conversion_FAO_IPPCC2006_PRIMAP_CH4.csv 1.7 KB

  1. # references: CH4 emissions only
  2. # last_update: 2024-10-14
  3. FAOSTAT,IPCC2006_PRIMAP,comment
  4. 1.A.1.b + 1.A.2.b + 1.A.6.b + 1.A.7.b, 3.C.1.b, Burning of crop residues
  5. 1.A.2.c,3.C.7, Rice cultivation
  6. ,3.C.5,IPCC Indirect N2O Emissions from Managed Soils
  7. ,3.C.4, IPCC Direct N2O Emissions from Managed Soils
  8. 3,3.A, livestock
  9. 3.C.4,3.A.1.a.i, Cattle dairy enteric fermentation
  10. 3.D.4,3.A.1.a.ii, Cattle non-dairy enteric fermentation
  11. 3.N.4,3.A.1.b, Buffalo enteric fermentation
  12. 3.J.4,3.A.1.c, Sheep enteric fermentation
  13. 3.G.4,3.A.1.d, Goats enteric fermentation
  14. 3.B.4,3.A.1.e, Camels enteric fermentation
  15. 3.H.4,3.A.1.f, Horses enteric fermentation
  16. 3.I.4 + 3.A.4,3.A.1.g, Asses + Mules and Hinnies = Mules and Asses enteric fermentation
  17. 3.P.4 + 3.Q.4,3.A.1.h, Swine market + swine breeding = swine enteric fermentation
  18. 3.K.4,3.A.1.j, Llamas = Other (Please Specify) enteric fermentation
  19. 3.C.1.a, 3.A.2.a.i, Cattle dairy manure management
  20. 3.D.1.a,3.A.2.a.ii, Cattle non-dairy manure management
  21. 3.N.1.a,3.A.2.b, Buffalo manure managem