123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384 |
- # Makefile to help automate key steps
- .DEFAULT_GOAL := help
- # Will likely fail on Windows, but Makefiles are in general not Windows
- # compatible so we're not too worried
- TEMP_FILE := $(shell mktemp)
- # A helper script to get short descriptions of each target in the Makefile
- import re, sys
- for line in sys.stdin:
- match = re.match(r'^([\$$\(\)a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line)
- if match:
- target, help = match.groups()
- print("%-30s %s" % (target, help))
- endef
- .PHONY: help
- help: ## print short description of each target
- .PHONY: checks
- checks: ## run all the linting checks of the codebase
- @echo "=== pre-commit ==="; poetry run pre-commit run --all-files || echo "--- pre-commit failed ---" >&2; \
- echo "=== mypy ==="; MYPYPATH=stubs poetry run mypy src || echo "--- mypy failed ---" >&2; \
- echo "======"
- .PHONY: ruff-fixes
- ruff-fixes: ## fix the code using ruff
- # format before and after checking so that the formatted stuff is checked and
- # the fixed stuff is formatted
- poetry run ruff format src tests scripts docs/source/conf.py docs/source/notebooks/*.py
- poetry run ruff src tests scripts docs/source/conf.py docs/source/notebooks/*.py --fix
- poetry run ruff format src tests scripts docs/source/conf.py docs/source/notebooks/*.py
- .PHONY: test
- test: ## run the tests
- poetry run pytest src tests -r a -v --doctest-modules --cov=src
- # Note on code coverage and testing:
- # You must specify cov=src as otherwise funny things happen when doctests are
- # involved.
- # If you want to debug what is going on with coverage, we have found
- # that adding COVERAGE_DEBUG=trace to the front of the below command
- # can be very helpful as it shows you if coverage is tracking the coverage
- # of all of the expected files or not.
- # We are sure that the coverage maintainers would appreciate a PR that improves
- # the coverage handling when there are doctests and a `src` layout like ours.
- .PHONY: docs
- docs: ## build the docs
- poetry run sphinx-build -T -b html docs/source docs/build/html
- .PHONY: changelog-draft
- changelog-draft: ## compile a draft of the next changelog
- poetry run towncrier build --draft
- .PHONY: licence-check
- licence-check: ## Check that licences of the dependencies are suitable
- # Will likely fail on Windows, but Makefiles are in general not Windows
- # compatible so we're not too worried
- poetry export --without=tests --without=docs --without=dev > $(TEMP_FILE)
- poetry run liccheck -r $(TEMP_FILE) -R licence-check.txt
- rm -f $(TEMP_FILE)
- .PHONY: virtual-environment
- virtual-environment: ## update virtual environment, create a new one if it doesn't already exist
- # Ensure that the lock file is up to date,
- # but don't update dependencies in the process
- # see https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#lock
- poetry lock --no-update
- # Put virtual environments in the project
- poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
- poetry install --all-extras
- poetry run pre-commit install
- .PHONY: download_all_domains-environment
- download_all_domains:
- # downloads and stages (datalad save) all available data
- datalad run poetry run python3 scripts/download_all_domains.py