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- # references: N2O emissions only
- # last_update: 2024-10-14
- FAO,IPCC2006_PRIMAP,comment
- M.3.MM, 3.A.2, Manure management
- 1.A.1.b + 1.A.2.b + 1.A.6.b + 1.A.7.b, 3.C.1.b, FAO 1.A.X.b Burning of crop residues to IPCC 3.C.1.b Biomass Burning In Croplands
- M.3.MP + M.3.MA + M.1.CR, 3.C.4
- 1.B.1,M.3.C.4.SF,Better to map indivudually in case it covers different range of years
- 1.B.2.a + 1.B.2.b,M.3.C.5.SF,Better to map individually in case it covers different range of years
- 5.A,3.B.3,FAO 5.A Drained grassland to IPCC 3.B.3 Grassland
- 5.B,3.B.2,Drained cropland
- 6.A,3.C.1.a, FAO 6.A forest fires to IPCC 3.C.1.a Biomass burning in forest lands
- 6.B, 3.C.1.c, FAO 6.B savanna fires to IPCC 3.C.1.c Biomass burning in grasslands