        coords_value_mapping=coords_value_mapping,
+        coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling,
+        filter_remove=filter_remove,
+        filter_keep=filter_keep,
+        meta_data=meta_data
+    )
+    # convert to PRIMAP2 native format
+    data_pm2 = pm2.pm2io.from_interchange_format(data_if)
+    # aggregate to one df
+    data_all =
+# ###
+# process (aggregate fgases)
+# ###
+data_all = process_data_for_country(
+    data_all,
+    entities_to_ignore=[],
+    gas_baskets=gas_baskets,
+    processing_info_country=None,
+# ###
+# save data to IF and native format
+# ###
+encoding = {var: compression for var in data_all.data_vars} / (output_filename + coords_terminologies[
+    "category"] + ".nc"), encoding=encoding)
+data_if =
+pm2.pm2io.write_interchange_format(output_folder / (output_filename + coords_terminologies["category"]), data_if)

+ 0 - 0
downloaded_data/UNFCCC/Argentina/BUR5/ emisiones_gei_inventario_datos_totales_1990_2020.csv → downloaded_data/UNFCCC/Argentina/BUR5/emisiones_gei_inventario_datos_totales_1990_2020.csv