# How to create a new release New data is automatically downloaded and added to the dataset every month. While this is useful for data archeology in the datalad dataset, an official release on zenodo is needed so you can cite the data and third parties can easily re-use the data. We therefore aim to make a new release whenever relevant changes happened or at least twice a year. ## 1. download and publish new data Go to https://github.com/mikapfl/unfccc_di_data/actions/workflows/download.yaml and trigger a new run of the "download" workflow. This will download the latest data from the UNFCCC and add it to the data package on gin.hemio.de The workflow takes about 10 minutes to run. ## 2. pull changed data, examine changes In a terminal in your local checkout of the unfccc_di_data package, run: ```shell datalad update -s ginhemio --how merge datalad update git pull ``` to pull all changes. If you want to compare differences, checkout the base you want to compare against, move the `all.parquet` file from it to a temporary new name, then checkout the latest state again. Then you can point the `diff.py` script at the files you just checked out and run it to generate HTML files which show the differences between the old and the new state. Note that if there are no differences, no HTML files are generated. ## 3. release a new version of the data package If you are happy, start making a new version on zenodo and get a pre-reserved doi. Put the new doi and new citation info into datacite.yml and README.md Then run: ```shell datalad save datalad push datalad push --to origin datalad push --to ginhemio --data anything datalad export-archive -t zip "data-$(date --iso).zip" ``` upload the new data (consisting of the data-{date}.zip and data/all.parquet files) to zenodo. ## 4. start using the new version To use the new version of the data package from other places, you should release a new version of the `unfccc_di_api` package, in particular update the default values for the `ZenodoReader` class in the file `unfccc_di_api.py`.