@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import os
+os.environ["UNFCCC_GHG_ROOT_PATH"] = (
+ "/Users/danielbusch/Documents/UNFCCC_non-AnnexI_data"
+import camelot
+import primap2 as pm2
+import pandas as pd
+from UNFCCC_GHG_data.helper import downloaded_data_path, extracted_data_path
+from config_BDI_BUR1 import coords_terminologies, inv_conf
+# ###
+# configuration
+# ###
+input_folder = downloaded_data_path / "UNFCCC" / "Burundi" / "BUR1"
+output_folder = extracted_data_path / "UNFCCC" / "Burundi"
+if not output_folder.exists():
+ output_folder.mkdir()
+pdf_file = "Burundi_BUR_1_Report__Francais.pdf"
+output_filename = "BDI_BUR1_2023_"
+category_column = f"category ({coords_terminologies['category']})"
+compression = dict(zlib=True, complevel=9)
+# ###
+# 1. Read in tables
+# ###
+# table for the year 2005
+year = "2005"
+years_to_read = ["2005", "2006"]
+df_all = None
+for year in years_to_read:
+ df_year = None
+ for page in inv_conf[year]["pages_to_read"]:
+ print("-" * 45)
+ print(f"Reading table from page {page}.")
+ tables_inventory_original = camelot.read_pdf(
+ str(input_folder / pdf_file),
+ pages=page,
+ # table_areas=page_def_templates[page]["area"],
+ # columns=page_def_templates[page]["cols"],
+ flavor="lattice",
+ split_text=True,
+ )
+ print("Reading complete.")
+ df_page = tables_inventory_original[0].df
+ if df_year is None:
+ df_year = df_page
+ else:
+ df_year = pd.concat(
+ [df_year, df_page],
+ axis=0,
+ join="outer",
+ ).reset_index(drop=True)
+ # remove line breaks
+ for column in df_year.columns:
+ df_year[column] = df_year[column].str.replace("\n", "")
+ df_header = pd.DataFrame([inv_conf[year]["header"], inv_conf[year]["unit"]])
+ df_year = pd.concat([df_header, df_year[2:]], axis=0, join="outer").reset_index(
+ drop=True
+ )
+ df_year = pm2.pm2io.nir_add_unit_information(
+ df_year,
+ unit_row=inv_conf["unit_row"],
+ entity_row=inv_conf["entity_row"],
+ regexp_entity=".*",
+ regexp_unit=".*",
+ default_unit="Gg",
+ )
+ print("Added unit information.")
+ # set index
+ df_year = df_year.set_index(inv_conf["index_cols"])
+ # convert to long format
+ df_year_long = pm2.pm2io.nir_convert_df_to_long(
+ df_year, year, inv_conf["header_long"]
+ )
+ # extract from tuple
+ df_year_long["orig_cat_name"] = df_year_long["orig_cat_name"].str[0]
+ # prep for conversion to PM2 IF and native format
+ # make a copy of the categories row
+ df_year_long["category"] = df_year_long["orig_cat_name"]
+ # replace cat names by codes in col "category"
+ # first the manual replacements
+ df_year_long["category"] = df_year_long["category"].str.replace("\n", "")
+ df_year_long["category"] = df_year_long["category"].replace(
+ inv_conf["2005"]["cat_codes_manual"]
+ )
+ df_year_long["category"] = df_year_long["category"].str.replace(".", "")
+ # then the regex replacements
+ def repl(m):
+ return m.group("code")
+ df_year_long["category"] = df_year_long["category"].str.replace(
+ inv_conf["cat_code_regexp"], repl, regex=True
+ )
+ df_year_long = df_year_long.reset_index(drop=True)
+ df_year_long["data"] = df_year_long["data"].str.replace(",", ".")
+ df_year_long["data"] = df_year_long["data"].str.replace("NE1", "NE")
+ # make sure all col headers are str
+ df_year_long.columns = df_year_long.columns.map(str)
+ df_year_long = df_year_long.drop(columns=["orig_cat_name"])
+ if df_all is None:
+ df_all = df_year_long
+ else:
+ df_all = pd.concat(
+ [df_all, df_year_long],
+ axis=0,
+ join="outer",
+ ).reset_index(drop=True)