@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
+"""Config for Malaysia's BUR3
+Full configuration including PRIMAP2 conversion config and metadata
gwp_to_use = "AR4GWP100"
cat_names_fix = {
- '2A3 Glass Prod.': '2A3 Glass Production',
- '2F6 Other Applications': '2F6 Other Applications (please specify)',
- '3A2 Manure Mngmt': '3A2 Manure Mngmt.',
- '3C7 Rice Cultivations': '3C7 Rice Cultivation',
+ "2A3 Glass Prod.": "2A3 Glass Production",
+ "2F6 Other Applications": "2F6 Other Applications (please specify)",
+ "3A2 Manure Mngmt": "3A2 Manure Mngmt.",
+ "3C7 Rice Cultivations": "3C7 Rice Cultivation",
values_replacement = {
- '': '-',
- ' ': '-',
+ "": "-",
+ " ": "-",
cols_for_space_stripping = ["Categories"]
@@ -18,25 +24,25 @@ cols_for_space_stripping = ["Categories"]
index_cols = ["Categories", "entity", "unit"]
# parameters part 2: conversion to interchange format
-cats_remove = ['Memo items', 'Information items']
+cats_remove = ["Memo items", "Information items"]
cat_codes_manual = {
- 'Annual change in long-term storage of carbon in HWP waste': 'M.LTS.AC.HWP',
- 'Annual change in total long-term storage of carbon stored': 'M.LTS.AC.TOT',
- 'CO2 captured': 'M.CCS',
- 'CO2 from Biomass Burning for Energy Production': 'M.BIO',
- 'For domestic storage': 'M.CCS.DOM',
- 'For storage in other countries': 'M.CCS.OCT',
- 'International Aviation (International Bunkers)': 'M.BK.A',
- 'International Bunkers': 'M.BK',
- 'International Water-borne Transport (International Bunkers)': 'M.BK.M',
- 'Long-term storage of carbon in waste disposal sites': 'M.LTS.WASTE',
- 'Multilateral Operations': 'M.MULTIOP',
- 'Other (please specify)': 'M.OTHER',
- 'Total National Emissions and Removals': '0',
+ "Annual change in long-term storage of carbon in HWP waste": "M.LTS.AC.HWP",
+ "Annual change in total long-term storage of carbon stored": "M.LTS.AC.TOT",
+ "CO2 captured": "M.CCS",
+ "CO2 from Biomass Burning for Energy Production": "M.BIO",
+ "For domestic storage": "M.CCS.DOM",
+ "For storage in other countries": "M.CCS.OCT",
+ "International Aviation (International Bunkers)": "M.BK.A",
+ "International Bunkers": "M.BK",
+ "International Water-borne Transport (International Bunkers)": "M.BK.M",
+ "Long-term storage of carbon in waste disposal sites": "M.LTS.WASTE",
+ "Multilateral Operations": "M.MULTIOP",
+ "Other (please specify)": "M.OTHER",
+ "Total National Emissions and Removals": "0",
-cat_code_regexp = r'(?P<code>^[A-Z0-9]{1,4})\s.*'
+cat_code_regexp = r"(?P<code>^[A-Z0-9]{1,4})\s.*"
coords_terminologies = {
"area": "ISO3",
@@ -48,17 +54,12 @@ coords_defaults = {
"source": "MYS-GHG-inventory",
"provenance": "measured",
"area": "MYS",
- "scenario": "BUR3"
+ "scenario": "BUR3",
-coords_value_mapping = {
+coords_value_mapping = {}
-coords_cols = {
- "category": "Categories",
- "entity": "entity",
- "unit": "unit"
+coords_cols = {"category": "Categories", "entity": "entity", "unit": "unit"}
add_coords_cols = {
"orig_cat_name": ["orig_cat_name", "category"],
@@ -76,600 +77,919 @@ meta_data = {
terminology_proc = coords_terminologies["category"]
table_def_templates = {
- '184': { #184
- "area": ['54,498,793,100'],
- "cols": ['150,197,250,296,346,394,444,493,540,587,637,685,738'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['Total National', '1A Fuel Combustion', '1A1 Energy', '1A2 Manufacturing',
- '1B Fugitive', '1B2 Oil and Natural', '1B3 Other emissions',
- '1C Carbon Dioxide', '2 INDUSTRIAL', '2A1 Cement',
- ],
- },
- },
- '185': { #184
- "area": ['34,504,813,99'],
- "cols": ['128,177,224,273,321,373,425,473,519,564,611,661,713,765'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['Total National', '1A Fuel', '1A1 Energy', '1A2 Manufacturing',
- '1B Fugitive', '1B2 Oil and Natural', '1B3 Other',
- '1C Carbon Dioxide', '2 INDUSTRIAL', '2A Mineral',
- '2A1 Cement', '2A2 Lime',
- ],
- },
- },
- '186': { #also 200
- "area": ['53,498,786,104'],
- "cols": ['150,197,238,296,347,396,444,489,540,587,634,686,739'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2A3 Glass', '2A4 Other Process', '2A5 Other (please',
- '2B Chemical', '2B1 Ammonia', '2B2 Nitric Acid',
- '2B3 Adipic Acid', '2B4 Caprolactam,', '2B5 Carbide',
- '2B6 Titanium', '2B7 Soda Ash', '2B8 Petrochemical',
- '2B10 Other (Please', '2C1 Iron and Steel', '2C2 Ferroalloys'
- ],
- 2: ['2B9 Fluorochemical'],
- },
- },
- '187': { # also 201
- "area": ['39,499,807,91'],
- "cols": ['132,185,232,280,327,375,425,470,522,568,613,664,713,763'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2A3 Glass', '2A4 Other Process', '2A5 Other (please',
- '2B Chemical', '2B1 Ammonia', '2B2 Nitric Acid',
- '2B3 Adipic Acid', '2B5 Carbide',
- '2B6 Titanium', '2B7 Soda Ash', '2B8 Petrochemical',
- '2B10 Other (Please', '2C1 Iron and Steel', '2C2 Ferroalloys',
- ],
- 2: ['2B9 Fluorochemical'],
- 5: ['2B4 Caprolactam,'],
- },
- },
- '188': {
- "area": ['48,503,802,92'],
- "cols": ['146,194,245,295,346,400,452,500,549,596,642,695,746'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2C3 Aluminium', '2C4 Magnesium', '2C7 Other (please',
- '2D Non-Energy', '2D2 Paraffin Wax', '2D4 Other (please',
- '2E Electronics', '2E1 Integrated', '2E5 Other (please',
- '2F1 Refrigeration',
- ],
- 2: ['2E2 TFT Flat Panel', '2E4 Heat Transfer'],
- 5: ['2F Product Uses as'],
- },
- },
- '189': {
- "area": ['41,499,806,95'],
- "cols": ['141,184,233,282,331,376,427,472,520,567,618,665,717,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2C3 Aluminium', '2C4 Magnesium', '2C7 Other (please',
- '2D Non-Energy', '2D2 Paraffin Wax', '2D4 Other (please',
- '2E Electronics', '2E1 Integrated', '2E5 Other (please',
- '2F1 Refrigeration',
- ],
- 2: ['2E2 TFT Flat Panel', '2E4 Heat Transfer'],
- 5: ['2F Product Uses as'],
- },
- },
- '190': {
- "area": ['45,500,802,125'],
- "cols": ['146,193,243,295,349,400,453,501,549,595,644,696,748'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F2 Foam Blowing', '2F6 Other', '2G Other Product',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs', '2G4 Other (Please', '2H1 Pulp and Paper',
- '2H2 Food and', '2H3 Other (please', '3 AGRICULTURE,',
- ],
- 2: ['2G1 Electrical', '2G3 N2O from', '3A1 Enteric'],
- },
- },
- '191': {
- "area": ['38,498,814,120'],
- "cols": ['130,180,229,277,326,381,429,477,526,570,620,669,717,765'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F2 Foam Blowing', '2F6 Other', '2G Other Product',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs', '2G4 Other (Please', '2H1 Pulp and Paper',
- '2H2 Food and', '2H3 Other (please', '3 AGRICULTURE,',
- ],
- 2: ['2G1 Electrical', '2G3 N2O from', '3A1 Enteric'],
- },
- },
- '192': {
- "area": ['39,502,807,106'],
- "cols": ['134,193,245,296,346,400,455,507,556,602,650,701,755'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['3C1 Emissions from', '3C4 Direct N2O', '3C5 Indirect N2O',
- '3C6 Indirect N2O', '3C8 Other (please', '3D1 Harvested Wood',
- '3D2 Other (please',
- ],
- 5: ['3C Aggregate',],
- },
- },
- '193': {
- "area": ['36,508,815,119'],
- "cols": ['128,179,228,278,327,379,428,476,525,571,622,670,717,766'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['3C1 Emissions from', '3C4 Direct N2O', '3C5 Indirect N2O',
- '3C6 Indirect N2O', '3C8 Other (please', '3D1 Harvested',
- '3D2 Other (please',
- ],
- 5: ['3C Aggregate',],
- },
- },
- '194': {
- "area": ['80,502,762,151'],
- "cols": ['201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['4C Incineration and', '4C2 Open Burning of', '4E Other',],
- 2: ['4A1 Managed Waste', '4A2 Unmanaged Waste', '4A3 Uncategorised Waste',
- '4B Biological Treatment', '4D Wastewater', '4D1 Domestic Wastewater',
- '4D2 Industrial Wastewater',
- ],
- 5: ['5A Indirect N2O'],
- },
- },
- '195': {
- "area": ['78,508,765,103'],
- "cols": ['191,230,271,314,352,400,438,475,519,566,600,645,686,730'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['4C Incineration and', '4C2 Open Burning of', '4E Other',
- '4B Biological', '4D Wastewater', '4D1 Domestic',
- '4D2 Industrial', '5B Other (please'
- ],
- 2: ['4A1 Managed Waste', '4A2 Unmanaged Waste', '4A3 Uncategorised',
- '4A Solid Waste',
- ],
- 5: ['5A Indirect N2O'],
- },
- },
- '196': {
- "area": ['80,502,762,151'],
- "cols": ['201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['International Aviation', 'International Water-borne',
- 'CO2 from Biomass Burning', 'For storage in other',
- 'Long-term storage of', 'Annual change in total',
- 'Annual change in long-',
- ],
- },
- },
- '197': {
- "area": ['74,507,779,201'],
- "cols": ['182,226,268,311,354,398,444,482,524,565,610,654,693,733'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['International Aviation', 'International Water-',
- 'CO2 from Biomass', 'For storage in other',
- 'Long-term storage of', 'Annual change in total',
- 'Annual change in long-',
- ],
- },
- },
- '198': { # first CH4 table
- "area": ['54,498,793,100'],
- "cols": ['140,197,250,296,346,394,444,493,540,587,637,685,738'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['Total National', '1A Fuel Combustion', '1A1 Energy', '1A2 Manufacturing',
- '1B Fugitive', '1B2 Oil and Natural', '1B3 Other emissions',
- '1C Carbon Dioxide', '2 INDUSTRIAL', '2A1 Cement',
- ],
- -3: ['2A Mineral Industry'],
- },
- },
- '199': {
- "area": ['34,506,818,97'],
- "cols": ['132,177,228,276,329,377,432,479,528,574,618,667,722,774'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['Total National', '1A Fuel', '1A1 Energy', '1A2 Manufacturing',
- '1B Fugitive', '1B2 Oil and Natural', '1B3 Other',
- '1C Carbon Dioxide', '2 INDUSTRIAL', '2A1 Cement',
- '2A Mineral', '2A2 Lime',
- ],
- },
- },
- '202': {
- "area": ['48,503,802,92'],
- "cols": ['146,194,245,295,346,400,452,500,549,596,642,695,746'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2C3 Aluminium', '2C7 Other (please',
- '2D Non-Energy', '2D2 Paraffin Wax', '2D4 Other (please',
- '2E Electronics', '2E1 Integrated', '2E5 Other (please',
- ],
- 2: ['2C4 Magnesium', '2E2 TFT Flat Panel', '2E4 Heat Transfer',
- '2F1 Refrigeration',
- ],
- 5: ['2F Product Uses as'],
- },
- },
- '203': {
- "area": ['41,499,806,95'],
- "cols": ['141,184,233,282,331,376,427,472,520,567,618,665,717,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2C3 Aluminium', '2C7 Other (please',
- '2D Non-Energy', '2D2 Paraffin Wax', '2D4 Other (please',
- '2E Electronics', '2E1 Integrated', '2E5 Other (please',
- ],
- 2: ['2C4 Magnesium', '2E2 TFT Flat Panel', '2E4 Heat Transfer',
- '2F1 Refrigeration'
- ],
- 5: ['2F Product Uses as'],
- },
- },
- '204': {
- "area": ['45,500,802,125'],
- "cols": ['146,193,243,295,349,400,455,501,549,595,644,696,748'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F6 Other', '2G Other Product',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs', '2G4 Other (Please', '2H1 Pulp and Paper',
- '2H2 Food and', '2H3 Other (please', '3 AGRICULTURE,',
- '3A1 Enteric',
- ],
- 2: ['2F2 Foam Blowing', '2G1 Electrical', '2G3 N2O from'],
- },
- },
- '205': {
- "area": ['38,498,814,120'],
- "cols": ['130,180,229,277,326,381,429,477,526,570,620,669,717,765'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F6 Other', '2G Other Product',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs', '2G4 Other (Please', '2H1 Pulp and Paper',
- '2H2 Food and', '2H3 Other (please', '3 AGRICULTURE,',
- '3A1 Enteric',
- ],
- 2: ['2F2 Foam Blowing', '2G1 Electrical', '2G3 N2O from'],
- },
- },
- '206': { #also 220
- "area": ['39,502,807,106'],
- "cols": ['134,193,245,296,346,400,455,507,556,602,650,701,755'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['3C1 Emissions from', '3C4 Direct N2O', '3C5 Indirect N2O',
- '3C6 Indirect N2O', '3C8 Other (please',
- '3D2 Other (please',
- ],
- 2: ['3D1 Harvested Wood',],
- 5: ['3C Aggregate',],
- },
- },
- '207': { # also 221
- "area": ['36,508,815,110'],
- "cols": ['128,179,228,278,327,379,428,476,527,571,622,670,717,766'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['3C1 Emissions from', '3C4 Direct N2O', '3C5 Indirect N2O',
- '3C6 Indirect N2O', '3C8 Other (please',
- '3D2 Other (please',
- ],
- 2: ['3D1 Harvested',],
- 5: ['3C Aggregate',],
- },
- },
- '208': { # also 222
- "area": ['80,502,762,151'],
- "cols": ['201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['4C Incineration and', '4C2 Open Burning of', '4E Other',
- '4A1 Managed Waste', '4A2 Unmanaged Waste', '4A3 Uncategorised Waste',
- '4B Biological Treatment', '4D Wastewater', '4D1 Domestic Wastewater',
- '4D2 Industrial Wastewater'
- ],
- 5: ['5A Indirect N2O'],
- },
- },
- '209': { # also 223
- "area": ['78,508,765,103'],
- "cols": ['191,230,271,314,352,400,438,475,519,560,600,645,686,730'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['4C Incineration and', '4C2 Open Burning of', '4E Other',
- '4B Biological', '4D Wastewater', '4D1 Domestic',
- '4D2 Industrial', '5B Other (please',
- '4A1 Managed Waste', '4A2 Unmanaged Waste', '4A3 Uncategorised',
- '4A Solid Waste'
- ],
- 5: ['5A Indirect N2O'],
- },
- },
- '210': { # also 224
- "area": ['80,502,762,151'],
- "cols": ['201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['International Aviation', 'International Water-borne',
- 'Long-term storage of', 'Annual change in total',
- 'Annual change in long-',
- ],
- 2: ['CO2 from Biomass Burning', 'For storage in other',],
- },
- },
- '211': { # also 225
- "area": ['74,507,779,201'],
- "cols": ['182,226,268,311,354,398,444,482,524,565,610,654,693,733'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['International Aviation', 'International Water-',
- 'Long-term storage of', 'Annual change in total',
- 'Annual change in long-', 'CO2 from Biomass',
- ],
- 2: ['For storage in other',],
- },
- },
- '212': {
- "area": ['54,498,793,100'],
- "cols": ['150,197,250,296,346,394,444,493,540,587,637,685,738'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['Total National', '1A Fuel Combustion', '1A1 Energy', '1A2 Manufacturing',
- '1B Fugitive', '1B2 Oil and Natural', '1B3 Other emissions',
- '1C Carbon Dioxide', '2 INDUSTRIAL',
- ],
- 2: ['2A1 Cement',],
- },
- },
- '213': {
- "area": ['34,504,813,99'],
- "cols": ['128,177,224,273,321,373,425,473,519,564,611,661,713,765'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['Total National', '1A Fuel', '1A1 Energy', '1A2 Manufacturing',
- '1B Fugitive', '1B2 Oil and Natural', '1B3 Other',
- '1C Carbon Dioxide', '2 INDUSTRIAL', '2A Mineral',
- ],
- 2: ['2A1 Cement', '2A2 Lime',],
- },
- },
- '214': {
- "area": ['47,499,801,93'],
- "cols": ['141,197,246,297,350,396,453,502,550,595,642,692,748'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2A5 Other (please',
- '2B Chemical', '2B1 Ammonia', '2B2 Nitric Acid',
- '2B3 Adipic Acid', '2B4 Caprolactam,', '2B5 Carbide',
- '2B6 Titanium', '2B7 Soda Ash', '2B8 Petrochemical',
- '2B10 Other (Please', '2C1 Iron and Steel', '2C2 Ferroalloys'
- ],
- 2: ['2A3 Glass', '2A4 Other Process', '2B9 Fluorochemical'],
- -3: ['2C Metal Industry'],
- },
- },
- '215': {
- "area": ['39,499,807,91'],
- "cols": ['132,180,232,280,327,375,425,470,522,568,613,664,713,763'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2A5 Other (please',
- '2B Chemical', '2B1 Ammonia', '2B2 Nitric Acid',
- '2B3 Adipic Acid', '2B4 Caprolactam,', '2B5 Carbide',
- '2B6 Titanium Dioxide', '2B7 Soda Ash', '2B8 Petrochemical',
- '2B10 Other (Please', '2C1 Iron and Steel', '2C2 Ferroalloys'
- ],
- 2: ['2A4 Other Process', '2B9 Fluorochemical'],
- -3: ['2C Metal Industry'],
- },
- },
- '216': {
- "area": ['48,503,802,92'],
- "cols": ['146,194,245,295,346,400,452,500,549,596,642,695,746'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2C7 Other (please', '2D Non-Energy', '2D2 Paraffin Wax',
- '2D4 Other (please', '2E Electronics', '2E1 Integrated',
- '2E5 Other (please',
- ],
- 2: ['2C3 Aluminium', '2C4 Magnesium', '2E2 TFT Flat Panel',
- '2E4 Heat Transfer', '2F1 Refrigeration',
- ],
- 5: ['2F Product Uses as'],
- },
- },
- '217': {
- "area": ['41,499,806,95'],
- "cols": ['141,184,233,282,331,376,427,472,520,567,618,665,717,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2C7 Other (please', '2D Non-Energy', '2D2 Paraffin Wax',
- '2D4 Other (please', '2E Electronics', '2E1 Integrated',
- '2E5 Other (please',
- ],
- 2: ['2C3 Aluminium', '2C4 Magnesium', '2E2 TFT Flat Panel',
- '2E4 Heat Transfer', '2F1 Refrigeration',
- ],
- 5: ['2F Product Uses as'],
- },
- },
- '218': {
- "area": ['45,500,802,125'],
- "cols": ['146,193,243,295,349,400,455,501,549,595,644,696,748'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F6 Other', '2G Other Product', '2G2 SF6 and PFCs',
- '2G3 N2O from', '2H3 Other (please', '3 AGRICULTURE,',
- ],
- 2: ['2F2 Foam Blowing', '2G1 Electrical', '2G4 Other (Please',
- '2H1 Pulp and Paper', '2H2 Food and', '3A1 Enteric',],
- },
- },
- '219': {
- "area": ['38,498,814,120'],
- "cols": ['130,180,229,277,326,381,429,477,526,570,620,669,717,765'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F6 Other', '2G Other Product', '2G2 SF6 and PFCs',
- '2G3 N2O from', '2H3 Other (please', '3 AGRICULTURE,',
- ],
- 2: ['2F2 Foam Blowing', '2G1 Electrical', '2G4 Other (Please',
- '2H1 Pulp and Paper', '2H2 Food and', '3A1 Enteric',],
- },
- },
- '226': { # also 334, 238
- "area": ['48,510,797,99'],
- "cols": ['271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ['2B4 Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid'],
- }
- },
- '227': { # also 331, 335, 339
- "area": ['27,510,818,99'],
- "cols": ['250,290,333,372,413,452,494,536,576,616,656,699,739,781'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ['2B4 Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid'],
- }
- },
- '228': {
- "area": ['48,510,797,99'],
- "cols": ['271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone'],
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent'],
- },
- },
- '229': {
- "area": ['25,512,819,86'],
- "cols": ['246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- 3: ['2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone'],
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent'],
+ "184": { # 184
+ "area": ["54,498,793,100"],
+ "cols": ["150,197,250,296,346,394,444,493,540,587,637,685,738"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "Total National",
+ "1A Fuel Combustion",
+ "1A1 Energy",
+ "1A2 Manufacturing",
+ "1B Fugitive",
+ "1B2 Oil and Natural",
+ "1B3 Other emissions",
+ "1C Carbon Dioxide",
+ "2A1 Cement",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "185": { # 184
+ "area": ["34,504,813,99"],
+ "cols": ["128,177,224,273,321,373,425,473,519,564,611,661,713,765"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "Total National",
+ "1A Fuel",
+ "1A1 Energy",
+ "1A2 Manufacturing",
+ "1B Fugitive",
+ "1B2 Oil and Natural",
+ "1B3 Other",
+ "1C Carbon Dioxide",
+ "2A Mineral",
+ "2A1 Cement",
+ "2A2 Lime",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "186": { # also 200
+ "area": ["53,498,786,104"],
+ "cols": ["150,197,238,296,347,396,444,489,540,587,634,686,739"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2A3 Glass",
+ "2A4 Other Process",
+ "2A5 Other (please",
+ "2B Chemical",
+ "2B1 Ammonia",
+ "2B2 Nitric Acid",
+ "2B3 Adipic Acid",
+ "2B4 Caprolactam,",
+ "2B5 Carbide",
+ "2B6 Titanium",
+ "2B7 Soda Ash",
+ "2B8 Petrochemical",
+ "2B10 Other (Please",
+ "2C1 Iron and Steel",
+ "2C2 Ferroalloys",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2B9 Fluorochemical"],
+ },
+ },
+ "187": { # also 201
+ "area": ["39,499,807,91"],
+ "cols": ["132,185,232,280,327,375,425,470,522,568,613,664,713,763"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2A3 Glass",
+ "2A4 Other Process",
+ "2A5 Other (please",
+ "2B Chemical",
+ "2B1 Ammonia",
+ "2B2 Nitric Acid",
+ "2B3 Adipic Acid",
+ "2B5 Carbide",
+ "2B6 Titanium",
+ "2B7 Soda Ash",
+ "2B8 Petrochemical",
+ "2B10 Other (Please",
+ "2C1 Iron and Steel",
+ "2C2 Ferroalloys",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2B9 Fluorochemical"],
+ 5: ["2B4 Caprolactam,"],
+ },
+ },
+ "188": {
+ "area": ["48,503,802,92"],
+ "cols": ["146,194,245,295,346,400,452,500,549,596,642,695,746"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2C3 Aluminium",
+ "2C4 Magnesium",
+ "2C7 Other (please",
+ "2D Non-Energy",
+ "2D2 Paraffin Wax",
+ "2D4 Other (please",
+ "2E Electronics",
+ "2E1 Integrated",
+ "2E5 Other (please",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2E2 TFT Flat Panel", "2E4 Heat Transfer"],
+ 5: ["2F Product Uses as"],
+ },
+ },
+ "189": {
+ "area": ["41,499,806,95"],
+ "cols": ["141,184,233,282,331,376,427,472,520,567,618,665,717,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2C3 Aluminium",
+ "2C4 Magnesium",
+ "2C7 Other (please",
+ "2D Non-Energy",
+ "2D2 Paraffin Wax",
+ "2D4 Other (please",
+ "2E Electronics",
+ "2E1 Integrated",
+ "2E5 Other (please",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2E2 TFT Flat Panel", "2E4 Heat Transfer"],
+ 5: ["2F Product Uses as"],
+ },
+ },
+ "190": {
+ "area": ["45,500,802,125"],
+ "cols": ["146,193,243,295,349,400,453,501,549,595,644,696,748"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2F2 Foam Blowing",
+ "2F6 Other",
+ "2G Other Product",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs",
+ "2G4 Other (Please",
+ "2H1 Pulp and Paper",
+ "2H2 Food and",
+ "2H3 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2G1 Electrical", "2G3 N2O from", "3A1 Enteric"],
+ },
+ },
+ "191": {
+ "area": ["38,498,814,120"],
+ "cols": ["130,180,229,277,326,381,429,477,526,570,620,669,717,765"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2F2 Foam Blowing",
+ "2F6 Other",
+ "2G Other Product",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs",
+ "2G4 Other (Please",
+ "2H1 Pulp and Paper",
+ "2H2 Food and",
+ "2H3 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2G1 Electrical", "2G3 N2O from", "3A1 Enteric"],
+ },
+ },
+ "192": {
+ "area": ["39,502,807,106"],
+ "cols": ["134,193,245,296,346,400,455,507,556,602,650,701,755"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "3C1 Emissions from",
+ "3C4 Direct N2O",
+ "3C5 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C6 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C8 Other (please",
+ "3D1 Harvested Wood",
+ "3D2 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 5: [
+ "3C Aggregate",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "193": {
+ "area": ["36,508,815,119"],
+ "cols": ["128,179,228,278,327,379,428,476,525,571,622,670,717,766"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "3C1 Emissions from",
+ "3C4 Direct N2O",
+ "3C5 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C6 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C8 Other (please",
+ "3D1 Harvested",
+ "3D2 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 5: [
+ "3C Aggregate",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "194": {
+ "area": ["80,502,762,151"],
+ "cols": ["201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "4C Incineration and",
+ "4C2 Open Burning of",
+ "4E Other",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "4A1 Managed Waste",
+ "4A2 Unmanaged Waste",
+ "4A3 Uncategorised Waste",
+ "4B Biological Treatment",
+ "4D Wastewater",
+ "4D1 Domestic Wastewater",
+ "4D2 Industrial Wastewater",
+ ],
+ 5: ["5A Indirect N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "195": {
+ "area": ["78,508,765,103"],
+ "cols": ["191,230,271,314,352,400,438,475,519,566,600,645,686,730"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "4C Incineration and",
+ "4C2 Open Burning of",
+ "4E Other",
+ "4B Biological",
+ "4D Wastewater",
+ "4D1 Domestic",
+ "4D2 Industrial",
+ "5B Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "4A1 Managed Waste",
+ "4A2 Unmanaged Waste",
+ "4A3 Uncategorised",
+ "4A Solid Waste",
+ ],
+ 5: ["5A Indirect N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "196": {
+ "area": ["80,502,762,151"],
+ "cols": ["201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "International Aviation",
+ "International Water-borne",
+ "CO2 from Biomass Burning",
+ "For storage in other",
+ "Long-term storage of",
+ "Annual change in total",
+ "Annual change in long-",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "197": {
+ "area": ["74,507,779,201"],
+ "cols": ["182,226,268,311,354,398,444,482,524,565,610,654,693,733"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "International Aviation",
+ "International Water-",
+ "CO2 from Biomass",
+ "For storage in other",
+ "Long-term storage of",
+ "Annual change in total",
+ "Annual change in long-",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "198": { # first CH4 table
+ "area": ["54,498,793,100"],
+ "cols": ["140,197,250,296,346,394,444,493,540,587,637,685,738"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "Total National",
+ "1A Fuel Combustion",
+ "1A1 Energy",
+ "1A2 Manufacturing",
+ "1B Fugitive",
+ "1B2 Oil and Natural",
+ "1B3 Other emissions",
+ "1C Carbon Dioxide",
+ "2A1 Cement",
+ ],
+ -3: ["2A Mineral Industry"],
+ },
+ },
+ "199": {
+ "area": ["34,506,818,97"],
+ "cols": ["132,177,228,276,329,377,432,479,528,574,618,667,722,774"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "Total National",
+ "1A Fuel",
+ "1A1 Energy",
+ "1A2 Manufacturing",
+ "1B Fugitive",
+ "1B2 Oil and Natural",
+ "1B3 Other",
+ "1C Carbon Dioxide",
+ "2A1 Cement",
+ "2A Mineral",
+ "2A2 Lime",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "202": {
+ "area": ["48,503,802,92"],
+ "cols": ["146,194,245,295,346,400,452,500,549,596,642,695,746"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2C3 Aluminium",
+ "2C7 Other (please",
+ "2D Non-Energy",
+ "2D2 Paraffin Wax",
+ "2D4 Other (please",
+ "2E Electronics",
+ "2E1 Integrated",
+ "2E5 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2C4 Magnesium",
+ "2E2 TFT Flat Panel",
+ "2E4 Heat Transfer",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration",
+ ],
+ 5: ["2F Product Uses as"],
+ },
+ },
+ "203": {
+ "area": ["41,499,806,95"],
+ "cols": ["141,184,233,282,331,376,427,472,520,567,618,665,717,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2C3 Aluminium",
+ "2C7 Other (please",
+ "2D Non-Energy",
+ "2D2 Paraffin Wax",
+ "2D4 Other (please",
+ "2E Electronics",
+ "2E1 Integrated",
+ "2E5 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2C4 Magnesium",
+ "2E2 TFT Flat Panel",
+ "2E4 Heat Transfer",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration",
+ ],
+ 5: ["2F Product Uses as"],
+ },
+ },
+ "204": {
+ "area": ["45,500,802,125"],
+ "cols": ["146,193,243,295,349,400,455,501,549,595,644,696,748"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2F6 Other",
+ "2G Other Product",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs",
+ "2G4 Other (Please",
+ "2H1 Pulp and Paper",
+ "2H2 Food and",
+ "2H3 Other (please",
+ "3A1 Enteric",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2F2 Foam Blowing", "2G1 Electrical", "2G3 N2O from"],
+ },
+ },
+ "205": {
+ "area": ["38,498,814,120"],
+ "cols": ["130,180,229,277,326,381,429,477,526,570,620,669,717,765"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2F6 Other",
+ "2G Other Product",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs",
+ "2G4 Other (Please",
+ "2H1 Pulp and Paper",
+ "2H2 Food and",
+ "2H3 Other (please",
+ "3A1 Enteric",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2F2 Foam Blowing", "2G1 Electrical", "2G3 N2O from"],
+ },
+ },
+ "206": { # also 220
+ "area": ["39,502,807,106"],
+ "cols": ["134,193,245,296,346,400,455,507,556,602,650,701,755"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "3C1 Emissions from",
+ "3C4 Direct N2O",
+ "3C5 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C6 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C8 Other (please",
+ "3D2 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "3D1 Harvested Wood",
+ ],
+ 5: [
+ "3C Aggregate",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "207": { # also 221
+ "area": ["36,508,815,110"],
+ "cols": ["128,179,228,278,327,379,428,476,527,571,622,670,717,766"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "3C1 Emissions from",
+ "3C4 Direct N2O",
+ "3C5 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C6 Indirect N2O",
+ "3C8 Other (please",
+ "3D2 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "3D1 Harvested",
+ ],
+ 5: [
+ "3C Aggregate",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "208": { # also 222
+ "area": ["80,502,762,151"],
+ "cols": ["201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "4C Incineration and",
+ "4C2 Open Burning of",
+ "4E Other",
+ "4A1 Managed Waste",
+ "4A2 Unmanaged Waste",
+ "4A3 Uncategorised Waste",
+ "4B Biological Treatment",
+ "4D Wastewater",
+ "4D1 Domestic Wastewater",
+ "4D2 Industrial Wastewater",
+ ],
+ 5: ["5A Indirect N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "209": { # also 223
+ "area": ["78,508,765,103"],
+ "cols": ["191,230,271,314,352,400,438,475,519,560,600,645,686,730"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "4C Incineration and",
+ "4C2 Open Burning of",
+ "4E Other",
+ "4B Biological",
+ "4D Wastewater",
+ "4D1 Domestic",
+ "4D2 Industrial",
+ "5B Other (please",
+ "4A1 Managed Waste",
+ "4A2 Unmanaged Waste",
+ "4A3 Uncategorised",
+ "4A Solid Waste",
+ ],
+ 5: ["5A Indirect N2O"],
+ },
+ },
+ "210": { # also 224
+ "area": ["80,502,762,151"],
+ "cols": ["201,243,285,329,376,419,462,502,551,591,635,679,724"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "International Aviation",
+ "International Water-borne",
+ "Long-term storage of",
+ "Annual change in total",
+ "Annual change in long-",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "CO2 from Biomass Burning",
+ "For storage in other",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "211": { # also 225
+ "area": ["74,507,779,201"],
+ "cols": ["182,226,268,311,354,398,444,482,524,565,610,654,693,733"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "International Aviation",
+ "International Water-",
+ "Long-term storage of",
+ "Annual change in total",
+ "Annual change in long-",
+ "CO2 from Biomass",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "For storage in other",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "212": {
+ "area": ["54,498,793,100"],
+ "cols": ["150,197,250,296,346,394,444,493,540,587,637,685,738"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "Total National",
+ "1A Fuel Combustion",
+ "1A1 Energy",
+ "1A2 Manufacturing",
+ "1B Fugitive",
+ "1B2 Oil and Natural",
+ "1B3 Other emissions",
+ "1C Carbon Dioxide",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2A1 Cement",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "213": {
+ "area": ["34,504,813,99"],
+ "cols": ["128,177,224,273,321,373,425,473,519,564,611,661,713,765"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "Total National",
+ "1A Fuel",
+ "1A1 Energy",
+ "1A2 Manufacturing",
+ "1B Fugitive",
+ "1B2 Oil and Natural",
+ "1B3 Other",
+ "1C Carbon Dioxide",
+ "2A Mineral",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2A1 Cement",
+ "2A2 Lime",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "214": {
+ "area": ["47,499,801,93"],
+ "cols": ["141,197,246,297,350,396,453,502,550,595,642,692,748"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2A5 Other (please",
+ "2B Chemical",
+ "2B1 Ammonia",
+ "2B2 Nitric Acid",
+ "2B3 Adipic Acid",
+ "2B4 Caprolactam,",
+ "2B5 Carbide",
+ "2B6 Titanium",
+ "2B7 Soda Ash",
+ "2B8 Petrochemical",
+ "2B10 Other (Please",
+ "2C1 Iron and Steel",
+ "2C2 Ferroalloys",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2A3 Glass", "2A4 Other Process", "2B9 Fluorochemical"],
+ -3: ["2C Metal Industry"],
+ },
+ },
+ "215": {
+ "area": ["39,499,807,91"],
+ "cols": ["132,180,232,280,327,375,425,470,522,568,613,664,713,763"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2A5 Other (please",
+ "2B Chemical",
+ "2B1 Ammonia",
+ "2B2 Nitric Acid",
+ "2B3 Adipic Acid",
+ "2B4 Caprolactam,",
+ "2B5 Carbide",
+ "2B6 Titanium Dioxide",
+ "2B7 Soda Ash",
+ "2B8 Petrochemical",
+ "2B10 Other (Please",
+ "2C1 Iron and Steel",
+ "2C2 Ferroalloys",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2A4 Other Process", "2B9 Fluorochemical"],
+ -3: ["2C Metal Industry"],
+ },
+ },
+ "216": {
+ "area": ["48,503,802,92"],
+ "cols": ["146,194,245,295,346,400,452,500,549,596,642,695,746"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2C7 Other (please",
+ "2D Non-Energy",
+ "2D2 Paraffin Wax",
+ "2D4 Other (please",
+ "2E Electronics",
+ "2E1 Integrated",
+ "2E5 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2C3 Aluminium",
+ "2C4 Magnesium",
+ "2E2 TFT Flat Panel",
+ "2E4 Heat Transfer",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration",
+ ],
+ 5: ["2F Product Uses as"],
+ },
+ },
+ "217": {
+ "area": ["41,499,806,95"],
+ "cols": ["141,184,233,282,331,376,427,472,520,567,618,665,717,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2C7 Other (please",
+ "2D Non-Energy",
+ "2D2 Paraffin Wax",
+ "2D4 Other (please",
+ "2E Electronics",
+ "2E1 Integrated",
+ "2E5 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2C3 Aluminium",
+ "2C4 Magnesium",
+ "2E2 TFT Flat Panel",
+ "2E4 Heat Transfer",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration",
+ ],
+ 5: ["2F Product Uses as"],
+ },
+ },
+ "218": {
+ "area": ["45,500,802,125"],
+ "cols": ["146,193,243,295,349,400,455,501,549,595,644,696,748"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2F6 Other",
+ "2G Other Product",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs",
+ "2G3 N2O from",
+ "2H3 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2F2 Foam Blowing",
+ "2G1 Electrical",
+ "2G4 Other (Please",
+ "2H1 Pulp and Paper",
+ "2H2 Food and",
+ "3A1 Enteric",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "219": {
+ "area": ["38,498,814,120"],
+ "cols": ["130,180,229,277,326,381,429,477,526,570,620,669,717,765"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: [
+ "2F6 Other",
+ "2G Other Product",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs",
+ "2G3 N2O from",
+ "2H3 Other (please",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2F2 Foam Blowing",
+ "2G1 Electrical",
+ "2G4 Other (Please",
+ "2H1 Pulp and Paper",
+ "2H2 Food and",
+ "3A1 Enteric",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "226": { # also 334, 238
+ "area": ["48,510,797,99"],
+ "cols": ["271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 2: ["2B4 Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid"],
+ },
+ },
+ "227": { # also 331, 335, 339
+ "area": ["27,510,818,99"],
+ "cols": ["250,290,333,372,413,452,494,536,576,616,656,699,739,781"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 2: ["2B4 Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid"],
+ },
+ },
+ "228": {
+ "area": ["48,510,797,99"],
+ "cols": ["271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: ["2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone"],
+ 2: ["2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent"],
+ },
+ },
+ "229": {
+ "area": ["25,512,819,86"],
+ "cols": ["246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ 3: ["2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone"],
+ 2: ["2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent"],
+ },
+ },
+ "230": {
+ "area": ["48,510,797,99"],
+ "cols": ["271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ -3: [
+ "Total National Emissions and Removals",
+ ],
+ 2: ["2B4 Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid"],
+ },
+ },
+ "232": { # also 236
+ "area": ["48,510,797,99"],
+ "cols": ["271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ -3: [
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses",
+ ],
+ 2: [
+ "2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent",
+ "2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone",
+ ],
- '230': {
- "area": ['48,510,797,99'],
- "cols": ['271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- -3: ['Total National Emissions and Removals', '2 INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCT USE'],
- 2: ['2B4 Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid'],
- }
- },
- '232': { # also 236
- "area": ['48,510,797,99'],
- "cols": ['271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- -3: ['2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses',],
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent',
- '2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone',]
- },
- },
- '233': {
- "area": ['25,512,819,86'],
- "cols": ['246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777'],
- "rows_to_fix": {
- -5: ['2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone'],
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent'],
- -3: ['2G Other Product Manufacture and Use',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses',]
+ "233": {
+ "area": ["25,512,819,86"],
+ "cols": ["246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777"],
+ "rows_to_fix": {
+ -5: ["2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone"],
+ 2: ["2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent"],
+ -3: [
+ "2G Other Product Manufacture and Use",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses",
+ ],
- '237': {
- "area": ['25,512,819,86'],
- "cols": ['246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777'],
+ "237": {
+ "area": ["25,512,819,86"],
+ "cols": ["246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777"],
"rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent',
- '2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone'],
+ 2: [
+ "2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent",
+ "2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone",
+ ],
- '240': {
- "area": ['48,510,797,99'],
- "cols": ['271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760'],
+ "240": {
+ "area": ["48,510,797,99"],
+ "cols": ["271,310,350,393,435,475,514,557,594,640,678,719,760"],
"rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent',
- '2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone'],
- -3: ['2E Electronics Industry',
- '2F1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses',],
+ 2: [
+ "2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent",
+ "2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone",
+ ],
+ -3: [
+ "2E Electronics Industry",
+ "2F1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses",
+ ],
- '241': {
- "area": ['25,512,819,86'],
- "cols": ['246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777'],
+ "241": {
+ "area": ["25,512,819,86"],
+ "cols": ["246,291,331,370,412,454,495,536,577,619,656,699,740,777"],
"rows_to_fix": {
- 2: ['2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent',
- '2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone',
- '2E1 Integrated Circuit or Semiconductor',],
- -3: ['2F1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning',
- '2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses',],
+ 2: [
+ "2D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent",
+ "2F Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone",
+ "2E1 Integrated Circuit or Semiconductor",
+ ],
+ -3: [
+ "2F1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning",
+ "2G2 SF6 and PFCs from Other Product Uses",
+ ],
table_defs = {
- '184': {"template": '184', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"}, #CO2
- '185': {"template": '185', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '186': {"template": '186', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '187': {"template": '187', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '188': {"template": '188', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '189': {"template": '189', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '190': {"template": '190', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '191': {"template": '191', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '192': {"template": '192', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '193': {"template": '193', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '194': {"template": '194', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '195': {"template": '195', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '196': {"template": '196', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '197': {"template": '197', "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '198': {"template": '198', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"}, #CH4
- '199': {"template": '199', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '200': {"template": '186', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '201': {"template": '187', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '202': {"template": '202', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '203': {"template": '203', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '204': {"template": '204', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '205': {"template": '205', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '206': {"template": '206', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '207': {"template": '207', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '208': {"template": '208', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '209': {"template": '209', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '210': {"template": '210', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '211': {"template": '211', "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
- '212': {"template": '212', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"}, #N2O
- '213': {"template": '213', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '214': {"template": '214', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '215': {"template": '215', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '216': {"template": '216', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '217': {"template": '217', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '218': {"template": '218', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '219': {"template": '219', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '220': {"template": '206', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '221': {"template": '207', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '222': {"template": '208', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '223': {"template": '209', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '224': {"template": '210', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '225': {"template": '211', "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
- '226': {"template": '226', "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"}, #HFCs
- '227': {"template": '227', "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '228': {"template": '228', "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '229': {"template": '229', "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '230': {"template": '230', "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"}, #PFCs
- '231': {"template": '227', "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '232': {"template": '232', "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '233': {"template": '233', "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '234': {"template": '226', "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"}, #SF6
- '235': {"template": '227', "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '236': {"template": '232', "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '237': {"template": '237', "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '238': {"template": '226', "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"}, #NF3
- '239': {"template": '227', "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '240': {"template": '240', "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
- '241': {"template": '241', "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "184": {"template": "184", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"}, # CO2
+ "185": {"template": "185", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "186": {"template": "186", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "187": {"template": "187", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "188": {"template": "188", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "189": {"template": "189", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "190": {"template": "190", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "191": {"template": "191", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "192": {"template": "192", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "193": {"template": "193", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "194": {"template": "194", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "195": {"template": "195", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "196": {"template": "196", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "197": {"template": "197", "entity": "CO2", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "198": {"template": "198", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"}, # CH4
+ "199": {"template": "199", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "200": {"template": "186", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "201": {"template": "187", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "202": {"template": "202", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "203": {"template": "203", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "204": {"template": "204", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "205": {"template": "205", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "206": {"template": "206", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "207": {"template": "207", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "208": {"template": "208", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "209": {"template": "209", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "210": {"template": "210", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "211": {"template": "211", "entity": "CH4", "unit": "Gg CH4 / yr"},
+ "212": {"template": "212", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"}, # N2O
+ "213": {"template": "213", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "214": {"template": "214", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "215": {"template": "215", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "216": {"template": "216", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "217": {"template": "217", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "218": {"template": "218", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "219": {"template": "219", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "220": {"template": "206", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "221": {"template": "207", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "222": {"template": "208", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "223": {"template": "209", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "224": {"template": "210", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "225": {"template": "211", "entity": "N2O", "unit": "Gg N2O / yr"},
+ "226": {
+ "template": "226",
+ "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)",
+ "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr",
+ }, # HFCs
+ "227": {"template": "227", "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "228": {"template": "228", "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "229": {"template": "229", "entity": "HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "230": {
+ "template": "230",
+ "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)",
+ "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr",
+ }, # PFCs
+ "231": {"template": "227", "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "232": {"template": "232", "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "233": {"template": "233", "entity": "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "234": {
+ "template": "226",
+ "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)",
+ "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr",
+ }, # SF6
+ "235": {"template": "227", "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "236": {"template": "232", "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "237": {"template": "237", "entity": "SF6 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "238": {
+ "template": "226",
+ "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)",
+ "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr",
+ }, # NF3
+ "239": {"template": "227", "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "240": {"template": "240", "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
+ "241": {"template": "241", "entity": "NF3 (AR4GWP100)", "unit": "Gg CO2 / yr"},
country_processing_step1 = {
- 'aggregate_cats': {
- 'M.3.C.AG': {'sources': ['3.C.1', '3.C.2', '3.C.3', '3.C.4', '3.C.5',
- '3.C.6', '3.C.7', '3.C.8'],
- 'name': 'Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land '
- '(Agriculture)'},
- 'M.3.D.AG': {'sources': ['3.D.2'],
- 'name': 'Other (Agriculture)'},
- 'M.AG.ELV': {'sources': ['M.3.C.AG', 'M.3.D.AG'],
- 'name': 'Agriculture excluding livestock'},
- 'M.AG': {'sources': ['3.A', 'M.AG.ELV'],
- 'name': 'Agriculture'},
- 'M.3.D.LU': {'sources': ['3.D.1'],
- 'name': 'Other (LULUCF)'},
- 'M.LULUCF': {'sources': ['3.B', 'M.3.D.LU'],
- 'name': 'LULUCF'},
- 'M.0.EL': {'sources': ['1', '2', 'M.AG', '4', '5'],
- 'name': 'National total emissions excluding LULUCF'},
- },
- 'basket_copy': {
- 'GWPs_to_add': ["SARGWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
- 'entities': ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
- 'source_GWP': gwp_to_use,
+ "aggregate_cats": {
+ "M.3.C.AG": {
+ "sources": [
+ "3.C.1",
+ "3.C.2",
+ "3.C.3",
+ "3.C.4",
+ "3.C.5",
+ "3.C.6",
+ "3.C.7",
+ "3.C.8",
+ ],
+ "name": "Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land "
+ "(Agriculture)",
+ },
+ "M.3.D.AG": {"sources": ["3.D.2"], "name": "Other (Agriculture)"},
+ "M.AG.ELV": {
+ "sources": ["M.3.C.AG", "M.3.D.AG"],
+ "name": "Agriculture excluding livestock",
+ },
+ "M.AG": {"sources": ["3.A", "M.AG.ELV"], "name": "Agriculture"},
+ "M.3.D.LU": {"sources": ["3.D.1"], "name": "Other (LULUCF)"},
+ "M.LULUCF": {"sources": ["3.B", "M.3.D.LU"], "name": "LULUCF"},
+ "M.0.EL": {
+ "sources": ["1", "2", "M.AG", "4", "5"],
+ "name": "National total emissions excluding LULUCF",
+ },
+ },
+ "basket_copy": {
+ "GWPs_to_add": ["SARGWP100", "AR5GWP100", "AR6GWP100"],
+ "entities": ["HFCS", "PFCS"],
+ "source_GWP": gwp_to_use,
gas_baskets = {
- 'FGASES (SARGWP100)': ['HFCS (SARGWP100)', 'PFCS (SARGWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3'],
- 'FGASES (AR4GWP100)': ['HFCS (AR4GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR4GWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3'],
- 'FGASES (AR5GWP100)':['HFCS (AR5GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR5GWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3'],
- 'FGASES (AR6GWP100)':['HFCS (AR6GWP100)', 'PFCS (AR6GWP100)', 'SF6', 'NF3'],
- 'KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (SARGWP100)'],
- 'KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (AR4GWP100)'],
- 'KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (AR5GWP100)'],
- 'KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)': ['CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O', 'FGASES (AR6GWP100)'],
+ "FGASES (SARGWP100)": ["HFCS (SARGWP100)", "PFCS (SARGWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "FGASES (AR4GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR4GWP100)", "PFCS (AR4GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "FGASES (AR5GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR5GWP100)", "PFCS (AR5GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "FGASES (AR6GWP100)": ["HFCS (AR6GWP100)", "PFCS (AR6GWP100)", "SF6", "NF3"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (SARGWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (SARGWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR4GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR4GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR5GWP100)"],
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR6GWP100)": ["CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "FGASES (AR6GWP100)"],