@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# configuration for Thailand, BUR4
+# ###
+# for reading
+# ###
+# general
+gwp_to_use = "AR4GWP100"
+terminology_proc = 'IPCC2006_PRIMAP'
+# 2019 inventory
+inv_conf = {
+ 'year': 2019,
+ 'entity_row': 0,
+ 'unit_row': 1,
+ 'index_cols': "Greenhouse gas source and sink categories",
+ # special header as category UNFCCC_GHG_data and name in one column
+ 'header_long': ["orig_cat_name", "entity", "unit", "time", "data"],
+ # manual category codes (manual mapping to primap1, will be mapped to primap2
+ # # automatically with the other codes)
+ 'cat_codes_manual': {
+ 'Total national emissions and removals': '0',
+ 'Memo Items (not accounted in total Emissions)': 'MEMO',
+ 'International Bunkers': 'MBK',
+ 'Aviation International Bunkers': 'MBKA',
+ 'Marine-International Bunkers': 'MBKM',
+ 'CO2 from biomass': 'MBIO',
+ },
+ 'cat_code_regexp': r'^(?P<code>[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4})[\s\.].*',
+# primap2 format conversion
+coords_cols = {
+ "category": "category",
+ "entity": "entity",
+ "unit": "unit",
+coords_terminologies = {
+ "area": "ISO3",
+ "category": "IPCC1996_2006_THA_Inv",
+ "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+coords_defaults = {
+ "source": "THA-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ "area": "THA",
+ "scenario": "BUR4",
+coords_value_mapping = {
+ "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+ "category": "PRIMAP1",
+ "entity": {
+ 'HFCs': f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ 'PFCs': f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ 'NMVOCs': 'NMVOC',
+ 'Nox': 'NOx',
+ },
+filter_remove = {
+ 'f_memo': {"category": "MEMO"},
+filter_keep = {}
+meta_data = {
+ "references": "https://unfccc.int/documents/624750",
+ "rights": "",
+ "contact": "mail@johannes-guetschow.de",
+ "title": "Thailand. Biennial update report (BUR). BUR4",
+ "comment": "Read fom pdf by Johannes Gütschow",
+ "institution": "UNFCCC",
+# main sector time series
+# manual category codes (manual mapping to primap1, will be mapped to primap2
+# automatically with the other codes)
+cat_codes_manual_main_sector_ts = {
+ 'Energy': "1",
+ 'Industrial Processes and Product Use': "2",
+ 'Agriculture': "3",
+ 'LULUCF': "4",
+ 'Waste': "5",
+ 'Net emissions (Include LULUCF)': "0",
+ 'Total emissions (Exclude LULUCF)': "M0EL",
+coords_cols_main_sector_ts = {
+ "category": "category",
+coords_defaults_main_sector_ts = {
+ "source": "THA-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ "area": "THA",
+ "scenario": "BUR4",
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "GgCO2eq",
+# indirect gases time series
+coords_cols_indirect = {
+ "entity": "entity",
+coords_defaults_indirect = {
+ "source": "THA-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ "area": "THA",
+ "scenario": "BUR4",
+ "category": "0",
+ "unit": "Gg",
+# ###
+# for processing
+# ###
+# aggregate categories
+country_processing_step1 = {
+ 'aggregate_cats': {
+ '2.A.4': {'sources': ['2.A.4.b', '2.A.4.d'],
+ 'name': 'Other Process uses of Carbonates'},
+ '2.B.8': {'sources': ['2.B.8.b', '2.B.8.c', '2.B.8.e', '2.B.8.f'],
+ 'name': 'Petrochemical and Carbon Black production'},
+ },
+ 'aggregate_gases': {
+ 'basket': 'KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)',
+ 'basket_contents': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'SF6',
+ 'HFCS (AR4GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'skipna': True,
+ 'min_count': 1,
+ 'sel': {f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})':
+ [
+ '0', '1', '1.A', '1.A.1', '1.A.2', '1.A.3',
+ '1.A.4', '1.A.5', '1.B', '1.B.1', '1.B.2', '1.B.3',
+ '1.C',
+ '2', '2.A', '2.A.1', '2.A.2', '2.A.3', '2.A.4',
+ '2.B', '2.C', '2.D', '2.F', '2.G', '2.H',
+ '3', '3.A', '3.B', '3.C', '3.D', '3.E', '3.F', '3.G',
+ '3.H', '3.I',
+ '4', '4.A', '4.B', '4.C', '4.D',
+ '4.E', '4.E.1', '4.E.2', '4.E.3',
+ '5', '5.A', '5.B', '5.C', '5.D'
+ ]
+ }, # not tested
+ },
+ },
+country_processing_step2 = {
+ 'downscale': {
+ # main sectors present as KYOTOGHG sum. subsectors need to be downscaled
+ # TODO: downscale CO, NOx, NMVOC, SO2 (national total present)
+ 'sectors': {
+ '1': {
+ 'basket': '1',
+ 'basket_contents': ['1.A', '1.B', '1.C'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '1.A': {
+ 'basket': '1.A',
+ 'basket_contents': ['1.A.1', '1.A.2', '1.A.3', '1.A.4', '1.A.5'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '1.B': {
+ 'basket': '1.B',
+ 'basket_contents': ['1.B.1', '1.B.2', '1.B.3'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '2': {
+ 'basket': '2',
+ 'basket_contents': ['2.A', '2.B', '2.C', '2.D', '2.F', '2.G', '2.H'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '2.A': {
+ 'basket': '2.A',
+ 'basket_contents': ['2.A.1', '2.A.2', '2.A.3', '2.A.4'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '3': {
+ 'basket': '3',
+ 'basket_contents': ['3.A', '3.B', '3.C', '3.D', '3.E', '3.F', '3.G',
+ '3.H', '3.I'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '4': {
+ 'basket': '4',
+ 'basket_contents': ['4.A', '4.B', '4.C', '4.D', '4.E'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '4.E': {
+ 'basket': '4.E',
+ 'basket_contents': ['4.E.1', '4.E.2', '4.E.3'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ '5': {
+ 'basket': '5',
+ 'basket_contents': ['5.A', '5.B', '5.C', '5.D'],
+ 'entities': ['KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'dim': f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})',
+ },
+ },
+ 'entities': {
+ 'KYOTO': {
+ 'basket': 'KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)',
+ 'basket_contents': ['CH4', 'CO2', 'N2O', 'HFCS (AR4GWP100)',
+ 'PFCS (AR4GWP100)', 'SF6'],
+ 'sel': {f'category ({coords_terminologies["category"]})':
+ [
+ '0', '1', '1.A', '1.A.1', '1.A.2', '1.A.3',
+ '1.A.4', '1.A.5', '1.B', '1.B.1', '1.B.2', '1.B.3',
+ '1.C',
+ '2', '2.A', '2.A.1', '2.A.2', '2.A.3', '2.A.4',
+ '2.B', '2.C', '2.D', '2.F', '2.G', '2.H',
+ '3', '3.A', '3.B', '3.C', '3.D', '3.E', '3.F', '3.G',
+ '3.H', '3.I',
+ '4', '4.A', '4.B', '4.C', '4.D',
+ '4.E', '4.E.1', '4.E.2', '4.E.3',
+ '5', '5.A', '5.B', '5.C', '5.D']},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'basket_copy': {
+ 'GWPs_to_add': ["SARGWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ 'entities': ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
+ 'source_GWP': 'AR4GWP100',
+ },
+cat_conversion = {
+ 'mapping': {
+ '0': '0',
+ 'M.0.EL': 'M.0.EL',
+ '1': '1',
+ '1.A': '1.A',
+ '1.A.1': '1.A.1',
+ '1.A.1.a': '1.A.1.a',
+ '1.A.1.b': '1.A.1.b',
+ '1.A.2': '1.A.2',
+ '1.A.3': '1.A.3',
+ '1.A.3.a': '1.A.3.a',
+ '1.A.3.b': '1.A.3.b',
+ '1.A.3.c': '1.A.3.c',
+ '1.A.3.d': '1.A.3.d',
+ '1.A.4': '1.A.4',
+ '1.A.5': '1.A.5',
+ '1.B': '1.B',
+ '1.B.1': '1.B.1',
+ '1.B.2': '1.B.2',
+ '1.B.3': '1.B.3',
+ '1.C': '1.C',
+ '1.C.1': '1.C.1',
+ '1.C.2': '1.C.2',
+ '1.C.3': '1.C.3',
+ '2': '2',
+ '2.A': '2.A',
+ '2.A.1': '2.A.1',
+ '2.A.2': '2.A.2',
+ '2.A.3': '2.A.3',
+ '2.A.4': '2.A.4',
+ '2.A.4.b': '2.A.4.b',
+ '2.A.4.d': '2.A.4.d',
+ '2.B': '2.B',
+ '2.B.2': '2.B.2',
+ '2.B.4': '2.B.4',
+ '2.B.8': '2.B.8',
+ '2.B.8.b': '2.B.8.b',
+ '2.B.8.c': '2.B.8.c',
+ '2.B.8.e': '2.B.8.e',
+ '2.B.8.f': '2.B.8.f',
+ '2.C': '2.C',
+ '2.C.1': '2.C.1',
+ '2.D': '2.D',
+ '2.D.1': '2.D.1',
+ '2.F': '2.F',
+ '2.F.1': '2.F.1',
+ '2.G': '2.G',
+ '2.G.1': '2.G.1',
+ '2.H': '2.H',
+ '2.H.1': '2.H.1',
+ '2.H.2': '2.H.2',
+ '3': 'M.AG',
+ '3.A': '3.A.1',
+ '3.B': '3.A.2',
+ '3.C': 'M.3.C.1.b.i', # field burning of agricultural residues
+ '3.D': '3.C.2', # Liming
+ '3.E': '3.C.3', # urea application
+ '3.F': '3.C.4', # direct N2O from agri soils
+ '3.G': '3.C.5', # indirect N2O from agri soils
+ '3.H': '3.C.6', # indirect N2O from manure management
+ '3.I': '3.C.7', # rice
+ #'4': 'M.LULUCF',
+ '4.A': '3.B.1.a', # forest remaining forest
+ '4.B': '3.B.2.a', # cropland remaining cropland
+ '4.C': '3.B.2.b', # land converted to cropland
+ '4.D': '3.B.6.b', # land converted to other land
+ #'4.E': 'M.3.C.1.LU', # biomass burning (LULUCF)
+ '4.E.1': '3.C.1.a', # biomass burning (Forest Land)
+ '4.E.2': 'M.3.C.1.b.ii', # biomass burning (Cropland)
+ '4.E.3': '3.C.1.d', # biomass burning (Other Land)
+ '5': '4',
+ '5.A': '4.A',
+ '5.A.1': '4.A.1',
+ '5.A.2': '4.A.2',
+ '5.B': '4.B',
+ '5.C': '4.C',
+ '5.C.1': '4.C.1',
+ '5.D': '4.D',
+ '5.D.1': '4.D.1',
+ '5.D.2': '4.D.2',
+ 'M.BK': 'M.BK',
+ 'M.BK.A': 'M.BK.A',
+ 'M.BK.M': 'M.BM.M',
+ 'M.BIO': 'M.BIO',
+ },
+ 'aggregate': {
+ '3.A': {'sources': ['3.A.1', '3.A.2'], 'name': 'Livestock'},
+ '3.C.1.b': {'sources': ['M.3.C.1.b.i', 'M.3.C.1.b.ii'],
+ 'name': 'Biomass Burning In Cropland'},
+ 'M.3.C.1.AG': {'sources': ['3.C.1.b', '3.C.1.c'],
+ 'name': 'Biomass Burning (Agriculture)'},
+ 'M.3.C.1.LU': {'sources': ['3.C.1.a', '3.C.1.d'],
+ 'name': 'Biomass Burning (LULUCF)'},
+ '3.C.1': {'sources': ['M.3.C.1.AG', 'M.3.C.1.LU'],
+ 'name': 'Emissions from Biomass Burning'},
+ '3.C': {'sources': ['3.C.1', '3.C.2', '3.C.3', '3.C.4', '3.C.5', '3.C.6', '3.C.7'],
+ 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land'},
+ 'M.3.C.AG': {
+ 'sources': ['M.3.C.1.AG', '3.C.2', '3.C.3', '3.C.4', '3.C.5', '3.C.6', '3.C.7'],
+ 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land (Agriculture)'},
+ 'M.AG.ELV': {'sources': ['M.3.C.AG'],
+ 'name': 'Agriculture excluding livestock emissions'},
+ 'M.3.C.LU': {'sources': ['M.3.C.1.LU'],
+ 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land (Land use)'},
+ '3.B.1': {'sources': ['3.B.1.a'], 'name': 'Forest Land'},
+ '3.B.2': {'sources': ['3.B.2.a', '3.B.2.b'], 'name': 'Cropland'},
+ '3.B.6': {'sources': ['3.B.6.b'], 'name': 'Other Land'},
+ '3.B': {'sources': ['3.B.1', '3.B.2', '3.B.6'], 'name': 'Land'},
+ 'M.LULUCF': {'sources': ['3.B', 'N.3.C.LU'], 'name': 'LULUCF'},
+ '3': {'sources': ['M.AG', 'M.LULUCF'], 'name': 'AFOLU'},
+ },
+sectors_to_save = [
+ '1', '1.A', '1.A.1', '1.A.1.a', '1.A.1.b', '1.A.2', '1.A.3', '1.A.3.a', '1.A.3.b',
+ '1.A.3.c', '1.A.3.d', '1.A.4', '1.A.5',
+ '1.B', '1.B.1', '1.B.2', '1.B.3', '1.C', '1.C.1', '1.C.2', '1.C.3',
+ '2', '2.A', '2.A.1', '2.A.2', '2.A.3', '2.A.4', '2.A.4.b', '2.A.4.d',
+ '2.B', '2.B.2', '2.B.4', '2.B.8', '2.B.8.a', '2.B.8.c', '2.B.8.e', '2.B.8.f',
+ '2.C', '2.C.1', '2.F', '2.F.1', '2.G', '2.G.1', '2.H', '2.H.1', '2.H.2',
+ '3', 'M.AG', '3.A', '3.A.1', '3.A.2',
+ '3.C', '3.C.1', '3.C.1.a', '3.C.1.b', '3.C.1.d', '3.C.2', '3.C.3', '3.C.4',
+ '3.C.5', '3.C.6', '3.C.7', 'M.3.C.1.AG', 'M.3.C.AG', 'M.AG.ELV',
+ 'M.LULUCF', 'M.3.C.1.LU', 'M.3.C.LU', '3.B', '3.B.1', '3.B.1.a', '3.B.2', '3.B.2.a',
+ '3.B.2.b', '3.B.6', '3.B.6.b',
+ '4', '4.A', '4.A.1', '4.A.2', '4.B', '4.C', '4.C.1', '4.D', '4.D.1', '4.D.2',
+ '0', 'M.0.EL', 'M.BK', 'M.BK.A', 'M.BK.M', 'M.BIO']
+# gas baskets
+gas_baskets = {
+ 'FGASES (SARGWP100)': ['HFCS (SARGWP100)', 'PFCS (SARGWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3',
+ 'Unspecified mix of HFCs (SARGWP100)',
+ 'Unspecified mix of PFCs (SARGWP100)'],
+ 'FGASES (AR4GWP100)': ['HFCS (AR4GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR4GWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3',
+ 'Unspecified mix of HFCs (AR4GWP100)',
+ 'Unspecified mix of PFCs (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'FGASES (AR5GWP100)':['HFCS (AR5GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR5GWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3',
+ 'Unspecified mix of HFCs (AR5GWP100)',
+ 'Unspecified mix of PFCs (AR5GWP100)'
+ ],
+ 'FGASES (AR6GWP100)':['HFCS (AR6GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR6GWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3',
+ 'Unspecified mix of HFCs (AR6GWP100)',
+ 'Unspecified mix of PFCs (AR6GWP100)'
+ ],
+ 'KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (SARGWP100)'],
+ 'KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (AR4GWP100)'],
+ 'KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (AR5GWP100)'],
+ 'KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (AR6GWP100)'],