conversion_FAO_IPPCC2006_PRIMAP_CH4.csv 1.6 KB

  1. # references: CH4 emissions only
  2. # last_update: 2024-10-14
  3. FAOSTAT,IPCC2006_PRIMAP,comment
  4. 1.A.1.b + 1.A.2.b + 1.A.6.b + 1.A.7.b + 6.C, 3.C.1.b, FAO 1.A.X.b Burning of crop residues + FAO 6.C Fires in organic soils to IPCC 3.C.1.b Biomass Burning In Croplands
  5. 1.A.2.c,3.C.7, Rice cultivation
  6. 3.C.4,3.A.1.a.i, Cattle dairy enteric fermentation
  7. 3.D.4,3.A.1.a.ii, Cattle non-dairy enteric fermentation
  8. 3.N.4,3.A.1.b, Buffalo enteric fermentation
  9. 3.J.4,3.A.1.c, Sheep enteric fermentation
  10. 3.G.4,3.A.1.d, Goats enteric fermentation
  11. 3.B.4,3.A.1.e, Camels enteric fermentation
  12. 3.H.4,3.A.1.f, Horses enteric fermentation
  13. 3.I.4 + 3.A.4,3.A.1.g, Asses + Mules and Hinnies = Mules and Asses enteric fermentation
  14. 3.P.4 + 3.Q.4,3.A.1.h, Swine market + swine breeding = swine enteric fermentation
  15. 3.K.4,3.A.1.j, Llamas = Other (Please Specify) enteric fermentation
  16. 3.C.1.a, 3.A.2.a.i, Cattle dairy manure management
  17. 3.D.1.a,3.A.2.a.ii, Cattle non-dairy manure management
  18. 3.N.1.a,3.A.2.b, Buffalo manure management
  19. 3.J.1.a,3.A.2.c,Sheep ma