@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+# config and functions for Taiwan NIR 2022
+from typing import Union, List
+import pandas as pd
+import xarray as xr
+from typing import Optional, Any
+gwp_to_use = "AR4GWP100"
+terminology_proc = 'IPCC2006_PRIMAP'
+##### Table definitions
+# page defs to hold information on reading the table
+page_defs = {
+ '5': {
+ "table_areas": ['36,523,563,68'],
+ "split_text": False,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '6': {
+ "table_areas": ['34,562,563,53'],
+ #"columns": ['195,228,263,295,328,363,395,428,462,495,529'], # works without
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '7': {
+ "table_areas": ['36,743,531,482', '36,425,564,54'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '8': {
+ "table_areas": ['35,748,534,567'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '9': {
+ "table_areas": ['34,753,565,286', '34,235,565,63'],
+ "split_text": False,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '10': {
+ "table_areas": ['34,753,565,449'],
+ "split_text": False,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '11': {
+ "table_areas": ['32,522,566,208'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '12': {
+ "table_areas": ['33,549,562,64'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '13': {
+ "table_areas": ['31,761,532,517'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '14': {
+ "table_areas": ['32,751,563,70'],
+ "columns": ['217,250,282,313,344,374,406,437,468,501,531'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '15': {
+ "table_areas": ['32,345,565,53'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '16': {
+ "table_areas": ['32,745,532,597'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ },
+ '18': {
+ "table_areas": ['30,747,564,260'],
+ "columns": ['188,232,263,298,331,362,398,432,464,497,530'],
+ "split_text": True,
+ "flavor": "stream",
+ }, # correct mistakes later
+# table defs to hold information on how to process the tables
+table_defs = {
+ 'ES2.2': { # 1990-2021 Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Sequestration in Taiwan
+ "tables": [1, 2],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 0: {
+ 3: ['1.A.4.c Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, and',
+ '2.D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and',
+ '4. Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry'],
+ },
+ },
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Source and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Source and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "entity": "CO2",
+ "unit": "kt",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Net GHG Emission (including LULUCF)': '0',
+ 'Total GHG Emission (excluding LULUCF)': 'M.0.EL',
+ },
+ },
+ 'ES2.3': { # 1990-2021 Methane Emissions in Taiwan
+ "tables": [3, 4],
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "entity": f"CH4 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Total Methane Emissions': '0',
+ },
+ "drop_rows": [
+ "5.B Garbage Biological Treatment", # has lower significant digits than in table ES3.6
+ "2. Industrial Process and Product Use Sector", # inconsistent with subsector sum (rounding)
+ ],
+ },
+ 'ES2.4': { # 1990-2021 Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Taiwan
+ "tables": [5],
+ "fix_cats": {
+ 0: {
+ "Total Nitrous Oxide Emissionsl": "Total Nitrous Oxide Emissions",
+ },
+ },
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "entity": f"N2O ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Total Nitrous Oxide Emissions': '0',
+ },
+ "drop_rows": [
+ "3.F Field Burning of Agricultural Residues", # has lower significant digits than in table ES3.4
+ "5. Waste Sector", # error in 1996 data
+ ],
+ },
+ 'ES2.5': { # 1990-2021 Fluoride-Containing Gas Emissions in Taiwan
+ "tables": [6,7],
+ "fix_cats": {},
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 0: {
+ -2: ['Total PFCs Emissions (2.E Electronics Industry)',
+ 'Total SF6 Emissions',
+ 'Total NF3 Emissions (2.E Electronics Industry)'],
+ },
+ },
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "gas_splitting": {
+ "Total HFCs Emissions": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total PFCs Emissions (2.E Electronics Industry)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total SF6 Emissions": f"SF6 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total NF3 Emissions (2.E Electronics Industry)": f"NF3 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total Fluoride-Containing Gas Emissions": f"FGASES ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "GHG Emission Sources and Sinks": "entity",
+ },
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ "Total HFCs Emissions": "2",
+ "Total PFCs Emissions (2.E Electronics Industry)": "2.E",
+ "Total SF6 Emissions": "2",
+ "Total NF3 Emissions (2.E Electronics Industry)": "2.E",
+ "Total Fluoride-Containing Gas Emissions": "2",
+ },
+ },
+ 'ES3.1': { # 1990-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emission in Taiwan by Sector
+ "tables": [8],
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "entity": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Net GHG Emission (including LULUCF)': '0',
+ 'Total GHG Emission (excluding LULUCF)': 'M.0.EL',
+ },
+ },
+ 'ES3.2': { # 1990-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Produced by Energy Sector in Taiwan
+ "tables": [9,10],
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "gas_splitting": {
+ "Total CO2 Emission": "CO2",
+ "Total CH4 Emission": f"CH4 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total N2O Emission": f"N2O ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total Emission from Energy Sector": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "GHG Emission Sources and Sinks": "entity",
+ },
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Total CO2 Emission': '1',
+ 'Total CH4 Emission': '1',
+ 'Total N2O Emission': '1',
+ 'Total Emission from Energy Sector': '1',
+ },
+ },
+ 'ES3.3': { # 1990-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Produced by Industrial Process and Product Use Sector (IPPU) in Taiwan
+ "tables": [11],
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "gas_splitting": {
+ "Total CO2 Emission": "CO2",
+ "Total CH4 Emission": f"CH4 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total N2O Emission": f"N2O ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total HFCs Emission": f"HFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total PFCs Emission (2.E Electronics Industry)": f"PFCS ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total SF6 Emission": f"SF6 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total NF3 Emission (2.E Electronics Industry)": f"NF3 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total Emission from IPPU Sector": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "GHG Emission Sources and Sinks": "entity",
+ },
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Total CO2 Emission': '2',
+ 'Total CH4 Emission': '2',
+ 'Total N2O Emission': '2',
+ 'Total HFCs Emission': '2',
+ 'Total PFCs Emission (2.E Electronics Industry)': '2.E',
+ 'Total SF6 Emission': '2',
+ 'Total NF3 Emission (2.E Electronics Industry)': '2.E',
+ 'Total Emission from IPPU Sector': '2',
+ },
+ "drop_rows": [
+ # ("2.D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use", "CO2"), # has lower significant digits than in table ES2.2
+ "Total CH4 Emission", # inconsistent with subsectors (rounding)
+ ]
+ },
+ 'ES3.4': { # 1990-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Produced by Agriculture Sector in Taiwan
+ "tables": [12,13],
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "gas_splitting": {
+ "Total CO2 Emission (3.H Urea applied)": "CO2",
+ "Total CH4 Emission": f"CH4 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total N2O Emission": f"N2O ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total Emission From Agriculture Sector": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "GHG Emission Sources and Sinks": "entity",
+ },
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Total CO2 Emission (3.H Urea applied)': '3.H',
+ 'Total CH4 Emission': '3',
+ 'Total N2O Emission': '3',
+ 'Total Emission From Agriculture Sector': '3',
+ },
+ },
+ 'ES3.6': { # 1990-2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Taiwan by Waste Sector
+ "tables": [14],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 0: {
+ 3: ["Total CO2 Emission"],
+ },
+ },
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0, # two column header
+ "gas_splitting": {
+ "Total CO2 Emission (5.C Incineration and Open Burning of Waste)": "CO2",
+ "Total CH4 Emission": f"CH4 ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total N2O Emission": f"N2O ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "Total Emission from Waste Sector": f"KYOTOGHG ({gwp_to_use})",
+ "GHG Emission Sources and Sinks": "entity",
+ },
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ "cat_codes_manual": {
+ 'Total CO2 Emission (5.C Incineration and Open Burning of Waste)': '5.C',
+ 'Total CH4 Emission': '5',
+ 'Total N2O Emission': '5',
+ 'Total Emission from Waste Sector': '5',
+ },
+ },
+table_defs_skip = {
+ 'ES2.1': { # 1990-2020 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in Taiwan by Type
+ "tables": [0],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 0: {
+ 3: ['CO2'],
+ },
+ 1: { # wherte col 0 is empty
+ 3: ['Net GHG Emission', 'Total GHG Emission'],
+ },
+ },
+ "index_cols": ['GHG', 'GWP'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ },
+ 'ES2.5': { # 1990-2020 Fluoride-Containing Gas Emissions in Taiwan
+ "tables": [6],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 0: {
+ -2: ['Total SF6 Emissions',
+ 'Total NF3 Emissions'],
+ },
+ },
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'],
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0,
+ #"entity": "CO2",
+ "unit": "ktCO2eq",
+ },
+ 'ES3.5': { # skip for now: 1990-2020 Changes in Carbon Sequestration by LULUCF Sector in Taiwan2],
+ "tables": [12],
+ "rows_to_fix": {},
+ "index_cols": ['GHG Emission Sources and Sinks'], #header is merged col :-(
+ "wide_keyword": 'GHG Emission Sources and Sinks',
+ "col_wide_kwd": 0, # two column header
+ "unit": "kt",
+ "entity": "CO2",
+ }, # need to consider the two columns specially (merge?)
+##### primap2 metadata
+cat_code_regexp = r'(?P<UNFCCC_GHG_data>^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]{1,7})\s.*'
+time_format = "%Y"
+coords_cols = {
+ "category": "category",
+ "entity": "entity",
+ "unit": "unit",
+ # "area": "Geo_code",
+add_coords_cols = {
+ # "orig_cat_name": ["orig_cat_name", "category"],
+coords_terminologies = {
+ "area": "ISO3",
+ "category": "IPCC2006_1996_Taiwan_Inv",
+ "scenario": "PRIMAP",
+coords_defaults = {
+ "source": "TWN-GHG-Inventory",
+ "provenance": "measured",
+ "scenario": "2023NIR",
+ "area": "TWN",
+ # unit fill by table
+coords_value_mapping = {
+ "unit": "PRIMAP1",
+ "category": "PRIMAP1",
+coords_value_filling = {}
+filter_remove = {}
+filter_keep = {}
+meta_data = {
+ "references": "https://www.cca.gov.tw/information-service/publications/national-ghg-inventory-report/1851.html",
+ "rights": "",
+ "contact": "mail@johannes-guetschow.de",
+ "title": "2023 Republic of China - National Greenhouse Gas Report",
+ "comment": "Read fom pdf file and converted to PRIMAP2 format by Johannes Gütschow",
+ "institution": "Republic of China - Environmental Protection Administration",
+##### processing information
+cat_conversion = {
+ 'mapping': {
+ '0': '0',
+ 'M.0.EL': 'M.0.EL',
+ '1': '1',
+ '1.A.1': '1.A.1',
+ '1.A.2': '1.A.2',
+ '1.A.3': '1.A.3',
+ '1.A.4': '1.A.4',
+ '1.A.4.a': '1.A.4.a',
+ '1.A.4.b': '1.A.4.b',
+ '1.A.4.c': '1.A.4.c',
+ '1.B.1': '1.B.1',
+ '1.B.2': '1.B.2',
+ '2': '2',
+ '2.A': '2.A',
+ '2.B': '2.B',
+ '2.C': '2.C',
+ '2.D': '2.D',
+ '2.E': '2.E',
+ '2.F': '2.F',
+ '2.G': '2.G',
+ '2.H': '2.H',
+ '3': 'M.AG',
+ '3.A': '3.A.1',
+ '3.B': '3.A.2',
+ '3.C': '3.C.7',
+ '3.D': 'M.3.AS',
+ '3.F': '3.C.1.b',
+ '3.H': '3.C.3',
+ '4': 'M.LULUCF',
+ '5': '4',
+ '5.A': '4.A',
+ '5.B': '4.B',
+ '5.C': '4.C',
+ '5.D': '4.D',
+ '5.D.1': '4.D.1',
+ '5.D.2': '4.D.2',
+ },
+ 'aggregate': {
+ '1.A': {'sources': ['1.A.1', '1.A.2', '1.A.3', '1.A.4'],
+ 'name': 'Fuel Combustion Activities'},
+ '1.B': {'sources': ['1.B.1', '1.B.2'], 'name': 'Fugitive Emissions from Fuels'},
+ '2': {'sources': ['2.A', '2.B', '2.C', '2.D', '2.E', '2.F', '2.G', '2.H'],
+ 'name': 'Industrial Process and Product Use Sector'},
+ '3.A': {'sources': ['3.A.1', '3.A.2'], 'name': 'Livestock'},
+ '3.B': {'sources': ['M.LULUCF'], 'name': 'Land'},
+ '3.C.1': {'sources': ['3.C.1.b'], 'name': 'Emissions from Biomass Burning'},
+ '3.C.5': {'sources': ['3.C.5.a', '3.C.5.b'],
+ 'name': 'Indirect N2O Emissions from Managed Soils'},
+ '3.C': {'sources': ['3.C.1', '3.C.3', 'M.3.AS', '3.C.7'],
+ 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land'},
+ 'M.AG.ELV': {'sources': ['3.C'],
+ 'name': 'Agriculture excluding livestock emissions'},
+ 'M.AG': {'sources': ['3.A', '3.C'], 'name': 'Agriculture'},
+ '3': {'sources': ['M.AG', 'M.LULUCF'], 'name': 'AFOLU'}, # consistency check
+ 'M.0.EL': {'sources': ['1', '2', 'M.AG', '4']}, # consistency check
+ '0': {'sources': ['1', '2', '3', '4']}, # consistency check
+ },
+basket_copy = {
+ 'GWPs_to_add': ["SARGWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ 'entities': ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
+ 'source_GWP': gwp_to_use,