@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+"""Compute and summarize differences."""
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+import datacompy
+import tqdm
+dfs = [
+ pd.read_parquet(f"data/old/{i}")
+ for i in os.listdir("data/old")
+ if i.endswith(".parquet")
+old = pd.concat(dfs)
+sort_cols = ["party", "category", "classification", "measure", "gas", "unit", "year", "numberValue", "stringValue"]
+old = old.sort_values(
+ sort_cols,
+ ignore_index=True
+new = pd.read_parquet("data/all.parquet")
+new = new.sort_values(
+ sort_cols,
+ ignore_index=True
+join_columns=["party", "category", "classification", "measure", "gas", "year"]
+for party in tqdm.tqdm(new["party"].unique()):
+ o = old[old["party"] == party].reset_index(drop=True)
+ n = new[new["party"] == party].reset_index(drop=True)
+ if o.equals(n):
+ continue
+ if len(o) == len(n):
+ diff = o.compare(n)
+ if diff.empty:
+ continue
+ print(f"{party} has differences, generating diff/{party}.html")
+ o = n.set_index(join_columns, drop=True)
+ n = o.set_index(join_columns, drop=True)
+ comp = datacompy.Compare(o, n, on_index=True,
+ df1_name="old", df2_name="new", cast_column_names_lower=False)
+ comp.report(html_file=f"diff/{party}.html")
+ with open(f"diff/{party}.html", 'a') as fd:
+ fd.write("<h2>Only in old</h2>\n")
+ comp.df1_unq_rows.sort_values(sort_cols).to_html(fd)
+ fd.write("<h2>Only in new</h2>\n")
+ comp.df2_unq_rows.sort_values(sort_cols).to_html(fd)
+ fd.write("<h2>Changed</h2>\n")
+ am = comp.all_mismatch()
+ am.sort_values(list(am.columns)).to_html(fd)