function prepare_FAO2022TOT_data(source_name, last_hist_year) % Prepares FAO data into country time series. Countries which were % split up during the course of history are downscaled to their current % members using the shares that were present in the first year in which all % members had emission values in the CDIAC source. countries which are now % merged over time get their previous members added up to the country with % the current political boundaries. % The resulting table is: CO2_CATM0EL_TOTAL_NET_HISTORY_CDIAC2010PROC % % author : CC % version : 20120315 % version : 20120403 JG - substitute negative data by zero, fixed % version : 20131024 JG - CDIAC2013 based on the CDIAC2011 file % combine_subregions % version : 20150416 JG - delete time series consisting only of zeros % version : 20150511 JG - fixed wrong region downscaling % version : 20150715 JG - summing to primap country definitions % version : 20170120 JG - 2016 data % version : 20170825 JG - IPCC 2006 categories % version : 20190708 JG - convert to Gg from GgCO2eq for all single gas tables % version : 20201009 JG - 2020A data which needs extrpolation as not all sectors have been updated % version : 20201207 JG - 2020B data %% issues FAO % gap in Micronesia data (sometimes filled with zero data) % gap in Maldives data (sometimes filled with zero data) % Saint kitts and Newis. very low data in last years (CH4, IPC3A, IPC3C) % Afghanistan: very low data in last year (CH4, IPC3C) % many countries: very low data before 1990 and sometimes also in last year (CH4, IPC3C) % this is probably due to mixing LU and AGRI data, where LU data only covers 1990-2015 % while AGRI data covers 1960 - 2016 (same for N2O) % saint Lucia: data only until 1980 (CH4, IPC3C) %%%% drained organic soils current omitted global CONSTANTS; errorID = 'CreateDatabase:DataPreparation:FAO:PrepareFAO2022Data:'; narginchk(0, 2) if nargin == 2 source = source_name; elseif nargin == 1 if ischar(source_name) source = source_name; last_hist_year = 0; else source = 'FAO2022P2'; end else source = 'FAO2022P2'; last_hist_year = 0; end sourceSuffix = 'I'; %tempSuffix = 'P'; procSource = [source sourceSuffix]; %tempSource = [source tempSuffix]; scenario = 'HISTORY'; scenarioProjection = 'PROJECTION'; %GWPspec = CONSTANTS.gwpSARSpecification; % make source dependent if necessary nYearKey = 5; % number of years to consider for downscaling key %% TODO check if extrapolation of subsectors needed %% remove existing proc source allProcTablenames = get_table_sheetcodes_for({CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetSource}, {{procSource}});%, tempSource}}); remove_tables_from_database(allProcTablenames); %% copy to temp source copy_source_scenario_tables_from_to(source, scenario, procSource, scenario); %% adjust countries % first aggregate what are now parts of countries into current countries, % by adding parts + country. allTablenames = get_table_sheetcodes_for({CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetSource}, ... {{procSource}}); warning off Tools:AssertValidcategoryforSourceScenario:ValidCategory theseTables = struct; % for each emissions table, make these group manipulations for iTable = 1:length(allTablenames) % adjust countries newTable = adjust_countries(allTablenames{iTable}, nYearKey, false); if isempty(fieldnames(newTable)) primap_log([errorID 'EmptyTable'], CONSTANTS.ERRuserErrorWarning, ... ['Table ' allTablenames{iTable} ' empty after country adjustment and removal of NaN and zero data']); else theseTables.(newTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetCode)) = newTable; end end %%% add tables to database remove_tables_from_database(allTablenames); success = overwrite_or_add_tables_in_database(theseTables, true, false); if ~all(success) primap_log([errorID 'NotAllSplitTablesAdded'], CONSTANTS.ERRprogramError, ... 'Some downscaled AGRI tables not added to DB. Check preceeding messages for reason'); end %% split into historical data and projection in case projections are available and last_hist_year is given if last_hist_year > 0 % get all tablenames newTables = struct; allTablenames = get_table_sheetcodes_for({CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetSource}, {{procSource}}); for iTable = 1 : length(allTablenames) % get table from DB currentTable = get_table_from_database(allTablenames{iTable}); % check if table contains projection values if any(currentTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) > last_hist_year) % create projection table currentTableProj = currentTable; currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)(:, ... currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) > last_hist_year); currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) = ... currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) > last_hist_year); currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetScenario) = scenarioProjection; currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetCode) = concatenate_structure_field_values(currentTableProj, ... CONSTANTS.tableNameConstructionFromSheets); currentTableProj = delete_only_nan_containing_countries(currentTableProj); if ~isempty(fieldnames(currentTableProj)) newTables.(currentTableProj.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetCode)) = currentTableProj; end % create historical table currentTableHist = currentTable; currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)(:, ... currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) <= last_hist_year); currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) = ... currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) <= last_hist_year); currentTableHist = delete_only_nan_containing_countries(currentTableHist); newTables.(currentTableHist.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetCode)) = currentTableHist; end end success = overwrite_or_add_tables_in_database(newTables, true, false); if ~all(success) primap_log([errorID 'NotAllSplitTablesAdded'], CONSTANTS.ERRprogramError, ... 'Some split tables not added to DB. Check preceeding messages for reason'); end end %% construct higher level IPC categories % general parameters defaultParams=struct; %defaultParams.future.type='linear'; defaultParams.future.type='none'; defaultParams.future.fityears=15; %defaultParams.past.type='linear'; defaultParams.past.type='none'; defaultParams.past.fityears=20; defaultParams.past.fallback='none'; FAOEntities = {'CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O'}; categories = struct; %%% IPC3A = IPC3A1 + IPC3A2 categories.IPC3A = struct; categories.IPC3A.targetCategory = 'IPC3A'; categories.IPC3A.subcategories = {'IPC3A1', 'IPC3A2'}; categories.IPC3A.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPC3A.params = defaultParams; %%% IPCM3C1AG = IPC3C1B + IPC3C1C categories.IPCM3C1AG = struct; categories.IPCM3C1AG.targetCategory = 'IPCM3C1AG'; categories.IPCM3C1AG.subcategories = {'IPC3C1C', 'IPC3C1B'}; categories.IPCM3C1AG.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPCM3C1AG.params = defaultParams; %%% IPC3C1 = IPCM3C1AG + IPCM3C1LU %%%%%%%%%% LULUCF currently missing categories.IPC3C1 = struct; categories.IPC3C1.targetCategory = 'IPC3C1'; categories.IPC3C1.subcategories = {'IPCM3C1AG', 'IPCM3C1LU'}; categories.IPC3C1.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPC3C1.params = defaultParams; %%% IPCM3C4AG = 'IPC3C4B', 'IPC3C4C', 'IPC3C4D', % omit currently as drained organic soils is missing but present in M3C45AG % categories.IPCM3C4AG = struct; % categories.IPCM3C4AG.targetCategory = 'IPCM3C4AG'; % categories.IPCM3C4AG.subcategories = {'IPC3C4A', 'IPC3C4B', 'IPC3C4C', 'IPC3C4D', }; % categories.IPCM3C4AG.entities = FAOEntities; % categories.IPCM3C4AG.params = defaultParams; %%% IPC3C4 = IPCM3C4AG %%%%%%%%%% LULUCF currently missing categories.IPC3C4 = struct; categories.IPC3C4.targetCategory = 'IPC3C4'; categories.IPC3C4.subcategories = {'IPCM3C4AG'}; categories.IPC3C4.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPC3C4.params = defaultParams; %%% IPC3C = IPC3C1 + IPC3C4 + IPC3C5 + IPC3C6 + IPC3C7 %%%%%%%%%% LULUCF currently missing categories.IPC3C = struct; categories.IPC3C.targetCategory = 'IPC3C'; categories.IPC3C.subcategories = {'IPC3C1', 'IPCM3C45AG', 'IPC3C7'}; % 'IPC3C5', 'IPC3C6', categories.IPC3C.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPC3C.params = defaultParams; %%% IPCM3CAG = IPCM3C1AG + IPCM3C4AG + IPC3C5 + IPC3C6 + IPC3C7 categories.IPCM3CAG = struct; categories.IPCM3CAG.targetCategory = 'IPCM3CAG'; categories.IPCM3CAG.subcategories = {'IPCM3C1AG', 'IPCM3C45AG', 'IPC3C7'}; %'IPC3C5', 'IPC3C6', categories.IPCM3CAG.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPCM3CAG.params = defaultParams; % %%% IPCM3CLU = IPCM3C1LU % categories.IPCM3CLU = struct; % categories.IPCM3CLU.targetCategory = 'IPCM3CLU'; % categories.IPCM3CLU.subcategories = {'IPCM3C1LU'}; % categories.IPCM3CLU.entities = FAOEntities; % categories.IPCM3CLU.params = defaultParams; % % %%% IPC3 = IPC3A + IPC3B + IPC3C % if any(strcmp(source, {'FAO2021A'})) % categories.IPC3 = struct; % categories.IPC3.targetCategory = 'IPC3'; % categories.IPC3.subcategories = {'IPC3A', 'IPCMLULUCF', 'IPCM3CAG'}; % categories.IPC3.entities = FAOEntities; % categories.IPC3.params = defaultParams; % else % categories.IPC3 = struct; % categories.IPC3.targetCategory = 'IPC3'; % categories.IPC3.subcategories = {'IPC3A', 'IPC3B', 'IPC3C'}; % categories.IPC3.entities = FAOEntities; % categories.IPC3.params = defaultParams; % % %%% IPCMLULUCF = IPC3B + IPC3CLU % categories.IPCMLULUCF = struct; % categories.IPCMLULUCF.targetCategory = 'IPCMLULUCF'; % categories.IPCMLULUCF.subcategories = {'IPC3B', 'IPCM3CLU'}; % categories.IPCMLULUCF.entities = FAOEntities; % categories.IPCMLULUCF.params = defaultParams; % end %%% IPCMAG = IPC3A + IPCM3CA categories.IPCMAG = struct; categories.IPCMAG.targetCategory = 'IPCMAG'; categories.IPCMAG.subcategories = {'IPC3A', 'IPCM3CAG'}; categories.IPCMAG.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPCMAG.params = defaultParams; %%% IPCMAGELV = IPCM3CA categories.IPCMAGELV = struct; categories.IPCMAGELV.targetCategory = 'IPCMAGELV'; categories.IPCMAGELV.subcategories = {'IPCM3CAG'}; categories.IPCMAGELV.entities = FAOEntities; categories.IPCMAGELV.params = defaultParams; entities = struct; entities.KYOTOGHG = struct; entities.KYOTOGHG.targetEntity = 'KYOTOGHG'; entities.KYOTOGHG.subEntities = {'CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O'}; entities.KYOTOGHG.categories = {'IPC3', 'IPC3A', 'IPC3C', 'IPCMAG', 'IPCMAGELV', 'IPCMLULUCF'}; %'IPC3B', entities.KYOTOGHG.params = defaultParams; entities.KYOTOGHG.GWP = CONSTANTS.gwpSARSpecification; entities.KYOTOGHGAR4 = struct; entities.KYOTOGHGAR4.targetEntity = 'KYOTOGHGAR4'; entities.KYOTOGHGAR4.subEntities = {'CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O'}; entities.KYOTOGHGAR4.categories = {'IPC3', 'IPC3A', 'IPC3C', 'IPCMAG', 'IPCMAGELV', 'IPCMLULUCF'}; %'IPC3B', entities.KYOTOGHGAR4.params = defaultParams; entities.KYOTOGHGAR4.GWP = CONSTANTS.gwpAR4Specification; entities.KYOTOGHGAR5 = struct; entities.KYOTOGHGAR5.targetEntity = 'KYOTOGHGAR5'; entities.KYOTOGHGAR5.subEntities = {'CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O'}; entities.KYOTOGHGAR5.categories = {'IPC3', 'IPC3A', 'IPC3C', 'IPCMAG', 'IPCMAGELV', 'IPCMLULUCF'}; %'IPC3B', entities.KYOTOGHGAR5.params = defaultParams; entities.KYOTOGHGAR5.GWP = CONSTANTS.gwpAR5Specification; entities.KYOTOGHGAR6 = struct; entities.KYOTOGHGAR6.targetEntity = 'KYOTOGHGAR6'; entities.KYOTOGHGAR6.subEntities = {'CO2', 'CH4', 'N2O'}; entities.KYOTOGHGAR6.categories = {'IPC3', 'IPC3A', 'IPC3C', 'IPCMAG', 'IPCMAGELV', 'IPCMLULUCF'}; %'IPC3B', entities.KYOTOGHGAR6.params = defaultParams; entities.KYOTOGHGAR6.GWP = CONSTANTS.gwpAR6Specification; aggregate_and_extrapolate_source(procSource, scenario, categories, entities); aggregate_and_extrapolate_source(procSource, scenarioProjection, categories, entities); remove_desired_regions_from_source_scenario({'EARTH', 'POLYNESIA'}, procSource, scenario); remove_desired_regions_from_source_scenario({'EARTH', 'POLYNESIA'}, procSource, scenarioProjection); % TODO % remove years with partial data from aggregate timeseries % FAO2020B % IPC3C1, IPCM3CAG, IPC3C, IPC3, IPCMAG, IPCMAGELV, IPC3B, IPCMLULUCF (remove 2019, 2020) % sum countries to CRF / UNFCCC reporting level sum_countries_primap(procSource, false); %% remove the FAO terminology tables % tempTables = get_table_sheetcodes_for({CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetSource}, {{tempSource}}); % %success = remove_tables_from_database(tempTables); % if ~all(success) % disp('some tales could not be removed from the DB'); % end % keep them as sometimes country downscaled tables in FAO eminology are needed warning off Tools:AssertValidcategoryforSourceScenario:ValidCategory end %prepareFAO2015data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function newTable = adjust_countries(tablename, nYearKey, negativeToZero) global CONSTANTS; errorID = 'CreateDatabase:DataPreparation:FAO:PrepareFAO2016Data:AdjustCountries'; thisTable = get_table_from_database(tablename); %thisTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetSource) = tempSource; %thisTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetCode) = concatenate_structure_field_values(thisTable,'default'); thisTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetDescr) = [thisTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetDescr) ... ', regions summed and downscaled to country time series']; source = thisTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetSource); if negativeToZero % change negative values to zero for FAO1 isneg = < 0; = 0; end % remove countries which contain only NaN data thisTable = delete_only_nan_containing_countries(thisTable); % remove countries which contain only zero data thisTable = delete_only_zero_containing_countries(thisTable); if ~isempty(fieldnames(thisTable)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% REGIONS DOWNSCALED TO COUNTRIES, REGIONS DELETED % FIRST, REGIONS THAT SPLIT INTO COUNTRIES THAT EXIST IN FAO % split most recent first. Some regions split into other regions that % must be split first. % USSR = RUSSIA + ARMENIA + AZERBAIJAN + BELARUS + BULGARIA + ESTONIA (<= 1991) % + GEORGIA + KAZAKHSTAN + KYRGYZSTAN + LATVIA + LITHUANIA + % MOLDOVA + TAJIKISTAN + TURKMENISTAN + UKRAINE + UZBEKISTAN regions2Delete = {'FSU'}; % doesn't work for FAO1K theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); yearKey = 1992; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % SERBIA/MONTENEGRO = SERBIA + MONTENEGRO (<= 2005) regions2Delete = {'SRBMNE'}; theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); yearKey = 2006; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % YUGOSLAVIA = BOSNIA/HERZEGOVINA + CROATIA + MACEDONIA + SLOVENIA + SERBIA + MONTENEGRO (<= 1991) regions2Delete = {'YUG'}; theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); yearKey = 1992; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % CZECHOSLOVAKIA = CZECH REPUBLIC + SLOVAKIA (<= 1991) regions2Delete = {'CZESVK'}; theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); %{'CZE','SVK'}; yearKey = 1992; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % Pacific Islands Trust Territory = Federated States of Micronesia + Palau % + Northern Mariana Islands + Marshall Islands (<= 1994) regions2Delete = {'TTPI'}; theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); %{'FSM' 'MHL' 'MNP' 'PLW'}; yearKey = 1995; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % BELLUX = Belgium + Luxembourg (<= 1999) regions2Delete = {'BELLUX'}; theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); yearKey = 2000; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % ETHERI = Ethiopia + Eritrea (<= 1992) regions2Delete = {'ETHERI'}; theseCountries = get_members_of(regions2Delete{1}); yearKey = 1993; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); % Sudan and South Sudan (South Sudan has individual data for 2012 onwards) if any(strcmp(source, {'FAO2016P', 'FAO2018P', 'FAO2019AP', 'FAO2019BP', 'FAO2020AP', 'FAO2020BP', ... 'FAO2020CP', 'FAO2021AP'})) regions2Delete = {'SDN'}; theseCountries = {'SDN', 'SSD'}; yearKey = 2012; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); end % Sudan and South Sudan (South Sudan has individual data for 2012 onwards) if any(strcmp(source, {'FAO2023AI', 'FAO2024AI'})) regions2Delete = {'SDNSSD'}; theseCountries = {'SDN', 'SSD'}; yearKey = 2012; thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries,yearKey, nYearKey, true); end % interpolate gap in FSM data dataFSM = get_cydata_from_independent_table(thisTable, {'FSM'}, 'all'); if ~all(isnan(dataFSM.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField))) gaps = get_gaps(dataFSM.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)); if ~isempty(gaps) dataFSM.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = interpolate_in_single_dv(gaps, dataFSM.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)); thisTable = add_cydata_to_independent_table(thisTable, dataFSM); end end % remove countries which contain only NaN data thisTable = delete_only_nan_containing_countries(thisTable); % remove countries which contain only zero data newTable = delete_only_zero_containing_countries(thisTable); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% else newTable = struct; end end function thisTable = downscale_existing(thisTable,regions2Delete,theseCountries, yearKey, nYearKey, remove) % split regional data proportionally, based on ratios in first year % after yearKey where there is at least one nonzero value global CONSTANTS errorID = 'CreateDatabase:DataPreparation:FAO:PrepareFAO2016Data:DownscaleExisting'; if ~exist('remove', 'var') remove = true; end cyRegion = get_cydata_from_independent_table(thisTable,regions2Delete,'all'); if isempty(cyRegion.(CONSTANTS.nameOfCountryVector)) return; end cyKey = get_cydata_from_independent_table(thisTable,theseCountries,'all'); cyDownscaled = cyRegion; cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfCountryVector) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfCountryVector); %split only if region is not all NaN or zeros if ~all(isnan(cyRegion.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)) | cyRegion.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) == 0) % remove all years before yearKey iYearKey = find(cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) == yearKey); cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(iYearKey:end); cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)(:,iYearKey:end); % check which year the first nonzero value arises iYearStart = find(~isnan(nansum_primap(cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField),1)) & ... (nansum_primap(cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField),1) ~= 0)); if isempty(iYearStart) % cannot divide regional data primap_log([errorID 'ProgramError'], CONSTANTS.ERRuserErrorWarning, ... ['Downscaling not possible for region ' regions2Delete{1} ... ', year(s) for downscaling key have only zeros or NaN. Table: ' ... thisTable.(CONSTANTS.nameOfSheetCode)]); if remove thisTable = remove_countries_from_independent_table(thisTable,regions2Delete); end return end % for the data to be downscaled remove all data beginning with the startYear yearStart = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(iYearStart(1)); iYearStartRegion = find(cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) == yearStart); cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)(:, 1 : iYearStartRegion - 1); cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) = cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(1 : iYearStartRegion - 1); % for the key remove all years before yearStart cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(iYearStart(1):end); cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)(:,iYearStart(1):end); % key is constructed from nYearKey years or available years, % whatever is less if length(cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)) > nYearKey cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector)(1:nYearKey); cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField)(:,1:nYearKey); end key = nansum_primap(cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField),2); arrRatio = repmat(key/nansum_primap(key), ... 1,length(cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfYearVector))); cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField) = arrRatio .* ... repmat(cyDownscaled.(CONSTANTS.nameOfDataField),length(cyKey.(CONSTANTS.nameOfCountryVector)),1); cyDownscaled = delete_only_nan_containing_countries(cyDownscaled); % add downscaled numbers to existing data thisCydata = get_cydata_from_independent_table(thisTable,theseCountries,'all'); %thisCydata = delete_only_nan_containing_countries(thisCydata); warning off Tools:AssertContentOfCydata:FailedValidation thisNewCydata = add_cydata_to_cydata(thisCydata, cyDownscaled); %thisNewCydata = summation_of_cydata(thisCydata, cyDownscaled,false,true); warning on Tools:AssertContentOfCydata:FailedValidation if remove thisTable = remove_countries_from_independent_table(thisTable,regions2Delete); end thisTable = add_cydata_to_independent_table(thisTable,thisNewCydata); else if remove thisTable = remove_countries_from_independent_table(thisTable,regions2Delete); end end end % countries in the source which are not UNFCCC % 'ARUBA' % 'ANGUILLA' % 'NETHERLANDS ANTILLES' % 'AMERICAN SAMOA' % 'BERMUDA' % 'CHANNEL ISLANDS' % 'CAYMAN ISLANDS' % 'WESTERN SAHARA' % 'FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)' % 'FAROE ISLANDS' % 'GIBRALTAR' % 'GUADELOUPE' % 'GREENLAND' % 'FRENCH GUIANA' % 'GUAM' % 'HONG KONG' % 'ISLE OF MAN' % 'MACAO' % 'NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS' % 'MONTSERRAT' % 'MARTINIQUE' % 'MAYOTTE' % 'NEW CALEDONIA' % 'NORFOLK ISLAND' % 'PITCAIRN, HENDERSON, DUICE AN...' % 'PUERTO RICO' % 'PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, Occupied' % 'FRENCH POLYNESIA' % 'REUNION' % 'SAINT HELENA, ASCENSION AND T...' % 'SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN ISLANDS' % 'SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON' % 'TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS' % 'TOKELAU' % 'TAIWAN' % 'VIRGIN ISLANDS (BRITISH)' % 'VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.)' % 'WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS'