@@ -34,16 +34,20 @@ def process_and_save_UNFCCC_DI_for_country(
if date_str is None:
# get the latest date
raw_data_file = find_latest_DI_data(country_code, raw=True)
+ if raw_data_file is None:
+ raise ValueError(f"No raw data available for {country_code}.")
raw_data_file = determine_filename(country_code, date_str, raw=True,
raw_data_file = raw_data_file.parent / (raw_data_file.name + '.nc')
- print(f"process {raw_data_file.name}")
if not raw_data_file.exists():
raise ValueError(f"File {raw_data_file.name} does not exist. Check if it "
"has been read.")
+ print(f"process {raw_data_file.name}")
# load the data
data_to_process = pm2.open_dataset(raw_data_file)
@@ -55,7 +59,10 @@ def process_and_save_UNFCCC_DI_for_country(
f"can be processed by this function. countries: {countries}")
country_code = countries[0]
- processing_info_country = di_processing_info[country_code]
+ if country_code in di_processing_info.keys():
+ processing_info_country = di_processing_info[country_code]
+ else:
+ processing_info_country = None
entities_to_ignore = [] # TODO: check and make default list
# process
@@ -344,57 +351,74 @@ def process_UNFCCC_DI_for_country(
def process_UNFCCC_DI_for_country_group(
annexI: bool = False,
+ date_str: Optional[str] = None,
) -> xr.Dataset:
This function processes DI data for all countries in a group (annexI or non-AnnexI)
- The function processes all data in one go using datalad run. as the output data file
- names are unknown beforehand datalad run uses explicit=false
- TODO: use the latest
+ Parameters
+ __________
+ annexI: bool (default False)
+ If True process all annexI countries (not implemented yet), else all non-AnnexI
+ countries.
+ date_str: str (default None)
+ Date of the data to be processed in the format %Y-%m-%d (e.g. 2023-01-30). If
+ no date is given the last data read will be processed.
today = date.today()
- date_str = today.strftime(DI_date_format)
+ date_str_today = today.strftime(DI_date_format)
if annexI:
- raise ValueError("Bulk reading for AnnexI countries not implemented yet")
+ raise ValueError("Bulk processing for AnnexI countries not implemented yet")
+ countries = AI_countries
+ #data_all_if = None
+ country_group = "AnnexI"
countries = nAI_countries
+ data_all = None
+ country_group = "non-AnnexI"
# read the data
- data_all = None
- for country in countries[0:5]:
- print(f"reading DI data for country {country}")
+ exception_countries = []
+ for country in countries:
+ print(f"processing DI data for country {country}")
- data_country = read_UNFCCC_DI_for_country(
+ data_country = process_and_save_UNFCCC_DI_for_country(
- category_groups=None, # read all categories
- read_subsectors=False, # not applicable as we read all categories
- pm2if_specifications=None,
- # automatically use the right specs for AI and NAI
- default_gwp=None, # automatically uses right default GWP for AI and NAI
- debug=False)
+ )
+ # change the scenario to today's date
+ data_country = data_country.assign_coords({"scenario (Access_Date)": [
+ f"DI{date_str_today}"]})
+ scen_dim = data_country.attrs["scen"]
+ data_country.attrs["scen"] = f"scenario (Process_Date)"
+ data_country = data_country.rename({scen_dim: data_country.attrs["scen"]})
if data_all is None:
data_all = data_country
data_all = data_all.pr.merge(data_country)
- except unfccc_di_api.NoDataError as err:
- print(f"No data for {country}.")
+ except Exception as err:
+ exception_countries.append(country)
+ print(f"Error occurred when processing data for {country}.")
- # TODO: write metadata
+ # update metadata
+ countries_present = list(data_all.coords[data_all.attrs['area']].values)
+ data_all.attrs["title"] = f"Data submitted by the following {country_group} " \
+ f"countries and available in the DI interface, " \
+ f"converted to IPCC2006 categories and downscaled " \
+ f"where applicable. For download date see scenario. " \
+ f"Countries: {', '.join(countries_present)}"
- # save the data
- save_DI_dataset(data_all, raw=True, annexI=annexI)
+ # save the data
+ save_DI_dataset(data_all, raw=False, annexI=annexI)
+ print(data_all.coords["scenario (Process_Date)"].values)
+ print(f"Errors occured for countries: {exception_countries}")
return data_all
-# TODO:
-# add process all sfunctios and scripts
-# config for all DI data