@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
"""definitions like folders, mappings etc."""
-from pathlib import Path
domains = {
"farm_gate_emissions_crops": {
"url_domain": "https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/GCE",
@@ -40,45 +38,7 @@ domains = {
-def get_root_path(root_indicator: str = ".git") -> Path:
- """
- Traverse up from the current script location to find the repository root.
- The root is defined by the presence of a root_indicator file or
- directory (e.g., '.git').
- Parameters
- ----------
- root_indicator
- A filename or directory name that indicates the root of the repository.
- Returns
- -------
- Path
- The path to the root directory of the repository.
- Raises
- ------
- RuntimeError: If the repository root cannot be found.
- """
- current_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
- while current_dir != Path(current_dir.root):
- if (current_dir / root_indicator).exists():
- return current_dir
- current_dir = current_dir.parent
- msg = f"Repository root with indicator '{root_indicator}' not found."
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
-root_path = get_root_path()
-code_path = root_path / "src" / "faostat_data_primap"
-extracted_data_path = root_path / "extracted_data"
-downloaded_data_path = root_path / "downloaded_data"
-# data reading
areas_to_remove_base = [
- # We can aggregate these country groups ourselves if we need to
"Eastern Africa",
@@ -115,20 +75,17 @@ areas_to_remove_base = [
"Annex I countries",
"Non-Annex I countries",
-"Europe, Northern America, Australia and New Zealand",
+ "Europe, Northern America, Australia and New Zealand",
read_config_all = {
"farm_gate_agriculture_energy": {
"2024-11-14": {
- # todo is NOFLAG the right choice?
"filename": "Emissions_Agriculture_Energy_E_All_Data_NOFLAG.csv",
- # we don't need energy in Joule
- # todo maybe explicitly deleting elements is better
- "units_to_remove": ["TJ"],
"areas_to_remove": [
+ "elements_to_remove": ["Energy use in agriculture"],
"entity_mapping": {
"Emissions (CO2)": "CO2",
"Emissions (CH4)": "CH4",
@@ -151,14 +108,8 @@ read_config_all = {
"areas_to_remove": [
"European Union (27)",
- # This seems to be data for a Belgian province,
- # I don't think we need it
- "Belgium-Luxembourg",
- # I'm not sure if we can downscale these two
- "Serbia and Montenegro",
"elements_to_remove": [
- # all these elements are not emissions
"Crop residues (N content)",
"Burning crop residues (Biomass burned, dry matter)",
"Area harvested",
@@ -178,7 +129,10 @@ read_config_all = {
"Synthetic fertilizers (Emissions N2O)": "N2O",
"Synthetic fertilizers (Direct emissions N2O)": "N2O",
"Indirect emissions (N2O that leaches) (Synthetic fertilizers)": "N2O",
- "Indirect emissions (N2O that volatilises) (Synthetic fertilizers)": "N2O",
+ (
+ "Indirect emissions (N2O that volatilises) "
+ "(Synthetic fertilizers)"
+ ): "N2O",
"columns_to_drop": [
@@ -201,8 +155,6 @@ read_config_all = {
"Serbia and Montenegro",
"European Union (27)",
- # drop duplicate country
- "China, mainland",
"elements_to_remove": [
"Stocks", # number of animals
@@ -215,7 +167,6 @@ read_config_all = {
"Manure applied to soils that volatilises (N content)",
"entity_mapping": {
- # todo we could make this smarter and get the entity from the string
"Livestock total (Emissions N2O)": "N2O",
"Livestock total (Emissions CH4)": "CH4",
"Enteric fermentation (Emissions CH4)": "CH4",
@@ -255,12 +206,9 @@ read_config_all = {
"Serbia and Montenegro",
"European Union (27)",
- # check todo channel islands belong to UK
- "Channel Islands",
"elements_to_remove": [
- # todo can we convert this into emissions?
"Net stock change (C)",
"entity_mapping": {
@@ -284,11 +232,7 @@ read_config_all = {
"filename": "Emissions_Land_Use_Fires_E_All_Data_NOFLAG.csv",
"areas_to_remove": [
- "Belgium-Luxembourg",
- "Serbia and Montenegro",
"European Union (27)",
- # check todo channel islands belong to UK
- "Channel Islands",
"elements_to_remove": ["Biomass burned (dry matter)", "Burned Area"],
"entity_mapping": {
@@ -313,11 +257,11 @@ read_config_all = {
"filename": "Emissions_Land_Use_Forests_E_All_Data_NOFLAG.csv",
"areas_to_remove": [
- "Belgium-Luxembourg",
- "Serbia and Montenegro",
+ # "Belgium-Luxembourg",
+ # "Serbia and Montenegro",
"European Union (27)",
# "China" and "China, mainland" included with identical data
- "China, mainland",
+ # "China, mainland",
"elements_to_remove": [
@@ -340,10 +284,10 @@ read_config_all = {
"filename": "Emissions_Pre_Post_Production_E_All_Data_NOFLAG.csv",
"areas_to_remove": [
- "Belgium-Luxembourg",
- "Serbia and Montenegro",
+ # "Belgium-Luxembourg",
+ # "Serbia and Montenegro",
"European Union (27)",
- "Channel Islands",
+ # "Channel Islands",
"elements_to_remove": [
"Energy Use (Total)",
@@ -370,357 +314,34 @@ read_config_all = {
+ "replace_units": {
+ "KYOTOGHG (AR5GWP100) * kt/ year": "CO2 * kt / year",
+ "FGASES (AR5GWP100) * kt/ year": "CO2 * kt/ year",
+ },
-# from https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#definitions
-country_to_iso3_mapping = {
- "Afghanistan": "AFG",
- "Africa": "X06",
- "Åland Islands": "ALA",
- "Albania": "ALB",
- "Algeria": "DZA",
- "American Samoa": "ASM",
- "Americas": "X21",
- "Andorra": "AND",
- "Angola": "AGO",
- "Anguilla": "AIA",
- "Annex I countries": "F5848",
- "Antarctic Region": "F5600",
- "Antarctica": "ATA",
- "Antigua and Barbuda": "ATG",
- "Argentina": "ARG",
- "Armenia": "ARM",
- "Aruba": "ABW",
- "Asia": "F5300",
- "Australia": "AUS",
- "Australia and New Zealand": "F5501",
- "Austria": "AUT",
- "Azerbaijan": "AZE",
- "Bahamas": "BHS",
- "Bahrain": "BHR",
- "Bangladesh": "BGD",
- "Barbados": "BRB",
- "Belarus": "BLR",
- "Belgium": "BEL",
- "Belgium-Luxembourg": "F15",
- "Belize": "BLZ",
- "Benin": "BEN",
- "Bermuda": "BMU",
- "Bhutan": "BTN",
- "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)": "BOL",
- "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "BES",
- "Bosnia and Herzegovina": "BIH",
- "Botswana": "BWA",
- "Bouvet Island": "BVT",
- "Brazil": "BRA",
- "British Virgin Islands": "VGB",
- "Brunei Darussalam": "BRN",
- "Bulgaria": "BGR",
- "Burkina Faso": "BFA",
- "Burundi": "BDI",
- "Cabo Verde": "CPV",
- "Cambodia": "KHM",
- "Cameroon": "CMR",
- "Canada": "CAN",
- "Caribbean": "F5206",
- "Caucasus and Central Asia": "F5857",
- "Cayman Islands": "CYM",
- "Central African Republic": "CAF",
- "Central America": "F5204",
- "Central Asia": "F5301",
- "Central Asia and Southern Asia": "F5306",
- "Chad": "TCD",
- "Chagos Archipelago": "IOT",
- "Channel Islands": "CHA",
- "Chile": "CHL",
- "China": "F351",
- "China, Hong Kong SAR": "HKG",
- "China, Macao SAR": "MAC",
- "China, mainland": "CHN",
- "China, Taiwan Province of": "TWN",
- "Christmas Island": "CXR",
- "Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "CCK",
- "Colombia": "COL",
- "Comoros": "COM",
- "Congo": "COG",
- "Cook Islands": "COK",
- "Costa Rica": "CRI",
- "Côte d'Ivoire": "CIV",
- "Croatia": "HRV",
- "Cuba": "CUB",
- "Curaçao": "CUW",
- "Cyprus": "CYP",
- "Czechia": "CZE",
- "Czechoslovakia": "F51",
- "Democratic People's Republic of Korea": "PRK",
- "Democratic Republic of the Congo": "COD",
- "Denmark": "DNK",
- "Djibouti": "DJI",
- "Dominica": "DMA",
- "Dominican Republic": "DOM",
- "Eastern Africa": "F5101",
- "Eastern Asia": "F5302",
- "Eastern Asia (excluding Japan and China)": "F5829",
- "Eastern Asia and South-eastern Asia": "F5307",
- "Eastern Europe": "F5401",
- "Ecuador": "ECU",
- "Egypt": "EGY",
- "El Salvador": "SLV",
- "Equatorial Guinea": "GNQ",
- "Eritrea": "ERI",
- "Estonia": "EST",
- "Eswatini": "SWZ",
- "Ethiopia": "ETH",
- "Ethiopia PDR": "F62",
- "Europe": "F5400",
- "Europe, Northern America, Australia and New Zealand": "nan",
- "European Union (27)": "F5707",
- "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "FLK",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Atlantic, Eastern Central (14.4.1)": "F99029",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Atlantic, Northeast (14.4.1)": "F99024",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Atlantic, Northwest (14.4.1)": "F99023",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Atlantic, Southeast (14.4.1)": "F99026",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Atlantic, Southwest (14.4.1)": "F99030",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Atlantic, Western Central (14.4.1)": "F99028",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Indian Ocean, Eastern (14.4.1)": "F99025",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Indian Ocean, Western (14.4.1)": "F99027",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Mediterranean and Black Sea (14.4.1)": "F99032",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Pacific, Eastern Central (14.4.1)": "F99018",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Pacific, Northeast (14.4.1)": "F99019",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Pacific, Northwest (14.4.1)": "F99020",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Pacific, Southeast (14.4.1)": "F99031",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Pacific, Southwest (14.4.1)": "F99022",
- "FAO Major Fishing Area: Pacific, Western Central (14.4.1)": "F99021",
- "Faroe Islands": "FRO",
- "Fiji": "FJI",
- "Finland": "FIN",
- "France": "FRA",
- "French Guiana": "GUF",
- "French Polynesia": "PYF",
- "French Southern Territories": "ATF",
- "Gabon": "GAB",
- "Gambia": "GMB",
- "Georgia": "GEO",
- "Germany": "DEU",
- "Germany Fr": "F78",
- "Germany Nl": "F77",
- "Ghana": "GHA",
- "Gibraltar": "GIB",
- "Greece": "GRC",
- "Greenland": "GRL",
- "Grenada": "GRD",
- "Guadeloupe": "GLP",
- "Guam": "GUM",
- "Guatemala": "GTM",
- "Guernsey": "GGY",
- "Guinea": "GIN",
- "Guinea-Bissau": "GNB",
- "Guyana": "GUY",
- "Haiti": "HTI",
- "Heard and McDonald Islands": "HMD",
- "High-income economies": "F9010",
- "Holy See": "VAT",
- "Honduras": "HND",
- "Hungary": "HUN",
- "Iceland": "ISL",
- "India": "IND",
- "Indonesia": "IDN",
- "International Centres (FAO) (2.5.1.a)": "F5823",
- "Iran (Islamic Republic of)": "IRN",
- "Iraq": "IRQ",
- "Ireland": "IRL",
- "Isle of Man": "IMN",
- "Israel": "ISR",
- "Italy": "ITA",
- "Jamaica": "JAM",
- "Japan": "JPN",
- "Jersey": "JEY",
- "Johnston Island": "JTN",
- "Jordan": "JOR",
- "Kazakhstan": "KAZ",
- "Kenya": "KEN",
- "Kiribati": "KIR",
- "Kuwait": "KWT",
- "Kyrgyzstan": "KGZ",
- "Land Locked Developing Countries": "F5802",
- "Lao People's Democratic Republic": "LAO",
- "Latin America": "F348",
- "Latin America and the Caribbean": "F5205",
- "Latvia": "LVA",
- "Least Developed Countries": "F5801",
- "Lebanon": "LBN",
- "Lesotho": "LSO",
- "Liberia": "LBR",
- "Libya": "LBY",
- "Liechtenstein": "LIE",
- "Lithuania": "LTU",
- "Low income economies": "F5858",
- "Low Income Food Deficit Countries": "F5815",
- "Lower-middle-income economies": "F5859",
- "Luxembourg": "LUX",
- "Madagascar": "MDG",
- "Malawi": "MWI",
- "Malaysia": "MYS",
- "Maldives": "MDV",
- "Mali": "MLI",
- "Malta": "MLT",
- "Marshall Islands": "MHL",
- "Martinique": "MTQ",
- "Mauritania": "MRT",
- "Mauritius": "MUS",
- "Mayotte": "MYT",
- "Melanesia": "F5502",
- "Mexico": "MEX",
- "Micronesia": "F5503",
- "Micronesia (Federated States of)": "FSM",
- "Middle Africa": "F5102",
- "Midway Island": "MID",
- "Monaco": "MCO",
- "Mongolia": "MNG",
- "Montenegro": "MNE",
- "Montserrat": "MSR",
- "Morocco": "MAR",
- "Mozambique": "MOZ",
- "Myanmar": "MMR",
- "Namibia": "NAM",
- "Nauru": "NRU",
- "Nepal": "NPL",
- "Net Food Importing Developing Countries": "F5817",
- "Netherlands (Kingdom of the)": "NLD",
- "Netherlands Antilles (former)": "ANT",
- "New Caledonia": "NCL",
- "New Zealand": "NZL",
- "Nicaragua": "NIC",
- "Niger": "NER",
- "Nigeria": "NGA",
- "Niue": "NIU",
- "Non-Annex I countries": "F5849",
- "Norfolk Island": "NFK",
- "North and Central America": "F336",
- "North Macedonia": "MKD",
- "Northern Africa": "F5103",
- "Northern Africa (excluding Sudan)": "F429",
- "Northern America": "F5203",
- "Northern America and Europe": "F5208",
- "Northern Europe": "F5402",
- "Northern Mariana Islands": "MNP",
- "Norway": "NOR",
- "Oceania": "F5500",
- "Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand": "F5807",
- "OECD": "F5873",
- "Oman": "OMN",
- "Pacific Islands Trust Territory": "F164",
- "Pakistan": "PAK",
- "Palau": "PLW",
- "Palestine": "PSE",
- "Panama": "PAN",
- "Papua New Guinea": "PNG",
- "Paraguay": "PRY",
- "Peru": "PER",
- "Philippines": "PHL",
- "Pitcairn": "PCN",
- "Poland": "POL",
- "Polynesia": "F5504",
- "Portugal": "PRT",
- "Puerto Rico": "PRI",
- "Qatar": "QAT",
- "Regional Centres (FAO) (2.5.1.a)": "F5822",
- "Republic of Korea": "KOR",
- "Republic of Moldova": "MDA",
- "Réunion": "REU",
- "Romania": "ROU",
- "Russian Federation": "RUS",
- "Rwanda": "RWA",
- "Saint Barthélemy": "BLM",
- "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "SHN",
- "Saint Kitts and Nevis": "KNA",
- "Saint Lucia": "LCA",
- "Saint Martin (French part)": "MAF",
- "Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "SPM",
- "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "VCT",
- "Samoa": "WSM",
- "San Marino": "SMR",
- "Sao Tome and Principe": "STP",
- "Sark": "F285",
- "Saudi Arabia": "SAU",
- "Senegal": "SEN",
- "Serbia": "SRB",
- "Serbia and Montenegro": "SCG",
- "Seychelles": "SYC",
- "Sierra Leone": "SLE",
- "Singapore": "SGP",
- "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "SXM",
- "Slovakia": "SVK",
- "Slovenia": "SVN",
- "Small Island Developing States": "F5803",
- "Solomon Islands": "SLB",
- "Somalia": "SOM",
- "South Africa": "ZAF",
- "South America": "F5207",
- "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "SGS",
- "South Sudan": "SSD",
- "South-eastern Asia": "F5304",
- "Southern Africa": "F5104",
- "Southern Asia": "F5303",
- "Southern Asia (excluding India)": "F5855",
- "Southern Europe": "F5403",
- "Spain": "ESP",
- "Sri Lanka": "LKA",
- "Sub-Saharan Africa": "F420",
- "Sub-Saharan Africa (including Sudan)": "F5810",
- "Sudan": "SDN",
- "Sudan (former)": "F206",
- "Suriname": "SUR",
- "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands": "SJM",
- "Sweden": "SWE",
- "Switzerland": "CHE",
- "Syrian Arab Republic": "SYR",
- "Tajikistan": "TJK",
- "Thailand": "THA",
- "Timor-Leste": "TLS",
- "Togo": "TGO",
- "Tokelau": "TKL",
- "Tonga": "TON",
- "Trinidad and Tobago": "TTO",
- "Tunisia": "TUN",
- "Türkiye": "TUR",
- "Turkmenistan": "TKM",
- "Turks and Caicos Islands": "TCA",
- "Tuvalu": "TUV",
- "Uganda": "UGA",
- "Ukraine": "UKR",
- "United Arab Emirates": "ARE",
- "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland": "GBR",
- "United Republic of Tanzania": "TZA",
- "United States Minor Outlying Islands": "UMI",
- "United States of America": "USA",
- "United States Virgin Islands": "VIR",
- "Upper-middle-income economies": "F9011",
- "Uruguay": "URY",
- "USSR": "F228",
- "Uzbekistan": "UZB",
- "Vanuatu": "VUT",
- "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)": "VEN",
- "Viet Nam": "VNM",
- "Wake Island": "WAK",
- "Wallis and Futuna Islands": "WLF",
- "Western Africa": "F5105",
- "Western Asia": "F5305",
- "Western Asia (exc. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Israel and Georgia)": "F5828",
- "Western Asia and Northern Africa": "F5308",
- "Western Europe": "F5404",
- "Western Sahara": "ESH",
- "World": "X01",
- "Yemen": "YEM",
- "Yemen Ar Rp": "F246",
- "Yemen Dem": "F247",
- "Yugoslav SFR": "F248",
- "Zambia": "ZMB",
- "Zimbabwe": "ZWE",
- # reading the special characters (é, ô, ü etc.) fails for some domains
- # todo there is probably a better way to solve this
- "Côte d'Ivoire" : "CIV",
- "Curaçao" : "CUW",
- "Réunion" : "REU",
- "Türkiye" : "TUR",
+config_to_if = {
+ "coords_cols": {
+ "area": "country (ISO3)",
+ "unit": "Unit",
+ "entity": "entity",
+ "source": "Source",
+ "category": "category",
+ },
+ "coords_terminologies": {"area": "ISO3", "category": "FAOSTAT", "scenario": "FAO"},
+ "coords_value_mapping": {},
+ "filter_keep": {},
+ "filter_remove": {},
+ "meta_data": {
+ "references": "https://www.fao.org/faostat",
+ "rights": "Creative Commons Attribution-4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0)",
+ "contact": "daniel.busch@climate-resource.com",
+ "title": "Agrifood systems emissions",
+ "comment": (
+ "Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the "
+ "United Nations (FAO), converted to PRIMAP2 format by "
+ "Daniel Busch"
+ ),
+ "institution": ("Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations"),
+ },